How to insert string containing single or double quotes - c#

If I want to insert a statement which contains quotation mark, how is it possible ?
For Example I have a text box and I enter:
Future Swami Vivekananda’s grand father's name was "____" .

If you use properly parameterized statements, you shouldn't need to worry about it. Something like this (though please don't learn C# techniques from me):
string sql = #"UPDATE dbo.table SET col = #p1 WHERE ...;";
string myString = #"hello'foo""bar";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30).Value = myString;
(Though you really should be using stored procedures.)
If you are building your strings manually (which you really, really, really shouldn't be doing), you need to escape string delimiters by doubling them up:
INSERT dbo.tbl(col) VALUES('hello''foo"bar');

Use a parameterized query - then quotes don't matter at all. Also - your database doesn't get taken over by SQL injection - so win/win really.

You can double up the quote:
VALUES ('Future Swami Vivekananda''s grand father''s name was "____"')


How to insert '' (2 apostrophes) into sql

I need to insert '' (2 apostrophes) into a column.
Just the apostrophes without any text.
But I end up inserting \'\' (apostrophes with backslashes)
NpgsqlCommand Cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("INSERT into Table(Col) VALUES(#value), conn);
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#value", "''");
Result: \'\' Appears in my table.
If I use less or more apostrophes it inserts fine but I need exactly 2 and then for some reason backslashes appear.
There seems to be a lot of confusion in the results above.
Npgsql does not perform any escaping in parameters, because they are sent out of band and are not treated in SQL. If your parameter value contains a C# string with two apostrophes, that is what will get inserted into the database.
After running your code above and using psql, I get the following:
var cmd = new NpgsqlCommand("INSERT into foo (name) VALUES (#value)", conn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#value", "''");
npgsql_tests=# select * from foo;
(1 row)
Maybe pgadmin shows values with backslashes - I don't know - but that would be a display issue.
Finally, if you really want to insert a constant value (as opposed to a user-provided one), there's no reason to use parameters. Just embed your value in SQL:
INSERT INTO foo (name) VALUES ('''''');
There are six apostrophes in there: 2 as the string delimiters, and two more escaped apostrophes (in SQL, '' is the escaped form of a single literal apostrophe).
However, if you're reading input from the user, definitely use a parameter.
Try to double up each apostrophe.
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("value", "''''");
Adding an empty text box and using it's text value somehow let's me insert the double apostrophes.
So the answer would be
NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand (INSERT into Table (Col) VALUES (#value);
Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#value", textBox1.text);
Where texBox1 is just an empty text box.
Probably not the best way of doing this but it works for now.

Length of string in String.Format()

It's may be I'm doing something wrong but don't know why I'm getting such issue.
I'm using string.Format which took around 130 parameters my code look like as below
string query = string.Format(#"Insert into TB_LN_CASES (
col130) Values ({0},{1},{2},{3}.....{129})",
The output which I'm getting in string is like
Insert into TB_LN_CASES (col1, col2,col3,col4,
...col129,col130) Values (abc,efd,gr,y,t,ui,u,re,re
String is incomplete, don't know what is the reason behind this or is there any alternative to do this, please suggest
Is there any max length constraint for string.Format ?
That is so totally not a string.format issue that it is not funny.
Please consider doing a little basic debugging yourself.
Values (abc,efd,gr,y,t,ui,u,re,re
This is not valid SQL. See, string values have to be in paranthesis of some sort ('abc' instad of abc).
Simply speaking your (btw, the old string.format syntax is hard to read - learn to use $"" strings, the new syntax for formatting in .NET 6.0) generated SQL is bad and you never considered this a SQL error.
Now, for the length issue - that is no, there is no sensible limit that you would reach. There is one, but it is LONG (not sure about the string limit - 2 gigabytes RAM?). It is likely you have a serious presentation issue (as in: The string is there, you just do not see it, like in the debugger, which may limit the output length).
I would reformat that to use he new $"{paramname}" syntax - it is a LOT easier to debug once you hit 10 or 20 parameters.
Please also note: The ToString calls on all those parameters are surplus (default call anyway).
If you are building up a SQL query, I would strongly recommend you use parameters in your query.
Here is an example:
string strQuery = "Insert into TB_LN_CASES (col1, ...) VALUES (#columnOneVariable, ...)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(strQuery);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#columnOneVariable", "yourValue");
At the moment you are very vulnerable to SQL injection.
To answer your question about the limit on String.Format(), please read here
try this:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = #"Insert into TB_LN_CASES (col1, col2,col3, ..)
Values (#value1, #value2, #value3, ..) ";
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#value1", value1));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#value2", value2));
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("#value3", value3));
string.Format("#"Insert into TB_LN_CASES{0},{1},{2}", col0,col1);

I want to store apostrophe in message box such as john's watch.It show erreor near 's

