COLLADA blending: transparency based on texture - c#

What I'm trying to do now is to get my COLLADA importer working on some transparent COLLADA model. The model blending is specified by the COLLADA specification, at charapter 7, paragraph "Rendering/Determining Transparency".
In short, there are two inputs for blend equation: Trasparent and Trasparency; the former can be a RGBA color or a texture, and the latter can be only a floating-point value. Additionally, Transparent can specify two blending equations (ColladaFxOpaqueType.AlphaOne and ColladaFxOpaqueType.RgbZero):
Here are the two blending equations:
// AlphaOne
// result.r = fb.r * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.r * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.g = fb.g * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.g * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.b = fb.b * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.b * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.a = fb.a * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.a * (transparent.a * transparency)
// RgbZero
// result.r = fb.r * (transparent.r * transparency) + mat.r * (1.0f -transparent.r * transparency)
// result.g = fb.g * (transparent.g * transparency) + mat.g * (1.0f -transparent.g * transparency)
// result.b = fb.b * (transparent.b * transparency) + mat.b * (1.0f -transparent.b * transparency)
// result.a = fb.a * (luminance(transparent.rgb) * transparency) + mat.a * (1.0f - luminance(transparent.rgb) * transparency)
- result: draw framebuffer
- fb: destination blend color
- mat: source blend color
- transparent: COLLADA parameter described above
- transparency: COLLADA parameter described above
- luminance: function to average color following ITU-R Recommendation BT.709-4
What I've implemented now, is to get the geometry blended in the case Transparent represent a color (and both blending equations). Below there is the peculiar code implementing this feature:
internal void CompileBlendStateParameters(ColladaShaderParameters shaderParameters, ColladaFxCommonContext commonContext)
if (shaderParameters == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("shaderParameters");
if (commonContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("commonContext");
// Apply alpha blending, if required
if ((Transparent != null) || (Transparency != null)) {
BlendState blendState = null;
ColorRGBAF blendFactors = new ColorRGBAF(1.0f); // No effect value
float trasparency = 1.0f; // No effect value
if (Transparency != null)
trasparency = Transparency.GetValue(commonContext);
if ((Transparent != null) && (Transparent.IsFixedColor(commonContext) == true)) {
switch (Transparent.Opaque) {
case ColladaFxOpaqueType.AlphaOne:
// Equation from COLLADA specification:
// result.r = fb.r * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.r * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.g = fb.g * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.g * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.b = fb.b * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.b * (transparent.a * transparency)
// result.a = fb.a * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.a * (transparent.a * transparency)
// Determine blend factor constant color
blendFactors = new ColorRGBAF(Transparent.GetFixedColor(commonContext).Alpha);
// Modulate constant color
blendFactors = blendFactors * trasparency;
// Create blend state
blendState = new BlendState(BlendState.BlendEquation.Add, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColor, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColorComplement, blendFactors);
case ColladaFxOpaqueType.RgbZero:
// Equation from COLLADA specification:
// result.r = fb.r * (transparent.r * transparency) + mat.r * (1.0f -transparent.r * transparency)
// result.g = fb.g * (transparent.g * transparency) + mat.g * (1.0f -transparent.g * transparency)
// result.b = fb.b * (transparent.b * transparency) + mat.b * (1.0f -transparent.b * transparency)
// result.a = fb.a * (luminance(transparent.rgb) * transparency) + mat.a * (1.0f - luminance(transparent.rgb) * transparency)
// Determine blend factor constant color
blendFactors = new ColorRGBAF(Transparent.GetFixedColor(commonContext));
// Define alpha blend factor as luminance
blendFactors.Alpha = blendFactors.Red * 0.212671f + blendFactors.Green * 0.715160f + blendFactors.Blue * 0.072169f;
// Modulate constant color
blendFactors = blendFactors * trasparency;
// Create blend state
blendState = new BlendState(BlendState.BlendEquation.Add, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColorComplement, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColor, blendFactors);
} else if ((Transparent != null) && (Transparent.IsTextureColor(commonContext) == true)) {
throw new NotSupportedException();
} else {
// Modulate constant color
blendFactors = blendFactors * trasparency;
// Create blend state
blendState = new BlendState(BlendState.BlendEquation.Add, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColor, BlendState.BlendFactor.ConstColorComplement, blendFactors);
if (blendState != null)
Rougly, the code above abstracts the OpenGL layer, being equivalent to:
// AlphaOne equation
glBlendColor(blendFactors.Red, blendFactors.Green, blendFactors.Blue, blendFactors.Alpha);
// RgbZero equation
glBlendColor(blendFactors.Red, blendFactors.Green, blendFactors.Blue, blendFactors.Alpha);
// Having calculated blendFactor appropriately!!
What I'd like is to support trasparencies based on texture (indeed removing that horrible NotSupportedException). Normally this would be implemented by attaching a texture to the outputted fragment alpha component, and setup blending as usual (Alpha and OneMinusAlpha blend factors), but sadly this is not possible with the above equations (alpha component wouln't be blended, isn't it?).
P.S. You can note that I've implemented blending by using a straightforward solution, but based on constant blend color (blendFactors variable in code) (indeed using GL_EXT_blend_color extension). How can I remove this dependency by using normal blending functions? I think that the solution to the last question could help me about blending based on texture...

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're going for, but I'll take a stab at it (feel free to follow up in the comments).
You want to implement the AlphaOne and RgbZero equations with standard opengl blending, and instead of using a constant color, you want your blend function to be evaluated for each texel of an image. The typical blend function for transparency (SRC_ALPHA, ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) uses the alpha value of the incoming fragment, and is evaluated as:
result = dst * (1-src_alpha) + src * src_alpha
Looking one at a time at the two equations you want to implement (just red and alpha for brevity):
result.r = fb.r * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.r * (transparent.a * transparency);
result.a = fb.a * (1.0f - transparent.a * transparency) + mat.a * (transparent.a * transparency);
If we look at this equation, we see that it looks very similar to the initial equation posted. All we have to do is substitute transparent.a*transparency for src_alpha.
This means if you take a pixel shader, with the value of transparent.a coming from a texture sample, and transparency as a uniform float, it will implement the AlphaOne function:
sampler2D tex;
uniform transparency;
main() {
vec4 texel = texture2D(tex,uv);
vec3 out_rgb = texel.rgb;
float out_alpha = texel.a * transparency;
gl_FragColor = vec4(out_rgb, out_alpha);
This shader submits transparent.a * transparency as the src_alpha value to be used in the blend equation.
I believe that this shows that you can easily implement this algorithm with typical opengl blending.
However the RGBZero function looks tougher to me, I don't believe there is any blending function that will achieve that. Just one oddball idea I have would be to draw the four color channels one at a time (lock G,B,A for editing and just draw R, with output alpha as your R blend factor, then repeat for the other 3 color channels. That looks like somewhat of an odd blending function to me, I can't think of what it would be used for though.


3D-Coordinate Transformation in C#

What is the Goal?:
I want to know the new Coordinates of a point after rotating the 3D-Object (Cuboid), around the anchorpoint (x,y & z) on the opposite side.
What i did:
I tried to calculate the position with the following function. I had to convert doubles to floats , because of the Autodesk Inventor API. Note: Vector is the difference from the origin /anchorpoint to the designated point.
Vector3 coordinateTransformation(Vector3 vector, float r_x, float r_y, float r_z, Vector3 origin)
vector.X = vector.X; //Just for demonstration
vector.Y = vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_x))) - vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_x)));
vector.Z = vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_x))) + vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_x)));
vector.X = vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_y))) + vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_y)));
vector.Y = vector.Y; //Just for demonstration
vector.Z = vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_y))) - vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_y)));
vector.X = vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_z))) - vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_z)));
vector.Y = vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_z))) + vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_z)));
vector.Z = vector.Z; //Just for demonstration
vector.X = Math.Abs(vector.X) + origin.X;
vector.Y = Math.Abs(vector.Y) + origin.Y;
vector.Z = Math.Abs(vector.Z) + origin.Z;
return vector;
Somehow the object does not get placed on the correct place.
