New to C# - trying to write code to do a simple function - c#

I'm new to C# (worked in PHP, Python, and Javascript) and I'm trying to more or less make a duplicate of another page and change some things - to make a form and database submission.
Anyway, here's the code:
public partial class commenter : System.Web.UI.Page
string employee_reviewed;
//public Commenter();
public void SaveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CommentTB.Text == "Please enter a comment.")
String csname = "Email Error";
Type cstype = this.GetType();
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
if (!cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered(cstype, csname))
String cstext = "alert('Please submit at least one comment.');";
cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, csname, cstext, true);
FormMessage.Text = "Please submit at least one comment.";
string comment = CommentTB.Text;
comment = comment.Replace("'", "''");
comment = comment.Replace("’", "''");
comment = comment.Replace("`", "''");
MySqlCommand myCommand;
MySqlConnection connection;
string connStringName = "server=localhost;database=hourtracking;uid=username;password=password";
connection = new MySqlConnection(connStringName);
string sql_query;
sql_query = "insert into peer_review_comment " + " (emp_id, comment)" + " values(?employeeid, ?comment) ";
//String csname = "Email Error";
//Type cstype = this.GetType();
//ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
//cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, csname, sql_query, true);
myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql_query, connection);
//FormMessage.Text = sql_query;
Trace.Write("comment = ", comment);
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?employeeid", ViewState["employeeid"].ToString()));
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?comment", comment));
catch (Exception ex)
FormMessage.Text = "Error:SaveBtn_Click - " + ex.Message;
//SendNotification(from, to, cc, subject, body, attach);
FormMessage.Text = "\n Thank you for leaving anonymous feedback for " + employee_reviewed; ;
ThankyouDiv.Visible = true;
FormFieldDiv.Visible = false;
reviewHeader.Visible = false;
catch (Exception ex)
FormMessage.Text = "Error:SaveBtn_Click - " + ex.Message;
I really have little idea what I'm doing - I'm reading the tutorials, but C# is a significantly different language than I am used to.
I get the Javascript alert when I do not change the text currently, but submission isn't working - I want it to submit to peer_review_comment database table, and fill in employeeid as well as the submitted comment.
Sorry if my understanding is so spotty, I am a TOTAL C# newbie (currently reading

My guess is the problem is here:
catch (Exception ex)
FormMessage.Text = "Error:SaveBtn_Click - " + ex.Message;
// no "return;" !!
//SendNotification(from, to, cc, subject, body, attach);
FormMessage.Text = "\n Thank you for leaving anonymous feedback for " +
employee_reviewed; ;
Your catch block is setting the FormMessage.Text value bot not exiting the method, so the method keeps executing where the catch block finishes off, resetting the Text value and appearing that no exception was thrown.
add a return; at the end of your catch block to see the excpetion message.
Some general guidelines to make these kinds of problems easier to trap:
Don't try to do too much in one method. Have one method that validates the message (or do it client-side using Validators, another to do the DB call, etc.
Learn to use the debugger. You can step through code and get a better idea of what causes these kinds of errors.
Unless you can DO something about an exception, there's no harm in letting them bubble up to a higher level event handler (like Elmah) so exceptions don't get accidentally swallowed like it does here. In general it's preferrable to re-throw exceptions in lower-level methods (maybe adding some context or a user-friendly message) so the higher level exception handling can decide what to do (show a message, log, etc.)

I have taken the liberty of refactoring your code. This shows some better code practices but may also show you the problem. Along with these code changes I would also recommend reading D. Stanley's answer; there are some helpful tips in there as well.
if (CommentTB.Text == "Please enter a comment.")
String csname = "Email Error";
Type cstype = this.GetType();
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
if (!cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered(cstype, csname))
String cstext = "alert('Please submit at least one comment.');";
cs.RegisterStartupScript(cstype, csname, cstext, true);
FormMessage.Text = "Please submit at least one comment.";
// This helps some but very little, just wanted to show an alternative to writing three statements
string comment = CommentTB.Text.Replace("'", "''").Replace("’", "''").Replace("`", "''");
//string comment = CommentTB.Text;
//comment = comment.Replace("'", "''");
//comment = comment.Replace("’", "''");
//comment = comment.Replace("`", "''");
// No need to do string concatenation...just make it one string.
// sql_query = "insert into peer_review_comment " + " (emp_id, comment)" + " values(?employeeid, ?comment) ";
string sql_query = "insert into peer_review_comment (emp_id, comment) values (?employeeid, ?comment) ";
string connStringName = "server=localhost;database=hourtracking;uid=username;password=password";
// Use a "using" clause because it guarantees the connection is closed even when an exception occurs.
using (MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(connStringName))
// Again, use a "using" clause
using (MySqlCommand myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sql_query, connection))
Trace.Write("comment = ", comment);
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?employeeid", ViewState["employeeid"].ToString()));
myCommand.Parameters.Add(new MySqlParameter("?comment", comment));
// No need for a Close statement with "using" clause.
FormMessage.Text = "\n Thank you for leaving anonymous feedback for " + employee_reviewed;
ThankyouDiv.Visible = true;
FormFieldDiv.Visible = false;
reviewHeader.Visible = false;
catch (Exception ex)
FormMessage.Text = "Error:SaveBtn_Click - " + ex.Message;


