Split date range into date range chunks - c#

I am looking for a method of splitting a date range into a series of date ranges by chunk size of days. I am planning on using this to buffer calls to a service which if the date range is too large, the service faults.
This is what I have come up with so far. It seems to work, but I am not sure if it will exit properly. This seems like something that has probably been done several times before, but I can't find it.
public IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
var newStart = start;
var newEnd = start.AddDays(dayChunkSize);
while (true)
yield return new Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>(newStart, newEnd);
if (newEnd == end)
yield break;
newStart = newStart.AddDays(dayChunkSize);
newEnd = (newEnd.AddDays(dayChunkSize) > end ? end : newEnd.AddDays(dayChunkSize));
I'm looking for improvement suggestions, or "Dude, use this existing function for this!"

I think your code fails when the difference between start and end is smaller than dayChunkSize.
See this:
var singleRange = SplitDateRange(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), dayChunkSize: 15).ToList();
Debug.Assert(singleRange.Count == 1);
Proposed solution:
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
DateTime chunkEnd;
while ((chunkEnd = start.AddDays(dayChunkSize)) < end)
yield return Tuple.Create(start, chunkEnd);
start = chunkEnd;
yield return Tuple.Create(start, end);

There are a couple of problems with your solution:
the test newEnd == end may never be true, so the while could loop forever (I now see that this condition should always be triggered, but it wasn't obvious on first reading of the code; the while(true) feels a bit dangerous still)
AddDays is called three times for each iteration (minor performance issue)
Here is an alternative:
public IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
DateTime startOfThisPeriod = start;
while (startOfThisPeriod < end)
DateTime endOfThisPeriod = startOfThisPeriod.AddDays(dayChunkSize);
endOfThisPeriod = endOfThisPeriod < end ? endOfThisPeriod : end;
yield return Tuple.Create(startOfThisPeriod, endOfThisPeriod);
startOfThisPeriod = endOfThisPeriod;
Note that this truncates the last period to end on end as given in the code in the question. If that's not needed, the second line of the while could be omitted, simplifying the method. Also, startOfThisPeriod isn't strictly necessary, but I felt that was clearer than reusing start.

With respect to accepted answer you could use the short form of tuples:
private static IEnumerable<(DateTime, DateTime)> GetDateRange1(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int daysChunkSize)
DateTime markerDate;
while ((markerDate = startDate.AddDays(daysChunkSize)) < endDate)
yield return (startDate, markerDate);
startDate = markerDate;
yield return (startDate, endDate);
But I prefer to use named tuples:
private static IEnumerable<(DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)> GetDateRange(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int daysChunkSize)
DateTime markerDate;
while ((markerDate = startDate.AddDays(daysChunkSize)) < endDate)
yield return (StartDate: startDate, EndDate: markerDate);
startDate = markerDate;
yield return (StartDate: startDate, EndDate: endDate);

Your code looks fine for me. I don't really like the idea of while(true)
But other solution would be to use enumerable.Range:
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
return Enumerable
.Range(0, (Convert.ToInt32((end - start).TotalDays) / dayChunkSize +1))
.Select(x => Tuple.Create(start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * (x)), start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * (x + 1)) > end
? end : start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * (x + 1))));
or also, this will also work:
public static IEnumerable<Tuple<DateTime, DateTime>> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
var dateCount = (end - start).TotalDays / 5;
for (int i = 0; i < dateCount; i++)
yield return Tuple.Create(start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * i)
, start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * (i + 1)) > end
? end : start.AddDays(dayChunkSize * (i + 1)));
I do not have any objects for any of the implementations. They are practically identical.

If you know how many chunks/intervals/periods/parts you want to split your time range into, I've found the following to be helpful
You can use the DateTime.Ticks property to define your intervals, and then create a series of DateTime objects based on your defined interval:
IEnumerable<DateTime> DivideTimeRangeIntoIntervals(DateTime startTS, DateTime endTS, int numberOfIntervals)
long startTSInTicks = startTS.Ticks;
long endTsInTicks = endTS.Ticks;
long tickSpan = endTS.Ticks - startTS.Ticks;
long tickInterval = tickSpan / numberOfIntervals;
List<DateTime> listOfDates = new List<DateTime>();
for (long i = startTSInTicks; i <= endTsInTicks; i += tickInterval)
listOfDates.Add(new DateTime(i));
return listOfDates;
You can convert that listOfDates into however you want to represent a timerange (a tuple, a dedicated date range object, etc). You can also modify this function to directly return it in the form you need it.

There are a lot of corner cases that are unhandled in the answers so far. And it's not entirely clear how you would want to handle them. Do you want overlapping start/end of ranges? Is there a minimum range size? Below is some code that'll handle some of the corner cases, you'll have to think about overlapping especially and possibly push the start/end of ranges by a few seconds or maybe more depending on the data you're returning.
public static IEnumerable<(DateTime start, DateTime end)> PartitionDateRange(DateTime start,
DateTime end,
int chunkSizeInDays)
if (start > end)
yield break;
if (end - start < TimeSpan.FromDays(chunkSizeInDays))
yield return (start, end);
yield break;
DateTime e = start.AddDays(chunkSizeInDays);
for (;e < end; e = e.AddDays(chunkSizeInDays))
yield return (e.AddDays(-chunkSizeInDays), e);
if (e < end && end - e > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
yield return (e, end);
Example call:
static void Main(string[] _)
DateTime start = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(10);
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var range in PartitionDateRange(start, end, 2))
Console.WriteLine($"{range.start} to {range.end}");
Console.WriteLine("start > end");
start = end + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
foreach (var range in PartitionDateRange(start, end, 2))
Console.WriteLine($"{range.start} to {range.end}");
Console.WriteLine("less than partition size");
start = end - TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
foreach (var range in PartitionDateRange(start, end, 2))
Console.WriteLine($"{range.start} to {range.end}");

The accepted solution looks good in most cases. If you need to take away overlap on the beginning and the end of each chunk, then this might work better.
public static IEnumerable<(DateTime FromDate, DateTime ToDate)> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int dayChunkSize)
DateTime chunkEnd;
while ((chunkEnd = start.AddDays(dayChunkSize-1)) < end)
yield return (start, chunkEnd);
start = chunkEnd.AddDays(1);
yield return (start, end);

hare is an example spliced by month
IEnumerable<(DateTime, DateTime)> SplitDateRange(DateTime start, DateTime end, int monthChunkSize)
DateTime dateEnd=DateTime.Parse(end.ToString());
for (int i = 0;start.AddMonths(i) < dateEnd; i+=monthChunkSize)
end = start.AddMonths(i+monthChunkSize);
yield return (start.AddMonths(i), end<dateEnd?end:dateEnd);


Get the between time range from list of dates

I am currently want to get the date range (between time range) from the list of dates.
For example:
The time now is
2017-04-08 18:00
And I got these from and to dates:
public static string[] fromDates = new string[] { "2017-04-07 07:00", "2017-04-07 10:00", "2017-04-07 12:00", "2017-04-07 14:00", "2017-04-07 16:00" };
public static string[] toDates = new string[] { "2017-04-07 08:00", "2017-04-07 11:00", "2017-04-07 13:00", "2017-04-07 15:00", "2017-04-07 17:00" };
I am using this code:
public static bool IsInRange(this DateTime dateToCheck, string[] startDates, string[] endDates, out string StartDate, out string EndDate)
DateTime startDate = new DateTime();
DateTime endDate = new DateTime();
bool isWithinRange = false;
for (int i = 0; i < startDates.Length; i++)
startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDates[i]);
isWithinRange = dateToCheck >= startDate;
if (isWithinRange)
for (int y = 0; y < endDates.Length; y++)
endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDates[y]);
isWithinRange = dateToCheck < endDate;
if (isWithinRange)
StartDate = startDate;
EndDate = endDate;
return isWithinRange;
And I call it like this:
var isBetween = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-04-08 18:00").IsInRange(fromDates, toDates, out StartDate, out EndDate)
But I couldn't make it working, the StartDate in IsInRange method is always return true and it will return the first index from fromDates variable, which is wrong.
How can I make it like the time between?
I know I can do it like this:
var isBetween = dateToCheck >= startDate && dateToCheck < endDate
But it is only one date need to check, what about if it is like my situation?
Your answer much appreciated.
I would start by converting everything into a more useful object model:
Get rid of all the strings (i.e. convert from strings to something more useful early on)
Instead of having two collections, create a new type indicating "a date/time range". You're being somewhat foiled by relating the wrong items together: the start values aren't related to each other, they're related to their corresponding end dates.
You could do this within the method if you really need to, but it would be better to move to a richer object model for as much of your code as you can. For example, suppose you have:
public sealed class DateTimeRange
public DateTime Start { get; }
public DateTime End { get; }
public DateTimeRange(DateTime start, DateTime end)
// TODO: Validate that start <= end
Start = start;
End = end;
public bool Contains(DateTime value) => Start <= value && value < End;
Then your method can look like this:
public DateTimeRange FindRange(IEnumerable<DateTimeRange> ranges, DateTime value) =>
ranges.FirstOrDefault(range => range.Contains(value));
That will return null if no ranges contain the value, or the first one that does contain a value otherwise.
(As an aside, I'd do all of this in Noda Time instead as a better date/time API, but I'm biased.)
If you want to stay with yoir design, then you should simply do everything inside one loop, instead of doing it twice, as you want always to match first element with first element, second with second etc.
public static bool IsInRange(this DateTime dateToCheck, string[] startDates, string[] endDates, out DateTime StartDate, out DateTime EndDate)
if (startDates.Length != endDates.Length)
throw new ArgumentException("The arrays must have the same length");
StartDate = new DateTime();
EndDate = new DateTime();
for (int i = 0; i < startDates.Length; i++)
StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(startDates[i]);
EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(endDates[i]);
if (dateToCheck >= StartDate && dateToCheck <= EndDate)
return true;
return false;
But as already stated in other answer - you should redesign your code, because it's not very maintenable and easy to understand

Calculate datetime difference in C#

Hi I was solving a problem to calculate some library fine based on difference in return date and due date in C#. Now there are some constraints to the problem like
if the return year is changed i.e. if the return year is greater than the due date calendar year then fine is 10000. e.g. due date "31/12/2015" and return date "01/01/2016" then also fine is 10000.
if the return month is changed then fine is 500 * number of months late.
if the return day is changed then fine is 15 * number of days late.
else fine is 0.
Now i wrote the function below:
static int CalcFine (int[] returnedOn, int[] dueOn) {
int returnD = returnedOn[0];
int returnM = returnedOn[1];
int returnY = returnedOn[2];
int dueD = dueOn[0];
int dueM = dueOn[1];
int dueY = dueOn[2];
if (returnY > dueY) {
return 10000;
} else if (returnY < dueY) {
return 0;
} else {
if (returnM > dueM) {
return (returnM - dueM) * 500;
} else if (returnM < dueM) {
return 0;
} else {
if (returnD > dueD) {
return (returnD - dueD) * 15;
} else {
return 0;
I read about the DateTime class in C# that has pretty neat functions that return the difference in two dates as total days, total minutes, etc. But given the constraint of Fine being different based on year, month and days, I am not sure if there is any other inbuilt function to solve the above problem. In short I am trying to find if there is another simple way to solve the above problem without using so many if-else's.
You can get the difference in days, hours or minutes.
DateTime fromdate = new DateTime(2012,1,1);
DateTime todate = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan diff = todate - fromdate;
int differenceInDays = diff.Days;
If you want to try differently for your validations and business rules. Follow the below code
public double GetFineAmount(DateTime DueDate)
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
int yeardiff, monthdiff, daydiff;
yeardiff = dt.Year - DueDate.Year;
if (yeardiff > 0) return 10000;
monthdiff = dt.Month - DueDate.Month;
if (monthdiff > 0) return 500 * monthdiff;
daydiff = dt.Day - DueDate.Day;
if (daydiff > 0) return 15 * daydiff;
return 0;
Editted again.. changed string pattern. I guess I need some sleep...
static int CalcFine (string returnedOn, string dueOn)
DateTime returnedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(
returnedOn, "d M yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
DateTime dueDate = DateTime.ParseExact(
dueOn, "d M yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (returnedDate < dueDate)
return 0;
if (returnedDate.Year > dueDate.Year)
return 10000;
if (returnedDate.Month > dueDate.Month)
return 500 * (returnedDate.Month - dueDate.Month);
if (returnedDate.Day > dueDate.Day)
return 15 * (returnedDate.Day - dueDate.Day);
return 0;
DateTime is a powerful tool. But you don't want to over-complicate this.
If you just find the difference between the two dates in days, the equation becomes a lot easier to manage versus trying to subtract dates.
static int CalcFine(DateTime returnedOn, DateTime dueOn)
TimeSpan dateDiff = (returnedOn - dueOn);
int TotalDays = dateDiff.Days;
if (TotalDays >= 365)
return 10000;
else if(TotalDays < 365 && TotalDays > 30 && TotalDays % 30 > 1)
return (500 * (TotalDays % 30));
else if(TotalDays < 30 && TotalDays > 0)
return 15 * TotalDays;
return 0;

