Making text popup in a C# forms application on mouseover [duplicate] - c#

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Closed 10 years ago.
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create custom tooltip C#
Does anyone know of a way to make a box 'popup' when the user cursors over a certain item?
For example, I want to have a PictureBox on a C# forms application and when the user cursors over it, a box of text will pop up.
I'm aware of ToolTip however I was thinking of something more customisable; in my mind I'm thinking of the kind of popup boxes you see in World of WarCraft when you cursor over an item in your inventory (obviously it doesn't have to be THAT flashy, but at least one where the text colour, background colour, text etc. are all modifiable).

You can use a ToolStripControlHost to host a control (for instance a panel) and add the content you want. Then you add that control to a ToolStripDropDown using the Items collection, and use the Show(Control,Point) method to show the control.
Thought I'd add an example
public class Form1 {
public Form1() {
ToolStripDropDown customToolTip = new ToolStripDropDown();
customToolTip.Items.Add(new CustomPopupControl("Hello", "world"));
MouseMove += (o, e) => {
Point location = e.Location;
location.Offset(0, 16);
customToolTip.Show(this, location);
class CustomPopupControl : ToolStripControlHost {
public CustomPopupControl(string title, string message)
: base(new Panel()) {
Label titleLabel = new Label();
titleLabel.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
titleLabel.Text = title;
titleLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
Label messageLabel = new Label();
messageLabel.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight;
messageLabel.Text = message;
messageLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Control.MinimumSize = new Size(90, 64);

I mean if it a button or an image button you can add something like MouseHover action and then show your message
private void button1_MouseHover(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

you need to customize the tooltip. refer to
There are some other articles there, but this one works fine for me.
You may need to add code for your requirement.


How to make button stands on top of the listbox

I have custom listBox :
public class List:ListBox
private Button but;
public List()
but = new Button();
but.Location = this.Location;
but.Width = this.Width;
but.Height = 100;
I want something like this:
I want button to be on top of the listBox, and if it have scroll , to maintain on top.
What i get is this
Is it possible to do that? Because listBox isnt container component and i heard that isnt very smart to play with it, but i dont have other way.
Suppose your ListBox name is TestLB. Then you can use the codes below.
Button but;
but = new Button
Location = TestLB.Location,
Width = TestLB.Width,
Height = 100,
Text = "Click"

Bring a control to front

I have a user control that uses a textbox and a list box. List box isn't visible, it only becomes visible when user starts typing or click in text box.
I have added the user control to a group box which is on the form.
Now when the listox becomes visible, it stays inside the group box, and can't see the full height. I wan't it float on top so that i can see the full height.
I have looked around, implemented some solutions but nothing worked for me.
Constructor for the user control
namespace YarCustomControl
public partial class YarCustom : TextBox
public YarCustom()
_code = "";
_id = -1;
//list box handling
listBox = new ListBox();
listBox.Visible = false;
listBox.Font = this.Font;
listBox.Location = this.Location;
listBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
listBox.Resize += new EventHandler(listBox_Resize);
//listBox.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(listBox_SelectedValueChanged);
listBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(listBox_KeyDown);
listBox.Click += new EventHandler(listBox_Click);
//test => no affect on listbox
listBox.Visible = false;
and the following method makes the listbox visible. Both SetchildIndex (commented and not commented) throw an error
private void makeListBoxVisible()
Form parentForm = (this.FindForm() as Form);
//parentForm.Controls.SetChildIndex(listBox, 0);
this.Controls.SetChildIndex(listBox, 0);
listBox.Visible = true;
What is the best approach for handling something like this?
My environment is VS2010 and WinForms.
Now when the listox becomes visible, it stays inside the group box,
and can't see the full height. I wan't it float on top so that i can
see the full height.
Simply put it directly on the Form.

How can I save a dynamically created user control if it contains some buttons in c#?

