I am looking for a simple way to do a task in background, then update something (on the main thread) when it completes. It's in a low level 'model' class so I can't call InvokeOnMainThread as I don't have an NSObject around. I have this method:
public void GetItemsAsync(Action<Item[]> handleResult)
Item[] items=null;
Task task=Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
items=this.CreateItems(); // May take a second or two
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
This seems to work OK, but
1) Is this the best (simplest) way?
2) I'm worried about the local variable:
Item{} items=null
What stops that disappearing when the method returns before the background thread completes?
I think your method slightly violates a Single Responsibility Principle, because it doing too much.
First of all I suggest to change CreateItems to return Task instead of wrapping it in the GetItemsAsync:
public Task<Item[]> CreateItems(CancellationToken token)
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
// obtaining the data...
CancellationToken is optional but can help you if you able to cancel this long running operation.
With this method you can remove GetItemsAsync entirely because its so simple to handle results by your client without passing this delegate:
// Somewhere in the client of your class
var task = yourClass.CreateItems(token);
task.ContinueWith(t =>
// Code of the delegate that previously
// passed to GetItemsAsync method
{}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Using this approach you'll get more clear code with only one responsibility. Task class itself is a perfect tool for representing asynchronous operation as a first class object. Using proposed technique you can easily mock you current implementation with a fake behavior for unit testing without changing your clients code.
Something like this:
public void GetItemsAsync(Action<Item[]> handleResult)
int Id = 11;
Task<Item[]> task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CreateItems(Id)); // May take a second or two
task.ContinueWith(t => handleResult(t.Result), TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
Your code looks fine.
It's a perfect example of when to use async / await if you can use C# 5, but if not, you have to write it as you have done with continuations.
The items variable is captured in your lambdas, so that's fine too.
When you write a lambda that uses an outside variable, the C# compiler creates a class that contains the variable. This is called a closure and means you can access the variable inside your lambda.
Here is a nicer soultion:
public void GetItemsAsync(Action<Item[]> handleResult)
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew<Item[]>(() =>
return this.CreateItems(); // May take a second or two
}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
In the process of refactoring some legacy code at work and part of it is to convert an instance of List<Action> to List<Func<Task>>. Elsewhere in the codebase, there are several instances of something along the lines of this:
entity.Tasks.Add(() =>
The above would work fine when the Tasks property was List<Action>, but gives errors when turned into List<Func<Task>> with no obvious way to fix it.
I know next to nothing about Func, Task, Action, asynchronous/synchronous programming, particularly in C#. Any help provided is immensely appreciated or even just a referral to information where I could find the information needed to solve this myself.
What you have to do is to create a function that returns a Task. A solution could be creating a task that internally executes your synchronous code and then add it to the list. Like this:
entity.Tasks.Add(() => Task.Run(_service.Process(operation)));
Just note that the code only creates a function that returns a Task but the Task won't be executed until you ask for it.
Here is more info about the topic:
Task.Run Method
Task-based Asynchronous Programming in C#
A quick primer...
List<Action> says: I'm a list that accepts a method with no input parameters and returns void when invoked.
List<Func<Task>> says: I'm a list that accepts a method with no input parameters and returns a Task when invoked.
Note: I'm using the term "method" to represent a named method, delegate, lambda, etc...
For your case, entity.Tasks was originally defined as List<Action>; but is now defined as List<Func<Task>>.
Given the case where you need to take the legacy methods which return no value (void), you could create a shimming method which returns a task after completing the Action from the original method.
For Example...
static Task Shim( Action action )
return Task.CompletedTask;
// the above will wrap a method that does not return a value such as:
static void DoWork( string str )
Debug.WriteLine( str );
You can now use the Shim to add to your new collection type. For example...
var list = new List<Func<Task>>();
// add the Shim to the list
list.Add( () => Shim( () => DoWork( "I'm a shim" ) ));
In your use case, it will look something like this:
entity.Tasks.Add(() =>
return Shim( () => _service.Process(operation) );
// or a bit more shorthanded:
entity.Tasks.Add( () => Shim( () => _service.Process(operation) ));
As pointed out in the comments, the Shim path is less than ideal since the new version really should be wrapped in a Task to be more inline with how Tasks and Exceptions get wrapped up.
Here's an example of wrapping the legacy code into the new version without any shims:
entity.Tasks.Add( () => Task.Run( () => _service.Process(operation) ));
Actions are your void methods that don't return a response. Your tasks collection is expecting a returned task. You can wrap the _service.Process(operation) with a task and within the task, run the _service.Process, then return something like
return Task.FromResult(false);
In an application I am experiencing odd behavior due to wrong/unexpected values of AsyncLocal: Despite I suppressed the flow of the execution context, I the AsyncLocal.Value-property is sometimes not reset within the execution scope of a newly spawned Task.
Below I created a minimal reproducible sample which demonstrates the problem:
private static readonly AsyncLocal<object> AsyncLocal = new AsyncLocal<object>();
public void Test()
var mainTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
AsyncLocal.Value = "1";
Task anotherTask;
using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
anotherTask = Task.Run(() =>
Trace.WriteLine(AsyncLocal.Value); // "1" <- ???
Assert.IsNull(AsyncLocal.Value); // BOOM - FAILS
AsyncLocal.Value = "2";
mainTask.Wait(500000, CancellationToken.None);
In nine out of ten runs (on my pc) the outcome of the Test-method is:
.NET 6.0.2
-> The test fails
As you can see the test fails because within the action which is executed within Task.Run the the previous value is still present within AsyncLocal.Value (Message: 1).
My concrete questions are:
Why does this happen?
I suspect this happens because Task.Run may use the current thread to execute the work load. In that case, I assume lack of async/await-operators does not force the creation of a new/separate ExecutionContext for the action. Like Stephen Cleary said "from the logical call context’s perspective, all synchronous invocations are “collapsed” - they’re actually part of the context of the closest async method further up the call stack". If that’s the case I do understand why the same context is used within the action.
Is this the correct explanation for this behavior? In addition, why does it work flawlessly sometimes (about 1 run out of 10 on my machine)?
How can I fix this?
Assuming that my theory above is true it should be enough to forcefully introduce a new async "layer", like below:
private static readonly AsyncLocal<object> AsyncLocal = new AsyncLocal<object>();
public void Test()
var mainTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
AsyncLocal.Value = "1";
Task anotherTask;
using (ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow())
var wrapper = () =>
AsyncLocal.Value = "2";
return Task.CompletedTask;
anotherTask = Task.Run(async () => await wrapper());
mainTask.Wait(500000, CancellationToken.None);
This seems to fix the problem (it consistently works on my machine), but I want to be sure that this is a correct fix for this problem.
Many thanks in advance
Why does this happen? I suspect this happens because Task.Run may use the current thread to execute the work load.
I suspect that it happens because Task.WaitAll will use the current thread to execute the task inline.
Specifically, Task.WaitAll calls Task.WaitAllCore, which will attempt to run it inline by calling Task.WrappedTryRunInline. I'm going to assume the default task scheduler is used throughout. In that case, this will invoke TaskScheduler.TryRunInline, which will return false if the delegate is already invoked. So, if the task has already started running on a thread pool thread, this will return back to WaitAllCore, which will just do a normal wait, and your code will work as expected (1 out of 10).
If a thread pool thread hasn't picked it up yet (9 out of 10), then TaskScheduler.TryRunInline will call TaskScheduler.TryExecuteTaskInline, the default implementation of which will call Task.ExecuteEntryUnsafe, which calls Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal. Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal has logic for applying an ExecutionContext if one was captured. Assuming none was captured, the task's delegate is just invoked directly.
So, it seems like each step is behaving logically. Technically, what ExecutionContext.SuppressFlow means is "don't capture the ExecutionContext", and that is what is happening. It doesn't mean "clear the ExecutionContext". Sometimes the task is run on a thread pool thread (without the captured ExecutionContext), and WaitAll will just wait for it to complete. Other times the task will be executed inline by WaitAll instead of a thread pool thread, and in that case the ExecutionContext is not cleared (and technically isn't captured, either).
You can test this theory by capturing the current thread id within your wrapper and comparing it to the thread id doing the Task.WaitAll. I expect that they will be the same thread for the runs where the async local value is (unexpectedly) inherited, and they will be different threads for the runs where the async local value works as expected.
If you can, I'd first consider whether it's possible to replace the thread-specific caches with a single shared cache. The app likely predates useful types such as ConcurrentDictionary.
If it isn't possible to use a singleton cache, then you can use a stack of async local values. Stacking async local values is a common pattern. I prefer wrapping the stack logic into a separate type (AsyncLocalValue in the code below):
public sealed class AsyncLocalValue
private static readonly AsyncLocal<ImmutableStack<object>> _asyncLocal = new();
public object Value => _asyncLocal.Value?.Peek();
public IDisposable PushValue(object value)
var originalValue = _asyncLocal.Value;
var newValue = (originalValue ?? ImmutableStack<object>.Empty).Push(value);
_asyncLocal.Value = newValue;
return Disposable.Create(() => _asyncLocal.Value = originalValue);
private static AsyncLocalValue AsyncLocal = new();
public void Test()
var mainTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Task anotherTask;
using (AsyncLocal.PushValue("1"))
using (AsyncLocal.PushValue(null))
anotherTask = Task.Run(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Observed: " + AsyncLocal.Value);
using (AsyncLocal.PushValue("2"))
mainTask.Wait(500000, CancellationToken.None);
This code sample uses Disposable.Create from my Nito.Disposables library.
I am trying to get to grips with Tasks and the Async Await keywords. I have a little sample method which essentially invokes n number of methods. Two key points to note are
I don't care about the order the methods run in
All methods should be called on a background thread
With this here is the code.
public async void Handle<T>(T entry) {
await Task.Run(() => {
Parallel.ForEach(_handlers, pair => {
pair.Value.Invoke(_reference, new object[] {
My question is did I actually gain any async or parallelism out of the code above?
I'm assuming that you're running in a UI application, since parallel code on a server is quite rare.
In this case, wrapping parallel code in a Task.Run is perfectly normal, and a common pattern when you wish to execute parallel code asynchronously.
I would make a few changes:
Avoid async void. Return a Task, so you can handle errors more cleanly.
Follow the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern naming conventions (i.e.,
end your method with Async).
Return the Task directly instead of async/await (if your entire async method is just to await a task, you can avoid some overhead just by returning the task directly).
Like this:
public Task HandleAsync<T>(T entry) {
return Task.Run(() => {
Parallel.ForEach(_handlers, pair => {
pair.Value.Invoke(_reference, new object[] {
I'd also consider two other possibilities:
Consider using Parallel.Invoke instead of Parallel.ForEach. It seems to me that Parallel.Invoke is a closer match to what you're actually trying to do. (See svick's comment below).
Consider leaving the parallel code in a synchronous method (e.g., public void Handle<T>(T entry)) and calling it with Task.Run (e.g., await Task.Run(() => Handle(entry));). If your Handle[Async] method is intended to be part of a general-purpose library, then you want to avoid the use of Task.Run within your asynchronous methods.
No, you've gained nothing here. Even if you made it return Task (so that the caller could check when everything had finished) you'd be better off without async:
public Task Handle<T>(T entry)
return Task.Run(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(_handlers, pair =>
pair.Value.Invoke(_reference, new object[] { entry });
How could I call the onCompleteCallBack method on the same thread the SomeAsyncMethod was called ?
public void SomeAsycMethod ( Action<object> onCompleteCallBack )
// get the current thread
/* var ThisThread = Thread.CurrentThread. */
Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );// do some work;
// lastly call the onCompleteCallBack on 'ThisThread'
onCompleteCallBack( "some result" );
// I am looking for something like:
/* ThisThread.Invoke("some result"); */
While you can't guarantee you callback will be called on the same thread, you can guarantee it will be called in the same Synchronization Context (assuming one exists in the original call).
public void SomeAsycMethod ( Action<object> onCompleteCallBack )
// get the current context
var context = SynchronizationContext.Current;
Task.Factory.StartNew( () =>
Thread.Sleep( 1000 );// do some work;
// lastly call the onCompleteCallBack on 'ThisThread'
onCompleteCallBack( "some result" );
// I am looking for something like:
context.Post(s => onCompleteCallBack ("some result"), null);
For example, in a Windows Forms or WPF program, the above will make sure that the callback is called on the GUI thread (via the message loop or dispatcher, accordingly). Similarly for ASP.NET context.
