How to perform overload resolution with generics programatically - c#

I have a number of MethodBase instances referencing different open generic methods (expected), e.g. representing the following methods:
T Foo<T>(T nevermind, T other);
T Foo<T>(string nevermind, T other);
And I have a single MethodBase instance referencing closed method that was actually called (actual), e.g.:
int Foo<int>(string nevermind, int other);
How can I programatically check if actual closed method could match any of given expected open methods, especially when considering all the generics pitfalls and complications?
Specifically, I would like to identify that the correct item from expected list for given actual closed method is T Foo<T>(string nevermind, T other); and not the second one.
Moreover, for MethodBase corresponding to double Foo<double>(double something, string other) I'd like to have no results matched.
Is iterating through candidate methods and checking if each parameter from expected is assignable from corresponding actual parameter a good way? If so, is it the simplest way? Do I need to consider any special cases to not match methods that will not be chosen according to method overloads resolution rules in .NET?

Tl;dr. The problem is not possible to solve using reflection, at least as I understand it, and without more specificity..
Method resolution rules are extremely complicated, especially for generic methods. There are many pitfalls you will fall into. You will need to know not only the method, the type parameter, but also a lot of information about the target, along with its own type parameters. In some cases, where the method was called from.
Method has implementation in a base class but is hidden by the child.
Method is from an interface, and was implemented explicitly, and may have another method with the same name on the implementer.
A methods such as Foo<T>(T a, string other), Foo<T>(string a, T other), Foo<T>(string a, string other) and some other variations cannot be disambiguated for T = string unless you know where the call is coming from (these are legal methods, and the one that gets called depends on several things).
Generic constraints can be placed on methods.
Polymorphism on the argument types, including generic variance for interfaces and delegates.
Optional parameters.
This goes on and on.
Basically, it can never work. Not using reflection. Not the way you're proposing. Even if you have restrictions about what calls can be made, you'd have to decide which things to check and which not, and you will always miss a few. These aren't the only pitfalls by the way, just a random sampling.
However, you do have some options.
The first, and best option in my opinion, is going a step back and thinking about the original problem. Post that if you can. It might have a different answer, and people will be able to advise you better. Hopefully it's less complicated to understand.
If you limited the scope of the matter greatly, such as no generic constraints, no interfaces, and so forth, this might be possible. It would be error prone, because there are lots of gotcha's.
You can try resolving it at runtime using dynamic binding, but the way dynamic binding resolves methods may be different from the way it normally happens. I don't know much about this, though.
You can hook the runtime and also investigate method calls as they are resolved. There are libraries for this. This will even allow you to understand how late binding is resolved.
Finally, you can look into the IL, possibly with the aid of various tools and libraries such as Mono.Cecil. In the built library, method resolution has already been performed, so you will see exactly which methods are called from which locations. This doesn't sound feasible however.
Oh, there is Roslyn, and other compilers with interfaces. They already have the resolution logic implemented, so they may make the task easier. IF they are open source, you can try to understand how method resolution is performed there. I'm kind of out of my depth here, though. And I suspect it's not feasible.
I don't like posting links to specific libraries because I'd rather you just research them. Also because there are many options.
To summarize, at least in my opinion, and as I understand the problem, without great restrictions on the methods and more information, it is impossible.


Is object casting an inevitability of reality when there is a need to design modular architecture?

