Web Api Streaming - c#

I have been trying to stream a file to my web service. In my Controller(ApiController) I have a Post function as follows:
public void Post(Stream stream)
if (stream != null && stream.Length > 0)
_websitesContext.Files.Add(new DbFile() { Filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), FileBytes= ToBytes(stream) });
I have been trying to stream a file with my web client by doing the following:
public void UploadFileStream(HttpPostedFileBase file)
WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
Stream postStream = myWebClient.OpenWrite(GetFileServiceUrl(), "POST");
var buffer = ToBytes(file.InputStream);
postStream.Write(buffer, 0,buffer.Length);
Now when i debug my web service, it gets into the Post function, but stream is always null. Was wondering if anyone may have an idea why this is happening?

Web API doesn't model bind to 'Stream' type hence you are seeing the behavior. You could instead capture the incoming request stream by doing: Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync()
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> UploadFile(HttpRequestMessage request)
Stream requestStream = await request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
Note: you need not even have HttpRequestMessage as a parameter as you could always access this request message via the "Request" property available via ApiController.

You can replace with this code
var uri = new Uri(GetFileServiceUrl());
Stream postStream = myWebClient.OpenWrite(uri.AbsoluteUri, "POST");

RestSharp makes this sort of stuff quite easy to do. Recommend trying it out.


How to Post a web request and receive a file from web API response?

I have an Infopath Form Template on Sharepoint, I want to add a button there so when the user clicks on it, it will POST an string to the following Web API. The following web API is tested and returns an excel file as shown:
I want to Post the FileName of the excel file using post request and it is important for me the request method to be POST type. and then the user will download a file with the specified 'FileName'.
Actually i want to use post method because at the next stage i will send the content of the excel file too.
Important Note: I only can use .Net FrameWork 3.5 because this is the only framework supported in InfoPath Form Templates.
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]string FileName)
string reqBook = "c:\somefile.xlsx";
//converting Excel(xlsx) file into bytes array
var dataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(reqBook);
//adding bytes to memory stream
var dataStream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);
HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
httpResponseMessage.Content = new StreamContent(dataStream);
httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition = new System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue("attachment");
httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName = FileName;
httpResponseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/octet-stream");
return httpResponseMessage;
When you perform the HttpPost on the client side, you will want to read the HttpResponseStream to get the byte data of the response stream.
Once you have the response stream data, you can then deserialize it to the type of object in C# you want, or you could alternatively just write it to the disk as
An easy way to do it would be with the HttpClient class.
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var response = client.PostAsync("", null).Result;
var content = response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().Result;
File.WriteAllBytes("excel.xlsx", content);
Just fill in the PostAsync bit with the Url and the content you wish to post.
I am using .Result to keep everything synchronous - but you can use 'await' if you prefer.
If you are working with HttpWebRequests - then the process becomes more complicated, as you need to manage the streams yourself.
The HttpClient will manage and handle it all for you - so I recommend it, unless there is something special it needs to do that it currently does not.
Due to your .Net 3.5 requirement:
private static HttpWebResponse MakeRequest(string url, string postArgument)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "multipart/form-data;";
Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream();
string result = string.Format("arg1={0}", postArgument);
byte[] value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
stream.Write(value, 0, value.Length);
return (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
You can then do:
var response = MakeRequest("", "accounts.xlsx");
And then do
Stream objStream = response .GetResponseStream();
BinaryReader breader = new BinaryReader(objStream);
byte[] data= breader.ReadBytes((int)webresponse.ContentLength);

Streaming HttpResponse through Owin

I have a HttpResponse object as a result of HttpClient.SendAsync() call. The response has a chunked transfer encoding and results in 1.5 GB of data.
I want to pass this data through OWIN pipeline. To do this I need to convert it to a stream. Simplified code to do this is:
public async Task Invoke(IDictionary<string, object> environment)
var httpContent = GetHttpContent();
var responseStream = (Stream)environment["owin.ResponseBody"];
await httpContent.CopyToAsync(responseStream);
However, the last line results in copying the entire stream to the memory. And when I use wget to download the data directly from the backend server, it is downloaded successfully and shows a progress bar (although it doesn't know the overall size since it is chunked). But when I use wget to download data from my OWIN-hosted application it sticks on sending the request.
How should I stream this data through an OWIN pipeline to prevent copying it to memory?
This is how I get the HttpResponse:
var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler());
// …and then:
using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage { RequestUri = uri, Method = HttpMethod.Get })
return client.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result;
I assume this is in IIS? System.Web also buffers responses:
See server.DisableResponseBuffering in

