Insert users into levels based on sales/age - c#

I have a List of salesmen with the fields, name, district and sales. I have sorted them by amount of articles sold but I need a way to separate them into levels and print it out. For example:
James - 12 Sales
Billy - 25 Sales
2 salesmen have reached level 1: under 50 sales
and so on. What's the easiest and best way to do this?
The loop I'm currently using for sorting looks like this:
foreach (salesman n in salesmen.OrderBy(s=>s.sales))

Since you don't specify code, or how you fill your objects, an approach would be:
Employees.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine("{0} - {1} Sale/s",e.Name, e.Sales.Count().ToString()));
int[] levels = new int[1];
levels[0] = 50;
for (int i = 0; i < levels.Length; i++)
var emps = Employees.Where(e => e.Sales.Count() <= levels[i]);
emps.ForEach(Console.WriteLine("{0} salesmen have reachead level {1}: under {2} sales", emps.Count(), i.ToString(), levels[i]);
// Remove employees from the list that already achived the level (so they won't be counted again).
Employess.RemoveAll(e=> e.Sales.Count() <= levels[i]);
This is just pseudo code, it might not compile but it's the general idea.

I have a List of salesmen with the fields, name, district and sales. I have sorted them by amount of articles sold but I need a way to separate them into levels and print it out. For example:
James - 12 Sales
Billy - 25 Sales
2 salesmen have reached level 1: under 50 sales
and so on. What's the easiest and best way to do this?
The loop I'm currently using for sorting looks like this:
foreach (salesman n in salesmen.OrderBy(s=>s.sales))
There are no secrets in coding, and there are no shortcuts either. We first develop business logic "If a salesman makes so many sales, they are in this level, that many sales, that level" and then we turn that into computer logic. That's the art of programming, finding the best way to turn people statements into math statements. Sometimes the math statements are very verbose, sometimes they're terse. Doesn't change the end of the day, where all you can do is write the code.
The only way to get all the people in a list sorted into buckets is to go over every single part of the list. That's an iteration, or a loop. You're doing that. Then we test (.OrderBy(s...) for certain keywords or values.
The easiest and best way to do what you're asking is to define the business rules, then encapsulate them in logic as you're doing, with loops. You may find you end up with one list per business rule, which isn't a bad thing.
The only problem here is it sounds like you're looking for a "this is always the best way to store this data" answer, and that doesn't exist here. Until we know your entire use-case, the best we can do is to say "yes, this is appropriate". Each situation calls for a different answer. I realize this isn't much of an answer, but sometimes it's the answer you need to hear. You're doing fine, have a little confidence in yourself.


Algorithm to match teammate preferences

I have a situation where i have to create a C# routine which has the following logic to take a list of people and divide them into 2 teams based on preferences:
I have an array of 20 names:
var names = new List(){"Joe", "Bill", "Scott", "Jonathan", . . .}
Each name can give 0 to 3 preferences, so for each name, I have is an array of 0 to 3 length and is an array of strings with other names in the list (they are people they want to be on their team)
I now need to solve for taking the list of 20 people and dividing them into 2 teams and creating the teams (sub lists) based on optimizing for people's preferences. So each person should get AT LEAST one person that they included in their preference on their team (if mathematically possible). There is no priority of one person above anyone else, just trying to optimize for the top number of matches.
I can convert the string lists into a list of objects
List<Person> list = CreateList(array)
where Person class is the following
public class Person
public string Name;
public List<Person> Preferences;
but now i am trying to figure out how to use this data structure to generate the 2 teams where i end up with 2 lists of teams that are set of 10 people.
The optimal flow method can solve your problem - maximizing flow in a graph which branches capacity express preferences. There is a N^3 algorithm.
See here for an example : Algorithm for optimal matching with choices and ranking
Instead of setting up an adjacency matrix and trying to extract some meaningful vector solution via linear algebra, I think you might get some mileage out of an iterative "team captain" type model.
I would start by representing each individual's preferences as a row vector, mimicking the rows of an adjacency matrix.
For ease of explanation, I'll use an example with 4 people: A, B, C, and D. A and D want to be together, B wants to be with C, and C wants to be with A.
The rows of the adjacency matrix are [1,0,0,1],[0,1,1,0],[1,0,1,0],[1,0,0,1]. So I would carry on representing each individual as their row in the adjacency matrix. A is [1,0,0,1], B is [0,1,1,0], C is [1,0,1,0], and D is [1,0,0,1].
Now I would create team captains. I'm going to look for two vectors whose dot product is minimal. A zero dot product is not guaranteed to exist by your requirements. For instance, everyone could want to be with one particular individual. But you can still find two vectors whose dot product is minimal, and entirely orthogonal is likely in practice.
Now make those two people team captains. In this example, that means A=[1,0,0,1] and B=[0,1,1,0] are viable team captains.
Now iteratively allow them to start picking their teams. A can find his optimal new member by taking dot products with C, and D, and observing D yields the maximum dot product, resulting in the teams {A,D}, {B,C}.
Of course, in your case, it doesn't stop there. So let's consider what would happen if there were also an E, F, G, and H waiting to get picked. In that case, the team {A,D} would multiply the (column) matrix [A][D] with the (column) vectors [E],[F],[G], and [H], and see which product has maximal norm, selecting it and allowing team {B,C} to select its newest member through the same process: max{norm([B][C]*[candidate])}.