Index was outside the bounds of the array in MSCORLIB.DLL

I will be amazed if I find a solution for this, since it is very specific and vague, but I figured I would try. I'll try to give as much information as humanly possible, since I've been searching for answers for some time now.
I am building a utility in C# which copies records from a file in a library on the i-series/AS400 and builds an encrypted text file with each record from the AS400 as a comma separated string. In the file, it will have values like filename, fieldvalue1, fieldvalue2, fieldvalue3. I then take that text file to another PC, and run a C# utility which copies that record into the same file name in a library over there on a different i-series machine. Unfortunately, I receive the outside bounds of the array exception in some cases, but I cannot determine why. In the record just prior to the exception, the record looks pretty much the same and it works fine. My code is below in a nutshell. I usually don't give up, but I don't expect to ever figure this out. If someone does, I'll probably sing karaoke tonight.
// Select records from AS400 file and write them to text file
Recordset rs = new Recordset();
sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + dataLibrary + "." + fileName;
rs.Open(sqlQuery, con);
while (!rs.EOF)
int[] fieldLengths;
fieldLengths = new int[rs.Fields.Count];
String[] fieldValues;
fieldValues = new String[rs.Fields.Count];
String fullString = "";
for (i = 0; i < rs.Fields.Count; i++)
fieldLengths[i] += rs.Fields[i].DefinedSize;
fieldValues[i] += rs.Fields[i].Value;
fullString = fileName + "," + String.Join(",", fieldValues);
fullString = Functions.EncryptString(fullString);
File.AppendAllText(savefile.FileName, fullString + Environment.NewLine);
catch (Exception ex)
// This gives me a text file of filename, fieldvalue1, fieldvalue2, etc...
// Next, I take the file to another system and run this process:
while ((myString = inputFile.ReadLine()) != null)
int stringLength = myString.Length;
String[] valuesArray = myString.Split(',');
for (i = 0; i < valuesArray.Length; i++)
if (i == 0)
fileName = valuesArray[0];
// Create file if it doesn't exist already
createPhysicalFile(newLibrary, fileName);
SQLStatement = "INSERT INTO " + newLibrary + "." + fileName + "VALUES(";
if (i == valuesArray.Length - 1)
SQLStatement += "#VAL" + i + ")";
SQLStatement += "#VAL" + i + ", ";
using (connection)
catch (Exception ex)
// Create a new SQL command
iDB2Command command = new iDB2Command(SQLStatement, connection);
for (i = 1; i < valuesArray.Length; i++)
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#VAL" + i, (valuesArray[i]));
catch (Exception ex)
// Just split the array into a string to visually check
// differences in the records
String arraySplit = ConvertStringArrayToString(valuesArray);
// The query gets executed here. The command looks something
// like:
// There are actually 320 fields in the file I'm having a problem with,
// so it's possible I'm overlooking something. I have narrowed it down to
// field # 316 when the exception occurs, but in both cases
// field 316 is blanks (when it works and when it doesn't).
catch (Exception ex)
// Here I get the exception out of bounds error in MSCORLIB.DLL.
// Some records are added fine, while others cause this exception.
// I cannot visibly tell any major differences, nor do I see any
// errors in the AS400 job log or anything in C# that would lead me
// down a certain path.
String error = ex.Message;
For what it's worth, I found this happening one a smaller file in the system and was able to figure out what going on, after painstaking research into the code and the net. Basically, the file file has numeric fields on the i-series. Somehow, the records were written to the file on the original system with null values in the numeric fields instead of numeric values. When storing the original records, I had to do this calculation:
String fieldType = rs.Fields[i].Type.ToString();
object objValue = rs.Fields[i].Value;
if (fieldType == "adNumeric" && objValue is DBNull)
fieldValues[i] += "0";
fieldValues[i] += rs.Fields[i].Value;
After this, if null values were found in one of the numeric fields, it just put "0" in it's place so that when writing to the new machine, it would put a valid numeric character in there and continue on writing the rest of the values. Thanks for all the advice and moral support. :)

Unauthoriezed Access Exception

i have a cloud database server like application on my computer that i'm hosting my game on. However, every time an user tries to save data i get an UnauthorizedAccessException.
Im running it by admin and i dont have any specias right in my folder so i have no idea what's the problem.
Here's my code:
public const string root = "D:/DATABASE/";
public static void WriteData(string playername, string type, string data)
if (!Directory.Exists("D:/DATABASE/" + playername))
Directory.CreateDirectory("D:/DATABASE/" + playername);
Directory.CreateDirectory("D:/DATABASE/" + playername + "/weapons");
if (type != "Weapon")
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D:/DATABASE/" + playername + "/" + type + ".sav"))
string[] dat = data.Split('%');
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("D:/DATABASE/" + playername + "/weapons/" + dat[0] + ".gfa"))
string[] lines = dat[1].Split('#');
foreach (string cline in lines)
public static string ReadLoadout(string playername)
string output = "";
string[] items = new string[2];
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(root + playername + "/loadout.gfl"))
items[0] = sr.ReadLine();
items[1] = sr.ReadLine();
int c = 0;
foreach (string citem in items)
if (c > 0) output += "$";
output += citem + "%" + GetCompressedWeaponFile(playername, citem);
return output;
public static string GetCompressedWeaponFile(string playerName, string weaponName)
string output = "";
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(root + playerName + "/weapons/" + weaponName))
string line = " ";
int c = 0;
while (line != null)
line = sr.ReadLine();
if (line != null)
if (c > 0) output += "#";
output += line;
return output;
public static void RegisterNewUser(string username, string password, string email)
string udir = root + username;
Directory.CreateDirectory(udir + "/weapons");
Directory.CreateDirectory(udir + "/loadouts");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/password.sav", password);
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/level.sav", "1");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/money.sav", "1000");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/email.sav", email);
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/loadout.gfl", "");
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(root + "emails.txt", true))
Email.Send(email, "New Account Registration", string.Format(mailTemplate, username, password));
public static void EditLoadout(string username, string items)
File.WriteAllLines(root + username + "/loadout.gfl",items.Split('#'));
It is difficult to provide specific help without more information. Here are a few of troubleshooting suggestions:
1) Try running your code on a different machine. Specifically your development computer. Do you still have the same error? If not, then there is indeed a permission problem.
2) Have you tried checking the stack trace of the exception?
When you run the application on your own computer, try using the IDE to display the exception. Yes, the problem may ultimately be in a low-level class, but you should be able to break on the error and go back in the call stack to see which method in your code is actually throwing the error.
3) Check the actual exception, even for a system-level exception.
Chances are, if you are able to debug this in the IDE, that you will see property information that will give you a hint. Is it in a directory method or a file write method? Check additional properties. Somewhere it might give you the text of the path (assuming it's a file issue) that it failed on that that could help narrow things down too.
4) Add Exception handling to your code
This is a good rule of thumb, and you should really do this anyway to make a stronger program. Regardless of who's method you are calling (yours, someone else's, or a system method) you need to determine where it should be handled.
For example, in your code, in the RegisterNewUser() method, consider something like:
public static void RegisterNewUser(string username, string password, string email)
string udir = root + username;
Directory.CreateDirectory(udir + "/weapons");
Directory.CreateDirectory(udir + "/loadouts");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/password.sav", password);
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/level.sav", "1");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/money.sav", "1000");
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/email.sav", email);
File.WriteAllText(udir + "/loadout.gfl", "");
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(root + "emails.txt", true))
Email.Send(email, "New Account Registration", string.Format(mailTemplate, username, password));
catch (Exception ex)
// Create a method to display or log the exception, with it's own error handler
// Send the user a message that we failed to add them. Put this in it's own try-catch block
// ideally, for readability, in it's own method.
Email.Send(email, "Failed to register", "An error occurred while trying to add your account.");
catch (Exception exNested)
5) Add a "crash-and-burn" exception handler to "main"
In the method that is your "top method" (it's hard to tell in the snippet you provided since there are few methods that would attempt to write to the disk) you could wrap your code in a try - catch block and print the exception or write it to disk.
If you have having trouble writing the exception to disk, I would suggest creating an error file first, make sure that the user account that is running the program can write to it, and then in the catch block open the file for APPEND. This should make it easier to get to the error text.
6) When all else fails, use the Debug class or Console class to write the traditional "I made it to line x."
While this will not solve your problem, it should help you get more information that will provide more insight into where your code is causing an error.

Logging parameterized SQL query with parameters included

I have a couple of functions that take a SQL query (parameters already added) and run it against the database. When the SQL query fails, I'd like to log the complete query, parameters included, in order to see exactly what caused the failure. query.ToString() returns IBM.Data.Informix.IfxCommand, so currently I'm just capturing query.CommandText, but if the parameters are what caused the issue this doesn't tell me exactly what I'm dealing with.
Here's one of the query functions I'm using:
public DataTable CallDtQuery(IfxCommand query)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
using (IBM.Data.Informix.IfxConnection conn = new IfxConnection(sqlConnection))
IBM.Data.Informix.IfxDataAdapter adapter = new IfxDataAdapter();
query.Connection = conn;
adapter.SelectCommand = new IfxCommand("SET ISOLATION TO DIRTY READ", conn);
adapter.SelectCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Tells the program to wait in case of a lock.
adapter.SelectCommand = query;
catch (IBM.Data.Informix.IfxException ex)
LogError(ex, query.CommandText);
SendErrorEmail(ex, query.CommandText);
return dt;
Here's the logging function:
private void LogError(IfxException ex, string query)
{ //Logs the error.
string filename = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~") + "/Logs/sqlErrors.txt";
System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(filename, System.IO.FileMode.Append);
System.IO.StreamWriter sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fs);
sw.WriteLine("=======BEGIN ERROR LOG=======");
sw.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());
sw.WriteLine("Query = " + query);
sw.WriteLine("User = " + HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"]);
sw.WriteLine("Error Message = " + ex.Message);
sw.WriteLine("Message Source:");
sw.WriteLine("Message Target:");
sw.WriteLine("Stack Trace:");
sw.WriteLine("========END ERROR LOG========");
Is there a way to pass the entire string, parameters included, for logging as I have here? The only approach I've figured out that should work is to pass the query to the logging function and build a for loop to log each parameter as a separate item. As some of these queries have a number of parameters, and as I'd not be getting the complete query in one easy string, that's not really the most ideal solution.
What about:
// ...
catch (IBM.Data.Informix.IfxException ex)
LogError(ex, query); // NOTE
SendErrorEmail(ex, query.CommandText);
And create an overload like this:
private void LogError(IfxException ex, IfxCommand query)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append(String.Format("{0}\n", query.CommandText));
foreach (IDataParameter parameter in query.Parameters)
sb.Append(String.Format("\t{0} = {1}\n",
parameter.ParameterName, parameter.Value));
LogError(ex, sb.ToString());
Since I want to pass the query both to the LogError and SendErrorEmail functions, I made a unique function for this approach. I also tweaked your version to automatically replace the parameter spots (for example, "cmt_slmno = ?" in the query) instead of making a list of parameters. Here's the result:
private string RecreateQuery(IfxCommand query)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (IfxParameter parameter in query.Parameters)
sb.Replace(" ? ", string.Format(" {0} ", parameter.Value.ToString()));
return sb.ToString();
And the correspondingly adjusted catch statement:
catch (IBM.Data.Informix.IfxException ex)
string errorQuery = RecreateQuery(query);
LogError(ex, errorQuery);
SendErrorEmail(ex, errorQuery);
This approach has the potential problem of a rogue ? being replaced in the text, for example if the statement has a questionmark in a string it's trying to set. That should be very rare with the data I'm using in this application, and surrounding the question mark with spaces as above should cover all but the extremely rare, oddly-formatted string a user puts in.

