Is this the way and appeal of data binding? - c#

Okay, let's see if I'm thinking straight:
If I simply want to read some data from a source and then apply it to some control, I may as well just do that directly rather than go to the trouble of data binding. IOW, I may as well do this:
foreach (var quad in listQH)
tb.Text = quad.Ph1; opposed to:
tb.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", quad, "Ph1"));
However, if I want updates within the underlying class instance to update the controls (the "tb" textBox in this case), and user updates of the controls to update those class instance members ("two-way binding"), I need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged. But then, I would have to change this code:
List<QHQuad> listQH = GetForPlatypus(PlatypusId, dow); // listQH locally declared
foreach (var quad in listQH)
int QHCell = quad.QH;
if ((QHCell >= 1) || (QHCell <= QUARTER_HOUR_COUNT))
string PH1CellToPopulate = string.Format("textBoxA_{0}", QHCell);
string PH2CellToPopulate = string.Format("textBoxB_{0}", QHCell);
string PH3CellToPopulate = string.Format("textBoxC_{0}", QHCell);
var tb = (TextBox)this.Contro.Find(PH1CellToPopulate, true).First();
tb.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text", quad, "Ph1"));
. . .
List<QHQuad> listQH; //global to the form
. . .
listQH = GetInfoForPlatypus(PlatypusId, dow);
foreach (var quad in listQH)
// the same as above
And then I'd be able to ultimately save those potentially changed class instance values in this way:
foreach (var quad in listQH)
UpdateQH(quad); // quad contains members QH, Ph1, Ph2, and Ph3 ("UPDATE BLA SET PH1 = :Ph1, PH2 = :Ph2, PH3 = :Ph3 WHERE QH = :QH")

You have the right idea. Here are a few pointers, though.
INotifyPropertyChanged is only required if you want changes from within the ViewModel to bubble up to the view. It is not required for two-way binding. If you want two way binding and only need to read once when view loads, a plain property is fine.
You may want to check out the MVVM (Model - View - ViewModel) pattern. It is the recommended design pattern for WPF, Silverlight, Metro, etc. because it is great for data-binding heavy implementations.


how to pass a list between pages xamarin.forms?

I have a list of objects that should be passed to another view but I don't know how I can do that in Xamarin.forms, I think I should to use setBinding, but its the only thing I say in this case.
Thank you.
List<Localizacao> localizacaoList = new List<Localizacao>(); ;
if (localizacao != null && lojaPerto != null)
localizacaoList = new List<Localizacao>();
Localizacao loc = new Localizacao();
loc.latitude = Double.Parse(lojaPerto.latitude);
loc.longitude = Double.Parse(lojaPerto.longitude);
var secondPage = new Views.ComoChegarView ();
secondPage.BindingContext = localizacaoList;
await Navigation.PushAsync(secondPage);
In fact, I sent, but I can't get it again in the other view
If you are not using any additional framework, maybe you can try using constructor parameters.
public partial class ComoChegarView
private List<Localizacao> Locals{get;set;}
public ComoChegarView(List<Localizacao> locals)
InitializeComponent(); //standard code that mix xaml and code behind
this.Locals = locals; //store the data in property
this.BindingContext = this; //Set the binding context
So you can pass the value when you construct the page.
List<Localizacao> localizacaoList = new List<Localizacao>(); ;
if (localizacao != null && lojaPerto != null)
localizacaoList = new List<Localizacao>();
Localizacao loc = new Localizacao();
loc.latitude = Double.Parse(lojaPerto.latitude);
loc.longitude = Double.Parse(lojaPerto.longitude);
var secondPage = new Views.ComoChegarView (localizacaoList);
await Navigation.PushAsync(secondPage);
Remember that update your binding in XAML to reflect property access (for example)
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Locals}">...</ListView>
What you want to achieve is perfectly supported by all serious MVVM libraries.
1) a view do not pass anything to another view, it is the job of the ViewModels
2) in a MVVM context you can use many techniques to send ou pass data from one ViewModel to another, the main being : MVVM messenger (there's one include in Xamarin.Forms) or dependency injection in the the ViewModel constructor (using an IoC container what most MVVM libraries are offering, using Unity, DryIoc, ...).
It is certainly hard to do if you do not master MVVM pattern but you should take a little time to study this pattern and some libraries as Prism. You will quickly see the benefit of such an approach and will be very happy to write code more efficiently (and find in a minute quick and clean solutions to problems like the one you're talking about here).

How to replace a specific view in iCarousel on tap/select?

I'm using iCarousel by #Nick Lookwood to load a scrollable list of "flashcards".
Each View of the iCarousel control is one flashcard. By design, I require that when a user taps the flashcard (view), the flashcard flips to reveal the behind. Before using iCarousel, I was making two separate controls, one for front and one for back, and then using UIView.Transition (with a nice Flip From Top animation) to go from front to back when a Tap was detected, or the other way round.
Adding a UITapGestureRecognizer to my View is leading to weird artifacts and not functioning as expected (overlapping controls, the next one instead of the current one flipping, no animation, etc.) and I need a different approach. I could conveniently use the Selected event in the iCarousel Delegate instead of a Tap Gesture Recognizer, but what do I do there exactly?
In essence, I would like to replace the specific view which was tapped with another but I feel this is conflicting with the whole reusable views idea. Is there nothing I can do? (Once the view is out of the screen, I am fine with it being "flipped forward" again.)
P.S. I'm using C# and Xamarin.iOS, but I can understand Obj-C and Swift code fairly well, so any help will be appreciated.
There are lots of example for iCarausal. I assume you are using this :
and specifically folder name "Basic iOS Example"
How about the below changes in delegate methods:
- (UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index reusingView:(UIView *)view
UILabel *label = nil;
//create new view if no view is available for recycling
if (view == nil)
//don't do anything specific to the index within
//this `if (view == nil) {...}` statement because the view will be
//recycled and used with other index values later
view = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200.0f, 200.0f)];
((UIImageView *)view).image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"page.png"];
view.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
//back view i have just added this apart from it there is no change made by me in this method
UIView *backView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:view.bounds];
backView.tag = 2;
[backView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[view addSubview:backView];
[backView setHidden:YES];
//back view
label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:view.bounds];
label.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
label.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
label.font = [label.font fontWithSize:50];
label.tag = 1;
[view addSubview:label];
//get a reference to the label in the recycled view
label = (UILabel *)[view viewWithTag:1];
//set item label
//remember to always set any properties of your carousel item
//views outside of the `if (view == nil) {...}` check otherwise
//you'll get weird issues with carousel item content appearing
//in the wrong place in the carousel
label.text = [_items[index] stringValue];
return view;
and implementing didSelect delegate as below:
- (void)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel didSelectItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index{
UIView *frontview = [carousel itemViewAtIndex:index];
UIView *backView = [frontview viewWithTag:2];
BOOL isInFront = NO;
if (backView.hidden == NO) {
isInFront = YES;
[UIView transitionWithView: isInFront ? backView : frontview
[backView setHidden:isInFront];
You should write your code more structured, it was an example to show you that you can acheive what you want with iCarausal.

Setting up a DependencyProperty in the backing store to a UI via a data template - backing store not updated