Using Lookup or Dictionary to represent a hand of cards in C#

I apologize if there is a similar question already out there. There
are several questions about scoring hands but I don't need that.
The project I am working on takes in 10 cards and needs to report the
best possible 5-card hand found ("straight", "high card", "flush"
etc.). Luckily what the actual hand of cards is is irrelevant, I just
need a name.
I've already parsed and sorted all the cards out and have the tests
for all the possible hands laid out. All I need now is a convenient
way to store the hands. My mad method is as follows, in pseudocode
I want to have a dynamic list horizontally that I can populate with the NUMBER values of the cards, in order from highest to lowest. For
example, "Q J T 7 4 2 1". T is 10. Duplicates of values will be
ignored. Next, I want each of those values to have, underneath, a
list of the suits of each value that exist in the deck. For example,
J will have a sub-list with the values "D H" to represent that I have
a Jack of Diamonds and a Jack of Hearts.
I believe this to be the most elegant way to deal with these cards,
since most poker hands deal with only values and this way I don't have
to worry about cards of the same value in a row for say the straight
test. Then the two tests that do deal with suit can easily be
tested for by referring to the values under the keys.
Take a deep breath, almost there.
So an instance of Lookup appears to be perfect! It has the exact "one
key to multiple values" structure that I want. However, it doesn't
allow me to add the suits as I come to them. I have to add them all
at once or not at all since the lists are immutable after entry.
So I either
have to find all the suits at once before I even make the Lookup
Somehow add values to the Lookup lists or
Use something else.
Any ideas on any of these?
TL;DR SPARKNOTES VERSION: How can I add more values to the keys inside of a Lookup?
*IMOPRTANT NOTE:*The output of this program should be a string containing the name of the highest hand possible, for example "four of a kind", "two pair" or "high card."
I found one solution (which I unfortunately lost the link to and can't find again) where they suggested re-creating the entire Lookup with the new list. It may just be me but I find that solution to be very... ugly... Anyway several other solutions I have explored or tested are to:
Roll through and populate another array with the suits associated with each value. Basically (in actual pseudocode this time >_>):
Create an array of ArrayLists (array 1)
Iterate through a sorted string array of "cards" (array 2)
For each card:
Take the char at string index [1] (representing the suit) and add into the ArrayList in array 1 at the index number extracted from string index [0].
This way I have the list of values with associated suits that I wanted. And the list of suits is the minimal size to boot, making iteration through that easier later. With some extra steps I can even make the umbrella array an ArrayList and populate it with the card values in order so there are no gaps and no duplicate numbers. This will leave me with a jagged array of what I want. To be clear, this is not a homework assignment. However, it IS from a coding class project my roommate completed in the past which is why I have the constrictions and requirements I have. Someone else I asked told me SE gets plagued by these kinds of homework questions around this time, so I understand your skepticism. This is a personal project because I want to learn C# (all I know is Java right now, and I like the sound of parameter pointer passing in C# methods, which Java does not do).
If it WERE for a grade I would end there because it works. But I don't really like arraylists of arraylists, they seem messy to me. So I want to know if there is another method.
I also considered simply dealing with duplicates that inevitably appear. For example, here is my test for a straight:
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int counter = 0;
for (int j = i; j < i + 4; j++)
int secondCard = getValue(cardsArray[j + 1]);
int firstCard = getValue(cardsArray[j]);
if (secondCard == firstCard)
if (secondCard == (firstCard + 1))
if (counter == 4)
isStraight = true;
return "straight";
This code does not work. It needs some tweaks somewhere or other to work completely but I want to analyze if it is worth it before I try to fix it. It DOES accurately test for a straight, though. Also a couple notes: firstCard and secondCard are there for readability and debug purposes, and isStraight is there so that I don't reinvent the wheel later when I test for a straight flush.
This nested loop will iterate through all the cards up till the 5th card (since you can't have a straight out of ten sorted cards with less than 5 cards) and then check the next five cards as you would expect. If during this iteration I encounter a duplicate entry it means that it's the same card of another suit and I simply "break". What SHOULD happen as a result of this one statement is that now we have incremented our second iteration by one to check the next card instead of the current one. The count of in-order cards that we have will stay the same so that a list like " 1D 2D 3S 3H 4D 5C" will skip over the second 3 when finding the straight. Despite the break I was actually quite pleased with the elegance of this solution, whether I had a right to be or not.
