I'm doing a (probably simple) task, in which i want to make a drawed object move to a user-controlled (drawed too). All i have is the players X and Y coördinate, defined as respectively Xp and Yp. The object that has to move (after trigger, not included in code down here) to the 'player-object' has its coördinates defined in this.X and this.Y.
int xDirection = Xp - this.X;
int yDirection = Yp - this.Y;
int angleInDegrees = (int)Math.Atan2(xDirection, yDirection);
double radians = (Math.PI / 180) * angleInDegrees;
double xTmp = 3 * Math.Cos(radians);
int xSpeed = (int)xTmp;
double yTmp = 3 * Math.Sin(radians);
int ySpeed = (int)yTmp;
This doesn't give me the right figures, so i was wondering what may be wrong.
The toughest bit about this probably the fact that the object that has to move to the playerobject may be approached from all the sides (360 degrees) but there's no angle of approach available.
I hope to be complete with my question,
I'm betting the main problem you're seeing is this line:
int angleInDegrees = (int)Math.Atan2(xDirection, yDirection);
As #catflier mentioned, Math.Atan2 returns the angle in radians (so a number ranging from 0 to 2pi). However, you perform a cast to int which will truncate the decimal places. So if your angle was at 45 degrees, that's actually returning ~0.785398 radians. A cast to int will turn it into 0. Similarly, at 90 degrees, that's ~1.570796 radians, a cast to int will result in 1. That's significant round-off error. As I mentioned in my comment, consider changing all your types to doubles and only perform integer casts at the last point possible (I suppose your objects are positioned based on integers).
Math.Atan2 returns a value in radians, so are other c# trigonometric functions.
double angle = Math.Atan2(yDirection, xDirection);
Also make sure to force type casts to decimals:
3.0 * Math.Cos(radians);
public double GetPitchToFace(double Z2, double Z1, double X2, double X1)
double Arc;
Arc = Math.Atan2(Z2 - Z1, X2 - X1);
Arc = (Arc >= 0) ? Arc+Math.PI : (2 * Math.PI + Arc);
return Arc;
I am attempting to calculate the correct pitch of a player in-game in order to face and travel to a waypoint.
It might be worth noting that the games coordinate system is Right-Handed.
I've confirmed that ATan2 is receiving the correct values yet the return value is incorrect.
It seems to be returning a downward pitch despite the waypoint being above the player. Yet other times it returns the seemingly correct pitch - I suspect this might have something to do when the point / player shift quadrants ?
(Minor side note - the reason I am 2 * Math.PI if Arc is >= 0 is simply the way the game stores and manages player pitch more info can be found here :
Here is an example of the above manually calculated :
Atan2(Z2 - Z1, X2 - X1)
Arc = Atan2(179.7 - 157.9, -3457.1-(-3432.1))
Arc = Atan2(21.7,-25.3)
Arc = 2.4 Radians
Arc = Arc + PI (without adding PI we return 137.51 degrees this is the opposite angle I need so I add PI to flip it to the correct side or add 180 degrees)
Arc = 5.5 Radians
Arc = 315,127 Degrees (this is a downwards trend from the point meaning we still miss the end point)
Here is the really bad plot of the above points
Please keep in mind that the points are plotted such as X,Z not X,Y
I'm making a function that calculates the angle between 2 given vectors for my unity game using the dot product formula:
vector(a)*vector(b)=|vector(a)|*|vector(b)|*cos(the angle)
so I figured that the angle would equals
Anyway here's my code:
float rotateAngle(Vector2 a,Vector2 b)
return Mathf.Acos((a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y) / ((Mathf.Sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y)) * (Mathf.Sqrt(b.x * b.x + b.y * b.y)))) * (180 / Mathf.PI);
But when i played it the console showed NaN. I've tried and reviewed the code and the formula but returned empty-handed.
Can someone help me? Thank you in advanced!!
float.NaN is the result of undefined (for real numbers) mathematical operations such as 0 / 0 (note from the docs that x / 0 where x != 0 rather returns positive or negative infinity) or the square root of a negative value. As soon as one operant in an operation already is NaN then also the entire operation returns again NaN.
The second (square root of a negative value) can not happen here since you are using squared values so most probably your vectors have a magnitude of 0.
