How to create OneNote 2010 section - c#

How can you create a new section in a OneNote 2010 notebook with c#? According to the API there is no method to do so. But there is a CreateNewPage Method so I wondering if there is something similiar for sections? If not, how can this be achieved except for manipulating the XML files (which is a task i'd like to avoid since I'm not experienced in it)?

Here is code snippet from my add on:
public bool AddNewSection(string SectionTitle, out string newSectionId)
string CurrParentId;
string CurrParentName;
string strPath;
CurrParentId = FindCurrentlyViewedSectionGroup(out CurrParentName);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrParentId) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrParentName))
CurrParentId = FindCurrentlyViewedNotebook(out CurrParentName);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrParentId) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CurrParentName))
newSectionId = string.Empty;
return false;
strPath = FindCurrentlyViewedItemPath("Notebook");
strPath = FindCurrentlyViewedItemPath("SectionGroup");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strPath))
newSectionId = string.Empty;
return false;
SectionTitle = SectionTitle.Replace(':', '\\');
SectionTitle = SectionTitle.Trim('\\');
strPath += "\\" + SectionTitle + ".one";
onApp.OpenHierarchy(strPath, null, out newSectionId, Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.CreateFileType.cftSection);
onApp.NavigateTo(newSectionId, "", false);
newSectionId = string.Empty;
return false;
return true;
Basically what I am doing here is to get the path of currently viewing Section Group or Notebook and then adding new section name to that path and then calling OpenHierarchy method. OpenHierarchy creates a new section with title provided and returns it's id.
Following is where I create a new section and Navigate to it:
onApp.OpenHierarchy(strPath, null, out newSectionId, Microsoft.Office.Interop.OneNote.CreateFileType.cftSection);
onApp.NavigateTo(newSectionId, "", false);
So can write something like:
static void CreateNewSectionMeetingsInWorkNotebook()
String strID;
OneNote.Application onApplication = new OneNote.Application();
onApplication.OpenHierarchy("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\My Documents\\OneNote Notebooks\\Work\\",
System.String.Empty, out strID, OneNote.CreateFileType.cftSection);


Is it possible to get a batch of text content through Azure DevOps REST API?

I need to get (not download) the content from 10.000~ manifest files within a project in Azure DevOps, but I don't manage to achieve this. I have found several ways to retrieve the content from one file at a time, but in this context, it is neither an efficient nor sustainable solution. I have managed to retrieve all files of a particular file type by checking if the file path ends with the name of the file, then using the TfvcHttpClientBase.GetItemsBatch method. However, this method does not return the item's content.
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SourceControl.WebApi;
AzureRest azureRest = new AzureRest();
var tfvcItems = azureRest.GetTfvcItems();
List<TfvcItemDescriptor> itemDescriptorsList = new List<TfvcItemDescriptor>();
foreach(var item in tfvcItems)
//Example manifest file .NET
if (item.Path.EndsWith("packages.config"))
var itemDescriptor = new TfvcItemDescriptor()
Path = item.Path,
RecursionLevel = VersionControlRecursionType.None,
Version = "",
VersionOption = TfvcVersionOption.None,
VersionType = TfvcVersionType.Latest
TfvcItemDescriptor[] itemDescriptorsArray = itemDescriptorsList.ToArray();
var itemBatch = azureRest.GetTfvcItemsBatch(itemDescriptorsArray);
foreach(var itemList in itemBatch)
foreach(var itemListList in itemList)
Console.WriteLine("Content: " + itemListList.Content); //empty/null
Console.WriteLine("ContentMetadata: " + itemListList.ContentMetadata); //not empty/null
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.SourceControl.WebApi;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi;
public class AzureRest
const string ORG_URL = "https://org/url/url";
const string PROJECT = "Project";
const string PAT = "PersonalAccessToken";
private string GetTokenConfig()
return PAT;
private string GetProjectNameConfig()
return PROJECT;
private VssConnection Authenticate()
string token = GetTokenConfig();
string projectName = GetProjectNameConfig();
var credentials = new VssBasicCredential(string.Empty, token);
var connection = new VssConnection(new Uri(ORG_URL), credentials);
return connection;
public List<TfvcItem> GetTfvcItems()
var connection = Authenticate();
using (TfvcHttpClient tfvcClient = connection.GetClient<TfvcHttpClient>())
var tfvcItems = tfvcClient.GetItemsAsync(scopePath: "/Path", recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType.Full, true).Result;
return tfvcItems;
public List<List<TfvcItem>> GetTfvcItemsBatch(TfvcItemDescriptor[] itemDescriptors)
TfvcItemRequestData requestData = new TfvcItemRequestData()
IncludeContentMetadata = true,
IncludeLinks = true,
ItemDescriptors = itemDescriptors
var connection = Authenticate();
using (TfvcHttpClient tfvcClient = connection.GetClient<TfvcHttpClient>())
var tfvcItems = tfvcClient.GetItemsBatchAsync(requestData).Result;
return tfvcItems;
For reference:
I have tested the codes you shared and when debugging at "itemDescriptorsList" and have found that there is no content specified in it, so that's why you cannot get the txt content.
You should first check and add the content property into the "itemDescriptorsList".