It is common to read around that object casting is a bad practice and should be avoided, for instance Why should casting be avoided? question has gotten some answers with great arguments:
By Jerry Coffin:
Looking at things more generally, the situation's pretty simple (at
least IMO): a cast (obviously enough) means you're converting
something from one type to another. When/if you do that, it raises the
question "Why?" If you really want something to be a particular type,
why didn't you define it to be that type to start with? That's not to
say there's never a reason to do such a conversion, but anytime it
happens, it should prompt the question of whether you could re-design
the code so the correct type was used throughout.
By Eric Lippert:
Both kinds of casts are red flags. The first kind of cast
raises the question "why exactly is it that the developer knows
something that the compiler doesn't?" If you are in that situation
then the better thing to do is usually to change the program so that
the compiler does have a handle on reality. Then you don't need the
cast; the analysis is done at compile time.
The second kind of cast raises the question "why isn't the operation
being done in the target data type in the first place?" If you need
a result in ints then why are you holding a double in the first
place? Shouldn't you be holding an int?
Moving on to my question, recently I have started to look into the source code of the well known open source project AutoFixture originally devloped by Mark Seemann which I really appreciate.
One of the main components of the library is the interface ISpecimenBuilder which define an somehow abstract method:
object Create(object request, ISpecimenContext context);
As you can see request parameter type is object and by such it accepts completely different types, different implementations of the interface treat different requests by their runtime type, checking if it is something they cable dealing with otherwise returning some kind of no response representation.
It seems that the design of the interface does not adhere to the "good practice" that object casting should be used sparsely.
I was thinking to myself if there is a better way to design this contract in a way that defeats all the casting but couldn't find any solution.
Obviously the object parameter could be replaced with some marker interface but it will not save us the casting problem, I have also thought that it is possible to use some variation of visitor pattern as described here but it does not seem to be very scalable, the visitor will must have dozens of different methods since there is so many different implementations of the interface that capable dealing with different types of requests.
Although the fact that I basically agree with the arguments against using casting as part of a good design in this specific scenario it seems as not only the best option but also the only realistic one.
To sum up, is object casting and a very general contracts are inevitability of reality when there is a need to design modular and extendable architecture?
I don't think that I can answer this question generally, for any type of application or framework, but I can offer an answer that specifically talks about AutoFixture, as well as offer some speculation about other usage scenarios.
If I had to write AutoFixture from scratch today, there's certainly things I'd do differently. Particularly, I wouldn't design the day-to-day API around something like ISpecimenBuilder. Rather, I'd design the data manipulation API around the concept of functors and monads, as outlined here.
This design is based entirely on generics, but it does require statically typed building blocks (also described in the article) known at compile time.
This is closely related to how something like QuickCheck works. When you write QuickCheck-based tests, you must supply generators for all of your own custom types. Haskell doesn't support run-time casting of values, but instead relies exclusively on generics and some compile-time automation. Granted, Haskell's generics are more powerful than C#'s, so you can't necessarily transfer the knowledge gained from Haskell to C#. It does suggest, however, that it's possible to write code entirely without relying on run-time casting.
AutoFixture does, however, support user-defined types without the need for the user to write custom generators. It does this via .NET Reflection. In .NET, the Reflection API is untyped; all the methods for generating objects and invoking members take object as input and return object as output.
Any application, library, or framework based on Reflection will have to perform some run-time casting. I don't see how to get around that.
Would it be possible to write data generators without Reflection? I haven't tried the following, but perhaps one could adopt a strategy where one would write 'the code' for a data generator directly in IL and use Reflection emit to dynamically compile an in-memory assembly that contains the generators.
This is a bit like how the Hiro container works, IIRC. I suppose that one could design other types of general-purpose frameworks around this concept, but I rarely see it done in .NET.

c# optional parameters in constructor [duplicate]