Next step: On the internet i found a website which does the correct transformation.Casio Website
If i manually set vector to the calculated point on the website, everything else works fine. So i somehow have to get the exact same calculation into my code.
If you need further information, feel free to comment!
1 : I want to place 2 Objects (e.g. Cuboids) within 1 Assembly Group in Inventor. Every Object as an anchorpoint (origin) and on the opposite side a connection point, which is described as the delta between the anchorpoint and the connection point itself. At first one Object is placed on the origin coordinates, followed by a rotation around the anchorpoint (degrees). After that the connection point coordinates of Object 1 have changed. In the next step i want to place Object 2 with its origin on the connection point of Object 1, while Object 2 has the same rotation as Object 1.
2 : Inventor uses a right-handed coordinate system
When you apply rotation to a vector manually, you'd need to update all the components (X, Y and Z) at once as follows.
Vector3 coordinateTransformation(Vector3 vector, float r_x, float r_y, float r_z, Vector3 origin)
// In the rotation around X axis below, `Y relies on Z` and `Z relies on Y`. So both must be updated simultaneously.
vector = new Vector3(
vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_x))) - vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_x))),
vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_x))) + vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_x)))
vector = new Vector3(
vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_y))) + vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_y))),
vector.Z * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_y))) - vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_y)))
vector = new Vector3(
vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_z))) - vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_z))),
vector.X * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Sin(DegreesToRadians(r_z))) + vector.Y * Convert.ToSingle(Math.Cos(DegreesToRadians(r_z))),
vector.X = Math.Abs(vector.X) + origin.X;
vector.Y = Math.Abs(vector.Y) + origin.Y;
vector.Z = Math.Abs(vector.Z) + origin.Z;
return vector;
Appendix: Use of Matrix4x4
As #JonasH suggests, it's a good idea to use reliable libraries, if there are.
Since, row-vectors are used in the .NET world (while your implementation is based on column-vectors), X->Y->Z rotations can be written by straightforward matrices multiplications as follows.
Vector3 coordinateTransformation(Vector3 vector, float r_x, float r_y, float r_z, Vector3 origin)
var mat = Matrix4x4.CreateRotationX(DegreesToRadians(r_x))
* Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(DegreesToRadians(r_y))
* Matrix4x4.CreateRotationZ(DegreesToRadians(r_z));
vector = Vector3.Transform(vector, mat);
vector.X = Math.Abs(vector.X) + origin.X;
vector.Y = Math.Abs(vector.Y) + origin.Y;
vector.Z = Math.Abs(vector.Z) + origin.Z;
return vector;
Do not mess around with vectors and angled by hand. Use some library for your vector functions and use matrices to do your transformations. For example System.Numerics or Math.Net.Numerics.
Assuming you have an euler angle to start with you can use CreateFromYawPitchRoll to create your rotation matrix. If you want to rotate around a specific point you just subtract your rotation center from all your points, apply the rotation and move the points back. This can all be done by just multiplying the transformation matrices:
var totalTransform = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(-rotationCenter) *
Matrix4x4.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yawInRadians, pitchInRadians, rollInRadians) *
to apply the resulting transform you just call Vector3.Transform to produce a new, transformed vector.
This will all be a bit easier if you have some introduction to linear algebra. It is also common to do things like applying the transforms in the wrong order or something, and sometimes it is easiest to just try some different things until you get it right. I would also note that rotations are just hard to understand. I tend to prefer quaternions over eutler angles, not because the math is easier to understand, but since there are methods like CreateFromAxisAngle, that I can understand.