I have the following DP in my backing store wrapping the InputEnabled property:
public EnableDisableSetting InputEnabled
get { return (EnableDisableSetting)this.GetValue(InputEnabledProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(InputEnabledProperty, value); }
public static readonly DependencyProperty InputEnabledProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("InputEnabled", typeof(EnableDisableSetting), typeof(EMSBasicDevice));//, new PropertyMetadata(EnableDisableSettings.Enabled));
I have another object structure which is populated with various parameters that us used to control the rows and columns of a DataGrid:
public class DeviceDisableEnable
private EnableDisableSetting _Individual_EnDis;
public EnableDisableSetting Individual_EnDis
get { return _Individual_EnDis; }
set { _Individual_EnDis = value; }
(most of the fields omitted, just showing the relevant one)
At runtime, this structure is populated with values from the backing store:
public void LoadDeviceDisable()
DeviceDisableEnable dde;
// Third Line
dde = new DeviceDisableEnable(this);
dde.RowHeight = 21;
dde.DataDescription = this.Inputs[0].Name;
dde.ZoneText = InZoneID.ShortName;
dde.LocationText = Inputs[0].LocationTexts[0];
dde.Individual_EnDis = this.Inputs[0].InputEnabled;
dde.Ind_Enable_Text = this.Inputs[0].InputEnabled.Description;
dde.IsHeader = false;
dde.ShowIndEnable = true;
dde.ShowAllEnable = true;
So the value dde.Individual_EnDis gets the backing store value from the DP. This works correctly.
The structure shown is used to build the DataGrid in the UI. Each entry in the structure represents a column in the grid. This is the code that builds the column associated with this entry:
// Add a component for the Enable/Disable property
DataGridTemplateColumn EnableCol = new DataGridTemplateColumn();
Binding IndivBind = new Binding("Individual_EnDis");
IndivBind.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
IndivBind.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
IndivBind.Converter = new EMSDevices.EnabledDisabledConverter();
Binding bind3 = new Binding("IsHeader");
bind3.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
bind3.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;
FrameworkElementFactory dtContent2 = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(EMS_Config_Tool.UIComponents.WPF.DeviceDisableWidget));
ImageTemplate = new DataTemplate();
EnableCol.CellTemplate = ImageTemplate;
EnableCol.Width = new DataGridLength(140);
EnableCol.CanUserSort = false;
ImageTemplate.VisualTree = dtContent2;
dtContent2.SetBinding(EMS_Config_Tool.UIComponents.WPF.DeviceDisableWidget.SetValueProperty, IndivBind);
dtContent2.SetValue(EMS_Config_Tool.UIComponents.WPF.DeviceDisableWidget.TextProperty, Properties.Resources.GroupEditor_Enabled);
dtContent2.SetValue(EMS_Config_Tool.UIComponents.WPF.DeviceDisableWidget.TitleProperty, Properties.Resources.Device_Edit_042);
dtContent2.SetBinding(EMS_Config_Tool.UIComponents.WPF.DeviceDisableWidget.TitleVisibilityProperty, bind3);
EnableCol.CellStyle = visible_style;
It's a bit complicated, sorry, but there are some funny display needs that go beyond the basic DataGrid, so there are some tricks here to show the right things. The important bit is how the binding is done to the Individual_EnDis property in the DeviceDisableEnable structure.
So far so good, it all woks, at least one way, but sadly not two ways. Changing the value in the UI by clicking the Checkbox does in fact update the setting in the DDE structure --- but --- and here finally is the issue, the backing store does not get updated, so although there is a DP wrapping the property in the backing store, that DP does not "ripple through" the DDE structure to let the backing store be updated by the UI, in other words, using the intermediary structure only presents the value of the property, not the property itself. Clearly I need to change the DDE structure to correctly refer to the backing store DP property, but how to proceed now, I don't know.
Oh dear..... Well, I have answered my own question, clearly I had obfuscated the problem beyond easy view of it's obvious solution.
If the grid is populated from the intermediate data template, changing the data in the backing store will not have any effect on the intermediate structure unless that too is updated. So, all I needed to do was to update the intermediate structure with the new data values, and call [DataGrid].Items.Refresh() and the grid updates to show the new data entries. Of course, this may not be the most efficient as most of the rows don't change in this transaction so what I need to do is only call the Refresh method on the affected entries, I already know which ones they are as I have just updated their values in the intermediate structure.
Most likely, using an iNotifyPropertyChanged notification I can directly get the intermediate structure refreshed when a change occurs in the backing store, then propagate that through to the DataGrid.

Two-way bind a "virtual" list of strings to a column

I have a list of Strings.
Well, conceptually. They are stored somewhere else, but I want provide an object which acts like a list (and provides any necessary events on top of that), with properties that I could bind to.
I want to establish a two-way binding over this data, to display it as a modifiable column in a DataGrid. I have the following problems with that:
I can't make a two-way binding because the binding needs a path (i.e. I can't have it look like {Binding} or {Binding Path=.} in the column, must be {Binding Path=someField"} to be made modifiable if I got this right, which sounds reasonable).
I don't exactly know how the proxy collection object should look like, in terms of interfaces (would IEnumerable + INotifyCollectionChanged sufficient?)
Is there any solution which doesn't involve creating one proxy object per every String in the collection? Could you suggest an efficient design?
To keep the discussion on the rails, let's assume I want to bind to something like this:
class Source {
public String getRow(int n);
public void setRow(int n, String s);
public int getCount();
public void addRow(int position, String s);
public void removeRow(int position);
That's not exactly my case, but when I know how to bind to this, I think I'll be able to handle any situation like this.
I'm OK with having to provide an adapter object on top of that Source, with any necessary interfaces and events, but I don't want to have one adapter object per row of data.
While making an adapter for the Source is relatively clear, then, unfortunatelly, the core of the second problem ('not wrapping every string in a miniobject') is a clash built into the .Net and WPF..
The first thing is that the WPF does provide you with many ways of registering 'on data modified' callbacks, but provides no way of registering callbacks that would provide a value. I mean, the "set" phase is only extendable, not interceptable, and the "get" - nothing at all. WPF will simply keep and return whatever data it has once cached.
The second thing is that in .Net the string is ... immutable.
Now, if ever you provide a string directly as a pathless binding or as a datacontext to any control, you are screwed in a dead end. The problem is, that WPF actually passes only the actual value of the binding, without the information of "where it came from". The underlying control will be simply given the string instance, and will have no sane way of modifying it as the string cannot change itself. You will not be even notified about such attempt, just like with read-only properties. What's more - if you ever manage to intercept such a modification attempt, and if you produce a proper new string, the WPF will never ask you again for the new value. To update the UI, you'd have to mannually, literally, force the WPF to re-ask you by for example changing the original binding so it points elsewhere (to the new value) or set the datacontext (to the new instance). It is doable with some VisualTree scanning, as every 'changed' callback gives you the DependencyObjects (Controls!), so yo ucan scan upwards/downwards and tamper with their properties.. Remember that option - I'll refer to this in a minute.
So, everything boils down to the fact that to get a normal 2-way binding you do not have to have a Path, you "just" have to have a mutable underlying data object. If you have immutable one - then you have to use a binding to a mutable property that holds the immutable value..
Having said that, you simply have to wrap the strings some how if you want to modify them.
The other question is, how to do that. There's a plenty of ways to do it. Of course, you can simply wrap them like Joe and Davio suggested (note to Joe: INotify would be needed there also), or you can try to do some XAML tricks with attached properties and/or behaviours and/or converters to do that for you. This is completely doable, see for example my other post - I've shown there how to "inject a virtual property" that pulled the data completely from elsewhere (one binding+converter performed the wrapping on the fly, second binding extracted the values from the attached-wrapper). This way you could create a "Contents" property on the string, and that property could simply return the string itself, and it'd be completely 2-way bindable with no exceptions.
But.. it would NOT work 2-way-ish.
Somewhere at the root of your binding/behaviour/conveter chain, there will be an immutable string. Once your smart autowrapping binding chain fires with 'on modified' callback you will be notified with pair of old/new values. You will be able to remap the values to new and old strings. If you implemented everything perfectly, the WPF will simply use the new value. If you tripped somewhere, then you will have to push the new value artificially back to the UI (see the options I'd asked you to remember). So, it's ok. No wrapper, old value was visible, it was changeable, you've got new value, the UI displays new value. How about storage?
Somewhere in the meantime you've been given a old/new value pair. If you analyze them, you'll get old/new strings. But how do you update the old immutable string? Can't do. Even if autowrapping worked, even if UI worked, even if editing seemed to work, you are now standing with the real task: you onmodified callback was invoked and you have to actually update that immutable string piece.
First, you need your Source. Is it static? Phew. What a luck! So surely it is instanced. In the on-modified callback we got only a old+new string.. how to get the Source instance? Options:
scan the VisualTree and search for it in the datacontexts and use whatever was found..
add some more attached properties and binding to bind a virtual "Source" property to every string and read that property from the new value