I came across this today, and I am surprised that I haven't noticed it before. Given a simple C# program similar to the following:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Method(); // Called the method with no arguments.
Method("a string"); // Called the method with a string.
public static void Method()
Console.WriteLine("Called the method with no arguments.");
public static void Method(string aString = "a string")
Console.WriteLine("Called the method with a string.");
You get the output shown in the comments for each method call.
I understand why the compiler chooses the overloads that it does, but why is this allowed in the first place? I am not asking what the overload resolution rules are, I understand those, but I am asking if there is a technical reason why the compiler allows what are essentially two overloads with the same signature?
As far as I can tell, a function overload with a signature that differs from another overload only through having an additional optional argument offers nothing more than it would if the argument (and all preceding arguments) were simply required.
One thing it does do is makes it possible for a programmer (who probably isn't paying enough attention) to think they're calling a different overload to the one that they actually are.
I suppose it's a fairly uncommon case, and the answer for why this is allowed may just be because it's simply not worth the complexity to disallow it, but is there another reason why C# allows function overloads to differ from others solely through having one additional optional argument?
His point that Eric Lippert could have an answer lead me to this, which makes it sounds like my question will only annoy him. I'll try to rephrase it to make it clearer that I'm asking about the language design, and that I'm not looking for a spec reference
I appreciate it! I am happy to talk about language design; what annoys me is when I waste time doing so when the questioner is very unclear about what would actually satisfy their request. I think your question was phrased clearly.
The comment to your question posted by Hans is correct. The language design team was well aware of the issue you raise, and this is far from the only potential ambiguity created by optional / named arguments. We considered a great many scenarios for a long time and designed the feature as carefully as possible to mitigate potential problems.
All design processes are the result of compromise between competing design principles. Obviously there were many arguments for the feature that had to be balanced against the significant design, implementation and testing costs, as well as the costs to users in the form of confusion, bugs, and so on, from accidental construction of ambiguities such as the one you point out.
I'm not going to rehash what was dozens of hours of debate; let me just give you the high points.
The primary motivating scenario for the feature was, as Hans notes, popular demand, particularly coming from developers who use C# with Office. (And full disclosure, as a guy on the team that wrote the C# programming model for Word and Excel before I joined the C# team, I was literally the first one asking for it; the irony that I then had to implement this difficult feature a couple years later was not lost on me.) Office object models were designed to be used from Visual Basic, a language that has long had optional / named parameter support.
C# 4 might have seemed like a bit of a "thin" release in terms of obvious features. That's because a lot of the work done in that release was infrastructure for allowing more seamless interoperability with object models that were designed for dynamic languages. The dynamic typing feature is the obvious one, but there were numerous other small features added that combine together to make working with dynamic and legacy COM object models easier. Named / optional arguments was just one of them.
The fact that we had existing languages like VB that had this specific feature for decades and the world hadn't ended yet was further evidence that the feature was both doable and valuable. It's great having an example where you can learn from its successes and failures before designing a new version of the feature.
As for the specific situation you mention: we considered doing things like detecting when there was a possible ambiguity and making a warning, but that then opens up a whole other cans of worms. Warnings have to be for code that is common, plausible and almost certainly wrong, and there should be a clear way to address the problem that causes the warning to go away. Writing an ambiguity detector is a lot of work; believe me, it took way longer to write the ambiguity detection in overload resolution than it took to write the code to handle successful cases. We didn't want to spend a lot of time on adding a warning for a rare scenario that is hard to detect and that there might be no clear advice on how to eliminate the warning.
Also, frankly, if you write code where you have two methods named the same thing that do something completely different depending on which one you call, you already have a larger design problem on your hands! Fix that problem first, rather than worrying that someone is going to accidentally call the wrong method; make it so that either method is the right one to call.
This behaviour is specified by Microsoft at the MSDN. Have a look at Named and Optional Arguments (C# Programming Guide).
If two candidates are judged to be equally good, preference goes to a candidate that does not have optional parameters for which arguments were omitted in the call. This is a consequence of a general preference in overload resolution for candidates that have fewer parameters.
A reason why they decided to implement it the way like this could be if you want to overload a method afterwards. So you don't have to change all your method calls that are already written.
I'm surprised, also Jon Skeet has no real explantation why they did it like this.
I think this question basically boils down to how those signatures are represented by the intermediate language. Note that the signatures of both overloads are not equal! The second method has a signature like this:
.method public hidebysig static void Method([opt] string aString) cil managed
.param [1] = string('a string')
// ...
In IL the signature of the method is different. It takes a string, which is marked as optional. This changes the behaviour of how the parameter get's initialize, but does not change the presence of this parameter.
The compiler is not able to decide, which method you are calling, so it uses the one that fits best, based on the parameters you provide. Since you did not provide any parameters for the first call, it assumes that you are calling the overload without any parameters.
In the end it is a question about good code design. As a rule of thumb, I either use optional parameters or overloads, depending on what I want to do: Optional parameters are good, if the logic within the method does not depend on the provided arguments, while overloads are good to provide a different implementation for different sets of arguments. If you ever find yourself checking if a parameter equals a default value in order to decide what to do, you should probably go for an overload. On the other hand, if you find yourself repeating large chunks of code in many overloads, you should try extracting optional parameters.
There's also a good answer of Chuck Skeet to this question.

How to find out which assembly handled the request

I have a Web solution which contains two projects (A and B) with B referencing A.
In A I have an Html extension method that obviously can be called from either A or B.
My question is once the method is called (usually from a partial view) is there a way inside the method to figure out whether the call came from Assembly A or Assembly B without passing anything to it?
I tried to see if I can do anything with HttpContext.Current.Request but could not find anything useful. I can get the URI but that still does not tell me which assembly the file that originated the Request is in.
Thanks for your answers - the method returns a string and the string is from a string.resx file which I have one for each assembly. That is why I need to know which file to access to return the string. Since each assembly "registers" itself on start up if I add a new assembly my method will not change, since it will just look up the assembly.In fact my whole project will not change. The reason why I am not introducing another parameter at this time is b/c it will mean a HUGE amount of changes and I honestly don't see the benefit. While I see your point and I generally agree with it I think in my case it's not that the method returns different things , it's just grabbing the correct resource file based on the assembly.
As SLaks pointed out, you can check HttpContext.Current.Application.GetType().Assembly.
However I agree with John in the comments that you have probably made a bad design decision if you need this.
The Problem
Your method is a hypocrite.
It talks different to different callers but doesn't tell it in open.
You see, each method defines a certain contract with arguments and a return type.
For example, int.Parse says that it takes a string and turns it into an int. If we want to change default behavior, we may also give it NumberStyles and/or IFormatProvider.
We the consumers don't know how int.Parse is implemented. Because it is static, we most certainly expect it doesn't have side effects and will always return the same value for the same set of parameters.
Repeat this mantra after me:
Explicit is better than implicit.
You would probably be very angry if you found out int.Parse somehow analyzes your code and changes its behavior depending on where it's called from.
It's the caller's responsibility to define the context, not the callee's.
Try to give simple and concise answers to questions below:
What happens if the method is called from assembly C?
How would you unit-test it? What if some other developer uses this method in unit tests?
What happens if you rename assembly A or B? Merge them? Split them further?
Will you remember to change this method if anything above happens?
If answering any of the questions above clearly poses a challenge for you, it is a sign you're Doing It Wrong™.
Instead you should...
Introduce a Parameter
Think about the method contract. What can you do to make it full and descriptive?
Define a generic (as in English) method in a separate assembly that doesn't know anything about the callers and has additional parameters, and define parameter-filling shortcuts for it in concrete assemblies.
It's better that these parameters don't know anything about the assemblies either.
For example, if you needed to resolve URLs inside your method, you could accept string baseUrl or Func<string, string> urlResolver so it's potentially usable from any assembly that cares to specify those.
In the worst case, you could define an enum with possible caller contexts and pass it to the method. This will make your design problem explicit, rather than implicit. Obvious problem is always better than hidden problem, although worse than no problem at all.
Check HttpContext.Current.Application.GetType().Assembly