If you look at the Vector2 source code you will find their implementation of Vector2.Angle or Vector2.SignedAngle (which you should rather use btw as they are tested and way more efficient).
public static float Angle(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
// sqrt(a) * sqrt(b) = sqrt(a * b) -- valid for real numbers
float denominator = (float)Math.Sqrt(from.sqrMagnitude * to.sqrMagnitude);
if (denominator < kEpsilonNormalSqrt)
return 0F;
float dot = Mathf.Clamp(Dot(from, to) / denominator, -1F, 1F);
return (float)Math.Acos(dot) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
// Returns the signed angle in degrees between /from/ and /to/. Always returns the smallest possible angle
public static float SignedAngle(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
float unsigned_angle = Angle(from, to);
float sign = Mathf.Sign(from.x * to.y - from.y * to.x);
return unsigned_angle * sign;
There you will find that the first thing they check is
float denominator = (float)Math.Sqrt(from.sqrMagnitude * to.sqrMagnitude);
if (denominator < kEpsilonNormalSqrt)
return 0F;
which basically makes exactly sure that both given vectors have a "big enough" magnitude, in particular one that is not 0 ;)
Long story short: Don't reinvent the wheel and rather use already built-in Vector2.Angle or Vector2.SignedAngle
NaN are typically the result of invalid mathematical operations on floating point numbers. A common source is division by zero, so my guess would be that the vector is 0,0.
I would also recommend using the built in functions for computing the normalization, Length/Magnitude, Dot etc. that will make the code much easier to read, and the compiler should be fairly good at optimizing that kind of code. If you need to do any additional optimization, only do so after you have done some measurements.
Feel free to mark my question duplicated. Because I know absolute nothing about COS, SIN, and TAN and someone else probably already ask this question.
So, I was try to set the circular progress bar based on x and y axis that can get from gamepad input. The progress bar put it simple is just a Minimum of 0 and maximum of 360.
I did try to search a bit, but my best understanding is that it work with only 180 degree and positive x and y. But the input I get from the controller is and y from -1 to 1 (where x -1 is left and 1 is right, y -1 is bottom and 1 is top)
Here is my code so far.
var controller = Windows.Gaming.Input.Gamepad.Gamepads[0].GetCurrentReading();
x = controller.LeftThumbstickX
y = controller.LeftThumbstickY
//what do I have to do from here?
progress.Value = angle; //?
The trigonometric function atan2 is the tool for this job. In C#, this is implemented by Math.Atan2 :
double angleInRadians = Math.Atan2(y, x);
double angleInDegrees = (180 / Math.PI) * angleInRadians;
Using this formula with (for instance) parameters (1,1), you'll get a result of 45.
However, in terms of polar alignment, this angle measures anti-clockwise from "east". To convert this to an angle that measures clockwise from "north":
double compassRadians = Math.PI / 2 - angleInRadians;
double compassDegrees = (180 / Math.PI) * compassRadians;
but now we may encounter negative values, so we can normalize them with the following method:
double normalizeDegrees(double a) => ((a % 360) + 360) % 360; //convert to 0-360
var compassAngle = normalizeDegrees(compassDegrees);
The method you want is Math.Atan2. This takes two arguments - the y-value first, then the x-value - and it gives you an angle in radians.
Since you want an angle in degrees, you'll need to convert - the conversion factor is 180 / Math.PI. So you'll be using something like:
var radiansToDegrees = 180 / Math.PI;
progress.Value = Math.Atan2(y,x) * radiansToDegrees;
Depending exactly what combination of x and y needs to correspond to 0 you might need to add a number of degrees on afterwards. This as-is will give you 0 degrees for x = 1, y = 0, and 90 degrees for x = 0, y = 1, etc.
I am trying to code for a game I am working on a specific curve with a specific rotation. I am not a great mathematician... At all... Tried searching for solutions for a few hours, but I'm affraid I do not find any solution.
So, a small picture to illustrate first:
This is an eighth of a circle, radius of 9, beggining is (0,0)
The end is now at about 6.364, -2.636. But I need this same curve, with a 45° direction at the end, but ending at aexactly 6.0,-3.0.
Could any of you show me how to do this? I need to be able to calculate precisly any point on this curve & its exact length. I would suppose using some kind of eliptical math could be a solution? I admit my math class are reaaaly far now and have now good clue for now...
Thank for any possible help
I think I found a quadratic curve which sastisfies your requirement:
f(x) = -1/12 x^2 + 9
Copy the following into https://www.desmos.com/calculator to see it:
f'(x) would be -1/6x, so when x=6, the derivative would be -1, which corresponds to a -45° inclination. There are probably infinite curves that satisfy your requirement but if my calculus isn't too rusty this is one of them.
I tried to fit an ellipse with foci starting at y=6 here and starting at y=9 here to your points but the slope doesn't look like 45°.
Also starting at any height k, here doesn't seem to work.
I don't think you've fully understood the question I asked in the comments about the "inclination" angle. So I will give a general case solution, where you have an explicit tangent vector for the end of the curve. (You can calculate this using the inclination angle; if we clarify what you mean by it then I will be happy to edit with a formula to calculate the tangent vector if necessary)
Let's draw a diagram of how the setup can look:
(Not 100% accurate)
A and B are your fixed points. T is the unit tangent vector. r and C are the radius and center of the arc we need to calculate.
The angle θ is given by the angle between BA and T minus π/2 radians (90 degrees). We can calculate it using the dot product:
The (signed) distance from the center of AB to C is given by:
Note that this is negative for the case on the right, and positive for the left. The radius is given by:
(You can simplify by substituting and using a cosine addition rule, but I prefer to keep things in terms of variables in the diagram). To obtain the point C, we need the perpendicular vector to AB (call it n):
Now that we have the radius and center of the circular arc, we still need to determine which direction we are moving in, i.e. whether we are moving clockwise or anti-clockwise when going from A to B. This is a simple test, using the cross-product:
If this is negative, then T is as in the diagram, and we need to move clockwise, and vice versa. The length of the arc l, and the angular displacement γ when we move by a distance x along the arc:
Nearly there! Just one more step - we need to work out how to rotate the point A by angle γ around point C, to get the point we want (call it D):
(Adapted from this Wikipedia page)
Now for some code, in case the above was confusing (it probably was!):
public Vector2 getPointOnArc(Vector2 A, Vector2 B, Vector2 T, double x)
// calculate preliminaries
Vector2 BA = B - A;
double d = BA.Length();
double theta = Math.Acos(Vector2.DotProduct(BA, T) / d) - Math.PI * 0.5;
// calculate radius
double r = d / (2.0 * Math.Cos(theta));
// calculate center
Vector2 n = new Vector2(BA.y, -BA.x);
Vector2 C = 0.5 * (A + B + n * Math.Tan(theta));
// calculate displacement angle from point A
double l = (Math.PI - 2.0 * theta) * r;
double gamma = (2.0 * Math.PI * x) / l;
// sign change as discussed
double cross = T.x * BA.y - T.y * BA.x;
if (cross < 0.0) gamma = -gamma;
// finally return the point we want
Vector2 disp = A - C;
double c_g = Math.Cos(gamma), s_g = Math.Sin(gamma);
return new Vector2(disp.X * c_g + disp.Y * s_g + C.X,
disp.Y * c_g - disp.X * s_g + C.Y);
public static double Distance(LatLong from, LatLong to)
double lat1 = from.Latitude * (Math.PI / 180.0);
double lat2 = to.Latitude * (Math.PI / 180.0);
Math.Acos((Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2)) +
(Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) *
Math.Cos((Math.PI / 180.0) * (to.Longitude - from.Longitude)))) * 3958.760;
Can you shorten this code any stretch? I'm just wondering ...
That's the standard spherical law of cosines formula. You won't get it any simpler than that. At best, you could clean up the code a little:
public static double Distance(LatLong from, LatLong to)
double deg = Math.PI / 180.0; // One degree in radians
double lat1 = from.Latitude * deg;
double lat2 = to.Latitude * deg;
double dLng = (to.Longitude - from.Longitude) * deg;
double R = 3958.760;
return Math.Acos(Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2) +
Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(dLng)) * R;
No, but I can offer a shorter, faster way, but far less accurate way to obtain relative distances:
public static double RelativeDistance(LatLong from, LatLong to)
return (from.Latitude - to.Latitude) * (from.Latitude - to.Latitude) + (from.Longitude - to.Longitude) * (from.Longitude - to.Longitude);
This returns a value relative to the square of the distance in terms of the projection of coordinates unto a square 2D grid (as if the world were a 2:1 rectangle). It's so useless for real distances that I wouldn't even bother to take a square root to bring it back to being proportional to the projection (since the projection is silly), but what it can serve for is rapidly sorting by relative distances within such a small area (and far enough from the poles) that the gross inaccuracy doesn't matter much.
Hence, it won't help you calculate your fuel costs, but it will help you work out which pub is (probably) nearest. If you wanted to sort by relative distance to a given point, it could serve well and its speed be a boon. Outside of that use, it's pointless.
The formula looks like it is computing the distance along the surface of a sphere, and would thus be reasonably accurate even for points that were practically on opposite sides of the world. If the distances will be very close together, you could approximate it by projecting the points onto the surface of a cylinder (coaxial with the Earth) passing through one of the points; scale the cylinder so north/south and east/west distances on the cylinder match those on the Earth. This will simply require taking the cosine of one of the latitudes. Note that if the points are far enough apart that it matters which point's latitude you use, they are too far apart for this to be a good approximation, but for small distances this approach is quick and easy.
Note, btw, that something like a conical projection will be accurate over wider distances, but will also require more calculation; if one is going to that much trouble, one may as well use the 'right' calculations.