Correct way to set time of day to TimeSpan.MaxValue in C#

Is the following code correct?
public bool DoPost(CommunityNewsPost post)
DateTime? start;
DateTime? end;
Utility.TryParse(post.PublishStart, out start);
Utility.TryParse(post.PublishEnd, out end);
if (start != null)
start -= start.Value.TimeOfDay - TimeSpan.MinValue;
end += TimeSpan.MaxValue - end.Value.TimeOfDay;
return CommunityNews.Post(post.Title, post.Markdown, post.CategoryId, start, end);
And Utility.TryParse:
public static bool TryParse(string s, out DateTime? result)
DateTime d;
var success = DateTime.TryParse(s, out d);
if (success)
result = d;
result = default(DateTime?);
return success;
I want start to be something like 09/11/2011 00:00 and end to be something like 09/11/2011 23:59
TimeSpan isn't primarily intended to represent a time of day, but to represent any time interval, even if it's several days, months or even years.
Because of this TimeSpan.MaxValue is approximately 20 000 years, and your code throws an exception.
No, TimeSpan.Min/MaxValue are very large values. Not that sure what you really want to do but the example you gave is generated by:
if (start != null) start = start.Value.Date;
if (end != null) end = start.Value.Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);
Based on Paul Walls' answer, I went with this:
if (start != null)
start = start.Value.Date;
if (end != null)
end = end.Value.Date + new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);
A couple of things...
DateTime.TryParse will automatically initialize the out param to a default value. There is probably no reason for Utility.TryParse to exist.
Second, take a look at DateTime.Date, which is probably what you are trying to replicate.
Edit: I overlooked the Nullable type. You could refactor to something like this:
public bool DoPost( CommunityNewsPost post )
MembershipHelper.ThrowUnlessAtLeast( RoleName.Administrator );
DateTime value;
DateTime? start;
DateTime? end;
DateTime.TryParse( post.PublishStart, out value );
start = ( value != DateTime.MinValue ) ? new DateTime?(value.Date) : null;
DateTime.TryParse( post.PublishEnd, out value );
end = ( value != DateTime.MinValue ) ?
new DateTime?(value.Date.AddMinutes(-1.0 )) : null;
return CommunityNews.Post(post.Title, post.Markdown, post.CategoryId,
start, end);

Return True When Time fall between a Time Range?

