I have a custom composite control NoteHeaderDiv, containing a Button:
//NoteHeaderControl snippet
public event EventHandler OnEditClick;
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (OnEditClick != null)
OnEditClick(sender, e);
public NoteHeaderControl()
this.noteHeaderDiv = new HtmlGenericControl("div");
this.noteHeaderDiv.ID = "noteHeaderDiv";
this.noteHeaderDiv.Attributes.Add("class", "noteHeaderDiv");
this.imagePlaceHolder = new HtmlGenericControl("span");
this.imagePlaceHolder.ID = "imagePlaceHolder";
this.imagePlaceHolder.Attributes.Add("class", "noteCollapsed");
this.lblNoteDate = new Label();
this.lblNoteDate.ID = "lblNoteDate";
this.lblNoteDate.CssClass = "noteDate";
this.lblNoteTitle = new Label();
this.lblNoteTitle.ID = "lblNoteTitle";
this.lblNoteTitle.CssClass = "noteTitle";
this.lblNoteAuthorName = new Label();
this.lblNoteAuthorName.ID = "lblNoteTitle";
this.lblNoteAuthorName.CssClass = "noteAuthor";
this.editButton = new Button();
this.editButton.CssClass = "editNoteButton";
this.editButton.ToolTip = "Editovat";
this.editButton.ID = "editButton";
this.editButton.OnClientClick = "showEditDialog('editPerson');";
this.editButton.Click += btnEdit_Click;
this.addTeamTaskButton = new HtmlGenericControl("button");
this.addTeamTaskButton.ID = "addTeamTaskButton";
this.addTeamTaskButton.Attributes.Add("class", "addTeamTaskButton");
this.addTeamTaskButton.Attributes.Add("onclick", "showDialog('editPerson');");
this.addTeamTaskButton.Attributes.Add("title", "Nový Team Task");
#region protected override void CreateChildControls()
protected override void CreateChildControls()
this.lblNoteDate.Text = String.Format("{0}.{1}.", this.noteDate.Day, this.noteDate.Month);
this.lblNoteTitle.Text = noteTitle;
this.lblNoteAuthorName.Text = noteAuthorName;
//this.editButton.Click += btnEdit_Click;
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
Then in Page_Load, I wire up the public event to another handler. Problem is, that btnEdit_Click never fires. If I dynamically create a button in my Page_Load and wire it up directly to the event handler defined in my Page, everything works as expected.
Any suggestions about how to get it to work? I'm at a loss as to what I'm doing wrong.
I am using Tabcontrol and I created a class for all new Tabpages.
For examle when I open a new Tabpage the class creates controls and places them.
bttn1 = new Button();
bttn1.Name = "button1";
bttn1.Text = "Start";
bttn1.Location = new Point(3, 405);
bttn1.Size = new Size(75, 23);
So my question is how can I check if this button is clicked?
Also my other question is the same with a Timer tick event.
You can easily attach to the button's Click event from the code:
bttn1.Click += new EventHandler(butt1_Click);
And here's the handler:
void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ...
Visual Studio will help you when you type the Click +=. After typing +=, hit the Tab key twice to get the handler.
I hope that you have created a UserControl for this or have sub-classed the TabPage class to create your controls. You should expose the Click event of the button from this newly created class through some new event you create:
public class MyTabPage : TabPage
private Button bttn1;
public event EventHandler Button1Clicked;
public MyTabPage()
bttn1 = new Button();
bttn1.Name = "button1";
bttn1.Text = "Start";
bttn1.Location = new Point(3, 405);
bttn1.Size = new Size(75, 23);
bttn1.Click += bttn1_Click;
void bttn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected virtual void OnButton1Clicked()
var h = Button1Clicked;
if (h != null)
h(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Now when you create an instance of MyTabPage, you can attach a handler to the Button1Clicked event:
MyTabPage page = new MyTabPage();
page.Button1Clicked += page_Button1Clicked;
void page_Button1Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
I'm creating dynamically generated buttons, and when I click on the button, the Add_Click method doesn't get fired up.
Here is a sample from my code:
protected void SearchRec(object sender, EventArgs e)
string text_to_search = SearchTB.Text;
Friends RecToSearch = new Friends();
List<Friends> ListNFU = DBS.getNonFriendUsers(User.Identity.Name.ToString(), text_to_search);
if (ListNFU.Count != 0)
foreach (Friends NFRIndex in ListNFU)
string _FriendsOutput = FR_output(NFRIndex);
HyperLink RecHyperLink = new HyperLink();
RecHyperLink.Text = _FriendsOutput;
RecHyperLink.CssClass = "HyperLinkFriends";
RecHyperLink.ID = NFRIndex.UdName;
SearchResultsPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div style='height:32px'>"));
Button addUser = new Button();
addUser.CssClass = "ApproveBTN";
addUser.Text = "send";
addUser.Click += new EventHandler(Add_Click);
addUser.ID = NFRIndex.UdName + "3";
Label NoResultsLabel = new Label();
NoResultsLabel.Text = "Nothing is found";
SearchResultsPanel.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>"));
private void Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button btn = (Button)sender;
string _tempID = btn.ID;
string id = _tempID.Substring(0, _tempID.LastIndexOf('3'));
DateTime cdate = new DateTime();
cdate = DateTime.Now;
DBS.AddFriend(User.Identity.Name, id, cdate);
btn.Visible = false;
btn.NamingContainer.FindControl(id).Visible = false;
Note: I did something very similar on page_load and it does work.
That is because when the page is reloaded, the control is most probably not recreated. That means that the event won't fire indeed.
You need to place this kind of code in the Page_Load so it gets recreated at postback.
I have a simple task. first one Dropdownlist control is there where country name is loaded. After selecting country name, dynamically Dropdownlist will be loaded with corresponding state, after selecting state, dynamically another Dropdownlist will be added with relevant district. the problem is that the dynamically selected-index event is not fired. I searched it so many pages, but not find any suitable answer. can any one answer it for written code.
This code worked fine in static controls. but not dynamic controls.
Can any one correct my code
namespace fireProgram
public partial class MindforeSystemTestingProgram : System.Web.UI.Page
BALayer objBALayer = new BALayer();
DropDownList ddlState=new DropDownList();
DropDownList ddlDistrict=new DropDownList();
protected void Page_Init(EventArgs e)
ddlState.ID = "ddlState";
ddlState.AutoPostBack = true;
ddlState.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddlState_SelectedIndexChanged);
panel1.Controls.AddAt(2, ddlState);
ddlDistrict.ID = "ddlDistrict";
panel1.Controls.AddAt(3, ddlDistrict);
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ddlCountry.DataSource = objBALayer.GetCountry();
ddlCountry.DataTextField = "Text";
ddlCountry.DataValueField = "Value";
// ddlState.ID = "ddlState";
// ddlState.AutoPostBack = true;
// ddlState.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddlState_SelectedIndexChanged);
// panel1.Controls.AddAt(2, ddlState);
// //ddlDistrict.ID = "ddlDistrict";
// //panel1.Controls.AddAt(3, ddlDistrict);
protected void ddlCountry_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(ddlCountry.SelectedValue);
panel1.Controls.AddAt(2, ddlState);
//DropDownList ddlState = new DropDownList();
//ddlState.AutoPostBack = true;
if (value != 0)
ddlState.DataSource = objBALayer.GetState(value);
ddlState.DataTextField = "Text";
ddlState.DataValueField = "Value";
protected void ddlState_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
int value = Convert.ToInt32(ddlState.SelectedValue);
//DropDownList ddlDistrict = new DropDownList()
panel1.Controls.AddAt(3, ddlDistrict);
if (value != 0)
ddlDistrict.DataSource = objBALayer.GetDistrict(value);
ddlDistrict.DataTextField = "Text";
ddlDistrict.DataValueField = "Value";
I want to create an imagebutton in code behind like this:
ImageButton img1 = new ImageButton();
img1.CssClass = "stylImage";
img1.ImageUrl = #"~/images/Workflow/esign.jpg";
img1.AlternateText = "Signature";
img1.CommandName = "edit";
img1.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Image_OnClientClick);
img1.Command += new CommandEventHandler(Image_OnCommand);
The button create and display on page, but none of the click or command event fire.
There is no error or exception too.
Any ideas?!?
Your code works fine and both the events fires perfectly as I tested.
There may be a chance that you have not specified the Event Definition correctly.
Please recheck the below code which works like a charme..!!
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageButton img1 = new ImageButton();
img1.CssClass = "stylImage";
img1.ImageUrl = #"~/images/Workflow/esign.jpg";
img1.AlternateText = "Signature";
img1.CommandName = "edit";
img1.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(Image_OnClientClick);
img1.Command += new CommandEventHandler(Image_OnCommand);
protected void Image_OnClientClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
//some code...
protected void Image_OnCommand(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
//some code...
This may help you..!!
I’m trying to dynamically declare an ImageButton.
I declare it and assign an ID and Image to it as follows:
ImageButton btn = new ImageButton();
btn.ImageUrl = "img/Delete.png";
btn.ID = oa1[i] + "_" + i;
btn.OnClick = "someMethod";
But when I try to assign an OnClick handler for the button it throws the following exception:
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton.OnClick is inaccessible due to protection level
You couldn't assign a value to a method like that, even if it were accessible. You need to subscribe to the event:
btn.Click += ClickHandlingMethod;
Take a look at this answer, it is related with dynamic controls and events
As Jon commented you cannot add a string to the event, in this case you need to add a handler for the event:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
var i = new ImageButton();
i.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(i_Click);
void i_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
// do something
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
var i = new ImageButton();
i.Click += (source, args) =>
// do something
An example:
private void CreateAButton()
var button = new ImageButton();
button.ImageUrl = "yourimage.png";
button.ID = "Button1";
button.Click += ButtonClick;
private void ButtonClick(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
// Do stuff here
// ...
You can use this code (one significant change) :
private void CreateAButton()
var button = new ImageButton();
button.ImageUrl = "yourimage.png";
button.ID = "Button1";
button.PostBackUrl = "http://www.towi.lt";
Trick is in "PostBackUrl". If you write correct link it will redirects to it (as in example). In other cases this will add original server name, '/' and text you entered. For example 'xxx' will be turned to "http://yourservername/xxx". It is very useful, when you working with redirects to same ISS, but different sites and dynamically creating buttons for users.