It all goes back to the flaws of using a simple array of strings ("cards"), which is what my code is tailored to right now. And I hate fixing issues, I'd rather avoid them. Maybe I'm being unnecessarily picky but I'm learning along the way.
My consideration of the weaknesses of an array of strings lead me to Dictionaries, which looked attractive. It can easily be made to hold my values in order, and easy to find if I have a certain suit for a key (TryGet), all in a neat, tailor-made package. Creating multiple array lists and doing things like "(find index of my value); array1[index].Add(value)" would be replaced by "Dictionary.Add(value, suit)". But I can only add a suit to a key at the point of creation. I couldn't make a "2" key and add "S" and then when I find out the next card is a "2D" add a D under the "2" key. Dictionary just doesn't support that, or even adding multiple values at all. I can make a dictionary of lists, but I still can't edit the list since Dictionaries are mostly query data structures. Lookups support multiple values per key but still cannot be changed after the initial "Add()". Again I could "re-create" the entire lookup or dictionary to add a suit and keep everything in order. But to me that seems like rebuilding the whole bridge because this one cable is too long and I don't have an industrial able cutter. It's a problem that SHOULD have an easier solution, like maybe go and GET some cutters (import a class maybe?).
Since you suggest that my needs are no different than what a hand scoring system could deliver leads me to another question:
Are hand scores directly tied to certain hands? Like I mentioned earlier the result I want is "The best hand you can make is a full house" not "This player has the highest hand." So can I calculate the highest scoring hand and extrapolate a "full house" from that score? If so then I guess this is all unnecessary code, but I would kind of like to solve this anyway in that case.
As I wrote this edit it dawned on me that this is basically a vanity issue. I don't "like" the solution I have. I also don't want to use the accepted solution (table lookup) because that is not a coding project that is a copypaste project. I would greatly appreciate any input.
Let's do this the simplest way possible. First, say you have an array of 10 strings, each of which is the name of a card. Like "Four of Hearts" and "Queen of Spades". That's really inconvenient to work with. So the first thing we do is convert those strings to numbers to represent each card. A very convenient way to do it is to use numbers 0-12 for hearts, 13-25 for diamonds, etc. So you have code (possibly a lookup table) that converts names to numbers:
Ace of Hearts = 0
Two of Hearts = 1
Three of Hearts = 2
Queen of Hearts = 11
King of Hearts = 12
Ace of Diamonds = 13
Ace of Clubs = 26
Kind of Spades = 51
So you have an array of numbers that represents the 10 cards. Call it cardsArray:
int[] cardsArray = new int[10];
// here, fill the cards array from the input
It's easy to check for flushes if you sort by suit and value. Remember, there are only 10 cards, so sorting isn't going to take a huge amount of time. The sort is really easy:
int[] sortedBySuit =
.OrderBy(x => x/13) // sorts by suit
.ThenByDescending(x => x % 13) // then by value, descending
You can then go sequentially through the array and determine if you have a flush, straight flush, and what the high card in the flush (if any) is.
You have to save that information, because four-of-a-kind beats a flush, for example. So you need to check that, too.
Next, sort by value:
int[] sortedByValue =
.OrderByDescending(x => x % 13)
Now you can go sequentially through that list to determine high card, pairs, three of a kind, four of a kind, or straights. As you find each type of hand, you save that hand information ("king high straight" or "three tens", along with the hand's value [1 for high card, 2 for pair, straight, flush, full house, etc. in the proper order]) to a list.
Then you just pick the hand with the highest value from those that you found.
That's definitely not the fastest way to do things, but it's simple, uses very little memory, and is fast enough for a prototype. It's certainly simpler than using a dictionary or array of arrays, etc.
To be clear, I didn't read your novel.
TL;DR SPARKNOTES VERSION: How can I add more values to the keys inside of a Lookup?
Usually, when I need a "dictionary" with a key that has multiple values, I use a List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>. You could use LINQ to Objects to select all the values. For example:
static void StackOverflowExample()
var cardList = new List<KeyValuePair<string,int>> ()
new KeyValuePair<string, int>("Club", 8),
new KeyValuePair<string, int>("Spade", 9),
new KeyValuePair<string, int>("Heart", 10)
var results = cardList.Where(p => p.Key == "Heart");
var results is an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,int>>. Hopefully, this helps.

