I'm busy with a windows phone application that of course uses silverlight. This means that calling any webservices has to be done asynchronously, and since this is all good and well in regards to best practice in preventing your entire app in hanging when waiting for a resource, I'm still stuck in the "synchronous mindset"...
Because the way I see it now is that you end up having 2 methods that needs to handle one function, e.g:
1)The method that actually calls the webservice:
public void myAsyncWebService(DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler callback)
//Url to webservice
string servletUrl = "https://deangrobler.com/someService/etc/etc"
//Calls Servlet
WebClient client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += callback;
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri(servletUrl, UriKind.Absolute));
2) and the method that handles the data when it eventually comes back:
private void serviceReturn(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
var jsonResponse = e.Result;
//and so on and so forth...
So instead of having to just create and call a single method that goes to the webservice, gets the returned result and sent it back to me like this:
public string mySyncWebService(){
//Calls the webservice
// ...waits for return
//And returns result
I have to in a Class call myAsyncWebService, AND create another method in the calling class that will handle the result returned by myAsyncWebService. Just, in my opinion, creates messy code. With synchronous calls you could just call one method and be done with it.
Am I just using Asynchronous calls wrong? Is my understanding wrong? I need some enlightment here, I hate doing this messy-async calls. It makes my code too complex and readability just goes to... hell.
Thanks for anyone willing to shift my mind!
You have to turn your mind inside out to program asynchronously. I speak from experience. :)
Am I just using Asynchronous calls wrong? Is my understanding wrong?
No. Asynchronous code is fairly difficult to write (don't forget error handling) and extremely difficult to maintain.
This is the reason that async and await were invented.
If you're able to upgrade to VS2012, then you can use Microsoft.Bcl.Async (currently in beta) to write your code like this:
string url1 = "https://deangrobler.com/someService/etc/etc";
string jsonResponse1 = await new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync(url1);
string url2 = GetUriFromJson(jsonResponse1);
string jsonResponse2 = await new WebClient().DownloadStringTaskAsync(url2);
Easy to write. Easy to maintain.
Async is like when you make a telephone call and get an answering machine, if you want a return call you leave your number. The first method is your call asking for data, the second is the "number" you've left for the return call.
It all becomes much easier and readable if you use lambdas instead. This also enables you to access variables declared in the "parent" method, like in the following example:
private void CallWebService()
//Defined outside the callback
var someFlag = true;
var client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, e) =>
//Using lambdas, we can access variables defined outside the callback
if (someFlag)
//Do stuff with the result.
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://www.microsoft.com/"));
EDIT: Here is another example with two chained service calls. It still isn't very pretty, but imho it is a little more readable than the OPs original code.
private void CallTwoWebServices()
var client = new WebClient();
client.DownloadStringCompleted += (s, e) =>
//1st call completed. Now make 2nd call.
var client2 = new WebClient();
client2.DownloadStringCompleted += (s2, e2) =>
//Both calls completed.
client2.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://www.google.com/"));
client.DownloadStringAsync(new Uri("http://www.microsoft.com/"));
To avoid creating messy code, if you can't use the async / await pattern because you are on older framework, you will find helpful check CoRoutines in their Caliburn Micro implemantation. With this pattern you create an enumerable yielding at each turn a new asynchronous segment to execute: by the reader point of view asynchronous steps appear as a sequence, but walking among the steps ( so yielding the next one ) is done externally by asynchronously wait the single task. It is a nice pattern easy to implement and really clear to read.
BTW if you don't want to use Caliburn Micro as your MVVM tool because you are using something else, you can use just the coroutine facility, it is very insulated inside the framework.