C# Stream Response from 3rd party, minimal buffering

Our ASP.NET MVC endpoint is a behaving as a proxy to another 3rd party HTTP endpoint, which returns about 400MB of XML document generated dynamically.
Is there a way for ASP.NET MVC to "stream" that 3rd party response straight to the user of our endpoint with "minimal" buffering ?
At the moment, it looks like ASP.NET System.Web.Mvc.Controller.File() loads the whole file into memory as the response.
Not sure how I can confirm this, other than the jump in memory usage ?
The IIS AppPool memory usage increases by 400MB, which is then re-claimed by Garbage Collection later.
It will be nice if we can avoid System.Web.Mvc.Controller.File() loading the whole 400MB strings into memory, by streaming it "almost directly" from incoming response,
is it possible ?
The mock c# linqpad code is roughly like this
public class MyResponseItem {
public Stream myStream;
public string metadata;
void Main()
Stream stream = MyEndPoint();
//now let user download this XML as System.Web.Mvc.FileResult
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult fileResult = System.Web.Mvc.Controller.File(stream, "text/xml");
Stream MyEndPoint() {
MyResponseItem myResponse = GetStreamFromThirdParty("");
return myResponse.myStream;
MyResponseItem GetStreamFromThirdParty(string fullUrl)
MyResponseItem myResponse = new MyResponseItem();
System.Net.WebResponse webResponse = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(fullUrl).GetResponse();
myResponse.myStream = webResponse.GetResponseStream();
return myResponse;
You can reduce the memory footprint by not buffering and just copying the stream directly to output stream, an quick n' dirty example of this here:
public async Task<ActionResult> Download()
using (var httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
using (
var stream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.Buffer = false;
Response.BufferOutput = false;
await stream.CopyToAsync(Response.OutputStream);
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200);
If you want to reduce the footprint even more you can set a lower buffer size with the CopyToAsync(Stream, Int32) overload, default is 81920 bytes.
My requirement on proxy download also need to ensure the source ContentType (or any Header you need) can be forwarded as well. (e.g. If I proxy-download a video in, I need to let user see the same browser-video-player screen as they open the link directly, but not jumping to file-download / hard-coded ContentType)
Basing on answer by #devlead + another post, I adjusted a lil on the answer to fulfill my need. Here's my adjusted code in case anyone has the same need.
public async Task<ActionResult> Download(string url)
using (var httpClient = new System.Net.Http.HttpClient())
using (var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(url, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead))
using (var stream = await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync())
Response.ContentType = response.Content.Headers.ContentType.ToString();
Response.Buffer = false;
Response.BufferOutput = false;
await stream.CopyToAsync(Response.OutputStream);
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(200);
p.s. HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead is the important performance key. Without it, GetAsync will await until the whole source response stream are downloaded, which is much slower.

How can I send a File over a REST API?

I am trying to send a file to a server over a REST API. The file could potentially be of any type, though it can be limited in size and type to things that can be sent as email attachments.
I think my approach will be to send the file as a binary stream, and then save that back into a file when it arrives at the server. Is there a built in way to do this in .Net or will I need to manually turn the file contents into a data stream and send that?
For clarity, I have control over both the client and server code, so I am not restricted to any particular approach.
I'd recommend you look into RestSharp
The RestSharp library has methods for posting files to a REST service. (RestRequst.AddFile()). I believe on the server-side this will translate into an encoded string into the body, with the content-type in the header specifying the file type.
I've also seen it done by converting a stream to a base-64 string, and transferring that as one of the properties of the serialized json/xml object. Especially if you can set size limits and want to include file meta-data in the request as part of the same object, this works really well.
It really depends how large your files are though. If they are very large, you need to consider streaming, of which the nuances of that is covered in this SO post pretty thoroughly: How do streaming resources fit within the RESTful paradigm?
You could send it as a POST request to the server, passing file as a FormParam.
public Response uploadFile( #FormParam("uploadFile") String script, #HeaderParam("X-Auth-Token") String STtoken, #Context HttpHeaders hh) {
// local variables
String uploadFilePath = null;
InputStream fileInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(script.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
//System.out.println(script); //debugging
try {
uploadFilePath = writeToFileServer(fileInputStream, SCRIPT_FILENAME);
catch(IOException ioe){
return Response.ok("File successfully uploaded at " + uploadFilePath + "\n").build();
private String writeToFileServer(InputStream inputStream, String fileName) throws IOException {
OutputStream outputStream = null;
String qualifiedUploadFilePath = SIMULATION_RESULTS_PATH + fileName;
try {
outputStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(qualifiedUploadFilePath));
int read = 0;
byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
while ((read = != -1) {
outputStream.write(bytes, 0, read);
catch (IOException ioe) {
//release resource, if any
return qualifiedUploadFilePath;
Building on to #MutantNinjaCodeMonkey's suggestion of RestSharp. My use case was posting webform data from jquery's $.ajax method into a web api controller. The restful API service required the uploaded file to be added to the request Body. The default restsharp method of AddFile mentioned above caused an error of The request was aborted: The request was canceled. The following initialization worked:
// Stream comes from web api's HttpPostedFile.InputStream
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
photoBytes = ms.ToArray();
var request = new RestRequest(Method.PUT)
AlwaysMultipartFormData = true,
Files = { FileParameter.Create("file", photoBytes, "file") }
Detect the file/s being transported with the request.
Decide on a path where the file will be uploaded (and make sure CHMOD 777 exists for this directory)
Accept the client connect
Use ready library for the actual upload
Review the following discussion:
REST file upload with HttpRequestMessage or Stream?
First, you should login to the server and get an access token.
Next, you should convert your file to stream and post the stream:
private void UploadFile(FileStream stream, string fileName)
string apiUrl = "";
var formContent = new MultipartFormDataContent
{new StringContent(fileName),"FileName"},
{new StreamContent(stream),"formFile",fileName},
using HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", accessToken);
var response = httpClient.PostAsync(#$"{apiUrl}/FileUpload/save", formContent);
var result = response.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
In this example, we upload the file to and the controller has the following method in its FileUpload controller:
public ActionResult Save([FromForm] FileContent fileContent)
// ...
public class FileContent
public string FileName { get; set; }
public IFormFile formFile { get; set; }

Calling MVC HttpPost method (with Parameter) using HttpwebRequest

I have the following MVC method.
public ActionResult Listen(string status)
CFStatusMessage statusMessage = new CFStatusMessage();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
statusMessage = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CFStatusMessage>(status);
return Content(Server.HtmlEncode(status));// View(statusMessage);
I am trying to call the above method from Other application .. (Console). I am using HttpWebRequest to make a call to the MVC Method. Using the below code its able to call the method but the Parameter is always coming as empty string.
string content = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"payload\":\"some information\"}";
string url = "";
var httpWRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url);
httpWRequest.Method = "POST";
httpWRequest.ContentType = "text/json";
var encoding = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(string.Format("status={0}", Uri.EscapeDataString(content)));
httpWRequest.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream stream = httpWRequest.GetRequestStream();
stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
var response = (HttpWebResponse)httpWRequest.GetResponse();
With this its making a call to Listen method but status parameter is always coming blank. whereas I want the json string {status:"success",payload:"some information"} as parameter.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S.: I tried the below statement as well, while sending the actual content.
byte[] data = encoding.GetBytes(content);
If do you need to provide any kind of service from MVC tryout WebApi instead. You can use HTTP REST to do this easily.
Read more here ASP.NET WebApi
You appear to be saying the request is json, but sending it using wwwencoding.
Remove the status={0} line bit & just send the json as is.
You can try something like this
using (var sw = new StreamWriter(httpWRequest.GetRequestStream()))