Influenced randomization

I'm really sorry, I would search my question but I don't know how to word it correctly, I have a big problem with mental math and I've been trying to think of a solution. I'm trying to build a program for my guild that will add names to a list. This list has a parallel struct for each entry that holds the person's name and number of donations to a raffle.
I want to randomize through all the names and have the results positively influenced by the amount of donations people have put in. likes 1 or 1% increase in possibility * number of donations. I've done randomization before but I've never had to influence the odds slightly. help me please? I would post code but I don't have ANY randomization at the time. I can give you some other stuff though:
I made a struct to hold each user's entry:
public struct pEntry
public string Name;
public int Entries;
I made a list to hold all the entries:
public List<pEntry> lEntries = new List<pEntry>();
I want my randomization to be positively influenced by the number of entries(donations) they've made. This has no cap on how high it can go but if I need to maybe I can make it like.. 255.After it randomizes it will pick display a message saying that, that user has won and it will remove that entry from the list and pick a few more. This program will be used for multiple raffles and things like it but all use the same system.
You need to know how much donations increase the chance of winning. Does 1 = 1 more chance than someone that hasn't donated? Once you have a base and a bonus, you can just generate a "chart", see what your top number is, and generate a random number. After that, you can remove that person or reset their chances by whatever fraction you want, regenerate your chance list, and generate a new number.
For instance, if you want 1 donation unit to give 10% more chance for that person, then you could generate a list of all the guild, and each person gets 10 "lots" + 1 lot per donation unit. So if you had 3 people, where:
Ann gave 5 donation units
Tom gave 2 donation units
Bob didn't give any
The resulting list would be:
Ann lot count: 10 (base) + 5 (donations) = 15 lots
Tom lot count: 10 (base) + 2 (donations) = 12 lots
Bob lot count: 10 (base) + 0 (no donations) = 10 lots
Then you generate a number between 1 and 37 (15 + 12 + 10) to determine the winner.
Figure out what each donation should improve their odds (increases in their lots) and then you can start building your ranges and generate your numbers.