Please help me to store apostrophe. I m creating a website (C#, .net, SQL Server) and want to have a message box for the users but the problem is that when I inserts any message such as John's it shows an error near ''s'.
Please tell me how could I store apostrophe in database
I used nvarchar, varchar and everything but failed to store apostrophe containing messages.
A general solution is to write message with double apostrophe but this is not a solution for a website
You are open for SQL-Injection. Don't concatenate strings to build your query. Instead use SQL-Parameters. That also makes your code more readable and prevents errors like yours.
Here's an example:
int amt;
using (var con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString)) {
var sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.Message(UserID, Message) VALUES(#UserID, #Message);";
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) {
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#UserID", userID); // passed as argument
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Message", txtMessage.Text); // f.e. "John's"
int inserted = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
The same works also with other sql like UPDATE commands.
The problem is that you need to escape Apostrophe by another Apostrophe.
For example have a look at:!3/d2f75/1
SELECT 'John''s'
The best solution is to use a prepared statement (or whatever the equivalent in C# is) where your SQL only contains placeholders and you pass the actual values through a different method.
In a character literal, the single quote ' can be used by simply doubling it:
insert into foo (bar)
use CHAR(39)between john & s like this: 'john'+CHAR(39)+'s'

Getting error while store data in sql server 2005 through textbox

I am storing data (approx. 1500 words) in SQL server 2005 through textbox and button. I am using this code.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String query = String.Format("insert into try (data,sno) values ('{0}',22)",TextBox1.Text);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
Label1.Text = "submitted";
I have column 'data' of data type 'char(4000)'.
Problem is that, when I store 1st paragraph (approx 1500 words), it stored successfully. But when I stored another paragraph (approx 1500 words), it show me the error.
"Incorrect syntax near 's'. Unclosed quotation mark after the
character string ',22)'."
What is the problem ??
Use Parameters
String query = "insert into try (data,sno) values (#data,22)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#data", TextBox1.text);
In this way you don't need to worry about the presence of single quotes in your text and, the most important thing, you avoid SqlInjection Attacks
String.Format will not escape the input string suitably for use in an SQL statement, which will lead to errors & serious vulnerabilities.
You should use Parameterized Queries which are designed specifically to address this.
This sounds like you have an ', or multiple 's, in the TextBox1.Text. You will need to replace all single quotes for double.
String query = String.Format("insert into try (data,sno) values ('{0}',22)",Replace(TextBox1.Text,"'","''"));
However, this approach will open you up to SQL Injection attacks. I'd recommend using a Stored Procedure, like the following:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.CommandText = "spInsertDataIntoTry";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#data", TextBox.Text);
Otherwise, you could use Parameters like others have mentioned.
Does your text contains ' letter? If yes then it is breaking INSERT query.
If you would try to insert following text:
Hello' there
Then your query would look like this:
insert into try (data,sno) values ('Hello' there,22)
Which results in incorrect query.
This is not the way queries should be done, because it leads to security issues (read more: SQL Injection) you should use parametrized queries.
"Incorrect syntax near 's' - this indicates your sql statements is wrong.
i guess that your input content maybe contains sql server keywords, so check your 2nd paragraph is there any keyword such as "'".
for example:
2nd paragraph is: how's the weather? it's cool!!!!!!!
so the sql statement is: insert into try (data,sno) values ('how's the weather? it's cool!!!!!!!',22)
it will arise an exception incorrect syntax near 's'

Why we passing values using parameters?

option 1: in this values are inserted using parameters
string insertstr = "INSERT INTO table_name(eid, eName, Dept) " +
"VALUES(#eid, #eName, #dept)";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insertstr, con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#eid", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ename", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = textBox2.Text.ToString();
cmd.Parameters.Add("#dept", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = textBox3.Text.ToString();
Option 2:
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO table_name(eid,eName,Dept) values('"+ textBox1.Text +"','"+ textBox2.Text +"','"+ Textbox3.Text +"'", con);
Most of the projects i had seen the 1st option... what is the use of passing values using parameters?? any advantages by passing values using parameters?? your suggestion plz..
You don't have to care about quoting special characters. If you forget to quote a SQL-Injection attack is possible.
If you use Option 2 and one enters the following into Textbox3
'); DELETE * FROM table_name; --
the following SQL statements are excecuted:
INSERT INTO table_name(eid,eName,Dept) values ('value1','value2','');
DELETE * FROM table_name; -- ')
The second statement deletes every row from table_name. Instead of a delete statement any possible statement could be inserted there.
Several reasons:
You don't have to worry to escape special characters (like ') to avoid SQL errors or SQL injections (as explained by H-Man2).
You don't have to worry to transform C# types to SQL types. For instance:
If your NumberDecimalSeparator is equal to the comma , and you want to insert a Double value in your database, you normally have to replace the comma by a point. No need to worry about that with parameters.
No need to worry about DateTime formats neither.
I find also the code more readable and easier to maintain with parameters when your SQL queries start to have a great length.
You should NEVER use option 2.
This is very bad practise, and very open to SQL Injection.
Always stick with Option 1. This is the best option by far.
Read here for more information on SQL Injection:

