My application requires the windows feature
to be installed.
I currently use this solution to see if it is installed.
Now how will I be able to installe it once I know it is not running. I have tried:
List<ServiceController> services = ServiceController.GetServices( ).ToList( );
ServiceController msQue = services.Find( o => o.ServiceName == "MSMQ" );
if ( msQue != null )
if ( msQue.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running )
Console.Write( "it is running" );
Console.WriteLine( "It is not running \n\nPress enter to install" );
Console.Read( );
msQue.Start( ); // <- I was hoping to look for a method that will turn feature on or off
I wouldn't try to install it from code; instead, I would make Message Queueing a prerequisite of your application and install it when you install the app.
I don't know if you can do it from C# but here's articles on performing an unattended installation. You may be able to build a command line to perform the installation.
Server 2003 / Windows XP :
Server 2008 / Windows 7:
I want to use the toast notification of windows 10 API and it is available in windows 10.0.17763.0 or later(
Therefore, I set two TFMs in my project for support windows7 also:
My opinion is to check the OS version. In windows7 it will send the toast notification by a custom control I made. In windows10 it will send the toast notification by origin windows10 API. Here is my code:
var OSVersion = System.Environment.OSVersion;
if (OSVersion.Version.Major == 10 && OSVersion.Version.Build > 17763)
new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddArgument("action", "viewConversation")
.AddArgument("conversationId", 9813)
.AddText("Andrew sent you a picture")
.AddText("Check this out, The Enchantments in Washington!")
//custom toast...
Then I met a situation, the code cannot run in earlier than windows 10.0.17763.0. that Visual Studio reports an error of ToastContentBuilder.Show() below
Finally, I found this tutorial by using the Conditional compilation:
Then I tried to use the Conditional compilation and modify my code like this:
void ShowNotificationWin10()
new ToastContentBuilder()
.AddArgument("action", "viewConversation")
.AddArgument("conversationId", 9813)
.AddText("Andrew sent you a picture")
.AddText("Check this out, The Enchantments in Washington!")
However, the error is still here. How can I solve this?
My goal is to find and launch a UWP app by name (e.g. Twitter). I'm currently using an elevated desktop extension, following a guide by Stefan Wick.
In my full-trust Win32 console process, I'm currently using the PackageManager to find and list all the UWP apps, and it works on my machine. However, when I send my finalized app package to another user, nothing appears on his screen, even after running elevated.
Here's my current code:
var PkgMgr = new PackageManager();
var currUserPkgs = PkgMgr.FindPackagesForUser(string.Empty);
foreach (Package pkg in currUserPkgs)
string pkgName = pkg.DisplayName;
if (pkgName == "")
if (pkgName.Contains(appName) || appName.Contains(pkgName) ||
percentSimilarity(appName, pkgName) >= 0.50)
// we found it
appPkgName = pkg.Id.FamilyName;
Why does this not bring up any packages on another user's machine? There's no error message that's called.
Also, is there another solution that can locate all UWP packages? Thank you!
I have an application that requires to control mobile broadband API.
I am struggling on correctly installing the api on my devices.
I've been follow the instructions in this document:
and trying to combine the steps with this stackoverflow explanation
C# Read Windows Mobile Broadband connection properties
I have been able to lay a reference from visual studio to mbnapi.tlb in V7.0/lib. and I automatically now have a interop.mbnapi.tlb in my obj/debug folder.
When trying to "check the SIM is inserted and working / activated". => my code crashes on the following line
IMbnInterface[] mobileInterfaces = mbnInfMgrInterface.GetInterfaces() as IMbnInterface[];
When I run it on windows 8, mbnInfMgrInterface == null
I have already tried to install the same SDK on windows 8 as stated in the requirements of the document but the SDK is only meant for windows 7...
I have tried to register the mbnapi in windows 8 by performing
Regtlibv12 Mbnapi.tlb
no luck whatsoever...
what do I need to do to get this to work please?
anyone has some experience in this?
EDIT. on windows 7 (my development machine), I get the message "Device not ready", I think this is normal because I don't have mobile broadband on it, on windows 8 I do, but there the mobile interface manager is null => mbnInfMgrInterface == null.
thank you,
Not sure exactly what you are after, but after struggling with IMbnInterface and GetSignalStrength() (see and being unsuccessful, I found that you can obtain a lot of info using WMI:
int maxBandwidth = 0;
string query = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface";
ManagementObjectSearcher moSearch = new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);
ManagementObjectCollection moCollection = moSearch.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moCollection)
if (Convert.ToInt32(mo["CurrentBandwidth"]) > maxBandwidth)
// Instead of CurrentBandwidth you may want to use BytesReceivedPerSec
maxBandwidth = Convert.ToInt32(mo["CurrentBandwidth"]);
Please see answer here: Determining the network connection link speed and here is the list of properties you can obtain:
Please note that I can build and debug the above code (as part of a larger WPF application) from within Visual Studio 2015 on either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, and I can deploy the same application onto Windows 7 where it runs successfully. For some reason when I deploy this application on Windows 8.1, I get an Invalid query message.
Please note that I found you cannot get the network info in Windows 8.1 in the same way as you do in Windows 7, in that the System.Management namespace is not available on Windows 8.1. See
string connectionProfileInfo = string.Empty;
ConnectionProfile InternetConnectionProfile = NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile();
if (InternetConnectionProfile == null)
rootPage.NotifyUser("Not connected to Internet\n", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
connectionProfileInfo = GetConnectionProfile(InternetConnectionProfile);
OutputText.Text = connectionProfileInfo;
rootPage.NotifyUser("Success", NotifyType.StatusMessage);
// Which calls this function, that allows you to determine how strong the signal is and the associated bandwidth
string GetConnectionProfile(ConnectionProfile connectionProfile)
// ...
if (connectionProfile.GetSignalBars().HasValue)
connectionProfileInfo += "====================\n";
connectionProfileInfo += "Signal Bars: " + connectionProfile.GetSignalBars() + "\n";
// ...
