c# Socket Closing - c#

I'm working on a http proxy application, everything is working fine (client can connect to server and get contents), the problem is neither of HTTP Server or browser close the TCP connection.. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, here is the code:
while (tcp_link.Connected && _tcp.Connected && !ioError)
if (streamLink.DataAvailable)
byte[] l_buffer = new byte[10000];
int l_read = streamLink.Read(l_buffer, 0, l_buffer.Length);
byte[] l_data = new byte[l_read];
Array.Copy(l_buffer, l_data, l_data.Length);
_stream.Write(l_data, 0, l_data.Length);
if (_stream.DataAvailable)
byte[] c_buffer = new byte[10500];
int c_read = _stream.Read(c_buffer, 0, c_buffer.Length);
byte[] c_data = new byte[c_read];
Array.Copy(c_buffer, c_data, c_data.Length);
streamLink.Write(c_data, 0, c_data.Length);
ioError = true;
I have same code both sides (proxy client, and proxy server)
NOTE: browser will connect to proxy client (which is on the same computer), and proxy client will connect to proxy server, and obviously proxy server will connect to http server, the reason is i wan't to encode data before sending it out

How long have you observed the connection open for?
It's very likely that the client uses HTTP 1.1 where Persistent Connections are on by default.
If you're writing a proxy then you should consider: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html

Okay i found the problem, who ever is out there having problem with closing socket connection..
Actually, Socket.Available isn't working as i expected, to see if a socket is really connected you should check both Available and Poll properties, below function should resolve your problem: thanks to: zendar
bool SocketConnected(Socket s)
bool part1 = s.Poll(1000, SelectMode.SelectRead);
bool part2 = (s.Available == 0);
if (part1 & part2)
return false;
return true;
i hope this solve your problem too ;)


c# how to return a string from a client to a server in TCP and UDP

So in my client I am looking for a way to return how many times a background worker was run to a server. Here is the code section for the client:
public int searchcount = 1;
public void SL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient();
tcpclnt.Connect(RecieveIP.Text, 8001); // use the ipaddress as in the server program
Stream stm = tcpclnt.GetStream();
MessageBox.Show("Listening for information......");
byte[] bb = new byte[100];
int k = stm.Read(bb, 0, 100);
string atk = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bb.AsSpan(0, k));
Console.WriteLine($"S Connected to attack server at IPv4 address {RecieveIP.Text} Attack command Received: {atk}. If command is g, attacking google. Y means attacking yahoo. A means attacking aol. Yo meants attacking youtube, and s is attacking spotify");//test
//if you want your check
//this will not work if your incoming data contains white space or other bytes that were converted.
if (atk == "g" || atk.Contains("g"))
MessageBox.Show("Recieved Command " + atk);
if (atk == "g")
On thought, I do have a string
public int searchcount = 1;
Which the background worker in question adds one to display to the person running the client how many times it was run.
Console.WriteLine("Since start: " + count++.ToString());
Is there a way to return the count++ string to the server via both TCP and UDP? Thanks.
TCP(socket) is a protocol that you can send packages both ways. Udp on the other hand is stateless, you can only send packages from client to server. You cant maintain UDP connections open and keep sending/receiving packages. That said, you can send packages from client to server using UDP if the server dont need to respond your package.
I'm really doing some resume on what tcp/udp protocols are and i really encourage you to read about them on MS official docs before using anything on production.
Here some TCP , UDP and sockets examples and documentation on MS official docs.
Tcp Client/Server
Udp Client/Server