I am making a function to check time fall between a time range in 24hr format, However there is some thing wrong with my code , can any one point out how to fix ?
My code:
bool isDoTime(int starthour, int startminute, int endhour, int endminute)
TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(starthour, startminute, 0);
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(endhour, endminute, 0);
TimeSpan add24h = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);
TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
if (starthour > endhour || (endhour == starthour && endminute <= startminute))
end += add24h;
if ((now > start) && (now < end))
return true;
return false;
Problem: i want to return true when current time between 20:30 - 3:30 , however when i run my code as below. the condition is return true only from 8:30 to 00:00 , not true from 00:00 - 3:30
if (isDoTime(20,30,3,30) //return true from 20:30 - 3:30
Split up in one check if it spans across midninght, and one for same day.
TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(starthour, startminute, 0);
TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(endhour, endminute, 0);
TimeSpan now = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay;
//The readable version:
//Must check if after start (before midnight) or before end (after midnight)
if((now > start) || (now < end)){
return true;
//Simple check - span is within same day
if ((now > start) && (now < end))
return true;
return false;
The short/cryptic version:
return start > end ? (now > start) || (now < end) : (now > start) && (now < end);
You want to use DateTime structures rather than integers. You can also generalise it to arbitary DateTimes. If secondTime is less than firstTime, it adds 1 day to secondTime.
public bool IsBetween(this DateTime thisTime, DateTime firstTime, DateTime secondTime) {
if (secondTime < firstTime)
secondTime = secondTime.AddDays(1);
return firstTime < thisTime && thisTime < secondTime);
// to use...
bool isDoTime = DateTime.Now.IsBetween(firstTime, secondTime);
I think you'd be better off using DateTime however, you will still need to check that if the start time is greater than the end time and add 24 hours in that case.
Your method would start:
bool isDoTime(int starthour, int startminute, int endhour, int endminute)
DateTime start = new DateTime(0, 0, 0, starthour, startminute, 0);
DateTime end = new DateTime(0, 0, 0, endhour, endminute, 0);
if (start > end)
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
return start < now && now < end;
Though you might want <= tests depending on your logic
(Unless it's your logic of where you're adding 24 hours of course - does that code execute?)
It will be much easier to make to use DateTime's as parameters here, and avoid the whole problem of manually checking:
bool isDoTime(DateTime starttime, DateTime endtime)
if (DateTime.Now > starttime && DateTime.Now < endtime)
return true;
return false;
public class Class1
private DateTime _now;
public void SetUp()
_now = DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(1).AddHours(2); //02.01.0001 02:00:00
public void TestCase()
Assert.IsTrue(IsDoTime(20, 30, 3, 30));
bool IsDoTime(int starthour, int startminute, int endhour, int endminute)
var start1 = DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(starthour).AddMinutes(startminute); //01.01.0001 20:30:00
var end1 = endhour < starthour
? DateTime.MinValue.AddDays(1).AddHours(endhour).AddMinutes(endminute) //02.01.0001 03:30:00
: DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(endhour).AddMinutes(endminute);
return ((_now > start1) && (_now < end1));