I am new to C#. I am using windows forms and I have Form1 which contains 2 buttons ( one to create user control at run time and the other creates buttons on user control at run time).
This code creates user control and FlowLayoutPanel (to organize button position) if you click add_UserControl button. And then it creates buttons on FlowLayoutPanel if you click Add_Buttons button and it is all done at run time.
Now in Form1 let's say I created user control and FlowLayoutPanel and then created 5 buttons , how can I save the properties/details of this user control with its FlowLayoutPanel and 5 buttons in SQL database so I can use them later when I run the program? I have been thinking about an idea and I reached the internet but no luck.
Any idea? Please help me. Thank you
public partial class Form1 : Form
FlowLayoutPanel FLP = new FlowLayoutPanel();
UserControl uc = new UserControl();
private void add_UserControl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
uc.Height = 700;
uc.Width = 900;
uc.BackColor = Color.Black;
Controls.Add(uc); //add UserControl on Form1
FLP.Height = 600;
FLP.Width = 800;
FLP.BackColor = Color.DimGray;
uc.Controls.Add(FLP); // add FlowLayoutPanel to UserControl
private void Add_Buttons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//####### add buttons to FlowLayoutPanel ############
Button dynamicButton = new Button();
dynamicButton.Height = 50;
dynamicButton.Width = 200;
dynamicButton.BackColor = Color.Green;
dynamicButton.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
dynamicButton.Text = "";
OK, First you need to create a class that will represent one of the buttons with the properties you need.
class MyButton
public string ButtonText {get;set;}
Everytime you click and create a button, you actually create an object of this class and add it to a collection or list. Then you would have some other code watching over the collection, and every time it gets a new entry, it creates a new button and sets its Button text to the text property. when a member of list is gone, it removes the button.
If you need more properties to be remembered (color, size, font, ...) you add them to the class as well. If you need for other controls, as well, .... you can always create common parent controls.
If you want to be able to reload it, you could define the MyButton class as serializable and store it in xml file, and upon build, reload it.
You should watch into WPF and it's MVVM pattern. It's pretty much similar to it. Also have a look into command pattern, usefull pattern when it commes to this.
You can remember the FlowLayoutsPanels in one SQL table and in another table you could save the buttons which belong to these FlowLayoutPanels.
On Form Load or Application Load, you could check if there are already FlowLayoutPanels and correspending Buttons do exist in the SQL db and if yes then create them, else do nothing.

How to position a borderless form under buttons

I have created 4 buttons dynamically and placed them horizontally using c# win forms.Now i want show a custom tooltip(actually its a borderless form) under each of the 4 buttons on mouse hover event.But how do i position my tooltip form under the buttons??
I have tried the code below but it does not work the desired way.
tooltip.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Left, b.Top);
Where 'tooltip' is tooltip form object & 'b' is the dynamic button.Please advise with some code snippet.
private void B_MouseHover(object sender, EventArgs e)
var b = sender as Button;
if(b!= null)
if (tooltip == null)
tooltip = new frmSecQStatToolTipDlg();
tooltip.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(b.Left, b.Bottom);;
The way you named it is a bit misleading. As I understand, what you call a tooltip is just a Form. You need to consider 2 things
(1) Form.StartPosition must be set to FormStartPosition.Manual
(2) Form.Location must be in screen coordinates. Note that the Button.Location you are trying to use is in button's parent client coordinates. Control.PointToScreen has to be used for conversion.
In your case, it should be something like this
tooltip.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
var topLeft = b.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
tooltip.Location = new Point(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y + b.Height);
When you show the tooltip you can control its location, check show method overloads:

In C#, is there a way to open a 2nd form with a tab selected?

Does anyone know a way to open a 2nd form in a .NET application with a certain tab selected in a tab control on that form?
This is what my current code looks like which just opens the form:
SettingsForm TheSettingsForm = new SettingsForm(this);
SettingsForm.cs is the name of the 2nd form to be opened.
Thanks in advance,
You just need to expose a property on your form that allows the calling code to set the desired tab. You might do it just by index like this:
var form = new SettingsForm(this);
form.SelectedTab = 2;
The property on the form would just set the appropriate property on the tab control:
public int SelectedTab
get { return _tabControl.SelectedIndex; }
set { _tabControl.SelectedIndex = value; }
Do something like this:
SettingsForm TheSettingsForm = new SettingsForm(this);
TheSettingsForm.TabPanel.SelectedIndex = SettingsFormTabIndexes.MyDesiredTab;
where you've made a property in TheSettingsForm that exposes the tab control and SettingsFormTabIndexes is a friendly enum naming all the tabs by index.
Add an event handler to the TabControl.SelectedIndexChanged event.
myTabControl.SelectedIndexChanged += myTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged;
private void myTabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
TabControl tc = sender as TabControl;
if (tc.SelectedIndex == indexOfTabToShowFormOn) {

