Extract digit in a string - c#

I have a list of string
I want to extract the number part from string that start with goal,
in the above case is
1234.4334, -234234
(if two fragments of digit get the first one)
how should i do it easily?
Note that "goal0=" is part of the string, goal0 is not a variable.
Therefore I would like to have the first digit fragment that come after "=".

You can do the following:
string input = "goal0=1234.4334abc12423423";
input = input.Substring(input.IndexOf('=') + 1);
IEnumerable<char> stringQuery2 = input.TakeWhile(c => Char.IsDigit(c) || c=='.' || c=='-');
string result = string.Empty;
foreach (char c in stringQuery2)
result += c;
double dResult = double.Parse(result);

Try this
string s = "goal0=-1234.4334abc12423423";
string matches = Regex.Match(s, #"(?<=^goal\d+=)-?\d+(\.\d+)?").Value;
The regex says
(?<=^goal\d+=) - A positive look behind which means look back and make sure goal(1 or more number)= is at the start of the string, but dont make it part of the match
-? - A minus sign which is optional (the ? means 1 or more)
\d+ - One or more digits
(\.\d+)? - A decimal point followed by 1 or more digits which is optional
This will work if your string contains multiple decimal points as well as it will only take the first set of numbers after the first decimal point if there are any.

Use a regex for extracting:
x = Regex.Match(string, #"\d+").Value;
Now convert the resulting string to the number by using:
finalNumber = Int32.Parse(x);

Please try this:
string sample = "goal0=1234.4334abc12423423goal1=-234234asdfsdf";
Regex test = new Regex(#"(?<=\=)\-?\d*(\.\d*)?", RegexOptions.Singleline);
MatchCollection matchlist = test.Matches(sample);
string[] result = new string[matchlist.Count];
if (matchlist.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < matchlist.Count; i++)
result[i] = matchlist[i].Value;
Hope it helps.
I didn't get the question at first. Sorry, but it works now.

I think this simple expression should work:
Regex.Match(string, #"\d+")

You can use the old VB Val() function from C#. That will extract a number from the front of a string, and it's already available in the framework:
result0 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Val(goal0);
result1 = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Val(goal1);

string s = "1234.4334abc12423423";
var result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, #"-?\d+");

List<String> list = new List<String>();
Regex regex = new Regex(#"^goal\d+=(?<GoalNumber>-?\d+\.?\d+)");
foreach (string s in list)
string numberPart = regex.Match(s).Groups["GoalNumber"];
// do something with numberPart


How to extract specific number in a string surrounded by numbers and text C#

I am trying to extract specific number in a string with a format of "Q23-00000012-A14" I only wanted to get the numbers in 8 digit 00000000 the 12.
string rx = "Q23-00000012-A14"
string numb = Regex.Replace(rx, #"\D", "");
txtResult.Text = numb;
But im getting the result of 230000001214, I only want to get the 12 and disregard the rest. Can someone guide me.
If your string are always in this format (numbers are covered with "-"), I suggest useing string.split()
string rx = "Q23-00000012-A14"
string numb = int.parse(rx.Split('-')[1]).ToString();//this will get 12 for you
txtResult.Text = numb;
It's an easier way than using regex
Edit!! When you use rx.split('-') , it break string into array of strings with value of splited texts before and after '-'
So in this case:
rx.Split('-')[0]= "Q23"
rx.Split('-')[1]= "00000012"
rx.Split('-')[2]= "A12"
So you shouldn't use Replace. Use Match instead.
string pattern = #"[A-Z]\d+-(\d+)-[A-Z]\d+" ;
var regex = new Regex(pattern);
var match = regex.Match("Q23-00000012-A14");
if (match.Success)
String eightNumberString = match.Groups[1].Value; // Contains "00000012"
int yourvalueAsInt = Convert.ToInt32(eightNumberString) ; // Contains 12
Why you use don't simply substring or split function ?
string rx = "Q23-00000012-A14";
// substring
int numb = int.Parse(rx.Substring(5, 8));
// or split
int numb = int.Parse(rx.Split('-')[1]);
txtResult.Text = numb.ToString();
(I think it's a better way to use split method because if you change your constant 'Q23' length the method still work)

best possible way to get given substring

lets say I have string in format as below:
[val1].[val2].[val3] ...
What is the best way to get the value from the last bracket set [valx] ?
so for given example
the result would be val3
You have to define best first, best in terms of readability or cpu-cycles?
I assume this is efficient and readable enough:
string values = "[val1].[val2].[val3]";
string lastValue = values.Split('.').Last().Trim('[',']');
or with Substring which can be more efficient, but it's not as safe since you have to handle the case that's there no dot at all.
lastValue = values.Substring(values.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).Trim('[',']');
So you need to check this first:
int indexOflastDot = values.LastIndexOf('.');
if(indexOflastDot >= 0)
lastValue = values.Substring(indexOflastDot + 1).Trim('[',']');
For a quick solution to your problem (so not structural),
I'd say:
var startIndex = input.LastIndexOf(".["); // getting the last
then using the Substring method
var value = input.Substring(startIndex + 2, input.Length - (startIndex - 2)); // 2 comes from the length of ".[".
then removing the "]" with TrimEnd function
var value = value.TrimEnd(']');
But this is by all means not the only solution, and not structural to apply.. Just one of many answers to your problem.
I think you want to access the valx.
The easiest solution that comes in my mind is this one:
public void Test()
var splitted = "[val1].[val2].[val3]".Split('.');
var val3 = splitted[2];
You can use following:
string[] myStrings = ("[val1].[val2].[val3]").Split('.');
Now you can access via index. For last you can use myStrings[myStrings.length - 1]
Providing, that none of val1...valN contains '.', '[' or ']' you can use a simple Linq code:
String str = #"[val1].[val2].[val3]";
String[] vals = str.Split('.').Select((x) => x.TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']')).ToArray();
Or if all you want is the last value:
String str = #"[val1].[val2].[val3]";
String last = str.Split('.').Last().TrimStart('[').TrimEnd(']');
I'm assuming you always need the last brace. I would do it like this:
string input = "[val1].[val2].[val3]";
string[] splittedInput = input.split('.');
string lastBraceSet = splittedInput[splittedInput.length-1];
string result = lastBraceSet.Substring(1, lastBraceSet.Length - 2);
string str = "[val1].[val2].[val3]";
string last = str.Split('.').LastOrDefault();
string result = last.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
string input="[val1].[val2].[val3]";
int startpoint=input.LastIndexOf("[")+1;
string result=input.Substring(startpoint,input.Length-startpoint-1);
I'd use the below regex. One warning is that it won't work if there are unbalanced square brackets after the last pair of brackets. Most of the answers given suffer from that though.
string s = "[val1].[val2].[val3]"
string pattern = #"(?<=\[)[^\]]+(?=\][^\[\]]*$)"
Match m = Regex.Match(s, pattern)
string result;
if (m.Success)
result = m.Value;
I would use regular expression, as they are the most clear from intention point of view:
string input = "[val1].[val2].[val3] ...";
string match = Regex.Matches(input, #"\[val\d+\]")
.Select(m => m.Value)

get measurement value only from string

I have a string which gives the measurement followed the units in either cm, m or inches.
For example :
The number could be 112cm, 1.12m, 45inches or 45in.
I would like to extract only the number part of the string. Any idea how to use the units as the delimiters to extract the number ?
While I am at it, I would like to ignore the case of the units.
You can try:
string numberMatch = Regex.Match(measurement, #"\d+\.?\d*").Value;
Furthermore, converting this to a double is trivial:
double result;
if (double.TryParse(number, out result))
// Yeiiii I've got myself a double ...
Use String.Split http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/tabh47cf.aspx
Something like:
var units = new[] {"cm", "inches", "in", "m"};
var splitnumber = mynumberstring.Split(units, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var number = Convert.ToInt32(splitnumber[0]);
Using Regex this can help you out:
Break up:
(?i) = ignores characters case // specify it in C#, live do not have it
\d+(\.\d+)? = supports numbers like 2, 2.25 etc
(?=c?m|in(ch(es)?)?) = positive lookahead, check units after the number if they are
m, cm,in,inch,inches, it allows otherwise it is not.
?: = specifies that the group will not capture
? = specifies the preceding character or group is optional
Sample code:
MatchCollection mcol = Regex.Matches(sampleStr,#"(?i)(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(?=c?m|in(?:ch(?:es)?)?)")
foreach(Match m in mcol)
Debug.Print(m.ToString()); // see output window
I guess I'd try to replace with "" every character that is not number or ".":
//s is the string you need to convert
string tmp=s;
foreach (char c in s.ToCharArray())
if (!(c >= '0' && c <= '9') && !(c =='.'))
tmp = tmp.Replace(c.ToString(), "");
Try using regular expression \d+ to find an integer number.
resultString = Regex.Match(measurementunit , #"\d+").Value;
Is it a requirement that you use the unit as the delimiter? If not, you could extract the number using regex (see Find and extract a number from a string).

Regex to find and replace a year in a string

I have a string in my c#:
I need to find an occurance of (2013), and replace the whole thing, including the brackets, with _ (Three underscores). So the output would be:
Is there a regex that can do this? Or is there a better method?
I then do some processing on the new string - but later, need to report that '(2013)' was removed .. so I need to store the value that is replaced.
Tried with your string. It works
string pattern = #"\(\d{4}\)";
string search = "The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4";
var m = Regex.Replace(search, pattern, "___");
This will find any 4 digits number enclosed in open/close brakets.
If the year number can change, I think that Regex is the best approach .
Instead this code will tell you if there a match for your pattern
var k = Regex.Matches(search, pattern);
if(k.Count > 0)
Many of these answers forgot the original question in that you wanted to know what you are replacing.
string pattern = #"\((19|20)\d{2}\)";
string search = "The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4";
string replaced = Regex.Match(search, pattern).Captures[0].ToString();
string output = Regex.Replace(search, pattern, "___");
Console.WriteLine("found: {0} output: {1}",replaced,output);
gives you the output
found: (2013) output: The.Big.Bang.Theory.___.S07E05.Release.mp4
Here is an explanation of my pattern too.
\( -- match the (
(19|20) -- match the numbers 19 or 20. I assume this is a date for TV shows or movies from 1900 to now.
\d{2} -- match 2 more digits
\) -- match )
Here is a working snippet from a console application, note the regex \(\d{4}\):
var r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(#"\(\d{4}\)");
var s = r.Replace("The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4", "___");
and the output from the console application:
and you can reference this Rubular for proof.
Below is a modified solution taking into consideration your additional requirement:
var m = r.Match("The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4");
if (m.Success)
var s = "The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4".Replace(m.Value, "___");
var valueReplaced = m.Value;
Try this:
string s = "The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4";
var info = Regex.Split(
Regex.Matches(s, #"\(.*?\)")
.Cast<Match>().First().ToString(), #"[\s,]+");
s = s.Replace(info[0], "___");
try this :
string str="The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4";
var matches = Regex.Matches(str, #"\([0-9]{4}\)");
List<string> removed=new List<string>();
if (matches.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++)
System.out.println("Removed Strings are:")
foreach(string s in removed )
Removed Strings are:
You don't need a regex for a simple replace (you can use one, but's it's not needed)
var name = "The.Big.Bang.Theory.(2013).S07E05.Release.mp4";
var replacedName = name.Replace("(2013)", "___");

Unicode characters string

I have the following String of characters.
string s = "\\u0625\\u0647\\u0644";
When I print the above sequence, I get:
How can I get the real printable Unicode characters instead of this \uxxxx representation?
If you really don't control the string, then you need to replace those escape sequences with their values:
Regex.Replace(s, #"\u([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", m => ((char)Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[1].Value, 16)).ToString());
and hope that you don't have \\ escapes in there too.
Asker posted this as an answer to their question:
I have found the answer:
s = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(s);
Try Regex:
String inputString = "\\u0625\\u0647\\u0644";
var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(inputString, #"\u([\dA-Fa-f]{4})"))
var result = stringBuilder.ToString();
I had the following string "\u0001" and I wanted to get the value of it.
I tried a lot but this is what worked for me
int val = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToChar("\u0001")); // val = 1;
if you have multiple chars you can use the following technique
var original ="\u0001\u0002";
var s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < original.Length; i++)
s += Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToChar(original[i]));
// s will be "12"
I would suggest the use of String.Normalize. You can find everything here:

