Sql runs but doesn't show any content in calendar control - c#

I have an sql select script that will execute and shows that there is data being selected when it is run. The problem I am having is trying to get that data to show in my calendar control. I wanted to change the calender by what department the user was from that logged in. Right now there is nothing showing and it will not show any data unless I hard code a department in it.
I am working with c# asp.net.
here is what I am doing to try and get the data
private DataSet GetData()
var CurrUser = "a73 ";
var UsrDepartment = "60 ";
Account.Login uusr = new Account.Login();
CurrUser = uusr.User.Identity.Name.ToString().ToUpper();
ConnectionStringSettingsCollection cssc = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings;
var sql = "select (substring(status, 1,1)) AS stat1, lastname, firstname, ldate, edate,depdivid, requestid from TIME.employee E inner join TIME.request T on E.EMPID = T.empid where E.depdivid = #UsrDepartment ";
using (iDB2Connection conn = new iDB2Connection(GetConnectionString()))
using (iDB2Command cmd = new iDB2Command(sql, conn))
using (iDB2DataAdapter da = new iDB2DataAdapter(cmd))
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
return ds;
I fill the calendar with this :
DataSet ds = GetData();
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
//need to fill from first to last date
string scheduledDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["ldate"]).ToShortDateString();
string endDate = Convert.ToDateTime(row["edate"]).ToShortDateString();
e.Cell.Width = 120;
e.Cell.Height = 100;
Int32 start = 0;
Int32 end = 0;
start = string.CompareOrdinal(scheduledDate, s);
end = string.CompareOrdinal(endDate, s);
if ((start <= 0) & (end >= 0) & (!e.Day.IsWeekend))
HyperLink lb = new HyperLink();
lb.Text = link + (Int64)row["requestid"] + "' >" + row["lastname"] + "</a>" as String + "(" + row["stat1"] + ")" as String + "<br />";
//code to change color of button
if (scheduledDate == endDate)
lb.CssClass = "changecolor";
This way will show no links in my calendar, but if I make the department have a value(which is not what I wanted) it will show the links.

I think you need a line like this
cmd.Parameters["#UsrDepartment"].Value = myDept


How do I pull data from mysql and assign it to corresponding values

Good Day.
I have a stock list in mysql database
I then have a windows form where i can allocate stock to a certain job, i do this by pulling all from my parts list in mysql and checking if the item selected by the user is in stock, i then add that item to a list using listbox.Items.Add(myitem). In also ass the quantity the user wants to a different list.
When I allocate the stock to a job i create one string separated by ',' and store that to mysql and the same with my quantites resulting is a parts string that looks like: 'PART001,PART002,PART003' and my quantities like: '2,1,3'.
I then add that to a request list which the admin needs to approve.
My problem comes in where the request form is loaded, I pull these parts and quantity lists from mySql and split them wit myString.Split(',');
And I then just add them to another listbox, HOWEVER when i get the quantities that my stock table has available, I loop over the part numbers and pull the quantities but if I for example have my first part as item 3 in my stock table and my second item as my 1st item in my stock list, it will assign item 1's quantity to my item 3. So basically my loop does not assign the right values.
Here is my code for checking the values
ListBox lb = PartsListBox;
ListBox lbq = PartsQuanListBox;
String query = "SELECT * FROM parts WHERE partnum = '"+PartsSelectCb.Text.Trim()+"'";
String partnum = "N/A";
int quan = 0;
MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conString);
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, con);
MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
partnum = (String)dr["partnum"];
if(PartsSelectCb.Text == partnum)
quan = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
if (quan > 0)
if (!lb.Items.Contains(PartsSelectCb.Text.Trim()))
And here is my code for inserting those values into my request table
private void SendRequest()
String dte = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
String g = "";
String h = "";
String a = "";
String b = "";
if (PartsListBox.Items.Count > 0)
foreach (var item in PartsListBox.Items)
g += item.ToString() + ",";
h = g.Substring(0, g.Length - 1);
if (PartsQuanListBox.Items.Count > 0)
foreach (var itemt in PartsQuanListBox.Items)
a += itemt.ToString() + ",";
b = a.Substring(0, a.Length - 1);
String query = "INSERT INTO partsbook VALUES (NULL,'" + h + "','" + b + "','"
+ ReqTxt.Text.Trim() + "','" + userN + "','" + dte + "','" +""+"','"+ "REQUEST" + "')";
MySqlConnection dataCon = new MySqlConnection(conString);
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, dataCon);
catch (Exception r)
MessageBox.Show("ERROR :" + r.Message.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("REQUEST SENT");
Then on the request side
private void GetStock()
String query = "SELECT * FROM parts";
String qtys = "";
MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(conString);
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, con);
MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
String nme = (String)dr["partnum"];
foreach(var item in UPartsListBox.Items)
if(item.ToString() == nme)
int q = (int)dr["qty"];
qtys += q.ToString() + ",";
string[] words = qtys.Split(',');
foreach(var word in words)
if(word != "")
User Request:
Admin View:
Stock Table:

Data gets duplicated in datagridview when query applied?

I am trying to perform CRUD operation on winform
This is for ASP.NET winform in which whenever I try to insert, update or delete the data to or from the database first of all rows and inside content gets duplicated
however, upon restarting the application data shows up correctly
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//.text property gets/Sets text associated with this control
String name = textBox1.Text.ToString();
String address = textBox2.Text.ToString();
String number = textBox3.Text.ToString();
long pnumber = Int64.Parse(number);
String sem = textBox4.Text.ToString();
long semester = Int64.Parse(sem);
string branch = comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString();
String query = "insert into student values('" + name + "','" + address + "'," + pnumber + "," + semester + ",'" + branch + "')";
SqlCommand sqlcom = new SqlCommand(query, con);
int i = sqlcom.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (i >= 1)
MessageBox.Show("Student has been Registered: " + name);
MessageBox.Show("Registration Failed ! ");
//clearing data
button1_Click(sender, e);
catch (Exception exp)
MessageBox.Show("Error is : " + exp.ToString());
void show()
String query = "select * from student";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con);
DataTable dataInTable = new DataTable();
//DataRow represents row of data in DataTable
foreach (DataRow item in dataInTable.Rows)
int n = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = item[0].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = item[1].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[2].Value = item[2].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[3].Value = item[3].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[4].Value = item[4].ToString();
The query works fine but rows still get duplicated. What's the problem?
I can't find any bug, so I assume I am doing something incorrectly.
Your show method adds rows to the grid, but it never removes the rows which are already in the grid.
Normally one would use data binding to populate a DataGridView or other data-bound controls. I'm going to assume you have reasons for just adding rows directly (perhaps it's simpler for your needs) and not change that. Given that structure, probably the easiest thing to do is just to clear the grid before adding the new rows:
void show()
String query = "select * from student";
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(query, con);
DataTable dataInTable = new DataTable();
dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); // <--- here
foreach (DataRow item in dataInTable.Rows)
int n = dataGridView1.Rows.Add();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[0].Value = item[0].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[1].Value = item[1].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[2].Value = item[2].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[3].Value = item[3].ToString();
dataGridView1.Rows[n].Cells[4].Value = item[4].ToString();
That way any time you are about to populate the grid with new data, you first clear the existing data from it.