Having said that, I agree with Justin Harvey in that returning a Task<T> will probably be a better design.
Actually if you're using Task-based asynchronous programming I suggested you refactor your code to return Task<T> and give an ability to your client itself to decide in what context to call callback method (and facilitate future migration to C# 5.0 ;):
public Task<string> SomeMethodAsync()
return Task.Factory.StartNew(() => "some result");
If you definitely know that you're going to call this method from UI thread you can use following:
var task = SomeMethodAsync();
task.ContinueWith(t => textBox.Text = t.Result, TaskScheduler.FromSynchronizationContext);
This approach is better because it provide more clear separation of concern and give an ability to use your asynchronous method in any context without any dependencies to synchronization context. Some client can call this method from UI thread (and in this case TaskScheduler.FromSynchronizationContext would behave as expected - your "continuation" would be called in UI thread), some of them could use your method from non-UI thread as well without such requirements like processing results in the same thread that initiate asynchronous operation.
Task<T> is a perfect class that represents asynchronous operation as a first class object that helps not only obtain only more declarative code but more clear, easy to read and easy to test (you can easily mock this method and return "fake" task object).
In my application, I used to create along string of async operations, which passed in functions like this:
public void LotsOfAsync()
DoAsync1( ()=> { DoAsync2( ()=> { doAsync3( ()=> { finalAction();}) } ) } );
However, now I have moved many of those async operations into separate classes and objects but I want the same results. Mainly I have moved those async operations into classes which become part of a collection.
I'd like my new code to look like this:
public void lotsOfAsync()
for each ( MyClass in Async1List)
if (allAsyncOperationsAreComplete)
What things do I need to do, to get this to work? Thanks.
Using the Answer below about Tasks, something still seems to be lacking. The program never continues even after throwing everything into a BackgroundWorker.
You can use Task<T> (using the Task Parallel Library for Silverlight) - something like this maybe:
List<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoAsync1()).ContinueWith(_ =>
foreach (MyClass myClass in Async1List)
tasks.Add(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => myClass.DoSomething()));
Im not familiar with wp7, but you may use counter as static field and check if it's equal to 0 in final action.
Every MyClass.DoAsyn2() should fire maybe a event, or any other code to signal that it is finished.
Another option is to move all async to task and call Task.WaitAll
Have you had a look at the CountdownEvent in .Net 4? This is a signalling construct where one thread will block and only proceed once other threads have completed and called set on the count down event. You initialise it with the number of signals you need before the thread calling Wait on the construct will proceed. E.g.:
CountdownEvent countdown = new CountdownEvent(3);
will only let the thread calling Wait to proceed once 3 other threads have called Signal.
So your example would perhaps look something like this:
public void lotsOfAsync()
Int32 numberOfAsyncProcesses = Async1List.Length + 1;
CountdownEvent countdown = new CountdownEvent (numberOfAsyncProcesses);
DoAsync1(countdown); // call countdown.signal() in the async method once complete.
for each ( MyClass in Async1List)
// call countdown.signal() in the async method once complete.
I've also added a timeout where the calling thread will unblock after 3 seconds if failed to get a response from all processing threads. In this case, the final action will not be performed.
You can reproduce this with Monitor/Pulse if you are not targeting .Net 4.
There is a nice example here too. Hope this helps!
After looking through all the previous answers, I was unable to solve my problem.
Instead what I needed to do, was create custom Events within my classes, which triggered upon a successful completion of the asynchronous tasks.
The website that proved the most useful to me to accomplish this was: http://www.marten-online.com/csharp/simple-custom-event-handling.html
My final code looked something like this:
public void lotsOfAsync()
for each ( MyClass in Async1List)
MyClass.PropertyChange += new MyClass.PropertyChangeHandler(Async2Complete);
public void Async2Complete(object sender, PropertyChangeEventArgs data)
if (data.PropertyName == "AsyncComplete")
if (totalAsyncCompleted >= Async1List.Count)
Have you heard of the Deferred pattern often used in Javascript?
It is simple to work with and very dynamic and you should be able to implement it on Windows phone aswell.
Have a look at this guide