How to rotate a vector around a particular axis

The .X3D format has an interesting rotation system. Unlike most formats containing rotation values around the X, Y and Z axis, .X3D gives a normalized direction vector and then gives a value in radians for rotation around that axis.
The axis to rotate around: 0.000000 0.465391 0.885105
Rotation around that axis (in radians): 3.141593
I have the conversion from radians to degrees, but I need the rotation values around XYZ from these values.
We can build a sequence for elementary matrix transformations to rotate about angle-axis. Let axis unit vector is w, angle Theta. Auxiliary values:
V = Sqrt(wx*wx + wz*wz)
W = Sqrt(wx*wx + wy*wy + wz*wz) //1 for unit dir vector
Cos(Alpha) = wz/V
Sin(Alpha) = wx/V
Cos(Beta) = V/W
Sin(Beta) = wy/W
Transformation sequence:
Ry(-Alpha) //rotation matrix about Y-axis by angle -Alpha
Note that for is axis is parallel to Y , one should use usual just rotation matrix about Y (accounting for direction sign), because V value is zero.
There is rather complex Rodrigues' rotation formula for computing the rotation matrix corresponding to a rotation by an angle Theta about a fixed axis specified by the unit vector w.
Explicit matrix here (weird formatted picture):
This Below C++ Function Rotates a Point Around A Provided Center and Uses Another Vector(Unit) as Axis to rotate Around.
This Code Below Was Made Thanks to Glenn Murray who provided the Formula Provided in Link. This is Tested and is Working Perfectly As intended.
Note: When Angle Is Positive And Unit Vector is {0,0,1} It Rotates To the Right Side, Basically Rotation Is On the Right Side, Axes are {x-forward,y-right,z-up}
void RotateVectorAroundPointAndAxis(Vector3D YourPoint, Vector3D PreferedCenter, Vector3D UnitDirection, float Angle, Vector3D& ReturnVector)
float SinVal = sin(Angle * 0.01745329251);
float CosVal = cos(Angle * 0.01745329251);
float OneMinSin = 1.0f - SinVal;
float OneMinCos = 1.0f - CosVal;
UnitDirection = GetUnitVector(UnitDirection, { 0,0,0 });// This Function Gets unit Vector From InputVector - DesiredCenter
float Temp = (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.x) + (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.y) + (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.z);
ReturnVector.x = (PreferedCenter.x * (UnitDirection.y * UnitDirection.y)) - (UnitDirection.x * (((-PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.y) + (-PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.z)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.y = (PreferedCenter.y * (UnitDirection.x * UnitDirection.x)) - (UnitDirection.y * (((-PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.x) + (-PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.z)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.z = (PreferedCenter.z * (UnitDirection.x * UnitDirection.x)) - (UnitDirection.z * (((-PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.x) + (-PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.y)) - Temp));
ReturnVector.x = (ReturnVector.x * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.x * CosVal);
ReturnVector.y = (ReturnVector.y * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.y * CosVal);
ReturnVector.z = (ReturnVector.z * OneMinCos) + (YourPoint.z * CosVal);
ReturnVector.x += (-(PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.y) + (PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.z) - (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.y) + (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.z)) * SinVal;
ReturnVector.y += ( (PreferedCenter.z * UnitDirection.x) - (PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.z) + (UnitDirection.z * YourPoint.x) - (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.z)) * SinVal;
ReturnVector.z += (-(PreferedCenter.y * UnitDirection.x) + (PreferedCenter.x * UnitDirection.y) - (UnitDirection.y * YourPoint.x) + (UnitDirection.x * YourPoint.y)) * SinVal;

Is there a way to get a more precise circle in GDI+ than with DrawCircle?

I am struggling with a situation, where I want to draw a circle with GDI+ and some points on it (drawn as smaller circles), but the circle seems to be noncircular. By implementing scaling and zero point shifting, I zoom into the points and the circle, and find the points not lying exactly on the circle.
