Fastest and still safe way to exchange reference variables values - c#

Basically what i need is to be able to add items to List (or another collection) constantly, around 3000 times per second in one thread. And to get and remove all items from that list once per 2 seconds.
I don't like classic ways to do this like using concurrent collections or lock on something every time i need to access collection because it would be slower than i need.
What i'm trying to do is to have 2 collections, one for each thread, and to find a way to make a thread safe switch from one collection to another.
Simplified and not thread-safe example:
var listA = new List<int>();
var listB = new List<int>();
// method is called externally 3000 times per second
void ProducerThread(int a)
void ConsumerThread()
listB = Interlocked.Exchange(ref listA,listB);
//... processing listB data
// at this point when i'm done reading data
// producer stil may add an item because ListA.Add is not atomic
// correct me if i'm wrong
Is there any way to make above code work as intended (to be thread safe) while having producer thread blocked as little as possible? Or maybe another solution?

I would start out by using a BlockingCollection or another IProducerConsomerCollection in System.Collections.Concurrent. That is exactly what you have, a producer/consumer queue that is accessed from multiple threads. Those collections are also heavily optimized for performance. They don't use use a naive "lock the whole structure anytime anyone does any operation". They are smart enough to avoid locking wherever possible using lock-free synchronization techniques, and when they do need to use critical sections they can minimize what needs to be locked on such that the structure can often be accessed concurrently despite a certain amount of locking.
Before I move from there to anything else I would use one of those collections and ensure that it is too slow. If, after using that as your solution you have demonstrated that you are spending an unacceptable amount of time adding/removing items from the collection then you could consider investigating other solutions.
If, as I suspect will be the case, they perform quick enough, I'm sure you'll find that it makes writing the code much easier and clearer to read.

I am assuming that you just want to process new additions to listA, and that while you process these additions more additions are made.
var listA = new List<int>();
var dictA = new Dictionary<int,int>();
int rangeStart = 0;
int rangeEnd = 0;
bool protectRange = false;
// method is called externally 3000 times per second
void ProducerThread(int a)
void ConsumerThread()
int rangeInstance = rangeEnd;
var listB = new List<int>();
for( int start = rangeStart; start < rangeInstance; start++ ){
//... processing listB data

If the table has a fixed maximum size, why use a List? You could also pre-set the list size.
List<int> listA = new List<int>(6000);
Now, I haven't really test the following, but I think it would do what you want:
int[] listA = new int[6000]; // 3000 time * 2 seconds
int i = 0;
// method is called externally 3000 times per second
void ProducerThread(int a)
if (Monitor.TryEnter(listA)) // If true, consumer is in cooldown.
listA[i] = a;
void ConsumerThread()
Monitor.Enter(listA); // Acquire thread lock.
while (true)
Monitor.Wait(listA, 2000); // Release thread lock for 2000ms, automaticly retake it after Producer released it.
foreach (int a in listA) { } //Processing...
listA = new int[6000];
i = 0;
You just need to be sure to have ConsumerThread run first, so it would queue itself and wait.


Parallel.ForEach loop is not working "it skips some and double do others"

I have 2 methods that can do the work for me, one is serial and the other one is parallel.
The reason for parallelization is because there are lots of iteration(about 100,000 or so)
For some reason, the parallel one do skip or double doing some iterations, and I don't have any clue how to debug it.
The serial method
for(int i = somenum; i >= 0; i-- ){
foreach (var nue in nuelist)
foreach (var path in nue.pathlist)
foreach (var conn in nue.connlist)
The parallel method
for(int i = somenum; i >= 0; i-- ){
Parallel.ForEach(nuelist,nue =>
Parallel.ForEach(nue.connlist, conn=>
Inside Path class
Nue firstnue;
public void Func(Conn conn,Path path)
List<Conn> list = new(){conn};
_ = new Path(list);
public Path(List<Conn>)
//other things
firstnue is another nue that will be
in the next iteration of for loop
They are both the same method except, of course, foreach and Parallel.ForEach loop.
the code is for the code in here (GitHub page)
List<T>, which I assume you use with firstnue.pathlist, isn't thread-safe. That means, when you add/remove items from the same List<T> from multiple threads at the same time, your data will get corrupt. In order to avoid that problem, the simplest solution is to use a lock, so multiple threads doesn't try to modify list at once.
However, a lock essentially serializes the list operations, and if the only thing you do in Func is to change a list, you may not gain much by parallelizing the code. But, if you still want to give it a try, you just need to change this:
to this:
lock (firstnue.pathlist)
Thanks to sedat-kapanoglu, I found the problem is really about thread safety. The solution was to change every List<T> to ConcurrentBag<T>.
For everyone, like me, The solution of "parallel not working with collections" is to change from System.Collections.Generic to System.Collections.Concurrent

When immutable collections are preferable than concurrent

Recently read about immutable collections.
They are recommended to be used as a thread safe for reading, when the read operations are performed more often than write.
Then I want to test read performance ImmutableDictionary vs ConcurrentDictionary. Here is this very simple test (in .NET Core 2.1):
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ImmutableSpeedTests
class Program
public class ConcurrentVsImmutable
public int ValuesCount;
public int ThreadsCount;
private ImmutableDictionary<int, int> immutable = ImmutableDictionary<int, int>.Empty;
private ConcurrentDictionary<int, int> concurrent = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, int>();
public ConcurrentVsImmutable(int valuesCount, int threadsCount)
ValuesCount = valuesCount;
ThreadsCount = threadsCount;
public void Setup()
// fill both collections. I don't measure time cause immutable is filling much slower obviously.
for (var i = 0; i < ValuesCount; i++)
concurrent[i] = i;
immutable = immutable.Add(i, i);
public async Task<long> ImmutableSum() => await Sum(immutable);
public async Task<long> ConcurrentSum() => await Sum(concurrent);
private async Task<long> Sum(IReadOnlyDictionary<int, int> dic)
var tasks = new List<Task<long>>();
// main job. Run multiple tasks to sum all values.
for (var i = 0; i < ThreadsCount; i++)
tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
long x = 0;
foreach (var key in dic.Keys)
x += dic[key];
return x;
var result = await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
return result.Sum();
static void Main(string[] args)
var test = new ConcurrentVsImmutable(1000000, 4);
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var result = test.ConcurrentSum().Result;
// Convince that the result of the work is the same
Console.WriteLine($"Concurrent. Result: {result}. Elapsed: {sw.ElapsedTicks}.");
result = test.ImmutableSum().Result;
Console.WriteLine($" Immutable. Result: {result}. Elapsed: {sw.ElapsedTicks}.");
You can run this code. Elapsed time in ticks will differ from time to time but the time spent by ConcurrentDictionary is several times less than by ImmutableDictionary.
This experiment makes me embarrassed. Did I do it wrong? What the reason to use immutable collections if we have concurrent? When they are preferable?
Immutable collections are not alternative to concurrent collections. And the way they are designed to reduce memory consumption, they are bound to be slower, the trade off here is to use less memory and thus by using less n operations to do anything.
We usually copy collections to other collections to achieve immutability to persist state. Lets see what it means,
var s1 = ImmutableStack<int>.Empty;
var s2 = s1.Push(1);
// s2 = [1]
var s3 = s2.Push(2);
// s2 = [1]
// s3 = [1,2]
// notice that s2 has only one item, it is not modified..
var s4 = s3.Pop(ref var i);
// s2 = [1];
// still s2 has one item...
Notice that, s2 always has only one item. Even if all items are removed.
The way all data is stored internally is a huge tree and your collection is pointing to a branch which has descendants that represents initial state of the tree.
I don't think the performance can be matched with concurrent collection where goals are totally different.
In concurrent collection, you have a single copy of collection accessed by all threads.
In immutable collection you have virtually isolated copy of a tree, navigating that tree is always costly.
It is useful in transactional system, where if a transaction has to be rolled back, state of collection can be retained in commit points.
This is a criticism that's been made before.
As Akash already said, ImmutableDictionary works with an internal tree, instead of a hashset.
One aspect of this is that you can improve the performance slightly if you build the dictionary in one step instead of iteratively adding all the keys:
immutable = concurrent.ToImmutableDictionary();
Enumerating a hashset and a balanced tree are both O(n) operations. I took the average of a few runs on a single thread for varying container size and get results consistent with that:
I don't know why the immutable slope is 6x steeper. For now I'll just assume its doing tricky nonblocking tree stuff. I assume this class would be optimized for random stores and reads rather than enumeration.
To identify what exact scenarios ImmutableDictionary wins at, we'd need to wrap a concurrent dictionary to provide some level of immutability, and test both classes in the face of levels of read/write contention.
Not a serious suggestion, but a counterpoint to your test is to use immutability to "cheat" over multiple iterations by comparing:
private ConcurrentDictionary<object, long> cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<object, long>();
public long ImmutableSum()
return cache.GetOrAdd(immutable, (obj) => (obj as ImmutableDictionary<int, int>).Sum(kvp => (long)kvp.Value));
public long ConcurrentSum() => concurrent.Sum(kvp => (long)kvp.Value);
This makes a quite a difference on subsequent calls to sum an unchanged collection!
The two are not mutually exclusive. I use both.
If your dictionary is small the read performance of ImmutableDictionary will be superior to ConcurrentDictionary as K1*Log(N) < K2 where Log(N) < K2/K1 (when the hash table overhead is worse than tree traversal).
I personally find the write semantics of the Immutable collections easier to understand than those of the concurrent collections as they tend to be more consistent, especially when dealing with AddOrUpdate() and GetOrAdd().
In practice, I find that there have many cases in which I have a good number of small (or empty) dictionaries that are more appropriate as ImmutableDictionary and some larger ones that warrant the use of ConcurrentDictionary.
Having said that, if they are small then it doesn't make much of a difference what you use.
Regarding the answer of Peter Wishart, the enumeration performance of ImmutableDictionary is higher than ConcurrentDictionary (for reasonable N) because tree traversal is brutal in terms of memory latency on modern cache architectures.