How to upload Audio file to my server?

I am trying to create a xamarin forms application, I am using dependency service to pick multiple files from device. I have written the following code for getting the actual file from Android.Net.Uri:
private string GetPathToAudioFile(global::Android.Net.Uri uri)
string doc_id = "";
using (var c1 = ContentResolver.Query(uri, null, null, null, null))
String document_id = c1.GetString(0);
doc_id = document_id.Substring(document_id.LastIndexOf(":") + 1);
string path = null;
// The projection contains the columns we want to return in our query.
string audioSelection = MediaStore.Audio.Media.InterfaceConsts.Id + " =? ";
using (var cursor = ManagedQuery(MediaStore.Audio.Media.ExternalContentUri, null, audioSelection, new string[] { doc_id }, null))
if (cursor == null) return path;
var columnIndex = cursor.GetColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.InterfaceConsts.Data);
path = cursor.GetString(columnIndex);
return path;
But whenever, I try to do this I get the following exception. Cursor Exception
I am new to Xamarin and I don't know how to solve this problem. Please help me with this. Thanks in advance.

How to rename file in c# when uploading?

I am developing one application in web api and angularjs. I have file upload part. I am able to upload files and i am not storing files in webroot(i created folder called Uploads). My problem is i am not using any good naming convention to maintain uniqueness of files so there are chances of overriding files. I am new to angularjs so i refered below link.
This is my controller level code.
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
var uploadPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Uploads");
var multipartFormDataStreamProvider = new CustomUploadMultipartFormProvider(uploadPath);
await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(multipartFormDataStreamProvider);
var fileName = "";
DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var key in multipartFormDataStreamProvider.Contents)
var a = key.Headers;
fileName = a.ContentDisposition.FileName;
foreach (var key in multipartFormDataStreamProvider.FormData.AllKeys)
foreach (var val in multipartFormDataStreamProvider.FormData.GetValues(key))
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", key, val));
In the above code I am trying to add date part to beginning of file name as below
string filenameNew = "App1" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
fileName = filenameNew + a.ContentDisposition.FileName;
public CustomUploadMultipartFormProvider(string path) : base(path) { }
public override string GetLocalFileName(HttpContentHeaders headers)
string startwith = "Nor" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
if (headers != null && headers.ContentDisposition != null)
return headers
return base.GetLocalFileName(headers);
This i tried but whatever the original file name that only comes. May I get some idea where can i append datepart to file while saving? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do inside of the GetLocalFileName, this is pretty messed up.
First off, StartsWith returns a boolean (true or false) that indicates if the string starts with whatever you put in the parenthesis.
string str = "SIMPLE";
bool t = str.StartsWith("SIM"); // true
bool f = str.StartsWith("ZIM"); // false
The fact you're turning this bool back into a string and also passing the string "startsWith" into the method, means it will always return the string "false" (a bool value converted into a string) unless the real filename starts with "startsWith".
I think this is what you're looking for:
public override string GetLocalFileName(HttpContentHeaders headers)
string prefix = "Nor" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
if (headers != null && headers.ContentDisposition != null)
var filename = headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Trim('"');
return prefix + filename;
return base.GetLocalFileName(headers);
My suggestion for you is to learn the basics of C# and .Net a bit more, maybe read a C# book or something.