When I add a 'discrete' circle drawn with line segments, this circle does fit the points very well, if enough segments are used. Since the math is the same, I think that roundoff errors in my code can not be the cause of the circle deviations (although probably in the implementation of DrawEllipse).
In fact the deviations are biggest on 45/135/225/315 degrees.
I made a small project reproducing the effect with a slightly different setup: I draw multiple circles with their origins lying on an other circle with its center on the center of the form with the same radius. If everything goes well all circles shoud touch the center of the form. But with big radii like 100'000, they dont pass throug the center anymore, but miss it by a screendistance of maybe 15 pixel.
To reproduce the situation make a new c# project, put on form1 button1, and call the function Draw() from it:
private void Draw()
Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
g.Clear(this.BackColor );
double hw = this.Width / 2;
double hh = this.Height / 2;
double scale = 100000;
double R = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
double angle = i * 30;
double cx = R * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
double cy = R * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Blue, 1f), (float)(hw - scale * (cx + R)), (float)(hh + scale * (cy - R)), (float)(2 * R * scale), (float)(2 * R * scale));
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point(0, (int)hh), new Point(this.Width, (int)hh));
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new Point((int)hw, 0), new Point((int)hw, this.Height));
double r = 3;
g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Green, 1f), (float)(hw - r), (float)(hh - r), (float)(2 * r), (float)(2 * r));
//Pen magpen = new Pen(Color.Magenta, 1);
//double n = 360d / 1000;
//for (double j = 0; j < 360; j += n)
// double p1x = R * Math.Cos(j * Math.PI / 180) + cx;
// double p1y = R * Math.Sin(j * Math.PI / 180) + cy;
// double p2x = R * Math.Cos((j + n) * Math.PI / 180) + cx;
// double p2y = R * Math.Sin((j + n) * Math.PI / 180) + cy;
// g.DrawLine(magpen, (float)(hw - scale * p1x), (float)(hh + scale * p1y), (float)(hw - scale * p2x), (float)(hh + scale * p2y));
use the variable scale from 100 to 100'000 to see the effect: The circles don't touch the origin anymore, but wobble around it. If you uncomment the commented lines you can see, that the magenta 'discrete' circle performs much better.
Since using 'discrete' circles and arcs is a performance killer, I am looking for a way to draw better circles with GDI+.
Any ideas, suggestions?
GDI+ (at least in its native version) doesn't draw ellipses: it uses the cubic Bezier approximation, as described here and here.
That is, instead of
c = cos(angle);
s = sin(angle);
x = c * radius;
y = s * radius;
or, for an ellipse (a & b as semi major and semi minor axes in some order)
x = c * a;
y = s * b;
it uses
K = (sqrt(2) - 1) * 4.0 / 3;
t = angle * 0.5 / pi;
u = 1 - t;
c = (u * u * u) * 1 + (3 * u * u * t) * 1 + (3 * u * t * t) * K + (t * t * t) * 0;
s = (u * u * u) * 0 + (3 * u * u * t) * K + (3 * u * t * t) * 1 + (t * t * t) * 1;
(for angle in the range [0, pi/2]: other quadrants can be calculated by symmetry).
g.DrawArc(new Pen(Color.Blue, 1f), (float)((hw) - R * scale), -(float)((2 * R * scale) - hh), (float)(2 * R * scale), (float)(2 * R * scale), 0, 360);
Well I got somewhat precise results with this method.However this is only a sample.

Alpha Blend if Background Alpha is not 255/1.0f

I am trying to do an alpha blending in c#.
So my actual code for this is:
final.Red = (pencil.Red * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Red * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
final.Green = (pencil.Green * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Green * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
final.Blue = (pencil.Blue * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Blue * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
This is working fine if the background pixel has no opacity.
But what is the calculation for the colors if the background pixel has opacity?