What is the most efficient loop in c#

There are a number of different way to accomplish the same simple loop though the items of an object in c#.
This has made me wonder if there is any reason be it performance or ease of use, as to use on over the other. Or is it just down to personal preference.
Take a simple object
var myList = List<MyObject>;
Lets assume the object is filled and we want to iterate over the items.
Method 1.
foreach(var item in myList)
//Do stuff
Method 2
myList.Foreach(ml =>
//Do stuff
Method 3
while (myList.MoveNext())
//Do stuff
Method 4
for (int i = 0; i < myList.Count; i++)
//Do stuff
What I was wondering is do each of these compiled down to the same thing? is there a clear performance advantage for using one over the others?
or is this just down to personal preference when coding?
Have I missed any?
The answer the majority of the time is it does not matter. The number of items in the loop (even what one might consider a "large" number of items, say in the thousands) isn't going to have an impact on the code.
Of course, if you identify this as a bottleneck in your situation, by all means, address it, but you have to identify the bottleneck first.
That said, there are a number of things to take into consideration with each approach, which I'll outline here.
Let's define a few things first:
All of the tests were run on .NET 4.0 on a 32-bit processor.
TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond on my machine = 10,000,000
All tests were performed in separate unit test sessions, not in the same one (so as not to possibly interfere with garbage collections, etc.)
Here's some helpers that are needed for each test:
The MyObject class:
public class MyObject
public int IntValue { get; set; }
public double DoubleValue { get; set; }
A method to create a List<T> of any length of MyClass instances:
public static List<MyObject> CreateList(int items)
// Validate parmaeters.
if (items < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("items", items,
"The items parameter must be a non-negative value.");
// Return the items in a list.
return Enumerable.Range(0, items).
Select(i => new MyObject { IntValue = i, DoubleValue = i }).
An action to perform for each item in the list (needed because Method 2 uses a delegate, and a call needs to be made to something to measure impact):
public static void MyObjectAction(MyObject obj, TextWriter writer)
// Validate parameters.
Debug.Assert(obj != null);
Debug.Assert(writer != null);
// Write.
writer.WriteLine("MyObject.IntValue: {0}, MyObject.DoubleValue: {1}",
obj.IntValue, obj.DoubleValue);
A method to create a TextWriter which writes to a null Stream (basically a data sink):
public static TextWriter CreateNullTextWriter()
// Create a stream writer off a null stream.
return new StreamWriter(Stream.Null);
And let's fix the number of items at one million (1,000,000, which should be sufficiently high to enforce that generally, these all have about the same performance impact):
// The number of items to test.
public const int ItemsToTest = 1000000;
Let's get into the methods:
Method 1: foreach
The following code:
foreach(var item in myList)
//Do stuff
Compiles down into the following:
using (var enumerable = myList.GetEnumerable())
while (enumerable.MoveNext())
var item = enumerable.Current;
// Do stuff.
There's quite a bit going on there. You have the method calls (and it may or may not be against the IEnumerator<T> or IEnumerator interfaces, as the compiler respects duck-typing in this case) and your // Do stuff is hoisted into that while structure.
Here's the test to measure the performance:
public void TestForEachKeyword()
// Create the list.
List<MyObject> list = CreateList(ItemsToTest);
// Create the writer.
using (TextWriter writer = CreateNullTextWriter())
// Create the stopwatch.
Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Cycle through the items.
foreach (var item in list)
// Write the values.
MyObjectAction(item, writer);
// Write out the number of ticks.
Debug.WriteLine("Foreach loop ticks: {0}", s.ElapsedTicks);
The output:
Foreach loop ticks: 3210872841
Method 2: .ForEach method on List<T>
The code for the .ForEach method on List<T> looks something like this:
public void ForEach(Action<T> action)
// Error handling omitted
// Cycle through the items, perform action.
for (int index = 0; index < Count; ++index)
// Perform action.
Note that this is functionally equivalent to Method 4, with one exception, the code that is hoisted into the for loop is passed as a delegate. This requires a dereference to get to the code that needs to be executed. While the performance of delegates has improved from .NET 3.0 on, that overhead is there.
However, it's negligible. The test to measure the performance:
public void TestForEachMethod()
// Create the list.
List<MyObject> list = CreateList(ItemsToTest);
// Create the writer.
using (TextWriter writer = CreateNullTextWriter())
// Create the stopwatch.
Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Cycle through the items.
list.ForEach(i => MyObjectAction(i, writer));
// Write out the number of ticks.
Debug.WriteLine("ForEach method ticks: {0}", s.ElapsedTicks);
The output:
ForEach method ticks: 3135132204