DateTime.AddDays or new DateTime

I'm creating a list of a month's worth of dates. I'm wondering what will be more efficient
List<DateTime> GetDates(DateTime StartDay) {
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
int TotalDays=StartDay.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1).Day;
for (int i=1; i<TotalDays; i++) {
dates.Add(new DateTime(StartDay.Year, StartDay.Month, i));
return dates;
List<DateTime> GetDates(DateTime StartDay) {
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
DateTime NextMonth = StartDay.AddMonths(1);
for (DateTime curr=StartDay; !curr.Equals(NextMonth); curr=curr.AddDays(1)) {
return dates;
basically, is new DateTime() or DateTime.addDays more efficient.
static void Main(string[] args) {
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw=new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
long t1, t2, total;
List<DateTime> l;
DateTime begin = DateTime.Now;
total = 0L;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
l = GetDates(begin);
t1 = sw.ElapsedTicks;
l = GetDates2(begin);
total += t1- t2;
Console.WriteLine("Test {0} : {1} {2} : {3}", i,t1,t2, t1- t2);
Console.WriteLine("Total: {0}", total);
static List<DateTime> GetDates(DateTime StartDay) {
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
int TotalDays=StartDay.AddMonths(10000).AddDays(-1).Day;
for (int i=1; i<TotalDays; i++) {
dates.Add(new DateTime(StartDay.Year, StartDay.Month, i));
return dates;
static List<DateTime> GetDates2(DateTime StartDay) {
List<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
DateTime NextMonth = StartDay.AddMonths(10000);
for (DateTime curr=StartDay; !curr.Equals(NextMonth); curr=curr.AddDays(1)) {
return dates;
Test 0 : 2203229 63086205 : -60882976
Test 1 : 63126483 102969090 : -39842607
Test 2 : 102991588 93487982 : 9503606
Test 3 : 93510942 69439034 : 24071908
Test 4 : 69465137 70660555 : -1195418
Test 5 : 70695702 68224849 : 2470853
Test 6 : 68248593 63555492 : 4693101
Test 7 : 63578536 65086357 : -1507821
Test 8 : 65108190 64035573 : 1072617
Test 9 : 64066128 64933449 : -867321
Total: -62484058
results are consistently negative... way negative, so, looks like the constructor and integer test is the more efficient method.
Measure it - write a test program and see which one takes less time.
I believe datetime operations return new datetime structures so you will be creating new instances either way.
Unless you are doing some financial processing then I would worry more about readability than performance here. Only start worrying about performance somewhere like here if it's a proven bottleneck.
Since they both do the same thing in the end, there isn't much of a difference.
If you're looking for efficiency, just use ticks. All (that I've seen) calls in DateTime are eventually converted into ticks before any math gets done.
It's really hard to imagine a case in which this would make a significant difference, but Reflector shows that the AddDays technique should be more efficient.
Compare the core logic of AddDays (from Add(Double, Int32))
long num = (long) ((value * scale) + ((value >= 0.0) ? 0.5 : -0.5));
if ((num <= -315537897600000L) || (num >= 0x11efae44cb400L)) {
// Throw omitted
return this.AddTicks(num * 0x2710L);
To the core logic of the DateTime(int, int, int) constructor (from DateToTicks):
if (((year >= 1) && (year <= 0x270f)) && ((month >= 1) && (month <= 12)))
int[] numArray = IsLeapYear(year) ? DaysToMonth366 : DaysToMonth365;
if ((day >= 1) && (day <= (numArray[month] - numArray[month - 1])))
int num = year - 1;
int num2 = ((((((num * 0x16d) + (num / 4)) - (num / 100)) + (num / 400)) + numArray[month - 1]) + day) - 1;
return (num2 * 0xc92a69c000L);
// Throw omitted
AddDays just converts the specified number of days to the equivalent number of ticks (a long) and adds it to the existing ticks.
Creating a new DateTime using the year/month/day constructor requires many more calculations. That constructor has to check whether the specified year is a leap year, allocate an array of days in each month, perform a bunch of extra operations, just to finally get the number of ticks those three numbers represent.
Edit: DateTime.AddDays(int) is faster than new DateTime(int, int, int), but your first algorithm is faster than the second algorithm. This is probably because the iteration costs are much higher in the second algorithm. As you observed in your edit, this might well be because DateTime.Equals is more expensive than comparing integers.
Here is a working test program, with the algorithms implemented so that they can actually be compared (they still need work, though):
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IList<DateTime> l1, l2;
DateTime begin = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1);
Stopwatch timer1 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
l1 = GetDates(begin);
Stopwatch timer2 = Stopwatch.StartNew();
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
l2 = GetDates2(begin);
Console.WriteLine("new DateTime: {0}\n.AddDays: {1}",
timer1.ElapsedTicks, timer2.ElapsedTicks);
static IList<DateTime> GetDates(DateTime StartDay)
IList<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
int TotalDays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(StartDay.Year, StartDay.Month);
for (int i = 0; i < TotalDays; i++)
dates.Add(new DateTime(StartDay.Year, StartDay.Month, i + 1));
return dates;
static IList<DateTime> GetDates2(DateTime StartDay)
IList<DateTime> dates = new List<DateTime>();
DateTime NextMonth = StartDay.AddMonths(1);
for (DateTime curr = StartDay; !curr.Equals(NextMonth); curr = curr.AddDays(1))
return dates;
} // class
Output (I added the commas):
new DateTime: 545,307,375
.AddDays: 180,071,512
These results seem pretty clear to me, though honestly I thought they'd be a lot closer.
I agree with Mark. Test both methods yourself and see which one is faster. Use the Stopwatch class to get accurate timings of how long each method takes to run. My first guess is that since both end up creating new structures anyway, that any speed difference will be negligible. Also, with only generating a month's worth of dates (31 days maximum), I don't think either method will be that much slower than the other. Perhaps is you you were generating thousands or millions of dates, it would make a difference, but for 31 dates, it's probably premature optimization.