Parse WebCacheV01.dat in C#

I'm looking to parse the WebCacheV01.dat file using C# to find the last file location for upload in an Internet browser.
I using the Managed Esent nuget package.
When I try and run the below code it fails at:
Api.JetGetDatabaseFileInfo(filePath, out pageSize, JET_DbInfo.PageSize);
Or if I use
Api.JetSetSystemParameter(instance, JET_SESID.Nil, JET_param.CircularLog, 1, null);
Api.JetAttachDatabase(sesid, filePath, AttachDatabaseGrbit.ReadOnly);
I get the following error:
An unhandled exception of type
'Microsoft.Isam.Esent.Interop.EsentFileAccessDeniedException' occurred
in Esent.Interop.dll
Additional information: Cannot access file, the file is locked or in use
string localAppDataPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData);
string filePathExtra = #"\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\WebCacheV01.dat";
string filePath = string.Format("{0}{1}", localAppDataPath, filePathExtra);
JET_INSTANCE instance;
JET_SESID sesid;
JET_DBID dbid;
JET_TABLEID tableid;
String connect = "";
JET_SNP snp;
JET_SNT snt;
object data;
int numInstance = 0;
JET_INSTANCE_INFO [] instances;
int pageSize;
JET_COLUMNID columnid;
Api.JetCreateInstance(out instance, "instance");
Api.JetGetDatabaseFileInfo(filePath, out pageSize, JET_DbInfo.PageSize);
Api.JetSetSystemParameter(JET_INSTANCE.Nil, JET_SESID.Nil, JET_param.DatabasePageSize, pageSize, null);
//Api.JetSetSystemParameter(instance, JET_SESID.Nil, JET_param.CircularLog, 1, null);
Api.JetInit(ref instance);
Api.JetBeginSession(instance, out sesid, null, null);
//Do stuff in db
Api.JetEndSession(sesid, EndSessionGrbit.None);
Is it not possible to read this without making modifications?
The file is probably in use.
in order to free the locked file, please stop the Schedule Task -\Microsoft\Windows\Wininet\CacheTask.
The Code
public override IEnumerable<string> GetBrowsingHistoryUrls(FileInfo fileInfo)
var fileName = fileInfo.FullName;
var results = new List<string>();
int pageSize;
Api.JetGetDatabaseFileInfo(fileName, out pageSize, JET_DbInfo.PageSize);
SystemParameters.DatabasePageSize = pageSize;
using (var instance = new Instance("Browsing History"))
var param = new InstanceParameters(instance);
param.Recovery = false;
using (var session = new Session(instance))
Api.JetAttachDatabase(session, fileName, AttachDatabaseGrbit.ReadOnly);
JET_DBID dbid;
Api.JetOpenDatabase(session, fileName, null, out dbid, OpenDatabaseGrbit.ReadOnly);
using (var tableContainers = new Table(session, dbid, "Containers", OpenTableGrbit.ReadOnly))
IDictionary<string, JET_COLUMNID> containerColumns = Api.GetColumnDictionary(session, tableContainers);
if (Api.TryMoveFirst(session, tableContainers))
var retrieveColumnAsInt32 = Api.RetrieveColumnAsInt32(session, tableContainers, columnIds["ContainerId"]);
if (retrieveColumnAsInt32 != null)
var containerId = (int)retrieveColumnAsInt32;
using (var table = new Table(session, dbid, "Container_" + containerId, OpenTableGrbit.ReadOnly))
var tableColumns = Api.GetColumnDictionary(session, table);
if (Api.TryMoveFirst(session, table))
var url = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(
var downloadedFileName = Api.RetrieveColumnAsString(
if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(downloadedFileName)) // check for download history only.
// Order by access Time to find the last uploaded file.
var accessedTime = Api.RetrieveColumnAsInt64(
var lastVisitTime = accessedTime.HasValue ? DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(accessedTime.Value) : DateTime.MinValue;
while (Api.TryMoveNext(session, table.JetTableid));
} while (Api.TryMoveNext(session, tableContainers));
catch (Exception ex)
// log goes here....
return results;
Task Scheduler Wrapper
You can use Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.TaskService Wrapper to stop it using c#, just add this Nuget package [nuget]:
public static FileInfo CopyLockedFileRtl(DirectoryInfo directory, FileInfo fileInfo, string remoteEndPoint)
FileInfo copiedFileInfo = null;
using (var ts = new TaskService(string.Format(#"\\{0}", remoteEndPoint)))
var task = ts.GetTask(#"\Microsoft\Windows\Wininet\CacheTask");
task.Enabled = false;
var byteArray = FileHelper.ReadOnlyAllBytes(fileInfo);
var filePath = Path.Combine(directory.FullName, "unlockedfile.dat");
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, byteArray);
copiedFileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
task.Enabled = true;
return copiedFileInfo;
I was not able to get Adam's answer to work. What worked for me was making a copy with AlphaVSS (a .NET class library that has a managed API for the Volume Shadow Copy Service). The file was in "Dirty Shutdown" state, so I additionally wrote this to handle the exception it threw when I opened it:
catch (EsentErrorException ex)
{ // Usually after the database is copied, it's in Dirty Shutdown state
// This can be verified by running "esentutl.exe /Mh WebCacheV01.dat"
switch (ex.Error)
case JET_err.SecondaryIndexCorrupted:
logger.Info("Secondary Index Corrupted detected, exiting...");
Api.JetTerm2(instance, TermGrbit.Complete);
return false;
case JET_err.DatabaseDirtyShutdown:
logger.Info("Dirty shutdown detected, attempting to recover...");
Api.JetTerm2(instance, TermGrbit.Complete);
Process.Start("esentutl.exe", "/p /o " + newPath);
Api.JetInit(ref instance);
Api.JetBeginSession(instance, out sessionId, null, null);
Api.JetAttachDatabase(sessionId, newPath, AttachDatabaseGrbit.None);
catch (Exception e2)
logger.Info("Could not recover database " + newPath + ", will try opening it one last time. If that doesn't work, try using other esentutl commands", e2);
I'm thinking about using the 'Recent Items' folder as when you select a file to upload an entry is written here:
string recent = (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent));

Get url from firefox 8 not working anymore

I have a windows applicaiton c# catching the url of a running firefox instance.
I have always used "MozillaContentWindow" to get firefox URL but i dont understand why it dont work anymore.
string s = GetUrlFromBrowsersWithIdentifier("MozillaContentWindow", foreGround);
public string GetUrlFromBrowsersWithIdentifier(string identifier, int foreground)
IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(foreground);
var aeBrowser = AutomationElement.FromHandle(ptr);
return aeBrowser == null ? "" : GetURLfromBrowser(aeBrowser, identifier);
catch (Exception ex)
return "";
string GetURLfromBrowser(AutomationElement rootElement, string identifier)
Condition condition1 = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.IsContentElementProperty, true);
Condition condition2 = new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.ClassNameProperty, identifier);
var walker = new TreeWalker(new AndCondition(condition1, condition2));
var elementNode = walker.GetFirstChild(rootElement);
if (elementNode != null)
var p = elementNode.GetSupportedPatterns();
if (p.Any(autop => autop.ProgrammaticName.Equals("ValuePatternIdentifiers.Pattern")))
var valuePattern = elementNode.GetCurrentPattern(ValuePattern.Pattern) as ValuePattern;
if (valuePattern != null)
return (valuePattern.Current.Value);
return "";
return "";
Now when it enters "walker.GetFirstChild(rootElement);" it just stops there. I cant figure out why. This only happend on latest version of firefox.
Did they change the name of the value bar containing the url?
Thank you
Try using MozillaWindowContentClass for newer versions.