Let me just post some code from an example in this blog post.
public IEnumerable<IResult> Login(string username, string password)
_credential.Username = username;
_credential.Password = password;
var result = new Result();
var request = new GetUserSettings(username);
yield return new ProcessQuery(request, result, "Logging In...");
if (result.HasErrors)
yield return new ShowMessageBox("The username or password provided is incorrect.", "Access Denied");
yield break;
var response = result.GetResponse(request);
if(response.Permissions == null || response.Permissions.Count < 1)
yield return new ShowMessageBox("You do not have permission to access the dashboard.", "Access Denied");
yield break;
_context.Permissions = response.Permissions;
yield return new OpenWith<IShell, IDashboard>();
Isn't it easy to read? But it is is actually asynchronous: each yield steps are executed in an asynchronous manner and the execution flow again after the yield statement as soon the previous task completed.
With synchronous calls you could just call one method and be done with it.
Sure, but if you do that from the UI thread you will block the entire UI. That is unacceptable in any modern application, in particular in Silverlight applications running in the browser or in the phone. A phone that is unresponsive for 30 seconds while a DNS lookup times out is not something anybody wants to use.
So on the UI thread, probably because the user did some action in the UI, you start an asynchronous call. When the call completes a method is called on a background thread to handle the result of the call. This method will most likely update the UI with the result of the asynchronous call.
With the introduction of async and await in .NET 4.5 some of this "split" code can be simplified. Luckily async and await is now available for Windows Phone 7.5 in a beta version using the NuGet package Microsoft.Bcl.Async.
Here is a small (and somewhat silly) example demonstrating how you can chain two web service calls using async. This works with .NET 4.5 but using the NuGet package linked above you should be able to do something similar on Windows Phone 7.5.
async Task<String> GetCurrencyCode() {
using (var webClient = new WebClient()) {
var xml = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync("http://freegeoip.net/xml/");
var xElement = XElement.Parse(xml);
var countryName = (String) xElement.Element("CountryName");
return await GetCurrencyCodeForCountry(countryName);
async Task<String> GetCurrencyCodeForCountry(String countryName) {
using (var webClient = new WebClient()) {
var outerXml = await webClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync("http://www.webservicex.net/country.asmx/GetCurrencyByCountry?CountryName=" + countryName);
var outerXElement = XElement.Parse(outerXml);
var innerXml = (String) outerXElement;
var innerXElement = XElement.Parse(innerXml);
var currencyCode = (String) innerXElement.Element("Table").Element("CurrencyCode");
return currencyCode;
However, you still need to bridge between the UI thread and the async GetCurrencyCode. You can't await in an event handler but you can use Task.ContinueWith on the task returned by the async call:
void OnUserAction() {
void GetCurrencyCodeCallback(Task<String> task) {
if (!task.IsFaulted)
I have a task who want to call from the constructor class but it's really slow for executing. Is there a way to force this task?
private async Task GetExchange()
NewsStack.IsVisible = false;
SearchStack.IsVisible = false;
ExchangeStack.IsVisible = true;
var client = new HttpClient();
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
Method = HttpMethod.Get,
RequestUri = new Uri("https://coinlore-cryptocurrency.p.rapidapi.com/api/tickers/?start=0&limit=100"),
Headers =
{ "x-rapidapi-host", "coinlore-cryptocurrency.p.rapidapi.com" },
{ "x-rapidapi-key", "yourAPIkey" },
using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))
var exchange = new Exchange();
var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var exchangeBody = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Exchange>(body);
exchange = exchangeBody;
this.exchangeBodyList = new List<SearchCrypto>();
foreach (var item in exchange.CryptoExchange)
this.exchangeBodyList.Add(new SearchCrypto()
Name = item.Name,
Symbol = item.Symbol
this.exchangeTest = exchange;
lstExchange.ItemsSource = exchangeBody.CryptoExchange;
dateTimeRefresh.Text = "Last Update: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
catch (Exception ex)
await DisplayAlert("Alert", "Please, check your internet connection.", "OK");
I call this task in constructor like that:
Task.Run(() => this.GetExchange()).Wait();
I'm not sure if there's a way to force it in another way.
Also I accepting tips or examples for code optimization.
In general, asynchronous work is a poor fit for constructors. Ideally, constructors should be short and fast and do almost nothing - setting some member variables, perhaps doing some argument validation, that's about it.