wss WebSocket server in Mono C# : SslStream gives me no data but Stream do

Since days I'm trying to get (JS)wss/(c#)SslStream connection to work in order to create a wss server in mono c#.
My Problem : When an incomming secure WebSocket connection is accepted by the server, I can't get data from it in order to begin the handshake process.
What I did so far :
I setup a TCPListener that accept the client giving me a TCPClient instance.
I get the stream from the TCPClient and create a SslStream from it.
I synchronously authenticate it with AuthenticateAsServer(X509Certificate2)
I unsuccessfully try to read data
Other details :
I note that if I use a Stream object instead of an SslStream one, I succed in getting data from it (but crypted as expected)
I tested to connect my WebSoket to same adress/port to Fleck (built on my box with Monodevelop too) using the same pfx certificate and got it working properly
I note also that Fleck throw messages saying it recieve 0 byte, then it close the connection and (in some way) reconnect it and get data properly from Socket/SslStream.
I don't get any error, SslStream seem to be correctly authenticated
I correctly connect clients in https and deal with requests on an another port in the same program
My Configuration :
OS : ArchLinux
C# : Mono .Net Framework 4.7
Browsers (Chromium & Firefox)
Despite of all my research so far I've not found the solution , maybe someone can help me to wonder what I miss here ...
Thanks in advance for any help !
The listen code :
public void AudioListen ()
audioComListener.Start ();
while (isAudioActive) {
TcpClient s = audioComListener.AcceptTcpClient ();
Stream clientStream;
string hellostr;
clientStream = getClientStream(s);
logToFileLine("(KEY) HandShaking begins with "+s.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString ().Split (':') [0]);
logToFileLine("(KEY) (X) HandShake read 0 byte from "+s.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString ().Split (':') [0]);
logToFileLine("(KEY) HandShaking OK with "+s.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString ().Split (':') [0]);
string usrstr=hellostr.Split(':')[1];
User usr= Users.GetUser(usrstr);
User usrdest=usr.corresp;
if( usrdest!=null &&
usrdest.ByPass==null &&
Stream clientStream2 = getClientStream(usrdest.TcpC);
usr.ByPass=new TCPByPass(clientStream,clientStream2);
Thread.Sleep (1);
Function to get the SslStream :
private Stream getClientStream(TcpClient s,bool forceHTTP=false)
Stream clientStream;
if(isSSL && !forceHTTP)
clientStream = new SslStream (s.GetStream ());
// Set timeouts for the read and write to 5 seconds.
/**/clientStream.ReadTimeout = 5000;
clientStream.WriteTimeout = 5000;
clientStream=s.GetStream ();
return clientStream;
Function that try to get data for hanshake purpose :
public bool WebSocketHandshake(Stream clientStream)
string hellostr;
// Here I test trying to get data (Also tried to use Stream.ReadByte())
Byte[] toto=new Byte[2048];
if(toto[0]==0)return false;
Console.WriteLine("toto array is {0} bytes long",toto.Length);
for(int t =0;t<10;t++)
for(int u =0;u<10;u++)
// Trying to get data
return true;
I think I solved the problem. I don't understand why, but I think its necessary to close the accepted connection just after accepting it iaoi the connection is wss. The the websocket wil automagically reconnect :)

Connecting to IRC via a proxy (.NET)

I wish to hide my IP when connecting to IRC via my .NET app. I currently use the IrcDotNet library but it doesn't seems to support proxies.
I've not had much experience with sockets, so I think modifying IrcDotNet would be easier than making my own IRC library. I looked around for socket libraries that handle proxy connections that I could implement in IrcDotNet. I found one called ProxySocket but it only supports BeginConnect not the new ASyncConnect method that IrcDotNet uses.
To break it down, in order of preference, here's what I'm looking for;
An IRC library that supports connecting via a HTTP/SOCKS proxy
A socket library that supports connecting via a HTTP/SOCKS proxy via
Example code on how to extend the socket class to support connecting
via a HTTP/SOCKS proxy via ASyncConnect
The version of IrcDotNet I am using is 0.4.1 found at https://launchpad.net/ircdotnet.
Update 1: Still no luck i'm afraid. Fredrik92's answer, while helpful, is not applicable to the version of IrcDotNet I am using (see above).
The IRC.NET library uses the standard Socket class in the System.Net.Sockets namespace.
So you could just modify the IrcDotNet/IrcClient.cs file in the IRC.NET source code (# http://ircdotnet.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest).
You should add a constructor for proxy enabled IRC clients and call the default constructor.
Then all you should need to do is to modify the Connect methods in the same file (almost at the bottom). Each time they call this.client.BeginConnect(..) you have to add code for connecting to the Proxy (instead of the remote host)
Now you only have to create a new Connect-callback method that sends a HTTP CONNECT request to the proxy. Read the response from the HTTP Proxy and then everything else should work.
In this case I would write the HTTP request as raw ASCII bytes to the Proxy (instead of using the HttpWebRequest class), so that you have full control over the network stream you get in return...
You should add sth. like this to the IrcClient class:
private bool useProxy = false;
private IWebProxy proxy;
private IEnumerable<Uri> proxyRemoteUris;
public IrcClient(IWebProxy proxy)
: this()
this.useProxy = true;
this.proxy = proxy;
private void ProxyPerformHttpConnect(Uri remoteIrcUri)
string httpConnectRequest = string.Format("CONNECT {0}:{1} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {2}\r\n\r\n",
remoteIrcUri.Host, remoteIrcUri.Port, this.proxy.GetProxy(remoteIrcUri));
byte[] httpConnectData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(httpConnectRequest);
this.stream.Write(httpConnectData, 0, httpConnectData.Length);
bool responseReady = false;
string responseText = string.Empty;
// Byte-by-byte reading required, because StringReader will read more than just the HTTP response header
int readByte = this.stream.ReadByte();
if (readByte < 0)
throw new WebException(message: null, status: WebExceptionStatus.ConnectionClosed);
char readChar = (char)(readByte); // Only works because HTTP Headers are ASCII encoded.
responseText += readChar;
responseReady = responseText.EndsWith("\r\n\r\n");
} while (!responseReady);
int statusStart = responseText.IndexOf(' ') + 1;
int reasonStart = responseText.IndexOf(' ', statusStart) + 1;
int reasonEnd = responseText.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '\r', '\n'});
HttpStatusCode responseStatus = (HttpStatusCode)(int.Parse(responseText.Substring(responseText.IndexOf(' ') + 1, length: 3)));
if (responseStatus != HttpStatusCode.OK)
string reasonText = responseText.Substring(reasonStart, reasonEnd - reasonStart);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reasonText))
reasonText = null;
throw new WebException(reasonText, WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure);
// Finished Response Header read...
private void ProxyConnectCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
this.stream = this.client.GetStream();
bool proxyTunnelEstablished = false;
WebException lastWebException = null;
foreach (Uri remoteIrcUri in this.proxyRemoteUris)
if (this.client.Connected == false)
// Re-establish connection with proxy...
Uri proxyUri = this.proxy.GetProxy(remoteIrcUri);
this.client.Connect(proxyUri.Host, proxyUri.Port);
proxyTunnelEstablished = true;
catch (WebException webExcept)
lastWebException = webExcept;
if (!proxyTunnelEstablished)
OnConnectFailed(new IrcErrorEventArgs(lastWebException));
this.writer = new StreamWriter(this.stream, Encoding.Default);
this.reader = new StreamReader(this.stream, Encoding.Default);
OnConnected(new EventArgs());
catch (Exception ex)
OnConnectFailed(new IrcErrorEventArgs(ex));
The code for the proxy handling in all Connect methods of the IrcClient class would thus look sth. like this:
// Code snippet to insert before the call to this.client.BeginConnect(...)
if (this.useProxy)
// Assign host and port variables for EndPoint objects:
// var host = remoteEP.Address;
// var port = remoteEP.Port;
this.proxyRemoteUris = new Uri[] { new Uri(string.Format("irc://{0}:{1}/", host, port)) };
// Replace the line above with the following line in the method where an array of IP addresses is specified as a parameter
// this.proxyRemoteUris = from ip in addresses select new Uri(string.Format("irc://{0}:{1}/", ip, port));
Uri proxyUri = this.proxy.GetProxy(this.proxyRemoteUris.First());
string proxyHost = proxyUri.Host;
int proxyPort = proxyUri.Port;
this.client.BeginConnect(proxyHost, proxyPort, ProxyConnectCallback, registrationInfo);
// Original this.client.BeginConnect(...) call here...