That's actually ~7.5 seconds faster than using the foreach loop. Not completely surprising, given that it uses direct array access instead of using IEnumerable<T>.
Remember though, this translates to 0.0000075740637 seconds per item being saved. That's not worth it for small lists of items.
Method 3: while (myList.MoveNext())
As shown in Method 1, this is exactly what the compiler does (with the addition of the using statement, which is good practice). You're not gaining anything here by unwinding the code yourself that the compiler would otherwise generate.
For kicks, let's do it anyways:
public void TestEnumerator()
// Create the list.
List<MyObject> list = CreateList(ItemsToTest);
// Create the writer.
using (TextWriter writer = CreateNullTextWriter())
// Get the enumerator.
using (IEnumerator<MyObject> enumerator = list.GetEnumerator())
// Create the stopwatch.
Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Cycle through the items.
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
// Write.
MyObjectAction(enumerator.Current, writer);
// Write out the number of ticks.
Debug.WriteLine("Enumerator loop ticks: {0}", s.ElapsedTicks);
The output:
Enumerator loop ticks: 3241289895
Method 4: for
In this particular case, you're going to gain some speed, as the list indexer is going directly to the underlying array to perform the lookup (that's an implementation detail, BTW, there's nothing to say that it can't be a tree structure backing the List<T> up).
public void TestListIndexer()
// Create the list.
List<MyObject> list = CreateList(ItemsToTest);
// Create the writer.
using (TextWriter writer = CreateNullTextWriter())
// Create the stopwatch.
Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Cycle by index.
for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
// Get the item.
MyObject item = list[i];
// Perform the action.
MyObjectAction(item, writer);
// Write out the number of ticks.
Debug.WriteLine("List indexer loop ticks: {0}", s.ElapsedTicks);
The output:
List indexer loop ticks: 3039649305
However the place where this can make a difference is arrays. Arrays can be unwound by the compiler to process multiple items at a time.
Instead of doing ten iterations of one item in a ten item loop, the compiler can unwind this into five iterations of two items in a ten item loop.
However, I'm not positive here that this is actually happening (I have to look at the IL and the output of the compiled IL).
Here's the test:
public void TestArray()
// Create the list.
MyObject[] array = CreateList(ItemsToTest).ToArray();
// Create the writer.
using (TextWriter writer = CreateNullTextWriter())
// Create the stopwatch.
Stopwatch s = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// Cycle by index.
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i)
// Get the item.
MyObject item = array[i];
// Perform the action.
MyObjectAction(item, writer);
// Write out the number of ticks.
Debug.WriteLine("Enumerator loop ticks: {0}", s.ElapsedTicks);
The output:
Array loop ticks: 3102911316
It should be noted that out-of-the box, Resharper offers a suggestion with a refactoring to change the above for statements to foreach statements. That's not to say this is right, but the basis is to reduce the amount of technical debt in code.
You really shouldn't be concerned with the performance of these things, unless testing in your situation shows that you have a real bottleneck (and you'll have to have massive numbers of items to have an impact).
Generally, you should go for what's most maintainable, in which case, Method 1 (foreach) is the way to go.
In regards to the final bit of the question, "Did I miss any?" Yes, and I feel I would be remiss to not mention this even though the question is quite old. While those four ways of doing it will execute in relatively the same amount of time, there is a way not shown above that runs faster than all of them. Quite significantly, in fact, as the number of items in the iterated list increases. It would be the exact same way as the last method but instead of getting .Count in the condition check of the loop, you assign this value to a variable before setting up the loop and use that instead. Which leaves you with something like this:
var countVar = list.Count;
for(int i = 0; i < countVar; i++)
//loop logic
By doing it this way, you're only looking up a variable value at each iteration, rather than resolving the Count or Length properties, which is considerably less efficient.
I would suggest an even better and not well-known approach for faster loop iteration over a list. I would recommend you to first read about Span<T>. Note that you can use it if you are using .NET Core.
List<MyObject> list = new();
foreach (MyObject item in CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan(list))
// Do something
Be aware of the caveats:
The CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan method is unsafe and should be used only if you know what you're doing. CollectionsMarshal.AsSpan returns a Span<T> on the private array of List<T>. Iterating over a Span<T> is fast as the JIT uses the same tricks as for optimizing arrays. Using this method, it won't check the list is not modified during the enumeration.
This is a more detailed explanation of what it does behind the scenes and more, super interesting!