performance problem

OK so I need to know if anyone can see a way to reduce the number of iterations of these loops because I can't. The first while loop is for going through a file, reading one line at a time. The first foreach loop is then comparing each of the compareSet with what was read in the first while loop. Then the next while loop is to do with bit counting.
As requested, an explaination of my algorithm:
There is a file that is too large to fit in memory. It contains a word followed by the pages in a very large document that this word is on. EG:
sky 1 7 9 32....... (it is not in this format, but you get the idea).
so parseLine reads in the line and converts it into a list of ints that are like a bit array where 1 means the word is on the page, and 0 means it isn't.
CompareSet is a bunch of other words. I can't fit my entire list of words into memory so I can only fit a subset of them. This is a bunch of words just like the "sky" example. I then compare each word in compareSet with Sky by seeing if they are on the same page.
So if sky and some other word both have 1 set at a certain index in the bit array (simulated as an int array for performance), they are on the same page. The algorithm therefore counts the occurances of any two words on a particular page. So in the end I will have a list like:
(for all words in list) is on the same page as (for all words in list) x number of times.
eg sky and land is on the same page x number of times.
while ((line = parseLine(s)) != null) {
getPageList(line.Item2, compareWord);
foreach (Tuple<int, uint[], List<Tuple<int, int>>> word in compareSet) {
unchecked {
for (int i = 0; i < 327395; i++) {
if (word.Item2[i] == 0 || compareWord[i] == 0)
uint combinedNumber = word.Item2[i] & compareWord[i];
while (combinedNumber != 0) {
combinedNumber = combinedNumber & (combinedNumber - 1);
As my old professor Bud used to say: "When you see nested loops like this, your spidey senses should be goin' CRAZY!"
You have a while with a nested for with another while. This nesting of loops is an exponential increase on the order of operations. Your one for loop has 327395 iterations. Assuming they have the same or similar number of iterations, that means you have an order of operations of
327,395 * 327,395 * 327,395 = 35,092,646,987,154,875 (insane)
It's no wonder that things would be slowing down. You need to redefine your algorithm to remove these nested loops or combine work somewhere. Even if the numbers are smaller than my assumptions, the nesting of the loops is creating a LOT of operations that are probably unnecessary.
As Joal already mentioned nobody is able to optimize this looping algorithm. But what you can do is trying to better explain what you are trying to accomplish and what your hard requirements are. Maybe you can take a different approach by using some like HashSet<T>.IntersectWith() or BloomFilter or something like this.
So if you really want help from here you should not only post the code that doesn't work, but also what the overall task is you like to accomplish. Maybe someone has a completely other idea to solve your problem, making your whole algorithm obsolete.