I want to install (or at least, do the prepairing for the installing of) a USB driver after my software is installed on the client computer.
I have a small program, written in C# in Visual Studio 2008, and I can install the program using the standard feature in VS2008. This program talks to a hardware device via USB cable. The USB driver is came from ftdi and can be installed when user plugs it in the USB socket. This works fine, but I want the file to be copied during the installation of the software. Once this is done, show message on screen e.g. "Please plug in your USB cable in to the socket and click OK to continue", on which the installing of the driver is automatically carried out from that moment. (The same as when you install the software for a new printer).
Please advice how I can do it. And it's great if you can help me start with some examples.
Great thanks, Henry.
This works:
// szInfDirectory is a directory on the hard drive where your installer copied the driver files to.
_tcscpy( szInfPath, szInfDirectory );
_tcscat( szInfPath, _T("YourDriver.inf") );
TCHAR szDestinationInfFileName[MAX_PATH];
if( (!SetupCopyOEMInf( szInfPath, szInfDirectory, SPOST_PATH, 0, szDestinationInfFileName, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL )) )
LPCTSTR HardwareIds[] =
const size_t cbMax = sizeof(HardwareIds) / sizeof(*HardwareIds);
bool fInnerLoopFailed = false;
for( size_t cb=0; (cb<cbMax) && (!fInnerLoopFailed); cb++ )
BOOL bRebootReqTemp = FALSE;
if( (!UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices( NULL, HardwareIds[cb], szInfPath, INSTALLFLAG_FORCE, &bRebootReqTemp )) )
if( ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST == GetLastError() )
// nothing to do: device not present
fInnerLoopFailed = true;
if( fInnerLoopFailed )
// error
// success
The relevant API for this is the "SetupAPI", which contains the Driver Install Framework (DIFx). In particular, you probably need the DiInstallDriver function.
But I'm not sure if you need to show a "click OK to continue" message. If the driver is already installed, Windows will automatically install the USB device as soon as it's plugged in.
How do I develop my Windows application so it will auto update on the client machine, like Firefox, Skype, etc.?
Is there any simple approach or any open source library which help me to do it just following some steps or a few lines of code?
ClickOnce is what you're searching for.
You might also find these SO questions interesting (which offers some different solutions):
Auto update for WinForms application
How do I implement an auto update strategy for my in-house winform app
try microsoft clickonce technology
(in MSDN)
You can use wyUpdate or .NET Application Updater Component
There is also the Update Block in the Ent Lib by msft.
The most popular frameworks are:
Google Omaha - This is what Chrome uses. Very powerful.
Squirrel - This is used in Electron applications. Easy to use but can't update machine-wide installations. Also, no graphical update notifications.
WinSparkle - Gives you graphical update notifications. But less mature than Squirrel.
AutoUpdater.NET - Both graphical and silent updates. Similar to Squirrel and WinSparkle.
I've taken these links from this article. It goes into more details about the pros and cons of each of the frameworks.
Use MD5-Update it easy only need add 5 lines at your application, no configuration need in your app only add library and publish the files.
1. Your need a web server with PHP for publish your files please include updt.exe.
2. Add index.php for make list of update files. aviable on github repository o create new app with this code.
$_dat = array();
$_dir=new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(".");
foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($_dir) as $_itm) {
$_fil = str_replace(".".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $_itm);
if(!is_dir($_fil) && $_fil != "index.php"){
$_dat[]=array('StrFil' => "$_fil", 'StrMd5' => strtoupper(md5_file($_fil)), 'lonSiz' => filesize($_fil));
echo json_encode($_dat, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
3. Add nuget repository at your proyect
PM> Install-Package MD5.Update
4. Call the library when your app stars, with your update folder url, update all files and download your new app on updt folder, for replace your app need updt.exe
string strUrl = "";
if (MD5Update.MD5Update.Check(strUrl, true))
Process.Start(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + #"updt.exe", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName + " " + Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName);
5. updt.exe for replace the current app with the new app updt folder to app. aviable on github repository o create new app with this code.
List<string> lisArg = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().ToList();
if (lisArg.Count < 2)
MessageBox.Show("Please provide App Excutable Name and Procees name");
string strAppName = lisArg[1];
string strAppProcees = lisArg[2];
Process[] lisPro = Process.GetProcessesByName(strAppProcees);
foreach (Process Pro in lisPro)
if (Pro.Id != Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id)
string strAppMain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + strAppName;
string strAppUpdate = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + #"updt\" + strAppName;
if (!File.Exists(strAppMain))
MessageBox.Show("App Excutable dosent exists");
if (!File.Exists(strAppUpdate))
MessageBox.Show("App Excutable Updated dosent exists");
File.Copy(strAppUpdate, strAppMain, true);
long fileSize = 0;
FileInfo currentFile = new FileInfo(strAppMain);
while (fileSize < currentFile.Length)
fileSize = currentFile.Length;
catch (Exception Ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error ocurred");
File.WriteAllText(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + #"updt_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") + " .txt", Ex.ToString());
How about System Center 2012 Configuration Manager?
I'd add another possible variation:
While ClickOnce is simple and it resurrected for .NET 5, it still has a lot of limitations, so I found out that nowadays better option exists: you could use included in Windows 10 mechanism for app delivery called AppInstaller by packaging your app in MSIX bundle or package.
I covered my findings related to the topic in this answer