Converting to async,await using async targeting package - c#

I have this:
private void BtnCheckClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var a = txtLot.Text;
var b = cmbMcu.SelectedItem.ToString();
var c = cmbLocn.SelectedItem.ToString();
btnCheck.BackColor = Color.Red;
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Dal.GetLotAvailabilityF41021(a, b, c));
task.ContinueWith(t =>
btnCheck.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
lblDescriptionValue.Text = t.Result.Description;
lblItemCodeValue.Text = t.Result.Code;
lblQuantityValue.Text = t.Result.AvailableQuantity.ToString();
},TaskScheduler .FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() );
and i followed J. Skeet's advice to move into async,await in my .NET 4.0 app. I converted into this:
private async void BtnCheckClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
var a = txtLot.Text;
var b = cmbMcu.SelectedItem.ToString();
var c = cmbLocn.SelectedItem.ToString();
btnCheck.BackColor = Color.Red;
JDEItemLotAvailability itm = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Dal.GetLotAvailabilityF41021(a, b, c));
btnCheck.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
lblDescriptionValue.Text = itm.Description;
lblItemCodeValue.Text = itm.Code;
lblQuantityValue.Text = itm.AvailableQuantity.ToString();
It works fine. What confuses me is that i could do it without using Task but just the method of my Dal. But that means that i must have modified my Dal method, which is something i dont want?
I would appreciate if someone would explain to me in "plain" words if what i did is optimal or not and why.
P.s. My dal method
public bool CheckLotExistF41021(string _lot, string _mcu, string _locn)
using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(this.conString))
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "select lilotn from proddta.f41021 " +
"where lilotn = ? and trim(limcu) = ? and lilocn= ?";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#lotn", _lot);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#mcu", _mcu);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#locn", _locn);
cmd.Connection = con;
OleDbDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
bool _retval = rdr.HasRows;
return _retval;

No, that's not optimal at all. If you cannot change your DAL layer to be asynchronous you are not gaining much by using async/await. You are simply running your blocking DAL method inside a seprate background thread. If you want real gain, you should modify your DAL method to use asynchronous ADO.NET, a.k.a BeginXXX and EndXXX methods. Once you do that you will get real benefit from I/O Completion Ports. No threads will ever be jeopardized during the execution of the database call.
If you cannot modify your DAL method, whether you are using JDEItemLotAvailability itm = await Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Dal.GetLotAvailabilityF41021(a, b, c)); or manual thread creation, really, you gain nothing.


How to write a high performance sql query app in core?

I create a new empty core project and type some code like below.
but QPS just around 600.(hello world test php 6000, core 10000,php with PDO do the same work around 1000)
Ubuntu 20.04 ab -c 1000 -n 50000 http://localhost:4246/
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
var list = new List<Dictionary<string, string>>();
MySqlConnection myConnnect;
MySqlCommand sqlCmd;
myConnnect = new MySqlConnection(constructorString);
sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand();
sqlCmd.Connection = myConnnect;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "select * from location where parent_id=0";
await myConnnect.OpenAsync();
using (var reader = await sqlCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
data["id"] = reader.GetInt32(0).ToString();
data["spell_first"] = reader.GetString(2);
data["spell_full"] = reader.GetString(3);
data["name"] = reader.GetString(4);
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");
Since your focus is on queries per second by a single thread, rather than optimizing for lots of threads running queries, you might try having the reader read in a non async way. That will avoid context switching for your thread while reading in the recs.
Also, and this could be the bigger issue, using a dictionary to hold the fields for a record is going to involve a lot more memory management then using a dedicated class for them, so I'd recommend making that change as well. The final code might look like:
[note I didn't run this code since I don't have your database ;-) so the code could have syntax errors]
public class Rec{
public int Id;
public string SpellFirst;
public string SpellFull;
public string Name;
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapGet("/", async context =>
var list = new List<Rec>();
MySqlConnection myConnnect;
MySqlCommand sqlCmd;
myConnnect = new MySqlConnection(constructorString);
sqlCmd = new MySqlCommand();
sqlCmd.Connection = myConnnect;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "select * from location where parent_id=0";
await myConnnect.OpenAsync();
using (var reader = await sqlCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection))
while (reader.Read())
var rec = new Rec();
rec.Id = reader.GetInt32(0).ToString();
rec.SpellFirst = reader.GetString(2);
rec.SpellFull = reader.GetString(3);
rec.Name = reader.GetString(4);
await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");
Give that a whirl and see what the numbers are.

DataAdapter Fill Async Exception

I have a set of async methods I wrote to handle a large amount of database pulls and compiles in a speedy manner. For the most part these work fantastic and have really worked wonders for my software. However, recently I have run into a small problem with the methods: Every now and then the user messes up and the time frames the software is pulling the data between become enormous and the data adapter times out before obtaining the information. Normally in a sync method you would use a try/catch to handle such issues but I have tried this to no avail. Is there a way to asynchronously handle exceptions to simply throw as a sync method would so my catch all try/catch can work properly?
This is an example of the data adapter async method i use:
private async Task<DataTable> WWQuery2Run
(string A, string B, string C, string D)
using ( var conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ReportResources.ConnString) )
var temp = new DataTable();
var DA = new SqlDataAdapter(string.Format(ReportResources.Instance.CureInfoQueries["WWQuery2"], A, B, C, D), conn);
await Task.Run(() => DA.Fill(temp));
return temp;
I realized after all the trouble of trying to handle the exceptions from the timeout that it is not a good practice to work that way. I went ahead and added a method to calculate the duration before entering the shown async method and warning the user of the length and gave them an option to abort the compile. With that in place I increased the timeout of the query to an amount that should cover all but the worst of the worst scenarios for if the user wishes to continue. I also added to the description on the items within the program a calculated duration so they know that it went long before trying to query and compile.
Thank you #Murad Garibzada for your assistance.
Along with increasing the command timeout, you can use a try / catch block. Since you are awaiting, control will not return to your calling code until WWQuery2Run has completed. If WWQuery2Run throws SomeException, it will be caught and handled by the code.
private async Task<DataTable> WWQuery2Run(string A, string B, string C, string D)
using ( var conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ReportResources.ConnString) )
var temp = new DataTable();
var DA = new SqlDataAdapter(string.Format(ReportResources.Instance.CureInfoQueries["WWQuery2"], A, B, C, D), conn);
await Task.Run(() => DA.Fill(temp));
return temp;
catch (SomeException ex)
// handle exception
Because your connection conn is wrapped in a using statement, there is a possibility that it is disposed before your call to Fill is executed.
Probably something like the following would work:
private async Task<DataTable> WWQuery2Run (string A, string B, string C, string D)
var temp = new DataTable();
await Task.Run(() => {
using ( var conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ReportResources.ConnString) )
var DA = new SqlDataAdapter(string.Format(ReportResources.Instance.CureInfoQueries["WWQuery2"], A, B, C, D), conn);
return temp;
You can increase adapter command timeout like below:
SqlDataAdapter adapter= new SqlDataAdapter(strSQLString, conUS);
Handling exception:
private async Task<DataTable> WWQuery2Run
(string A, string B, string C, string D)
using ( var conn = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ReportResources.ConnString) )
var temp = new DataTable();
var DA = new SqlDataAdapter(string.Format(ReportResources.Instance.CureInfoQueries["WWQuery2"], A, B, C, D), conn);
Task task = new Task(() => DA.Fill(temp));
catch (Exception ae)
return temp;

Async I/O intensive code is running slower than non-async, why?

I am refactoring an application and trying to add an asynchronous version of an existing function to improve performance times in an ASP.NET MVC application. I understand that there is an overhead involved with asynchronous functions, but I expected that with enough iterations, the I/O intensive nature of loading the data from the database would more than compensate for the overhead penalty and that I would receive significant performance gains.
The TermusRepository.LoadByTermusId function loads data by retrieving a bunch of datatables from the database (using ADO.NET and the Oracle Managed Client), populates a model, and returns it. TermusRepository.LoadByTermusIdAsync is similar, except it does so asynchronously, with a slightly different method of loading up datatable download tasks when there's multiple datatables to retrieve.
public async Task<ActionResult> AsyncPerformanceTest()
var vm = new AsyncPerformanceTestViewModel();
Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
vm.NonAsyncElapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;
var tasks = new List<Task<Termus2011_2012EndYear>>();
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
vm.AsyncElapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;
return View(vm);
public static async Task<T> LoadByTermusIdAsync<T>(string termusId) where T : Appraisal
var AppraisalHeader = new OracleCommand("select tu.termus_id, tu.manager_username, tu.evaluee_name, tu.evaluee_username, tu.termus_complete_date, termus_start_date, tu.termus_status, tu.termus_version, tn.managername from tercons.termus_users tu left outer join tercons.termus_names tn on tu.termus_id=tn.termus_id where tu.termus_id=:termusid");
AppraisalHeader.BindByName = true;
AppraisalHeader.Parameters.Add("termusid", termusId);
var dt = await Database.GetDataTableAsync(AppraisalHeader);
T Termus = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
var row = dt.AsEnumerable().Single();
Termus.TermusId = row.Field<decimal>("termus_id").ToString();
Termus.ManagerUsername = row.Field<string>("manager_username");
Termus.EvalueeUsername = row.Field<string>("evaluee_username");
Termus.EvalueeName = row.Field<string>("evaluee_name");
Termus.ManagerName = row.Field<string>("managername");
Termus.TERMUSCompleteDate = row.Field<DateTime?>("termus_complete_date");
Termus.TERMUSStartDate = row.Field<DateTime>("termus_start_date");
Termus.Status = row.Field<string>("termus_status");
Termus.TERMUSVersion = row.Field<string>("termus_version");
Termus.QuestionsAndAnswers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand = new OracleCommand("select termus_question_id from tercons.termus_questions where termus_version=:termus_version");
RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand.BindByName = true;
RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand.Parameters.Add("termus_version", Termus.TERMUSVersion);
var QuestionIdsDt = await Database.GetDataTableAsync(RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand);
var QuestionIds = QuestionIdsDt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("termus_question_id"));
//There's about 60 questions/answers, so this should result in 60 calls to the database. It'd be a good spot to combine to a single DB call, but left it this way so I could see if async would speed it up for learning purposes.
var DownloadAnswersTasks = new List<Task<DataTable>>();
foreach (var QuestionId in QuestionIds)
var RetrieveAnswerCommand = new OracleCommand("select termus_response, termus_question_id from tercons.termus_responses where termus_id=:termus_id and termus_question_id=:questionid");
RetrieveAnswerCommand.BindByName = true;
RetrieveAnswerCommand.Parameters.Add("termus_id", termusId);
RetrieveAnswerCommand.Parameters.Add("questionid", QuestionId);
while (DownloadAnswersTasks.Count > 0)
var FinishedDownloadAnswerTask = await Task.WhenAny(DownloadAnswersTasks);
var AnswerDt = await FinishedDownloadAnswerTask;
var Answer = AnswerDt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("termus_response")).SingleOrDefault();
var QuestionId = AnswerDt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("termus_question_id")).SingleOrDefault();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Answer))
Termus.QuestionsAndAnswers.Add(QuestionId, System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(Answer));
return Termus;
public static async Task<DataTable> GetDataTableAsync(OracleCommand command)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (var connection = GetDefaultOracleConnection())
command.Connection = connection;
await connection.OpenAsync();
dt.Load(await command.ExecuteReaderAsync());
return dt;
public static T LoadByTermusId<T>(string TermusId) where T : Appraisal
var RetrieveAppraisalHeaderCommand = new OracleCommand("select tu.termus_id, tu.manager_username, tu.evaluee_name, tu.evaluee_username, tu.termus_complete_date, termus_start_date, tu.termus_status, tu.termus_version, tn.managername from tercons.termus_users tu left outer join tercons.termus_names tn on tu.termus_id=tn.termus_id where tu.termus_id=:termusid");
