route.MapPageRoute to a page with an extension - c#

In the global.asax of my website project (not MVC, not Web Application) MapPageRoute won't let me map to a page with an extension.
For example:
routes.MapPageRoute("GetMobilePassForAttendee", "Pass/Attendee/{attendeeId}", "~/GetMobilePass.aspx");
works as expected, but
routes.MapPageRoute("GetMobilePassForAttendee", "Pass/Attendee/{attendeeId}/pass.pkpass", "~/GetMobilePass.aspx");
returns a 404.
Anyone know why?
Perhaps I should be using URL rewriting, but all the material I've read has suggested I use routing instead.

Have you tested the "pass.pkpass" page separately, let say attendeeid=1 to see if Pass/Attendee/1/pass.pkpass is a working page without the routing?
Because .NET routing would not work in this case if this is a working page. It will skip the routing and load the actual "Pass/Attendee/1/pass.pkpass" page.

This worked for me:
routes.MapPageRoute("FederationMetadataRoute", "FederationMetadata/2007-06/{file}", "~/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.aspx")
And then I just check the {file} parameter to make sure it equaled FederationMetadata.xml
So in your case, just set Pass/Attendee/{attendeeId}/pass.pkpass to Pass/Attendee/{attendeeId}/{pkpass}
and check {pkpass} to make sure it equals pass.pkpass on your page.


Redirecting user to external site

I want to redirect a user to an external site, outside of my ASP.NET MVC application, through a simple anchor tag. The tricky part is, the user can enter the link himself.
up up and away!
If the user enters: in a field (bad user), he is being redirected to
which is totally understandable, he should use http:// in front of his link...
It works as expected if I hardcode the http://in front of the link like so: up up and away!
BUT if the user was to enter (good user), the browser redirects to http://http// which goes nowhere..
So now the question: Is there a helper or method or something that routes to an external site no matter if the link contains http://or not? Something like #Url.ExternalLink(model.Url) would be great.
I could write this myself, but no need to reinvent the wheel, right? So if the wheel exists, please provide the wheel! Thanks in advance!
Checked a bunch of links, but they didn't satisfy my needs of the variable user input (never trust a user!):
How to properly encode links to external URL in MVC Razor ,
Redirect to external url from OnActionExecuting? ,
Why does Response.Redirect not redirect external URL? ,
url.Action open link in new window on ASP.NET MVC Page , ...
Your use case is quite specific, MVC framework doesn't have any extension methods for this.
You need to develop it by yourself. You have the following options:
Create extension method (as you mentioned) for UrlHelper class - #Url.ExternalLink(model.Url)
Create extension method for HtmlHelper - #Html.ExternalLinkFor(model => model.Url)
As url comes from your model you can validate/modify it before passing to View. In this case up up and away! will still be valid.
Add regex validator to a View where user types in url
You can easily extend UrlHelper with a method:
public static string ExternalLink(this UrlHelper helper, string uri)
if (uri.StartsWith("http://")) return uri;
return string.Format("http://{0}", uri);

Routing Issue want to display domain name even index.aspx is called

routes.MapPageRoute("Main", "", "~/index.aspx");
thats the route I mapped on index page..
when I call the url with index.aspx it displays like
but I want it to show
even when index.aspx is called
Regarding my comment, URL Rewrite is also available in IIS and So you can potentially use it.
Another solution would be to redirect to your route. The route alone doesn't change the URL, it just allows you to access the resource via the defined route.
You can redirect to the route though, which will rewrite the URL on the client
For example like this:
if (Request.Path != "/")
This is very simplified and might not work in all scenarios, so please be very careful.

URL routing turning /pages/test.aspx into /test

I made a folder called 'pages' in my asp web forms project. In this folder I have a lot of pages:
When I open these pages in a browser I get:
This is normal, I know. But what if I want to delete the /pages in the url and just show (without .aspx):*.aspx**.aspx*
I can do this by manually adding a new route (in RegisterRoutes() method) for each page but is there a way to do this dynamicly?
I found this question but I don't know if I can use it for this problem.
WebForms custom / dynamic routing
Try something like this, not sure if that will do it. But you could always just put your pages in the root directory. I think this would work.
Source Link:
routes.MapPageRoute("PageRoute","{page}", "~/pages/{page}.aspx");
Not sure if that's what you were looking for, this way you can just do something like:
Response.RedirectToRoute("PageRoute", new { page = "test" });

Redirecting webpage in ASP.NET depending on the URL

I've a domain name called but I prefer users to access to my website through the www subdomain.
How can I achieve a verification and redirection in mvc3 easily?
When I was using php I did something like that :
if($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != "")
I'd like to find a similar way to achieve this kind of redirection in (C#) (I'd prefer not to set a 301 redirection but just a soft redirection like the one I was using in PHP).
I know I could do a verification in each of my controllers action methods and the redirect the user if he is not on the subdomain but I'd prefer to write once the verification and the redirection and I can't find where :/
Thanks a lot !
You could use:
This will return the URL , then you can quickly check if it contains 'www.' and redirect if true. However I would suggest that your handle this in the URL rewrite in IIS.
Follow the guide here: this is for making go to, but it works the same way for the opposite.
you could try something like this
If you are looking to just add/append header information, then use Response.AppendHeader().
The Request.Url.ToString() property can be checked for the url you are looking for as per Ryan's answer.
Actually, the original question asks specifically for a 'soft' redirection (201 or 202) instead of a Moved Permanently/Found (301/302), so i think that instead of Response.Redirect the conditional line should be:
HttpContext.Current.Response.Headers.Add("Location", "");
EDIT: I believe the status may also be set directly, used in conjunction with Response.Redirect:
HttpContext.Current.Response.Status = "201 Created";
If I am not totally missing something here, can't you just setup the host-header in the IIS settings for the site to include both as well as

i have a project where i need to make special routing how i can make my own rule?

in my own site i need a thing that page are known by #topic.
it's need to look like [are this possible i need to pass google as parameter]
OR [if first can not be done then how i can use it]
how i can apply this thing in my website. the thing i need to done that
if anyone open the site that the content genrate dynamically through [passing google as parameter]
can anyone show how i can make routing for this
You can't use routing for this. The value that follows the # sign in an URL is NEVER sent to the server by the client browser. So for example if you request the server can never fetch the value google simply because the browser never sends it. The only way is to use javascript (window.location.hash) and maybe send an AJAX request to the server by rewriting the url :
You have the route table at Global.asax. Add this on the method RegisterRoutes. I am not so sure if it will work as I didn't test but that can give you a good start.
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", page = "" } // Parameter defaults