Instead of trying to cram I/O into a constructor, consider using a factory pattern. So you create a factory, which can then create an instance of the type you want using an asynchronous method like async Task<MyType> CreateAsync(). CreateAsync can then call GetExchange naturally (i.e., asynchronously) and pass exchangeBodyList and exchangeTest into the constructor.
What point are you trying to accomplish by forcing the API call to finish? Just like most things, the server will give a response when it's performed all it's operations, not before. The only way to force the result early is to close the connection and not wait for an answer. If you just want it to speed up and finish quicker, then you'll need to speed up the server side code and any DB calls.
Just like in any program, there's no way to force code to run faster. You can't make the computer run faster. You can force it to run a thread at a higher priority, but I'm pretty sure that's not going to make much speed difference and it's probably not the format you need the code to run in.
Speeding up code isn't really on topic here, unless you have an actual, specific error or issue you want to fix, but a general "speed up my code" doesn't work here. It might be on topic on Code Review, maybe, but not here.
I am using the arcGIS SDK in C# to search for addresses. What i would like to do is search for multiple addresses and then executing a method when all the addresses are found. This will most likely be achieved by using a loop.
Here is the code to find an address on the map:
public async void searchSubjectAddress(string sAddress)
var uri = new Uri("http://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer");
var token = string.Empty;
var locator = new OnlineLocatorTask(uri, token);
var info = await locator.GetInfoAsync();
var singleAddressFieldName = info.SingleLineAddressField.FieldName;
var address = new Dictionary<string, string>();
address.Add(singleAddressFieldName, sAddress);
var candidateFields = new List<string> { "Score", "Addr_type", "Match_addr", "Side" };
var task = locator.GeocodeAsync(address, candidateFields, MyMapView.SpatialReference, new CancellationToken());
IList<LocatorGeocodeResult> results = null;
results = await task;
if (results.Count > 0)
var firstMatch = results[0];
var matchLocation = firstMatch.Location as MapPoint;
Console.WriteLine($"Found point: {matchLocation.ToString()}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Could not find point");
var msg = $"Exception from geocode: {ex.Message} At address: {sAddress}";
I am currently following this tutorial:
I can find a single address, but the asynchronous tasks are a bit confusing. The code must be executed with the asynchronous tasks to function, so i cant change that.
To use this in an example:
I want to get the distance between one property and several others. I only have access to the street addresses, so i use the above code to find the address and fetch the Geo-coordinates. Then i save those coordinates in a list for later use.
My problem is that when i want to execute the later methods, the async tasks are still running and my program executes the later methods regardless of whether the async methods are completed. When i change the method to a Task type instead of void, i usually end up with an endless wait with no tasks being accomplished.
I would like to know how i can loop the above method synchronously (let each new tasks only run when the older ones are finished) through a list of addresses and then run a method when all async tasks are finished. It would also be nice if the async tasks stop when a resulting address is found.
Help would be much appreciated!
public async void searchSubjectAddress(string sAddress)
public async Task searchSubjectAddress(string sAddress)
Then whatever is calling searchSubjectAddress can await this call, so you know when it's complete.
You might also consider making it return Task < SearchResult> instead so you can get the address sent back to the caller.
Generally when you write "async void" you're setting yourself up for problems, so try to always make things "async Task" or "async Task< T>" instead.
On a side note: The v10.x releases have long been deprecated/unsupported, and you really should move to v100.8
I started to look into Task, async/await concepts is c# and I'm having big problems understanding it, well at least i don't know how to implement it. I started rewriting an older test program i had written before, but now instead of threading i want to use these new concepts. Basically the layout is as it follows:
I have a simple class where i download the HTML content of a web page.
I process that in another class where i basically just parse the page to my model. Later on i want to display that to my UI.
The problem is that my program is not responsive, it blocks the UI while I'm processing the info.
I started learning this 2 days ago, i have read a lot of stuff online, including MSDN and some blogs but yet I'm unable to figure it out. Maybe someone can provide a look as well
public async Task<string> GetMangaDescriptionPage(string detailUrl)
WebClient client = new WebClient();
Stream data = await client.OpenReadTaskAsync(detailUrl);
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
return s;
My parse class code:
public async Task<MangaDetailsModel> ParseMangaDescriptionPage()
ParseOneManga pom = new ParseOneManga();
string t1 = await pom.GetMangaDescriptionPage(selectedManga.url);
HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
var divs = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div").Where(x => x.Attributes.Contains("id") &&
mangaDetails.mangaName = divs[0].Element("h1").InnerText;
mangaDetails.description = divs[0].Descendants("p").Single().InnerText ?? "DSA";
var tds = divs[0].Descendants("td");
int info = 0;
var chapters = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants("div").Where(x => x.Attributes.Contains("id") &&
var chapterUi = chapters[0].Descendants("ul").Where(x => x.Attributes.Contains("class") &&
foreach (var li in chapterUi)
var liChapter = li.Descendants("li");
foreach (var h3tag in liChapter)
var chapterH3 = h3tag.Descendants("a").ToArray();
SingleManagFox chapterData = new SingleManagFox();
chapterData.name = chapterH3[1].InnerHtml;
chapterData.url = chapterH3[1].GetAttributeValue("href", "0");
return mangaDetails;
UI code:
private async void mainBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (mangaList.SelectedItem != null)
private async void test12(SingleManagFox selectedManga)
selectedManga = (SingleManagFox)mangaList.SelectedItem;
MangaDetails mangaDetails = new MangaDetails(selectedManga);
MangaDetailsModel mdm = await mangaDetails.ParseMangaDescriptionPage();
txtMangaArtist.Text = mdm.artisName;
txtMangaAuthor.Text = mdm.authorName;
chapterList.ItemsSource = mdm.chapters;
Sorry if its trivial but i cannot figure it out myself.
When going async you need to try to go async all the way and avoid mixing blocking calls with async calls.
You are using async void in the event handler with no await.
Try to avoid async void unless it is an event handler. test12 should be updated to return Task and awaited in the event handler mainBtn_Click.
private async void mainBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
if (mangaList.SelectedItem != null) {
await test12((SingleManagFox)mangaList.SelectedItem);
private async Task test12(SingleManagFox selectedManga) {
selectedManga = (SingleManagFox)mangaList.SelectedItem;
MangaDetails mangaDetails = new MangaDetails(selectedManga);
MangaDetailsModel mdm = await mangaDetails.ParseMangaDescriptionPage();
txtMangaArtist.Text = mdm.artisName;
txtMangaAuthor.Text = mdm.authorName;
chapterList.ItemsSource = mdm.chapters;
Also consider updating the web call to use HttpClient if available.
class ParseOneManga {
public async Task<string> GetMangaDescriptionPageAsync(string detailUrl) {
using (var client = new HttpClient()) {
string s = await client.GetStringAsync(detailUrl);
return s;
Reference: - Async/Await - Best Practices in Asynchronous Programming
Quite often people think that async-await means that multiple threads are processing your code at the same time. This is not the case, unless you explicitly start a different thread.
A good metaphore that helped me a lot explaining async-await is the restauran metaphor used in this interview with Eric Lippert. Search somewhere in the middle for async-await.
Eric Lipperts compares async-await processing with a cook who has to wait for his water to boil. Instead of waiting, he looks around if he can do other things instead. When finished doing the other thing, he comes back to see if the water is boiling and starts processing the boiling water.
The same is with your process. There is only one thread busy (at a time). This thread keeps processing until he has to await for something. This something is usually a fairly long process that is processed without using your CPU core, like writing a file to disk, loading a web page, or querying information from an external database.
Your thread can only do one thing at a time. So while it is busy calculating something, if can't react on operator input and your UI freezes, until the calculations are done. Async await will only help if there are a lot of times your thread would be waiting for other processes to complete
If you call an async function, you are certain that somewhere in that function is an await. In fact, if you declare your function async, and your forget to await in it, your compiler will warn you.
When your call meets the await in the function, your thread goes up its call stack to see if it can do other things. If you are not awaiting, you can continue processing, until you have to await. The thread goes up its call stack again to see if one of the callers is not awaiting etc.
async Task ReadDataAsync()
// do some preparations
using (TextReader textReader = ...)
var myReadTask = textReader.ReadToEndAsync();
// while the textReader is waiting for the information to be available
// you can do other things
// after a while you really need the results from the read data,
// so you await for it.
string text = await MyReadTask;
// after the await, the results from ReatToEnd are available
There are some rules to follow:
an async function should return Task instead of void and Task<TResult> instead of TResult
There is one exception: the async event handler returns void instead of Task.
Inside your async function you should await somehow. If you don't await, it is useless to declare your function async
The result of await Task is void, and the result of await Task<TResult> is TResult
If you call an async function, see if you can do some processing instead of waiting for the results of the call
Note that even if you call several async functions before awaiting for them, does not mean that several threads are running these functions synchronously. The statement after your first call to the async function is processed after the called function starts awaiting.
async Task DoSomethingAsync()
var task1 = ReadAsync(...);
// no await, so next statement processes as soon as ReadAsync starts awaiting
var task2 = QueryAsync(...);
// again no await
// now I need results from bothtask1, or from task2:
await Task.WhenAll(new Task[] {task1, task2});
var result1 = Task1.Result;
var result2 = Task2.Result;
Process(result1, result2);
Usually all your async functionality is performed by the same context. In practice this means that you can program as if your program is single threaded. This makes the look of your program much easier.
Another article that helped me a lot understanding async-await is Async-Await best practices written by the ever so helpful Stephen Cleary
I want to read a XML file from the Web with following method.
public static async void Load_WinPhone(string URL)
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var httpResponseMessage = await client.GetAsync(new Uri(URL));
if (httpResponseMessage.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
var xmlStream = await httpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
XDocument Xdoc = XDocument.Load(xmlStream);
var query = from data in Xdoc.Descendants("article")
select new MyClass
Title = data.Element("title").Value
foreach (MyClass x in query)
This Works, but after the method finished the AnotherClass.List is still empty.
I think it is because of the async, I tried this in the console without the async and it worked fine.
But now i want to to this on a Windows Phone 8.1 and the list stays empty.
Can someone explain me why or even have a workaround for this?
Yes, that's how await works - from the point of view of the caller, it's basically the same thing as a return. So when you call this method, it most likely returns on the first await - long before AnotherClass.List is modified.
The main problem you have is that your method is async void - you're throwing away all the information about the method's execution. Instead, you want to return Task - this allows you to await the method or bind a continuation to it.
Whenever you break the await chain, you also break the synchronicity of the code. Most of the time (especially in UI), you want to await all the way to the top - usually, the only thing that's async void is the event handlers, and even then it's only because event handlers must return void.
Overall, multi-threading and asynchronous code is a rather big topic - http://www.albahari.com/threading/ is a great start on understanding most of the fundamentals, as well as ways to handle it well in C#.
I have a webservice that loads up some plugins (dlls) and calls their Process method. One of the plugins takes a list of members and ensures that they are all included in a MailChimp list.