Ok I managed it by myself. Was not as complicated as I thought. Heres is my solution:
final.Red = (pencil.Red * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Red * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
final.Green = (pencil.Green * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Green * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
final.Blue = (pencil.Blue * pencil.Alpha) + (background.Blue * (1.0f - pencil.Alpha));
final.Alpha = background.Alpha + (1.0f - background.Alpha * pencil.Alpha);
With this it is working on every backgound opacity.

Compare RGB colors in c#

I'm trying to find a way to compare two colors to find out how much they are alike. I can't seem to find any resources about the subject so I'm hoping to get some pointers here.
Idealy, I would like to get a score that tells how much they are alike. For example, 0 to 100, where 100 would be equal and 0 would be totally different.
Getting to know a bit more about colors from the answers I understand my question was a bit vague. I will try to explain what I needed this for.
I have pixeldata (location and color) of an application window at 800x600 size so I can find out if a certain window is open or not by checking every x-interval.
However, this method fails as soon as the application is resized (the contents are scaled, not moved). I can calculate where the pixels move, but because of rounding and antialising the color can be slightly different.
Pieter's solution was good enough for me in this case, although all other responses were extremely helpfull as well, so I just upvoted everyone. I do think that ColorEye's answer is the most accurate when looking at this from a professional way, so I marked it as the answer.
What you are looking for is called Delta-E.
It is the distance between two colors in LAB color space. It is said that the human eye cannot distinguish colors below 1 DeltaE (I find that my eyes can find differences in colors below 1 DeltaE, each person is different.)
There are 4 formulas for 'color difference'.
Delta E (CIE 1976)
Delta E (CIE 1994)
Delta E (CIE 2000)
Delta E (CMC)
Check the math link on this site:
So the proper answer is to convert your RGB to LAB using the formula given, then use DeltaE 1976 to determine the 'difference' in your colors. A result of 0 would indicate identical colors. Any value higher than 0 could be judged by the rule 'A delta e of 1 or less is indistinguishable by most people'.
There's an open-source .net library that lets you do this easily:
The most common method for comparing colors is CIE76:
var a = new Rgb { R = 149, G = 13, B = 12 }
var b = new Rgb { R = 255, G = 13, B = 12 }
var deltaE = a.Compare(b,new Cie1976Comparison());
Colors have different weights affecting human eye.
So convert the colors to grayscale using their calculated weights:
Gray Color =
.11 * B +
.59 * G +
.30 * R
And your difference will be
difference = (GrayColor1 - GrayColor2) * 100.0 / 255.0
with difference ranging from 0-100.
This is actually commonly used and very simple approach thats used calculating image differences in image procesing.
this is the very simple and still usable formula - even in commercial applications.
If you want to go deep you should check out the color difference methods called: CIE1976, CIE1994, CIE2000 and CMC
Here you can find some more detailed info:
Something like this:
public static int CompareColors(Color a, Color b)
return 100 * (int)(
1.0 - ((double)(
Math.Abs(a.R - b.R) +
Math.Abs(a.G - b.G) +
Math.Abs(a.B - b.B)
) / (256.0 * 3))
Converting the RGB color to the HSL color space often produces good results. Check wikipedia for the conversion formula. It is up to you to assign weights to the differences in H, the color, S, how 'deep' the color is and L, how bright it is.
I found a interesting approach called Colour metric and adapted it to C#
public static double ColourDistance(Color e1, Color e2)
long rmean = ((long)e1.R + (long)e2.R) / 2;
long r = (long)e1.R - (long)e2.R;
long g = (long)e1.G - (long)e2.G;
long b = (long)e1.B - (long)e2.B;
return Math.Sqrt((((512 + rmean) * r * r) >> 8) + 4 * g * g + (((767 - rmean) * b * b) >> 8));
Colour perception depends on many factors and similarity can be measured in many ways. Just comparing how similar the R, G and B components are generally gives results humans won't agree with.
There's some general material on colour comparisons in wikipedia, and on working with natural colour spaces in C# in this question.