C# datagrid not populating and no error

My first problem is that i have a method private void FillGeneralLedger(), i put the method in a button on click event to fill a datagridview dgvGeneralLedger my problem is when i run i am not getting an error and the dgv is remaining empty.
My Second problem is i would like to use the same connection but have 5 commands all the same just different account numbers eg in the example below the account below is '8200030' i would like to do the same for '8200031','8200032'
private void FillGeneralLedger()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(sConnectionString);
DataSet dataset = new DataSet();
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Select Ddate as Date" +
", etype" +
", Refrence" +
", linkacc as ContraAcc" +
", Description" +
", sum(case when amount > 0 then amount else 0 end) as Debits" +
", sum(case when amount < 0 then amount else 0 end) as Credits" +
", sum(amount) as Cumulative" +
" FROM dbo.vw_LedgerTransactions " +
" WHERE accnumber = '8200030'" +
" AND DDate BETWEEN '2016-04-01 00:00:00' AND '2016-04-30 00:00:00'" +
" AND DataSource = 'PAS11CEDCRE17'" +
" group by Ddate, etype, Refrence, linkacc, Description, Amount", conn);
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);
if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0)
lstGeneralLedger = new List<ReportDataClasses.GeneralLedger>();
foreach (DataRow row in dataset.Tables[0].Rows)
ReportDataClasses.GeneralLedger newGeneralLedger = new ReportDataClasses.GeneralLedger();
newGeneralLedger.Ddate = row[0].ToString();
newGeneralLedger.etype = row[1].ToString();
newGeneralLedger.refrence = row[2].ToString();
newGeneralLedger.linkacc = row[3].ToString();
newGeneralLedger.Description = row[4].ToString();
newGeneralLedger.debit = decimal.Parse(row[5].ToString());
newGeneralLedger.credit = decimal.Parse(row[6].ToString());
newGeneralLedger.cumulative = decimal.Parse(row[7].ToString());
dgvGeneralLedger.DataSource = dataset;
dgvGeneralLedger.Columns[0].Visible = false;
pdfCreator.AddGeneralLedgerPage(lstGeneralLedger, 1);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Application Error. err:" + ex.ToString());
Why do you use a DataSet when you only need a single DataTable, this doesn't make any sense. Just use one DataTable:
DataTable dataTableSource = new DataTable();
// .. cotinue your code
dgvGeneralLedger.DataSource = dataTableSource;
Account Number issue:
You can use SqlParameter instead of hard-coding the value. Like this:
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#acc", "8200030");
// .. store results ..
// second account
command.Parameters["#acc"].Value = "8200031";
// continue with the rest
But you need to change your query to be like this:
"... WHERE accnumber = #acc ...."

Using DataTable.update() does not add entries to my SQL Server database in one method but does in another

I have a method (AddRowToSQLTable()) that is passed a row, it then creates a row array containing that row and then passes it to DataTable.update().
This works fine. The SQL Server is updated and the next time I run (debug) the program the new data is present.
Another method (AddStock()) uses a similar structure but does not work.
The difference being that I am passing a data table in Update() not a Row[] however no exception is thrown just nothing is updated/added on the server.
Can someone please explain what exactly is going on and why these differ? I would like to know this even if the solution is to use a different structure to achieve what I want so I know for the future and have a better understanding.
To Note:
I have tested to ensure the DataTable being passed contains records. The DataTable is of the same format as the target SQL Server table.
I have also tried SqlBulkCopy and encounter the same problem.
Many thanks!
private DataTable StockAdditions;
public void PrepareStockQuantitiesForAdding()
if (StockAdditions != null)
StockAdditions = StockQuantitiesTable.Clone();
int Count = 0;
DataRow RowToAdd = StockQuantitiesTable.NewRow();
DataView AreaIDs = new DataView(AreaTable);
DataView Conditions = new DataView(ConditionsTable);
int AreaID;
string ConditionCode;
foreach (DataRow Row in SessionSKUScanned.Rows)
if (Row["Serial Number"].ToString() == "")
Conditions.RowFilter = "([Name] = '" + Row["Condition"] + "')";
ConditionCode = Conditions[0][2].ToString();
AreaIDs.RowFilter = "([StorageAreaName] = '" + Row["Area"] + "')";
AreaID = Convert.ToInt32(AreaIDs[0][0]);
DataView StockQuantities = new DataView(StockQuantitiesTable);
StockQuantities.RowFilter = "([QuantityID] = '" + AreaID + "-" + Row["SKU"] + "-" + ConditionCode + "')";
if (StockQuantities.Count > 0)
StockQuantities[0][3] = Convert.ToInt32(StockQuantities[0][3]) + 1;
RowToAdd["QuantityID"] = AreaID + "-" + Row["SKU"] + "-" + ConditionCode;
RowToAdd["SKU"] = Row["SKU"];
RowToAdd["AreaID"] = AreaID;
RowToAdd["Quantity"] = StockQuantities[0][3] = Convert.ToInt32(StockQuantities[0][3]) + 1;
RowToAdd["Condition"] = Row["Condition"];
RowToAdd["QuantityID"] = AreaID + "-" + Row["SKU"] + "-" + ConditionCode;
RowToAdd["SKU"] = Row["SKU"];
RowToAdd["AreaID"] = AreaID;
RowToAdd["Quantity"] = 1;
RowToAdd["Condition"] = Row["Condition"];
RowToAdd["QuantityID"] = Row["Serial Number"];
RowToAdd["SKU"] = Row["SKU"];
AreaIDs.RowFilter = "([StorageAreaName] = '" + Row["Area"] + "')";
RowToAdd["AreaID"] = Convert.ToInt32(AreaIDs[0][0]);
RowToAdd["Quantity"] = 1;
RowToAdd["Condition"] = Row["Condition"];
private void AddRowToSQLTable(DataRow Row, string SQLTableName)
DataRow[] Rows = new DataRow[1];
Rows[0] = Row;
SqlConnection SQLConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eCommStock.Properties.Settings.Demo_SiteConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlDataAdapter daUpdateTable = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From " + SQLTableName, SQLConn);
SqlCommandBuilder SQLcmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(daUpdateTable);
public void AddStock()
SqlConnection SQLConn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eCommStock.Properties.Settings.Demo_SiteConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlDataAdapter daUpdateTable = new SqlDataAdapter("Select * From StockQuantities", SQLConn);
SqlCommandBuilder SQLcmdBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(daUpdateTable);
It doesn't work because RowToAdd.RowState is Detached. I don't like it, but the following is a quick and dirty solution, before importing the row to StockAdditions, make sure the row is in Added state, later you can "detach" the row again.