multiple threads adding elements to one list. why are there always fewer items in the list than expected?

The following code explains my question.
I know the list is not thread safe. But what is the underlying "real" reason of this?
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<string> strCol = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
int id = i;
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
}).ContinueWith((t) => { WriteCount(strCol, id.ToString()); });
private static void WriteCount(List<string> strCol, string id)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Task {0} is done. Count: {1}. Thread ID: {2}", id, strCol.Count, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId));
private static void AddElements(List<string> strCol)
for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++)
I will skip the obvious answer "List is not thread safe" - this you already know.
List items are kept in an internal array. There are at least two stages (from logical point of view) when adding an item to a List. First, List gets an index indicating where to put new item. It puts new item into array using this index. Then it increments the index and this is stage two. If second (or third, forth, ...) thread happens to add new item at the same time it may be that there will be two (3, 4, ...) new items put into the same array location before the index is incremented by the first thread. Items are overwritten and lost.
The internal operations of adding new item and incrementing index must be always done in one go for the list to be thread safe. That's what is called critical section. This can be achieved by locks.
Hope this explains a bit.
This is because List<T> is not thread safe.
You should use a thread safe collection for this, such as one of the collections in System.Collections.Concurrent. Otherwise, you'll need to synchronize all access to the List<T> (ie: put every Add call within a lock), which will defeat the purpose of calling this using multiple threads entirely, as you're not doing any other work in this situation.

Nested Parallel.ForEach Loops on the same list?

I need to parallelize a method that does an exhaustive pairwise comparison on elements in a list. The serial implementation is straight-forward:
foreach (var element1 in list)
foreach (var element2 in list)
foo(element1, element2);
In this case, foo won't alter the state of element1 or element2. I know it's not safe to simply do nested Parallel.ForEach statements:
Parallel.ForEach(list, delegate(A element1)
Parallel.ForEach(list, delegate(A element2)
foo(element1, element2);
What would be the ideal way to implement this using the parallel tasks library?
At least if you are executing the code on a machine where the number of cores is at least twice the number of items in the list, I'm not sure it is a good idea to do embedded Parallel.ForEachs.
In other words, if you target a quad-core, and the list has one thousand items, just parallelize the parent loop. Parallelizing both loops would not make the code faster, but rather much, much slower, since parallel tasks have performance cost.
alt text
At each iteration, a few milliseconds will be lost by Parallel.ForEach to determine which thread must execute the next iteration. Let's say you have a set of 7 items. If you parallelize the parent loop, those milliseconds will be lost 7 times. If you parallelize both loops, they will be lost 7×7=49 times instead. Larger is the set, bigger is the overheat.
Couldn't you just have one Parallel and one normal loop? So either
Parallel.ForEach(list, delegate(A element1)
foreach(A element2 in list)
foo(element1, element2)
foreach(A element1 in list)
Parallel.ForEach(list, delegate(A element2)
foo(element1, element2);
Should speed it up as well. There was never going to be a thread per cycle anyway, so this would probably be just as fast or slightly slower than nested parallel loops.
The two nested loops essentially mean that you want to foo the cartessian product of the list with itself. You can parallelize the entire operation by first creating all pairs in a temporary list, then iterating over that list with Parallel.ForEach.
EDIT: Instead of creating a list of all combinations, you can use an iterator to return a 2-element tuple with the combination. Parallel.ForEach will still parallelize the processing of the tuples.
The following sample prints out the current iteration step to show that results come back out-of-order, as would be expected during parallel processing:
const int SIZE = 10;
static void Main(string[] args)
List<int> list = new List<int>(SIZE);
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
static IEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>> GetCombinations(List<int> list)
for(int i=0;i<list.Count;i++)
for(int j=0;j<list.Count;j++)
yield return Tuple.Create(list[i],list[j]);