Optimizing a Recursive Function for Very Large Lists .Net

I have built an application that is used to simulate the number of products that a company can produce in different "modes" per month. This simulation is used to aid in finding the optimal series of modes to run in for a month to best meet the projected sales forecast for the month. This application has been working well, until recently when the plant was modified to run in additional modes. It is now possible to run in 16 modes. For a month with 22 work days this yields 9,364,199,760 possible combinations. This is up from 8 modes in the past that would have yielded a mere 1,560,780 possible combinations. The PC that runs this application is on the old side and cannot handle the number of calculations before an out of memory exception is thrown. In fact the entire application cannot support more than 15 modes because it uses integers to track the number of modes and it exceeds the upper limit for an integer. Baring that issue, I need to do what I can to reduce the memory utilization of the application and optimize this to run as efficiently as possible even if it cannot achieve the stated goal of 16 modes. I was considering writing the data to disk rather than storing the list in memory, but before I take on that overhead, I would like to get people’s opinion on the method to see if there is any room for optimization there.
Based on a suggestion by few to consider something more academic then merely calculating every possible answer, listed below is a brief explanation of how the optimal run (combination of modes) is chosen.
Currently the computer determines every possible way that the plant can run for the number of work days that month. For example 3 Modes for a max of 2 work days would result in the combinations (where the number represents the mode chosen) of (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,2), (2,3), (3,3) For each mode a product produces at a different rate of production, for example in mode 1, product x may produce at 50 units per hour where product y produces at 30 units per hour and product z produces at 0 units per hour. Each combination is then multiplied by work hours and production rates. The run that produces numbers that most closely match the forecasted value for each product for the month is chosen. However, because some months the plant does not meet the forecasted value for a product, the algorithm increases the priority of a product for the next month to ensure that at the end of the year the product has met the forecasted value. Since warehouse space is tight, it is important that products not overproduce too much either.
Thank you
private List<List<int>> _modeIterations = new List<List<int>>();
private void CalculateCombinations(int modes, int workDays, string combinationValues)
List<int> _tempList = new List<int>();
if (modes == 1)
combinationValues += Convert.ToString(workDays);
string[] _combinations = combinationValues.Split(',');
foreach (string _number in _combinations)
for (int i = workDays + 1; --i >= 0; )
CalculateCombinations(modes - 1, workDays - i, combinationValues + i + ",");
This kind of optimization problem is difficult but extremely well-studied. You should probably read up in the literature on it rather than trying to re-invent the wheel. The keywords you want to look for are "operations research" and "combinatorial optimization problem".
It is well-known in the study of optimization problems that finding the optimal solution to a problem is almost always computationally infeasible as the problem grows large, as you have discovered for yourself. However, it is frequently the case that finding a solution guaranteed to be within a certain percentage of the optimal solution is feasible. You should probably concentrate on finding approximate solutions. After all, your sales targets are already just educated guesses, therefore finding the optimal solution is already going to be impossible; you haven't got complete information.)
What I would do is start by reading the wikipedia page on the Knapsack Problem:
This is the problem of "I've got a whole bunch of items of different values and different weights, I can carry 50 pounds in my knapsack, what is the largest possible value I can carry while meeting my weight goal?"
This isn't exactly your problem, but clearly it is related -- you've got a certain amount of "value" to maximize, and a limited number of slots to pack that value into. If you can start to understand how people find near-optimal solutions to the knapsack problem, you can apply that to your specific problem.
You could process the permutation as soon as you have generated it, instead of collecting them all in a list first:
public delegate void Processor(List<int> args);
private void CalculateCombinations(int modes, int workDays, string combinationValues, Processor processor)
if (modes == 1)
List<int> _tempList = new List<int>();
combinationValues += Convert.ToString(workDays);
string[] _combinations = combinationValues.Split(',');
foreach (string _number in _combinations)
for (int i = workDays + 1; --i >= 0; )
CalculateCombinations(modes - 1, workDays - i, combinationValues + i + ",", processor);
I am assuming here, that your current pattern of work is something along the lines
CalculateCombinations(initial_value_1, initial_value_2, initial_value_3);
foreach( List<int> list in _modeIterations ) {
... process the list ...
With the direct-process-approach, this would be
private void ProcessPermutation(List<int> args)
... process ...
... somewhere else ...
CalculateCombinations(initial_value_1, initial_value_2, initial_value_3, ProcessPermutation);
I would also suggest, that you try to prune the search tree as early as possible; if you can already tell, that certain combinations of the arguments will never yield something, which can be processed, you should catch those already during generation, and avoid the recursion alltogether, if this is possible.
In new versions of C#, generation of the combinations using an iterator (?) function might be usable to retain the original structure of your code. I haven't really used this feature (yield) as of yet, so I cannot comment on it.
The problem lies more in the Brute Force approach that in the code itself. It's possible that brute force might be the only way to approach the problem but I doubt it. Chess, for example, is unresolvable by Brute Force but computers play at it quite well using heuristics to discard the less promising approaches and focusing on good ones. Maybe you should take a similar approach.
On the other hand we need to know how each "mode" is evaluated in order to suggest any heuristics. In your code you're only computing all possible combinations which, anyway, will not scale if the modes go up to 32... even if you store it on disk.
if (modes == 1)
List<int> _tempList = new List<int>();
combinationValues += Convert.ToString(workDays);
string[] _combinations = combinationValues.Split(',');
foreach (string _number in _combinations)
Everything in this block of code is executed over and over again, so no line in that code should make use of memory without freeing it. The most obvious place to avoid memory craziness is to write out combinationValues to disk as it is processed (i.e. use a FileStream, not a string). I think that in general, doing string concatenation the way you are doing here is bad, since every concatenation results in memory sadness. At least use a stringbuilder (See back to basics , which discusses the same issue in terms of C). There may be other places with issues, though. The simplest way to figure out why you are getting an out of memory error may be to use a memory profiler (Download Link from
By the way, my tendency with code like this is to have a global List object that is Clear()ed rather than having a temporary one that is created over and over again.
I would replace the List objects with my own class that uses preallocated arrays to hold the ints. I'm not really sure about this right now, but I believe that each integer in a List is boxed, which means much more memory is used than with a simple array of ints.
Edit: On the other hand it seems I am mistaken: Which one is more efficient : List<int> or int[]

