Is there a Java equivalent for XmlDocument.LoadXml() from .NET? - c#

In .NET C#, when trying to load a string into xml, you need to use XmlDocument type from System.Xml and do the following:
string xmlStr = "<name>Oscar</name>";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
This seems simple but how can I do this in Java? Is it possible to load a string into xml using something directly, short and simple like above and avoid implementing other methods for this?
Thanks in advance.

Try this:
DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuildFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder doccumentBuilder = documentBuildFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document =
doccumentBuilder.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream("<name>Oscar</name>".getBytes()));
You can traverse Oscar by:
String nodeText = document.getChildNodes().item(0).getTextContent() ;
To transaform back:
TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
DOMSource domSource = new DOMSource(document);
//to print the string in sysout, System.out
StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(System.out);
transformer.transform(domSource, streamResult );
To get the result in String:
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
ByteArrayOutputStream outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(outStream);
transformer.transform(source, result);
String resultString = new String( outStream.toByteArray());

You have a choice of tree models in Java - DOM, XOM, JDOM, DOM4J. Many people (including Singh above) use DOM by default because it is included in the JDK, but it's probably the worst of the bunch, largely because it's the oldest (it was invented before namespaces came along), and because it tries to do too much (HTML, event handling etc, as well as XML). I'd suggest using JDOM2. It shouldn't be hard if you look at the Javadoc for you to find the method that builds a JDOM2 document from an input stream.

Java has a ton of libraries for working with XML. In addition to the many classes that work with XML included with the standard Java installation, there are lots of other open source libraries available. Here are a few options. Take a look at the docs and see which one meets your needs:
The XStream Library is very fast and easy to use. I've used it for XML serialization and I'm very happy with it. If you would rather not use an extrenal library, then try
the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder class that is demonstrated here

If you want to parse a String str to Document in Java, you can do following:
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(str.getBytes("UTF-8"));
return docBuilder.parse(is);


scraping data from website with a C# console application

I'm trying to learn Spanish and making some flash cards (for my personal use) to help me learn the verbs.
Here is an example, page example. So near the top of the page you will see the past participle: bloqueado & gerund: bloqueando. It is these two values that I wish to obtain in my code and use for my flash cards.
If this is possible I will use a C# console application. I am aware that scraping data from a website is not ideal however this is a once off.
Any guidance on how to start something like this and pitfalls to avoid would be very helpful!
I know this isn't an exact answer, but here is the process I would suggest. and mirror the website to a
folder. Wget is a web spider and will follow the links on the site until it has downloaded everything. You'll have to run it with a few different parameters until you figure out the correct settings you want.
Use C# to run through each file in the folder and extract the
words from <section class="verb-mood-section"> in each file. It's your choosing of whether you want to output them to the console or store them in a database or flat file.
Should be that easy, in theory.
Use SGMLReader. SGMLReader is a versatile and robust component that will stream HTML to an XMLReader:
XmlDocument FromHtml(TextReader reader) {
// setup SgmlReader
Sgml.SgmlReader sgmlReader = new Sgml.SgmlReader();
sgmlReader.DocType = "HTML";
sgmlReader.WhitespaceHandling = WhitespaceHandling.All;
sgmlReader.CaseFolding = Sgml.CaseFolding.ToLower;
sgmlReader.InputStream = reader;
// create document
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
doc.XmlResolver = null;
return doc;
You can see that you need to create a TextReader first. TThis would in reality be a StreamReader as a TextReader is an abstract class.
Then you create the XMLDocument over that. Once you've got it into the XMLDocument you can use the various methods supported by XMLDocument to isolate and extract the nodes you need. I'll leave you to explore that aspect of it.
You might try using the XDocument class as it's a lot easier to handle than the XMLDocument, especially if you're a newbie. It also supports LINQ.

Read HL7 cda xml file using Everest Framework .Net

I have read that everest framework support HL7 CDA V3 Xml file but I cant find any examples on how to use this framework to read data from xml files.
Does anybody know how to do it ?
Framework link:
There are some examples which hint at this, and the guide book has some good examples. In the code documentation there is an example which reads from a string (see XmlIts1Formatter.Parse's documentation), which you can adapt to any XmlReader:
using(XmlStateReader xr = new XmlStateReader(XmlReader.Create(#"C:\path-to-file.xml")))
var fmtr = new XmlIts1Formatter();
fmtr.ValidateConformance = false;
fmtr.GraphAides.Add(new ClinicalDocumentDatatypeFormatter());
var parseResult = fmtr.Parse(xr, typeof(ClinicalDocument));
// There is a variable called structure which will contain your
var cda = parseResult.Structure as ClinicalDocument;
I don't know about this framework, but me advice for parsing HL7 CDA, is doing it using XML technologies like Xpath. Better performance and simpler

XSL + XML -> PDF for C#

I know several people asked questions like this, but no answer helped to solve my problem.
Well, I have xsl and xml and want to generate pdf with a processor like Apache.FOP.
I am not able to use any JAVA programms like that. Just able to use C# libraries / exe.
I tried to use nFop:
Version 1.x uses and..
Version 2.0 doesn't have the ability to set XsltSettings
My current Software uses XSL + XML -> HTML (using standard Stystm.Xml.Xsl on C#) and wktmltopdf to generate PDF from created HTML.
But tables got split when they are too long for the page, and on the next page you don't have any column headers (this is very important for my problem).
I think there are no Free FO-Processor for pure C
Have a look at FoNET.
public static bool XMLToPDF(string pXmlFile, string pXslFile, string pFoFile, string pPdfFile)
string lBaseDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pXslFile);
XslCompiledTransform lXslt = new XslCompiledTransform();
lXslt.Transform(pXmlFile, pFoFile);
FileStream lFileInputStreamFo = new FileStream(pFoFile, FileMode.Open);
FileStream lFileOutputStreamPDF = new FileStream(pPdfFile, FileMode.Create);
FonetDriver lDriver = FonetDriver.Make();
lDriver.BaseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(lBaseDir);
lDriver.CloseOnExit = true;
lDriver.Render(lFileInputStreamFo, lFileOutputStreamPDF);
return System.IO.File.Exists(pPdfFile);

How to transform XMLDocument using XSLT in C# 2.0

I am using C# 2.0 and I have got below code:
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
In above I am loading my XMLDocument with method which returns as string, now after some processing on above xmldocument I want to apply XSLT on the above XMLDocument to render my desired result according to XSLT and finally my function will return whole rendered XML as string
Please suggest!!
Please suggest on below solution:
XslCompiledTransform xslTransform = new XslCompiledTransform();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
xslTransform.Transform(doc.CreateNavigator(),null, writer);
return writer.ToString();
Try the XslCompiledTransform class.
There are lots of examples on the web of transforming an XML file to a different format using an XSLT file, like the following:
XslTransform myXslTransform = new XslTransform();
XsltSettings myXsltSettings = new XsltSettings();
myXsltSettings.EnableDocumentFunction = true;
myXslTransform.Transform("input.xml", "output.xml");
However this is only a partial answer, I would like to be able to get the XML input data from a web form and use that as the input data instead of an '.xml' file, but have not found any concrete examples, also using Visual Studio I can see the different constructors and methods that are available and I am not seeing one that accepts xml data in a string format, so it would be very helpful if someone could provide an example of that.
Re " I want my same XMlDocument updated " - it doesn't work like that; the output is separate to the input. If that is important, just use a StringWriter or MemoryStream as the destination, then reload the XmlDocument from the generated output.
Consider in particular: the output from an xslt transformation does not have to be xml, and also: the xslt is most likely using the node tree during the operation; changing the structure in-place would make that very hard.

How to transform an xml string using a XSLT in C#

I'd like to transform a string that contains an xml using a XSLT, it's for a Colombian company, so I have the following code (don't try to understand it):
string xmlTFDNode = #<tfd:TimbreFiscalDigital xmlns:tfd="" xsi:schemaLocation=" TimbreFiscalDigital.xsd" selloCFD="tOSe+Ex/wvn33YlGwtfmrJwQ31Crd7lI9VcH63TGjHfxk5vfb3q9uSbDUGk9TXvo70ydOpikRVw+9B2Six0m bu3PjoPpO909oAYITrRyomdeUGJ4vmA2/12L86EJLWpU7vIt4cL8HpkEw7TOFhSdpzb/890+jP+C1adBsHU1VHc=" FechaTimbrado="2010-03-06T20:40:10" UUID="ad662d33-6934-459c-a128-bdf0393e0f44" noCertificadoSAT="30001000000100000801" version="1.0" selloSAT="j5bSpqM3w0+shGtImqOwqqy6+d659O78ckfstu5vTSFa+2CVMj6Awfr18x4yMLGBwk6ruYbjBlVURodEIl6n JIhTTUtYQV1cbRDG9kvvhaNAakxqaSOnOx79nHxqFPRVoqh10CsjocS9PZkSM2jz1uwLgaF0knf1g8pjDkLYwlk="/>
and I have a XLST stored on the server named InvoiceTFD.xslt
This is the XSLT file
I want to create a method to return a string with the data transformed, it shoud look like this (that's what the XSLT does):
lB1D/JWc+zntkgW+Ig49WnlKyXi0LOlBOVuxckDb7EAx4=|12345678901234 567890||
The problem I is that the XslTransform.Transform method creates a new file, and I don't want to write a file
Recapitulating, I just want to take a string, transform it using a XSLT file I have, and return a string with the transformation without creating files on the server, that's it!
I believe it's not that hard, but I'm new in .NET so I really don't know how to do it :(
Thanks in advance and have a great day guys !!
You can write to a memory stream:
MemoryStream oStream = new MemoryStream()
oXslt.Transform(new XPathDocument(new XmlNodeReader(oXml)), null, oStream );
oStream.Position = 0
StreamReader oReader = new StreamReader(oStream);
string output = oReader.ReadToEnd();
BTW, use XPathDocument and XslCompiledTransform. They are much faster than XslTransform and XmlDocument. Even if you use an XmlDocument to create the xml, covert it to an XPathDocument for the transform.
Transform method can take Stream outputStream parameter. You can create StringWriter and pass it as output stream.
Use XslCompiledTransform instead of XslTransform. Use method: XslCompiledTransform.Transform, save result to OutputStream.
As I see, your XSLT is version 2.0. Neither of them support XSLT 2.0.