Proxy Socket Managing

I'm trying to create a transparent proxy with c#. i was able to transfer my network traffic into my proxy client and redirect it to my proxy server. it's working, but i have 2 problems,
1- It's slow, max speed is 60kbps, here is how i transfer traffic between my server and proxy client
while (SocketConnected(tcp_link.Client) &&
SocketConnected(_tcp.Client) &&
if (streamLink.DataAvailable)
byte[] l_buffer = new byte[4096];
int l_read = streamLink.Read(l_buffer, 0, l_buffer.Length);
byte[] l_data = new byte[l_read];
Array.Copy(l_buffer, l_data, l_data.Length);
byte[] l_send = MBR.reverse(l_data);
_stream.Write(l_send, 0, l_send.Length);
if (_stream.DataAvailable)
byte[] c_buffer = new byte[4596];
int c_read = _stream.Read(c_buffer, 0, c_buffer.Length);
byte[] c_data = new byte[c_read];
Array.Copy(c_buffer, c_data, c_data.Length);
byte[] c_send = MBR.reverse(c_data);
streamLink.Write(c_send, 0, c_send.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
onErrorLog(this, new ErrorLogEventArgs(ex));
ioError = true;
my other question is: when should i close my socket? and which one should get closed first? is http server going to close connection with my proxy server or i should disconnect?
sorry for my back english
I think it's not a problem with mere logic but rather about handling the parallelism. I have used SocketAsyncEventArgs for implementing a high performance, async TCP server and it shines.
A good article can be found here.

WebClient doesn't connect to IHttpHandler

I made my program according to example 1 that was made for .NET framework 2, but I converted it to .NET framework 3.5. How should I modify this code to make it working? How can I debug server side? Server side seems to work when I manually insert parameters to url, so problem must be in client side code.
private void UploadFile(string fileName, System.IO.Stream data)
UriBuilder ub = new UriBuilder("http://localhost:59491/receiver.ashx");
ub.Query = string.Format("filename={0}", fileName);
WebClient c = new WebClient();
c.OpenWriteCompleted += (sender, e) =>
PushData(data, e.Result);
private void PushData(System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output)
byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
output.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
1 http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/nipuntomar/FileUploadsilverlight03182009030537AM/FileUploadsilverlight.aspx
My initial take is the port specifier. On that sample, he has the request URI specifically set to port 3840, but he never shows modifying settings to force the web server to use that port when hosting the handler. make sure that the request URI is using the same port that you do when accessing the handler manually from a browser.
EDIT: I think this must be it, I just recreated the sample in a new project in VS2008 using the newest frameworks and everything works correctly, once I get the port set right.
As for debugging the server, if you're hosting the server half of the project out of visual studio (which you would be if you follow that guy on CSharpCorner sample), you should already be debugging the server component, just put a breakpoint in the server codebehind.