Trouble updating my datagrid in WPF

As the title indicates, I'm having trouble updating a datagrid in WPF. Basically what I'm trying to accomplish is a datagrid, that is connected to a SQL Server database, that updates automatically once a user enters information into a few textboxes and clicks a submit button. You'll notice that I have a command that joins two tables. The data from the Quote_Data table will be inserted by a different user at a later time. For now my only concern is getting the information from the textboxes and into the General_Info table, and from there into my datagrid. The code, which I'll include below compiles fine, but when I hit the submit button, nothing happens. This is the first application I've ever built working with a SQL Database so many of these concepts are new to me, which is why you'll probably look at my code and wonder what is he thinking.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
public DataSet mds; // main data set (mds)
private void Window_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string connectionString = Sqtm.Properties.Settings.Default.SqtmDbConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
//Merging tables General_Info and Quote_Data
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT General_Info.Quote_ID, General_Info.Open_Quote, General_Info.Customer_Name,"
+ "General_Info.OEM_Name, General_Info.Qty, General_Info.Quote_Num, General_Info.Fab_Drawing_Num, "
+ "General_Info.Rfq_Num, General_Info.Rev_Num, Quote_Data.MOA, Quote_Data.MOQ, "
+ "Quote_Data.Markup, Quote_Data.FOB, Quote_Data.Shipping_Method, Quote_Data.Freight, "
+ "Quote_Data.Vendor_Price, Unit_Price, Quote_Data.Difference, Quote_Data.Vendor_NRE_ET, "
+ "Quote_Data.NRE, Quote_Data.ET, Quote_Data.STI_NET, Quote_Data.Mfg_Time, Quote_Data.Delivery_Time, "
+ "Quote_Data.Mfg_Name, Quote_Data.Mfg_Location "
+ "FROM General_Info INNER JOIN dbo.Quote_Data ON General_Info.Quote_ID = Quote_Data.Quote_ID",
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
MainGrid.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView;
mds = new DataSet();
da.Fill(mds, "General_Info");
MainGrid.DataContext = mds.Tables["General_Info"];
catch (Exception ex)
// renaming column names from the database so they are easier to read in the datagrid
MainGrid.Columns[0].Header = "#";
MainGrid.Columns[1].Header = "Date";
MainGrid.Columns[2].Header = "Customer";
MainGrid.Columns[3].Header = "OEM";
MainGrid.Columns[4].Header = "Qty";
MainGrid.Columns[5].Header = "Quote Number";
MainGrid.Columns[6].Header = "Fab Drawing Num";
MainGrid.Columns[7].Header = "RFQ Number";
MainGrid.Columns[8].Header = "Rev Number";
MainGrid.Columns[9].Header = "MOA";
MainGrid.Columns[10].Header = "MOQ";
MainGrid.Columns[11].Header = "Markup";
MainGrid.Columns[12].Header = "FOB";
MainGrid.Columns[13].Header = "Shipping";
MainGrid.Columns[14].Header = "Freight";
MainGrid.Columns[15].Header = "Vendor Price";
MainGrid.Columns[16].Header = "Unit Price";
MainGrid.Columns[17].Header = "Difference";
MainGrid.Columns[18].Header = "Vendor NRE/ET";
MainGrid.Columns[19].Header = "NRE";
MainGrid.Columns[20].Header = "ET";
MainGrid.Columns[21].Header = "STINET";
MainGrid.Columns[22].Header = "Mfg. Time";
MainGrid.Columns[23].Header = "Delivery Time";
MainGrid.Columns[24].Header = "Manufacturer";
MainGrid.Columns[25].Header = "Mfg. Location";
private void submitQuotebtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CustomerData newQuote = new CustomerData();
