C# Image: To preserve image's checksum - c#

I have the following codes to convert an image(bitmap) to byte array:
public byte[] ConvertImageToByteArray(Image imageToConvert, ImageFormat formatOfImage)
byte[] Ret;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
imageToConvert.Save(ms, formatOfImage);
Ret = ms.ToArray();
catch (Exception)
return Ret;
and Convert byte array back to image(bitmap):
public Bitmap ConvertByteArrayToImage(byte[] myByteArray)
Image newImage;
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(myByteArray, 0, myByteArray.Length))
ms.Write(myByteArray, 0, myByteArray.Length);
newImage = Image.FromStream(ms, true);
return newImage;
Here's my Main Program:
byte[] test = ConvertImageToByteArray(Image.FromFile("oldImage.bmp"), ImageFormat.Bmp);
Bitmap bmp = ConvertByteArrayToImage(test);
But when I compare both of the image files(old & new bitmap images), their checksum appeared to be different. Any reason for that happening? How to fix it to maintain its integrity?

Basically, there are many ways an identical image can be encoded in a BMP file. If I try your example on a random image I found, I see the .NET Bitmap class saves the file without filling the biSizeImage field in the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure in the BMP header (but the original image produced by IrfanView has it filled), which is a completely correct and documented possibility. (“This may be set to zero for BI_RGB bitmaps.”)
And this is definitely not the only variable thing in the BMP format. For instance, there are multiple possible orderings of pixel data in the image (top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top), specified in the header. (“If biHeight is positive, the bitmap is a bottom-up DIB and its origin is the lower-left corner. If biHeight is negative, the bitmap is a top-down DIB and its origin is the upper-left corner.”)
So, if you receive any BMP file from a source not under your control and really need to produce an image using exactly the same BMP variant, you have a lot work to do, and I don’t think you could use the standard .NET helper classes for that.
See also this question: Save bitmap to file has zero in image size field

After chatting a bit, you solution comes down to reading and writing bytes, take the image object out the equation and just deal with the raw bytes.
To read the file:
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes("filename"));
To write the file:
File.WriteAllBytes("outputfile", ms.ToArray());


Reading a ROS CompressedImage data byte array in C#

I would like to access the value of each individual pixel value of a 16UC1-formatted png image, which I receive as a byte[].
I am realtively new to image processing in C# and I got stuck at this problem for days now.
I can work with a "typical" bgr8-formatted jpg/png byte array simply by:
private static Bitmap getBitmap(byte[] array)
return new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(array));
I tried many things for the 16UC1-format. The furthest i got is:
private Bitmap getBitmap(byte[] array)
var bitmap = new Bitmap(640,480,PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);
var bitmapData = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 640, 480), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555);
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, array, 0, array.Length);
return bitmap;
this at least returns a bitmap, though it is completely black.
Trying PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale instead of PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555 gives me a "General error in GDI+".
When writing the byte array to a file by e.g. by
File.WriteAllBytes(filename, array);
I can see the image with image viewers like IrfanView, though Windows photo viewer fails.
Reading the file as a Bitmap is not required. I want to avoid file operations for performance reasons. I simply want to access each individual xy-pixel of that image.
I started using Emgu.CV and applying imdecode as Dan suggested below.
private Bitmap getCompressedDepthBitmap(byte[] data)
Mat result = new Mat(new Size(640, 480), DepthType.Cv16U, 1);
CvInvoke.Imdecode(data,LoadImageType.AnyDepth, result);
return result.Bitmap;
This again gives me a black image. (By saving the byte array via WriteAllBytes I see useful contents.) I also tried
Image<Gray, float> image = result.ToImage<Gray, float>();
image.Save(Path.Combine(localPath, "image.png"));
which as well gave me a black image.
I am planning to normalize the Mat now somehow, maybe this helps...
Thank you for your interest and your support!
After hours and hours of wasted working time and despair I finally found the solution...
One important thing I was missing in my description above is that the image data byte[] is coming from of a ROS sensor_msgs/CompressedImage.msg.
The data byte array, which is supposed to contain the png data, sometimes starts with a 12byte header; seemingly only if the data is (1 channel) compressedDepth image. I acciendently found this info here.
Removing these awesomely obnoxous 12 bytes and continung as usual does the job:
var bitmap = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(dataSkip(12).ToArray()));

Storing BMP in icon file

I have a program to combine graphics files in an icon. Sizes include 16,24,32,48,256 32bit. These use PNG and works. I have correct header and directory/index record list.
However, for 8 bit I am using BMP with the first 14 bytes of the header of a BMP stripped off. This part of the icon file does not work. Having looked at a MS icon they have BMP stored again with the 14 byte header removed. Looking at their BMP data they have the second header as I do but for 16x16 the second header (BITMAPINFOHEADER) says 16x32. The BMP seams to be twice the width. Why? Is the image twice the width with a bit mask or something?
Here's my code: (Note image is 32x32 bitmap 32bit when passed.)
using (Bitmap imageAsBitmap = new Bitmap(image))
int colorCount = 0;
using (Bitmap bitmap = imageAsBitmap.ColourReduction256(out colorCount))
byte[] imageBytes = new byte[] { };
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
bitmap.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
imageBytes = ms.ToArray();
byte[] data = new byte[] { };
Array.Resize(ref data, imageBytes.Length - 14);
Array.Copy(imageBytes, 14, data, 0, data.Length);
enteries.Add(new IconEntry(data, image.Width, image.Height, 8));
Yes, you are right:
Images with less than 32 bits of color depth follow a particular
format: the image is encoded as a single image consisting of a color
mask (the "XOR mask") together with an opacity mask (the "AND mask")[..]
What results in:
[..] the masks must each be of the same dimensions, and the height
specified in the BMP header must be exactly twice the height specified
in the ICONDIRENTRY structure
Take a look here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICO_(file_format)


I have the following code to rotate an image in C#:
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
using (var image = Image.FromStream(stream))
image.Save(path1, ImageFormat.Png);
If the original file size was 700 KiB, the new rotated file has size of 7+ MiB.
What is wrong with this code? Any help is much appreciated.
I tried changing the line image.Save(path1, ImageFormat.Png) to image.Save(path1) and image.Save(path1, image.RawFormt) with no improvement.
C# - How to change PNG quality or color depth
This guy's question looks similar to the same thing you are seeing.
PNG is a bitmap file format:
higher filesize compared to jpg
Because of this you should safe your image as jpg:
Thus lossless PNG format is best suited for pictures still under edition - and the lossy formats, like JPEG, are best for the final distribution of photographic images, because in this case JPG files are usually smaller [...]
Source: wikipedia
Try safing the image in JPEG via:
image.Save(path, YourClass.GetImageFormat(image));
Rotating an JPG file with this method and the size stays the same.
Rotating a 15.7MiB BMP file, the new size is ~800kiB.
To use the existing file format, use this extension method:
public static System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat GetImageFormat(System.Drawing.Image img)
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Exif))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Exif;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Icon;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.MemoryBmp))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.MemoryBmp;
if (img.RawFormat.Equals(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff))
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff;
return System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Wmf;
Source: StackOverflow
Remember you have to look for the format before you manipulate the image.
Otherwise the image will be recognised as MemoryBmp.
using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
using (var image = Image.FromStream(stream))
var format = YourClass.GetImageFormat(image);
image.Save(path, format);

Changing Bitmaps using c#

I was working on my college project where i was trying to change bit values of a Bitmap.
I am loading the bitmap to the memory stream, then extracting it to byte[] array. Now I was changing few central bits of this byte[] array and then converting it back to a bitmap image.
But i got a run time exception that "Invalid Bitmap".
Does a bitmap have some special format instead of simple bits???
Following is the code used by me:
MemoryStream mstream = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(#"D:\my_pic.bmp");
b.Save(mstream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
byte[] ba = mstream.ToArray();
byte[] _Buffer = null;
System.IO.FileStream _FileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(_FileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
System.IO.BinaryReader _BinaryReader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(_FileStream);
long _TotalBytes = new System.IO.FileInfo(_FileName).Length;
_Buffer = _BinaryReader.ReadBytes((Int32)_TotalBytes);
// close file reader
int leng1 = ba.Length;
int leng2=_Buffer.Length;
TypeConverter tc = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Bitmap));
Bitmap bitmap1 = (Bitmap)tc.ConvertFrom(ba);
You must have your own goal to want to operate at this low level with a bitmap and that's fine. Unless you are performance bound it is way easier to do graphics at the graphics API level. Even if you are performance sensitive, other people have cut a path through the jungle already.
Back to the question. The BMP file format is simpler than some others but still comes in many varieties. Here is a detailed introduction to the gory details of the BMP format:
BMP file format
Now if you are just parsing your own BMP files and you know they are 32-bit RGB, and the header is going to be such-and-such a size which you can skip over, etc, then that might work for you. If you need to handle any old BMP it gets messy real fast which is why the libraries try to take care of everything for you.

C#: How to convert BITMAP byte array to JPEG format?

How can I convert a BITMAP in byte array format to JPEG format using .net 2.0?
What type of byte[] do you mean? The raw file-stream data? In which case, how about something like (using System.Drawing.dll in a client application):
using(Image img = Image.FromFile("foo.bmp"))
img.Save("foo.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
Or use FromStream with a new MemoryStream(arr) if you really do have a byte[]:
byte[] raw = ...todo // File.ReadAllBytes("foo.bmp");
using(Image img = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(raw)))
img.Save("foo.jpg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);
If it is just a buffer of raw pixel data, and not a complete image file(including headers etc., such as a JPEG) then you can't use Image.FromStream.
I think what you might be looking for is System.Drawing.Bitmap.LockBits, returning a System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageData; this provides access to reading and writing the image's pixels using a pointer to memory.
public static Bitmap BytesToBitmap(byte[] byteArray)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray))
Bitmap img = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms);
return img;