Can't connect to SQL Server CE database

I have the following code, just to test connection:
public void Test()
SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(#"Data Source=/Application/Database.sdf;");
label1.text = "Connection!";
catch (Exception ee)
label1.text = "No connection!";
When trying to connect to this database, the application throws an exception at conn.Open() saying
SqlCeException was unhandled
and nothing more. The exception message is blank, so I'm having a hard time figuring out what went wrong.
The database file is there, and the application returns true with
so it does have access to the file.
I'm probably doing something really wrong here, can anyone help me out with this?
I'm using Compact Framework 2.0 on Windows CE 5, and the application in question is an existing one. I'm trying to add a database to it so I can load large amounts of data much more easier.
What Erik is saying is change your code to this:
public void Test()
SqlCeConnection conn = new SqlCeConnection(#"Data Source=/Application/Database.sdf;");
label1.text = "Connection!";
catch (SqlCeException ee) // <- Notice the use of SqlCeException to read your errors
SqlCeErrorCollection errorCollection = ee.Errors;
StringBuilder bld = new StringBuilder();
Exception inner = ee.InnerException;
if (null != inner)
MessageBox.Show("Inner Exception: " + inner.ToString());
// Enumerate the errors to a message box.
foreach (SqlCeError err in errorCollection)
bld.Append("\n Error Code: " + err.HResult.ToString("X"));
bld.Append("\n Message : " + err.Message);
bld.Append("\n Minor Err.: " + err.NativeError);
bld.Append("\n Source : " + err.Source);
// Enumerate each numeric parameter for the error.
foreach (int numPar in err.NumericErrorParameters)
if (0 != numPar) bld.Append("\n Num. Par. : " + numPar);
// Enumerate each string parameter for the error.
foreach (string errPar in err.ErrorParameters)
if (String.Empty != errPar) bld.Append("\n Err. Par. : " + errPar);
label1.text = bld.ToString();
bld.Remove(0, bld.Length);
The generic Exception you are catching right now can not give you the details of the SqlCeException.

Code That Only Executes if Try Does Not Catch

On a button click I am saving info to a Sqlite database. I have the command.ExecuteNonQuery() in a try block. I have got everything handled just find if the catch block is caught, but if everything makes it through just fine I want other code to execute that would clear out the values of my EditTexts and set focus. I try putting that code after the ExecuteNonQuery() in my try block, but it still executes before the catch block even if an exception is caught so the values of my edittexts get cleared out before the catch block can even do anything. Same story if I add the code after my try/catch block entirely. The catch block seems to be the last thing executing and by then the values have been cleared and the catch block can't even execute properly. How do I set the values to clear only after the catch block is cleared and no exceptions are thrown?
EDIT: Tried putting it in a finally block but the same thing. Locals window shows both partnumber.Text and partQty.text are blank by the time they get to the catch block. But if I take out the code that clears those fields then both still have their values in the catch block. Is there something special maybe about Sqlite exceptions that would create a timing issue?
partnumber.Text = "";
partqty.Text = "";
catch (SqliteException ex)
if (ex.ErrorCode.ToString() == "Constraint")
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.SetTitle("Item Duplication");
builder.SetMessage("You have already counted this item. How would you like to proceed?");
builder.SetPositiveButton("Add to Previous", delegate
var newQty = Convert.ToInt32(test.currQuantity(partnumber.Text)) + Convert.ToInt32(partqty.Text);
var n = connection.CreateCommand();
n.CommandText = "Update [Items] Set Quantity = '" + newQty.ToString() + "' Where ItemNmbr = '" + partnumber.Text + "'";
Toast.MakeText(this, "Quantity updated to: " + newQty.ToString(), ToastLength.Long)
partnumber.Text = "";
partqty.Text = "";
builder.SetNegativeButton("Override Previous", delegate
var n = connection.CreateCommand();
n.CommandText = "Update [Items] Set Quantity = '" + partqty.Text + "' Where ItemNmbr = '" + partnumber.Text + "'";
Toast.MakeText(this, "Quantity updated to: " + test.currQuantity(partnumber.Text), ToastLength.Long)
partnumber.Text = "";
partqty.Text = "";
var dialog = builder.Create();
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
var dialog = builder.Create();
You could try putting them in a finally block.
try {/*execute code*/}
catch(System.Exception e){/*handle exceptions*/}
finally {/*clean up regardless if an exception was thrown or not*/}
Place a bool before your "try" block and set it to a value. If you show an alert, set the bool to the opposite value and then proceed based upon that.
bool EverythingIsFine = true;
//Your code
EverythingIsFine = false;
Execution inside a try block stops immediately if an exception is thrown. Therefore, the last line of a try block is only executed if no exceptions are raised.
Looks like you have similar code in the catch block, I am pretty sure this is what's being executed and not the code after your Sql Statement that is throwing the error
put a break point after the statement that is throwing the exception and you will see that it's not being hit.
to provide a bit more context to NotMyself's answer
catch (SqliteException ex)
// at this point the values in the partNumber textbox haven't been cleared out
// clear the textbox after the code in the try block
// and the code in the catch block have executed (IF it executed)
partnumber.Text = "";
partqty.Text = "";
Use try-catch-finally:
// Try something
catch (System.IO.IOException e)
// Handle exception
// Some cleanup