I've translated the code for DeltaE2000 on Bruce Lindbloom's page into C.
// deltae2000.c
// Translated by Dr Cube on 10/1/16.
// Translated to C from this javascript code written by Bruce LindBloom:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define Lab2k struct Lab2kStruct
float L;
float a;
float b;
// function expects Lab where: 0 >= L <=100.0 , -100 >=a <= 100.0 and -100 >= b <= 100.0
DeltaE2000(Lab2k Lab1,Lab2k Lab2)
float kL = 1.0;
float kC = 1.0;
float kH = 1.0;
float lBarPrime = 0.5 * (Lab1.L + Lab2.L);
float c1 = sqrtf(Lab1.a * Lab1.a + Lab1.b * Lab1.b);
float c2 = sqrtf(Lab2.a * Lab2.a + Lab2.b * Lab2.b);
float cBar = 0.5 * (c1 + c2);
float cBar7 = cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar * cBar;
float g = 0.5 * (1.0 - sqrtf(cBar7 / (cBar7 + 6103515625.0))); /* 6103515625 = 25^7 */
float a1Prime = Lab1.a * (1.0 + g);
float a2Prime = Lab2.a * (1.0 + g);
float c1Prime = sqrtf(a1Prime * a1Prime + Lab1.b * Lab1.b);
float c2Prime = sqrtf(a2Prime * a2Prime + Lab2.b * Lab2.b);
float cBarPrime = 0.5 * (c1Prime + c2Prime);
float h1Prime = (atan2f(Lab1.b, a1Prime) * 180.0) / M_PI;
float dhPrime; // not initialized on purpose
if (h1Prime < 0.0)
h1Prime += 360.0;
float h2Prime = (atan2f(Lab2.b, a2Prime) * 180.0) / M_PI;
if (h2Prime < 0.0)
h2Prime += 360.0;
float hBarPrime = (fabsf(h1Prime - h2Prime) > 180.0) ? (0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime + 360.0)) : (0.5 * (h1Prime + h2Prime));
float t = 1.0 -
0.17 * cosf(M_PI * ( hBarPrime - 30.0) / 180.0) +
0.24 * cosf(M_PI * (2.0 * hBarPrime ) / 180.0) +
0.32 * cosf(M_PI * (3.0 * hBarPrime + 6.0) / 180.0) -
0.20 * cosf(M_PI * (4.0 * hBarPrime - 63.0) / 180.0);
if (fabsf(h2Prime - h1Prime) <= 180.0)
dhPrime = h2Prime - h1Prime;
dhPrime = (h2Prime <= h1Prime) ? (h2Prime - h1Prime + 360.0) : (h2Prime - h1Prime - 360.0);
float dLPrime = Lab2.L - Lab1.L;
float dCPrime = c2Prime - c1Prime;
float dHPrime = 2.0 * sqrtf(c1Prime * c2Prime) * sinf(M_PI * (0.5 * dhPrime) / 180.0);
float sL = 1.0 + ((0.015 * (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)) / sqrtf(20.0 + (lBarPrime - 50.0) * (lBarPrime - 50.0)));
float sC = 1.0 + 0.045 * cBarPrime;
float sH = 1.0 + 0.015 * cBarPrime * t;
float dTheta = 30.0 * expf(-((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0) * ((hBarPrime - 275.0) / 25.0));
float cBarPrime7 = cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime * cBarPrime;
float rC = sqrtf(cBarPrime7 / (cBarPrime7 + 6103515625.0));
float rT = -2.0 * rC * sinf(M_PI * (2.0 * dTheta) / 180.0);
(dLPrime / (kL * sL)) * (dLPrime / (kL * sL)) +
(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dCPrime / (kC * sC)) +
(dHPrime / (kH * sH)) * (dHPrime / (kH * sH)) +
(dCPrime / (kC * sC)) * (dHPrime / (kH * sH)) * rT