RetrieveAppraisalHeaderCommand.BindByName = true;
RetrieveAppraisalHeaderCommand.Parameters.Add("termusid", TermusId);
var AppraisalHeaderDt = Database.GetDataTable(RetrieveAppraisalHeaderCommand);
T Termus = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
var AppraisalHeaderRow = AppraisalHeaderDt.AsEnumerable().Single();
Termus.TermusId = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<decimal>("termus_id").ToString();
Termus.ManagerUsername = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("manager_username");
Termus.EvalueeUsername = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("evaluee_username");
Termus.EvalueeName = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("evaluee_name");
Termus.ManagerName = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("managername");
Termus.TERMUSCompleteDate = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<DateTime?>("termus_complete_date");
Termus.TERMUSStartDate = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<DateTime>("termus_start_date");
Termus.Status = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("termus_status");
Termus.TERMUSVersion = AppraisalHeaderRow.Field<string>("termus_version");
Termus.QuestionsAndAnswers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand = new OracleCommand("select termus_question_id from tercons.termus_questions where termus_version=:termus_version");
RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand.BindByName = true;
RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand.Parameters.Add("termus_version", Termus.TERMUSVersion);
var QuestionIdsDt = Database.GetDataTable(RetrieveQuestionIdsCommand);
var QuestionIds = QuestionIdsDt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("termus_question_id"));
//There's about 60 questions/answers, so this should result in 60 calls to the database. It'd be a good spot to combine to a single DB call, but left it this way so I could see if async would speed it up for learning purposes.
foreach (var QuestionId in QuestionIds)
var RetrieveAnswersCommand = new OracleCommand("select termus_response from tercons.termus_responses where termus_id=:termus_id and termus_question_id=:questionid");
RetrieveAnswersCommand.BindByName = true;
RetrieveAnswersCommand.Parameters.Add("termus_id", TermusId);
RetrieveAnswersCommand.Parameters.Add("questionid", QuestionId);
var AnswersDt = Database.GetDataTable(RetrieveAnswersCommand);
var Answer = AnswersDt.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field<string>("termus_response")).SingleOrDefault();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Answer))
Termus.QuestionsAndAnswers.Add(QuestionId, System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(Answer));
return Termus;
public static DataTable GetDataTable(OracleCommand command)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (var connection = GetDefaultOracleConnection())
command.Connection = connection;
return dt;
public static OracleConnection GetDefaultOracleConnection()
return new OracleConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[connectionstringname].ConnectionString);
Results for 60 iterations are:
Non Async 18.4375460 seconds
Async 19.8092854 seconds
The results of this test are consistent. No matter how many iterations I go through of the for loop in AsyncPerformanceTest() action method, the async stuff runs about 1 second slower than the non-async. (I run the test multiple times in a row to account for the JITter warming up.) What am I doing wrong that's causing the async to be slower than the non-async? Am I misunderstanding something fundamental about writing asynchronous code?
The asynchronous version will always be slower than the synchronous version when there is no concurrency. It's doing all of the same work as the non-async version, but with a small amount of overhead added to manage the asynchrony.
Asynchrony is advantageous, with respect to performance, by allowing improved availability. Each individual request will be slower, but if you make 1000 requests at the same time, the asynchronous implementation will be able to handle them all more quickly (at least in certain circumstances).
This happens because the asynchronous solution allows the thread that was allocated to handle the request to go back to the pool and handle other requests, whereas the synchronous solution forces the thread to sit there and do nothing while it waits for the asynchronous operation to complete. There is overhead in structuring the program in a way that allows the thread to be freed up to do other work, but the advantage is the ability of that thread to go do other work. In your program there is no other work for the thread to go do, so it ends up being a net loss.
Turns out the Oracle Managed Driver is "fake async", which would partially explain why my async code is running slower.