Well doable, but smells, but no other options.
Wait, there's more: not only the old/new value and an instance of Source are needed! You also need the ROW INDEX. D'oh! how to get that from the bound data? Again, options:
scan the VisualTree and search for it (blaargh)...
add some more attached properties and bindings to bind a virtual "RowIndex" property to every (blaaergh)...
At this point of time, while I see that all of this seems implementable and actually might be working properly, I really think that wrapping each string in a small
public class LocalItem // + INotifyPropertyChanged
public int Index { get; }
public Source Source { get; }
public string Content
get { Source...}
set { Source... }
will simply be more readable, elegant and .. SHORTER to implement. And less error-prone, as more details will be explicit instead of some WPF's binding+attached magic..
I find your approach a little weird.
DataGrids are usually used to display Rows. Rows consist of data that belongs together.
You could for instance easily map a row to a certain class. This means that the columns in your datagrid represent properties in your class.
What you're trying to do is the opposite, you're trying to get a relation between the column values instead of the row values.
Wouldn't it be easier to have a collection of your class which you can then bound the column to?
For instance
class MyClass : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Remember to actually implement INotifyPropertyChanged
string Column;
If you would have an ObservableCollection of MyClass you could bind the DataGrid to this collection. Whenever the property which I called "Column" changes, you could update your special list.
You can do this by hooking up some events. With the implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged, your columns will be updated if you update the "Column"-value directly.
I have this bit of code I use to bind a list of custom object to a DataContextMenu. You can alter it to use a list of strings and bind it to what you need
class SampleCode
class Team
private string _TeamName = "";
private int _TeamProperty1 = 0;
ObservableCollection<Territory> _Territories = new ObservableCollection<Territory>();
public Team(string tName)
this.TeamName = tName;
public ObservableCollection<Territory> Territories
get { return _Territories; }
set { _Territories = value; }
public string TeamName
get { return _TeamName; }
set { _TeamName = value; }
public int TeamProperty1
get { return _TeamProperty1; }
set { _TeamProperty1 = value; }
class Territory
private string _TerritoryName = "";
Team _AssociatedTeam = null;
public Territory(string tName, Team team)
this.TerritoryName = tName;
this.AssociatedTeam = team;
public Team AssociatedTeam
get { return _AssociatedTeam; }
set { _AssociatedTeam = value; }
public string TerritoryName
get { return _TerritoryName; }
set { _TerritoryName = value; }
public void Method1()
//Do Some Work
class MyApplication
ObservableCollection<Team> _Teams = new ObservableCollection<Team>();
ContextMenu _TeritorySwitcher = new ContextMenu();
public MyApplication()
public void AddTeam()
_Teams.Add(new Team("1"));
_Teams.Add(new Team("2"));
_Teams.Add(new Team("3"));
_Teams.Add(new Team("4"));
foreach (Team t in _Teams)
t.Territories.Add(new Territory("1", t));
t.Territories.Add(new Territory("2", t));
t.Territories.Add(new Territory("3", t));
private void SetContextMenu()
HierarchicalDataTemplate _hdtTerritories = new HierarchicalDataTemplate();
_hdtTerritories.DataType = typeof(Territory);
HierarchicalDataTemplate _hdtTeams = new HierarchicalDataTemplate();
_hdtTeams.DataType = typeof(Team);
FrameworkElementFactory _TeamFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TreeViewItem));
_TeamFactory.Name = "txtTeamInfo";
_TeamFactory.SetBinding(TreeViewItem.HeaderProperty, new Binding("TeamProperty1"));
FrameworkElementFactory _TerritoryFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(TreeViewItem));
_TerritoryFactory.Name = "txtTerritoryInfo";
_TerritoryFactory.SetBinding(TreeViewItem.HeaderProperty, new Binding("TerritoryProperty1"));
_hdtTeams.ItemsSource = new Binding("Territories");
_hdtTeams.VisualTree = _TeamFactory;
_hdtTerritories.VisualTree = _TerritoryFactory;
_hdtTeams.ItemTemplate = _hdtTerritories;
_TeritorySwitcher.ItemTemplate = _hdtTeams;
_TeritorySwitcher.ItemsSource = this._Teams;
Lazy solution
Derive from ObservableCollection<string> and let that collection be populated from the Source. In the derived class, register to collection change events and update the source accordingly. Bind the DataGrid column to the observable collection.
This should be pretty straightforward to write, but has a big drawback of duplicating all data in the collection.
More efficient solution
Create an adapter (as you suggested) and implement IList<string> and INotifyCollectionChanged. Let the list operations fall through directly to the source. Bind the DataGrid column to the adapter.
This approach would require some tedious boilerplate, but it's a thin layer between the WPF control and your Source.
This really depends on how you're implementing the UI. Bea Stollnitz did an excellent post of virtualizing the ItemsSource for the WPF DataGrid at . With work I used this to edit as well as display data.
The easiest way is by placing the string in a wrapper class.
public class Wrapper
public string Content{get;set;}
Then you use the string via the wrapper class. This was the list items remain the same but the content changes.
The problem is when you do this without that then an old string is being deleted and a new one is created and the collection is confused.
Start with an ObservableCollection<string>. Then set the bindable control's ItemsSource to the ObservableCollection.

How to force validation errors update on View from ViewModel using IDataErrorInfo?

I have a MVVM-based Window with many controls, and my Model implements IDataErrorInfo.
There is also a SaveCommand button, which performs validation by analysing Model.Error property.
The view displays the default red border around controls with errors only when I change the value of a particular control, or when I notify about the change of that property using PropertyChanged.
How can I force View to display all Validation errors even when I didn't touch the controls?
All my validation bindings include ValidatesOnDataErrors=True, NotifyOnValidationError=True.
I know one solution is to have an aggregate box with all the errors, but I would prefer to display errors on per-control basis.
I don't want to trigger Model.NotifyPropertyChanged for each bound property from ViewModel.
I use WPF 4.0, not Silverlight, so INotifyDataErrorInfo won't work.
You mention that you don't want to raise property changed for the properties you bind to, but that's really the simplest way to accomplish this. Calling PropertyChanged with no parameter will raise for all properties in your viewmodel.
Alternatively you can update the bindings (and force revalidation) on any control like this:
The best solution I've found so far that works is to change DataContext to null and back to the instance of ViewModel.
This triggers the update for controls on the view that has DataContext bound to InnerViewModel:
public void ForceUpdateErrors() {
var tmpInnerVM = _mainViewModel.InnerViewModel;
_mainViewModel.InnerViewModel = null;
_mainViewModel.InnerViewModel = tmpInnerVM;
It's recommended to check if no data is lost after this trick. I had a case that this code triggered source update for ComboBox.SelectedItem with null but I managed to solve it. It was caused by using a resource-based BindingProxy and the order of DataContext=null propagation across control hierarchy.
This 'Hack' worked for me temporarily, to force the InotifyChanged event, just assign that control back it's own content. Do this before evaluating the HasError function of bindings. For example a textbox would be:
((TextBox)child).Text = ((TextBox)child).Text;
And then a complete example(before I hear this is not true MVVM, I directly got a handle on the grid for ease of showing this code snipet)
public bool Validate()
bool hasErr = false;
for (int i = 0; i != VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(grd); ++i)
DependencyObject child = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(grd, i);
if (child is TextBox)
bool pp = BindingOperations.IsDataBound(child, TextBox.TextProperty);
if (pp)
((TextBox)child).Text = ((TextBox)child).Text;
hasErr = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(child, TextBox.TextProperty).HasError;
System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<ValidationError> errors = BindingOperations.GetBindingExpression(child, TextBox.TextProperty).ValidationErrors;
if (hasErr)
main.BottomText.Foreground = Brushes.Red;
main.BottomText.Text = BindingOperations.GetBinding(child, TextBox.TextProperty).Path.Path.Replace('.', ' ') + ": " + errors[0].ErrorContent.ToString();
return false;
if (child is DatePicker)
return true;