Design Perspective: Static Methods vs. Classes

Although this is a fairly common problem, I am struggling with what the best way to approach it (if it needs approached at all in this case).
I have inherited a website (ASP.NET, C#) part of which contains a class full of static methods (it's a very large class, honestly). One method in particular is for sending e-mails. It has every possible parameter I can think of and it works well enough. However, the internals of that particular method are rather cumbersome to manage and understand due to the fact that everything is shoved inside - particularly when most of the parameters aren't used. In addition, it is somewhat difficult to handle errors, again, due to all the parameters for this one method.
Would it make more sense to actually have an EMail class which is instantiated when you want to send an e-mail? This just "feels" more right to me, though I can't full explain why. What are your thoughts on the way to go in this particular case? How about in general?
What you're describing sounds like an example of the aphorism, "You can write FORTRAN in any language."
A massive class full of static methods is often (not always) a sign that somebody just didn't "get" OOP, was stuck in a procedural-programming mindset and was trying to twist the language to do what he wanted.
As a rule of thumb: If any method, static or instance, takes more than about 5 parameters, it's often a sign that the method is trying to do too many things at once, and is a good candidate for refactoring into one or more classes.
Also, if the static methods are not really related, then they should at least be split up into classes that implement related functionality.
I'm actually wondering why you'd have a "send e-mail" method at all, given that the System.Net.Mail namespace handles just about every case, and is configurable via the app.config/web.config file, so you don't need to pass it a server name or port. Is this perchance a "notification" method - something that individual pages are supposed to call out to in order to send one of several "standard" messages based on templates with various values filled in, and certain headers/footers automatically added? If so, there are a number of designs for this type of interaction that are much easier to work with than what you seem to have inherited. (i.e. MailDefinition)
Update: Now having seen your comment that this is being used for exception handling, I think that the most appropriate solution is an actual exception handler. There are a ton of resources on this. For ASP.NET WebForms, I actually took the one Jeff Atwood wrote years ago, ported it to C# and made a few changes (like ignoring 404 errors). There are a number of good links in this previous question.
My preference these days is just to treat exception handling (and subsequent e-mailing of exception reports) as a subset of logging. log4net has an SmtpAppender that's quite capable, and you can configure it to only be used for "fatal" errors (i.e. unhandled exceptions - in your handler, you just make a LogFatal call).
The important thing, which you'll no doubt pick up from the SO link above and any referenced links, is that there are actually two anti-patterns here - the "miscellaneous" static class, and catching exceptions that you don't know how to handle. This is a poor practice in .NET - in most cases you should only catch application-specific exceptions that you can recover from, and let all other exceptions bubble up, installing a global exception handler if necessary.
Here are the Microsoft guidelines for when to use static types, generally.
Some things I would add, personally:
You must use static types to write extension methods.
Static types can make unit testing hard as they are difficult/impossible to mock.
Static types enforce immutability and referentially transparent functions, which can be a good design. So use them for things which are designed to be immutable and have no external dependencies. E.g., System.Math.
Some argue (e.g.) that the Singleton pattern is a bad idea. In any event, it would be wrong to think of static types as Singletons; they're much more broad than that.
This particular case has side-effects (sending e-mails) and doesn't appear to require extension methods. So it doesn't fit into what I would see as the useful case for static types. On the other hand, using an object would allow mocking the e-mail, which would be helpful for a unit test. So I think you're correct to say that a static type is inappropriate here.
Oh my gosh yes.
It sounds like its an old Classic ASP app that was ported.
It violates the single responsibility principle. If you can refactor that class. Use overloading for that function.
That is an example of the Utils anti-pattern.
It is always a good idea to separate those methods according on their responsibility. Creating an Email class is definitely a Good Idea™. It will give you a much nicer interface to use, and it allows you to mock out the Email in tests.
See The Little Manual of API Design, which describes the benefits of classes having minimal constructors and lots of getters/setters over the alternative of using constructor/methods having many parameters.
Since most of the parameters of the methods you mention are not used, a better approach is to use simple constructors that assume reasonable default settings for the internal variables. Having setter methods allows you to then set the few parameters (and only those parameters) that require non-default values.

evaluating cost/benefits of using extension methods in C# => 3.0 [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 6 years ago.
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In what circumstances (usage scenarios) would you choose to write an extension rather than sub-classing an object ?
< full disclosure : I am not an MS employee; I do not know Mitsu Furota personally; I do know the author of the open-source Componax library mentioned here, but I have no business dealings with him whatsoever; I am not creating, or planning to create any commercial product using extensions : in sum : this post is from pure intellectal curiousity related to my trying to (continually) become aware of "best practices" >
I find the idea of extension methods "cool," and obviously you can do "far-out" things with them as in the many examples you can in Mitsu Furota's (MS) blog postslink text.
A personal friend wrote the open-source Componax librarylink text, and there's some remarkable facilities in there; but he is in complete command of his small company with total control over code guidelines, and every line of code "passes through his hands."
While this is speculation on my part : I think/guess other issues might come into play in a medium-to-large software team situation re use of Extensions.
Looking at MS's guidelines at link text, you find :
In general, you will probably be
calling extension methods far more
often than implementing your own. ...
In general, we recommend that you
implement extension methods sparingly
and only when you have to. Whenever
possible, client code that must extend
an existing type should do so by
creating a new type derived from the
existing type. For more information,
see Inheritance (C# Programming
Guide). ... When the compiler
encounters a method invocation, it
first looks for a match in the type's
instance methods. If no match is
found, it will search for any
extension methods that are defined for
the type, and bind to the first
extension method that it finds.
And at Ms's link text :
Extension methods present no specific
security vulnerabilities. They can
never be used to impersonate existing
methods on a type, because all name
collisions are resolved in favor of
the instance or static method defined
by the type itself. Extension methods
cannot access any private data in the
extended class.
Factors that seem obvious to me would include :
I assume you would not write an extension unless you expected it be used very generally and very frequently. On the other hand : couldn't you say the same thing about sub-classing ?
Knowing we can compile them into a seperate dll, and add the compiled dll, and reference it, and then use the extensions : is "cool," but does that "balance out" the cost inherent in the compiler first having to check to see if instance methods are defined as described above. Or the cost, in case of a "name clash," of using the Static invocation methods to make sure your extension is invoked rather than the instance definition ?
How frequent use of Extensions would affect run-time performance or memory use : I have no idea.
So, I'd appreciate your thoughts, or knowing about how/when you do, or don't do, use Extensions, compared to sub-classing.
thanks, Bill
My greatest usage for them is to extend closed-off 3rd party APIs.
Most of the time, when a software developer is offering an API on Windows these days, they are leaning more and more toward .NET for that extensibility. I like to do this because I prefer to depend on my own methods that I can modify in the future and serve as a global entry point to their API, in the case that they change it.
Previously, when having to do this, and I couldn't inherit the API object because it was sealed or something, I would rely on the Adapter pattern to make my own classes that wrapped up their objects. This is a functional, but rather inelegant solution. Extension methods give you a beautiful way to add more functionality to something that you don't control.
Many other peoples' greatest usage for them is LINQ!
LINQ would not be possible without the extension methods provided to IEnumerable.
The reason why people love them is because they make code more readable.
I have noticed another MAJOR usage of extension methods (myself included) is to make code more readable, and make it appear as if the code to do something belongs where it is supposed to. It also gets rid of the dreaded "Util" static-god-class that I have seen many times over. What looks better... Util.DecimalToFraction(decimal value); or value.ToFraction();? If you're like me, the latter.
Finally, there are those who deem the "static method" as EVIL!
Many 'good programmers' will tell you that you should try to avoid static methods, especially those who use extensive unit testing. Static methods are difficult to test in some cases, but they are not evil if used properly. While extension methods ARE static... they don't look or act like it. This allows you to get those static methods out of your classes, and onto the objects that they really should be attached to.
Regarding performance..
Extension methods are no different than calling a static method, passing the object being extended as a parameter... because that is what the compiler turns it into. The great thing about that is that your code looks clean, it does what you want, and the compiler handles the dirty work for you.
I use extension methods as a way to improve the functionality for classes without increasing the complexity of the class. You can keep your classes simple, and then add your repetitive work later on as an extension.
The Min() and Max() extension methods are great examples of this. You could just as easily declare a private method that would calculate these, but an extension method provides better readability, makes the functionality available to your entire project, and didn't require making an array any more complex of an object.
Taking the sub-classing approach vs. extension methods requires a couple of things to be true
The type must be extendable (not-sealed)
All places the type is created must support a factory pattern of sorts or the other code will just create the base type.
Adding an extension method requires really nothing other than using a C# 3.0+ compiler.
But most importantly, an inheritance hierarchy should represent an is-a relationship. I don't feel that adding 1 or 2 new methods / behaviors to a class truly expressing this type of relationship. It is instead augmenting existing behavior. A wrapper class or extension method much better fits the scenario.
In some cases you can't use a subclass: string for instance is sealed. You can however still add extension methods.