int quantity;
quantity = Convert.ToInt32(quantityTxt.Text);
string theDate = System.DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d");
newQuote.OpenQuote = theDate;
newQuote.CustomerName = customerNameTxt.Text;
newQuote.OEMName = oemNameTxt.Text;
newQuote.Qty = quantity;
newQuote.QuoteNumber = quoteNumberTxt.Text;
newQuote.FdNumber = fabDrawingNumberTxt.Text;
newQuote.RfqNumber = rfqNumberTxt.Text;
newQuote.RevNumber = revNumberTxt.Text;
string insertConString = Sqtm.Properties.Settings.Default.SqtmDbConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection insertConnection = new SqlConnection(insertConString))
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(Sqtm.Properties.Settings.Default.SqtmDbConnectionString, insertConnection);
SqlCommand updateCmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE General_Info " + "Quote_ID = #Quote_ID, "
+ "Open_Quote = #Open_Quote, " + "OEM_Name = #OEM_Name, " + "Qty = #Qty, "
+ "Quote_Num = #Quote_Num, " + "Fab_Drawing_Num = #Fab_Drawing_Num, "
+ "Rfq_Num = #Rfq_Num, " + "Rev_Num = #Rev_Num "
+ "WHERE Quote_ID = #Quote_ID");
updateCmd.Connection = insertConnection;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection param = updateCmd.Parameters;
// Add new SqlParameters to the command.
param.AddWithValue("Open_Quote", newQuote.OpenQuote);
param.AddWithValue("Customer_Name", newQuote.CustomerName);
param.AddWithValue("OEM_Name", newQuote.OEMName);
param.AddWithValue("Qty", newQuote.Qty);
param.AddWithValue("Quote_Num", newQuote.QuoteNumber);
param.AddWithValue("Fab_Drawing_Num", newQuote.FdNumber);
param.AddWithValue("Rfq_Num", newQuote.RfqNumber);
param.AddWithValue("Rev_Num", newQuote.RevNumber);
adapter.UpdateCommand = updateCmd;
catch (Exception ex)
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help, I really appreciate it,
You are not setting the Quote_ID parameter. So your update it likely running WHERE Quote_ID = null so nothing updates.
using LINQ I was able to resolve the issue. Here's the code:
var sqtmDC = new SqtmLinqDataContext();
var mainTable = from generalInfo in sqtmDC.GetTable<General_Info>()
//join quoteData in sqtmDataContext.GetTable<Quote_Data>() on generalInfo.Quote_ID equals quoteData.Quote_ID
select generalInfo;
myGrid.ItemsSource = mainTable;
private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var sqtmDC = new SqtmLinqDataContext();
// string theDate = System.DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("d");
int quantity = Convert.ToInt32(quantityTxt.Text);
General_Info insert = new General_Info();
insert.Open_Quote = DateTime.UtcNow;
insert.Customer_Name = customerNameTxt.Text;
insert.OEM_Name = oemNameTxt.Text;
insert.Qty = quantity;
insert.Quote_Num = quoteNumberTxt.Text;
insert.Fab_Drawing_Num = fabDrawingNumTxt.Text;
insert.Rfq_Num = rfqNumberTxt.Text;
insert.Rev_Num = revNumberTxt.Text;
int quoteID = insert.Quote_ID;
var mainTable = from generalInfo in sqtmDC.GetTable<General_Info>()
select generalInfo;
myGrid.ItemsSource = mainTable;
Are you trying to update an existing row or insert a new row?
Cause if you need to insert then the proper command is insert (not update).
To get the Identity value of the inserted row you use Scope_Identity().
And you can only insert into one table at a time.
Scope_Identity() is NOT a param
Do not try and use it as a param
See example below
INSERT INTO Sales.Customer ([TerritoryID],[PersonID]) VALUES (8,NULL);
There are lots of examples on MSDN.Microsoft.com