Using the async Datareader

We are pretty new to this, but we're trying to make use of the new async datareader
we have been following the sample from
but experiencing problems.
What we are trying to achieve is :-
The stored proc returns 2 tables, using a datareader, we are trying to populate 2 models asynchronously, ie the 2 models will be created at the same time and not have to wait for the first model to be built before the second one can begin
(If that makes sense?)
Below is what we have at the moment :-
public async Task<UsertResultsModel> GetResults(string user_ID)
UsertResultsModel rm = new UsertResultsModel();
List<TableColumn> ltc = new List<TableColumn>();
List<List<TableColumn>> lltc = new List<List<TableColumn>>();
var col = 0;
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(Config.DatabaseStringCDA))
await con.OpenAsync();
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(#"USP_GET_USER_RESULTS", con);
com.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
using (SqlDataReader rdr = await com.ExecuteReaderAsync())
col = rdr.FieldCount;
while (await rdr.ReadAsync())
for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
string colName = rdr.GetName(i).ToSafeString();
ltc.Add(new TableColumn(colName, rdr[i].ToSafeString(), 50, EnumColumnType.String, colName));
rm.Summary = new TableViewModel { Grid = lltc };
await rdr.NextResultAsync();
lltc = new List<List<TableColumn>>();
while (rdr.Read())
for (int i = 0; i < rdr.FieldCount; i++)
string colName = rdr.GetName(i).ToSafeString();
ltc.Add(new TableColumn(colName, rdr[i].ToSafeString(), 50, EnumColumnType.String, colName));
rm.Trend = new TableViewModel { Grid = lltc };
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ex);
return null;
await Task.WhenAll();
return rm;
// return lltc;
however, stepping through the code, as soon as we hit any await, The application simply loads, and no further code is hit..
Any advice or recommendations for this would be greatly appreciated.
The async part is the DB I/O, meaning that while you are awaiting an open, or a read, your app is free to do other things rather than blocking on the DB.
await/async allows you to write code in a sequential manner even though parts may take a while. The code flows exactly as you would expect in sequence, the line after each await doesn't run until the awaited item has finished, but the current thread is unwound back up the stack so it can get on with other things.
If you want to do two things at once using await/async, then you need to wrap each one in a function that returns a Task just like traditional TPL. That way you can keep hold of the tasks WITHOUT awaiting their results until you want to.

What is a proper way to create awaitable function

I have dilemma on how to actually create proper awaitable function. I don't get the entire concept fully, probably due the language barrier :)
public async Task<int> InsertASync(string tableName, Dictionary<string, string> data)
int r = 0;
using (SQLiteConnection con = NewConnection())
await con.OpenAsync();
using (SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(Query_Insert(tableName, data), con))
r = await com.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
return r;
public Task<int> InsertASync(string tableName, Dictionary<string, string> data)
return Task<int>.Run(async () =>
int r = 0;
using (SQLiteConnection con = NewConnection())
await con.OpenAsync();
using (SQLiteCommand com = new SQLiteCommand(Query_Insert(tableName, data), con))
r = await com.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
return r;
Reason i'm wondering about it is because the way i create awaitable methods via cheap way.
public void DoHeavyWork() //this will block UI
//Do work
public Task DoHeavyWorkASync() //this won't
return Task.Run(() =>
You want to go the A route. The compiler will take care of creating the returned task and returning the actual integer, when available.
You can read Asynchronous Programming - Pause and Play with ... for some good in-depth information on what the compiler does internally (how your method is converted into a state machine)