Here is the code that adds the users to the MailChimp group.
private async Task AddMCUsers(List<Member> _memberList)
using (var http = new HttpClient())
var creds = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("user:password");
http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", creds);
string memberURI = string.Format(#"{0}lists/{1}/members", _baseURI, _memberGroupId);
var jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
foreach (var user in _memberlist)
var _addStatus = "";
var content = jss.Serialize(new MCPost()
email_address = user.Email,
status = "subscribed",
merge_fields = new MCMergeFields()
FNAME = user.Firstname,
LNAME = user.Lastname
using(var result = await http.PostAsync(memberURI, new StringContent(content,Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")))
var resultText = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
_addStatus = "Success";
var _returnedUser = jss.Deserialize<MCMember>(resultText);
//Store new user's id
user.ServiceId = _returnedUser.id;
_addStatus = "Fail";
catch {
_addStatus = "Error";
LogEvent("Add User - " + _addStatus, string.Format("Id: {0} - {1} {2} (Account: {3}) : {4}", user.Id, user.Firstname, user.Lastname, user.AccountId, user.Email));
In normal procedural code, this wouldn't be a problem. However, the only Post method available on the httpClient was PostAsync. Being fairly new to the async/await stuff, I'm not sure the ramifications on the rest of my code ... particularly as it relates to my attempt to reuse the httpClient instead of instantiating a new one for each http call.
I'm not sure what happens with await when its wrapped in a foreach like I have. Will I run into issues with reusing the httpClient to make repeated calls when running asynchronously?
My other question is, what is actually going to be returned. IOW, my understanding is that await returns a Task. However, here, I'm looping through the list and making multiple calls to await PostAsync. My method returns a Task. But which task gets returned? If my calling method needs to wait for completion before moving on, what does its call look like?
private void Process()
//Get List
var task = AddMCUsers(list);
//Subsequent processing
I've read that you should use Async all the way. Does this mean my calling method should look more like this?
public async Task Process()
//Get list
await AddMCUsers(list);
//Other processing
Thanks to whatever help you can offer on this.
In normal procedural code, this wouldn't be a problem.
The whole point of async/await is to write asynchronous code in a way that looks practically identical to "normal" synchronous code.
Being fairly new to the async/await stuff, I'm not sure the ramifications on the rest of my code ... particularly as it relates to my attempt to reuse the httpClient instead of instantiating a new one for each http call.
HttpClient was intended to be reused; in fact, it can be used for any number of calls simultaneously.
I'm not sure what happens with await when its wrapped in a foreach like I have.
One way to think of it is that await "pauses" the method until its operation completes. When the operation completes, then the method continues executing. I have an async intro that goes into more detail.
Will I run into issues with reusing the httpClient to make repeated calls when running asynchronously?
No, that's fine.
IOW, my understanding is that await returns a Task.
await takes a Task. It "unwraps" that task and returns the result of the task (if any). If the task completed with an exception, then await raises that exception.
My method returns a Task. But which task gets returned?
The Task returned from an async method is created by the async state machine. You don't have to worry about it. See my intro for more details.
If my calling method needs to wait for completion before moving on, what does its call look like? ... I've read that you should use Async all the way. Does this mean my calling method should look more like this?
Yes, it should look like your second snippet:
public async Task ProcessAsync()
//Get list
await AddMCUsers(list);
//Other processing
The only thing I changed was the Async suffix, which is recommended by the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern.
in your code you should be fine with reusing the HttpClient. What async / await is allow the code to release the execution thread to prevent locking a cpu thread while waiting for the web response. It also releases control back to the caller. When releasing code back to the caller it means that if your Process function does not await your AddMCUsers, Process could finish before AddMCUsers (useful in fire and forget situations to not await a method).
What async/await do not do is affect the logical flow of an individual method. When you await an async web call the execution is paused and then resumed at the same point once the web call returns. There is also thread context tracking and the code resumes in the same context (ie. UI thread or background thread depending on the parent) by default, but this can be changed if needed.
At some point in your code you may want to have a method that blocks until your async code competes and that is where you will want your Task.Wait() call to block execution. If all you use is awaits then it is possible for your program to end before your task competes. See the code example below.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Task waitForMe = Task.Run(() => waitAsync());
static async Task waitAsync()
await Task.Delay(5000);
in the sample with out a Task.Wait call to block the Main method the program will end before the 5 second wait is complete. Having a main method of the following will cause the program to wait for 5 seconds before exiting:
static void Main(string[] args)
Task waitForMe = Task.Run(() => waitAsync());