I am trying to do something very simple.
In finding the default buffersize associated with the StreamWriter(string path) constructor too small for the information I am logging, I am attempting to use the following constructor:
public StreamWriter(
string path,
bool append,
Encoding encoding,
int bufferSize
The resulting log file is completely empty - which is worse.
NOTE: My original post cited the error "Error: Attempted to read past end of stream" , but this relates to functionality later in the method, which I can't log information for because of this log file problem.
Here is the old constructor usage from my code:
drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName);
And here is the new constructor which ironically makes things worse:
drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default, 65535);
I am totally baffled by this.
UPDATE: Some more detail:
This is the start of the method for which I am logging activity:
public void DrawGameBoard()
StreamWriter drawGameBoardLog;
bool debug = true;
// Logging---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build timestamp string
DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
string timeStampString = currentDateTime.ToString("ddMMyyyy_HHmmss");
// Build filename, concat timestamp and .txt extension.
string debugFileName = "D:\\Programming\\PacmanLogs\\DrawGameBoard"+timeStampString+".txt";
// Create filestream and pass this to a stream writer, setting a nice big buffer.
drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName, false, System.Text.Encoding.Default, 65535);
//drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName);
// Write to the file:
drawGameBoardLog.WriteLine("timeStampString = {0}",timeStampString);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The line "DrawGameBoard()..." is not even appearing when using the StreamWriter constructor which accepts path, append, encoding, and buffersize. Whereas before I was getting content which took the file size to 1K. Here is the log file up to that point (I'm starting out with graphics programming by the way):
19/08/2012 14:13:21
timeStampString = 19082012_141321
noOfIndexes = [6], noOfVertices = [4]
...just set stremSize = [80]
...creating vertices DataStream...
...building Matrices...
...Scaling matrix DONE...
...Rotation matrix DONE...
...Translation matrix DONE...
...Orthogonal matrix DONE...
...Perspective matrix DONE...
...COMBINED matrix DONE...
...creating Vector3 and Vector2 arrays to hold positions and texture coords...
...Writing Texture coords....
...Building Index Array (order of vertices to be drawn for a quad)....
...Declaring indicesStream. Set size of stream to [24]....
...Created data stream for indices OK. Now writing indices array to it....
...DONE. Just set position back to ZERO...
...Created new index buffer OK....
...configure the Input Assembler....
...Getting Vectors for position [0,0]...
...Got Vectors into myVectorPositions....
myVectorPositions[0] = [X:0 Y:0 Z:0.5]
myVectorPositions[1] = [X:20 Y:0 Z:0.5]
myVectorPositions[2] = [X:0 Y:20 Z:0.5]
The default buffer size kicks in right there.
You are not closing your StreamWriter. At the end type:
Or use a using block:
using(StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
Or use a try finally:
StreamWriter sw;
sw = new StreamWriter(path);
Please change this line
drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName, false,
System.Text.Encoding.Default, 65535);
using(StreamWriter drawGameBoardLog = new StreamWriter(debugFileName, false,
System.Text.Encoding.Default, 65535))
.... write all the stuff in your log
The using statement block will ensure that the streamwriter will be closed and written to disk
Probably, your first attempt using a StreamWriter without buffer worked partially, but, when you change the buffer to a big value, then only when you reach that dimension the file is written to disk.
In C# (.NET 4.0 running under Mono 2.8 on SuSE) I would like to run an external batch command and capture its ouput in binary form. The external tool I use is called 'samtools' (samtools.sourceforge.net) and among other things it can return records from an indexed binary file format called BAM.
I use Process.Start to run the external command, and I know that I can capture its output by redirecting Process.StandardOutput. The problem is, that's a text stream with an encoding, so it doesn't give me access to the raw bytes of the output. The almost-working solution I found is to access the underlying stream.
Here's my code:
Process cmdProcess = new Process();
ProcessStartInfo cmdStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
cmdStartInfo.FileName = "samtools";
cmdStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
cmdStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
cmdStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;
cmdStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
cmdStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
cmdStartInfo.Arguments = "view -u " + BamFileName + " " + chromosome + ":" + start + "-" + end;
cmdProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
cmdProcess.StartInfo = cmdStartInfo;
// Prepare to read each alignment (binary)
var br = new BinaryReader(cmdProcess.StandardOutput.BaseStream);
while (!cmdProcess.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
// Consume the initial, undocumented BAM data
// ... more parsing follows
But when I run this, the first 23bytes that I read are not the first 23 bytes in the ouput, but rather somewhere several hundred or thousand bytes downstream. I assume that StreamReader does some buffering and so the underlying stream is already advanced say 4K into the output. The underlying stream does not support seeking back to the start.
And I'm stuck here. Does anyone have a working solution for running an external command and capturing its stdout in binary form? The ouput may be very large so I would like to stream it.
Any help appreciated.
By the way, my current workaround is to have samtools return the records in text format, then parse those, but this is pretty slow and I'm hoping to speed things up by using the binary format directly.
Using StandardOutput.BaseStream is the correct approach, but you must not use any other property or method of cmdProcess.StandardOutput. For example, accessing cmdProcess.StandardOutput.EndOfStream will cause the StreamReader for StandardOutput to read part of the stream, removing the data you want to access.
Instead, simply read and parse the data from br (assuming you know how to parse the data, and won't read past the end of stream, or are willing to catch an EndOfStreamException). Alternatively, if you don't know how big the data is, use Stream.CopyTo to copy the entire standard output stream to a new file or memory stream.
Since you explicitly specified running on Suse linux and mono, you can work around the problem by using native unix calls to create the redirection and read from the stream. Such as:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Unix;
class Test
public static void Main()
int reading, writing;
Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.pipe(out reading, out writing);
int stdout = Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.dup(1);
Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.dup2(writing, 1);
Process cmdProcess = new Process();
ProcessStartInfo cmdStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
cmdStartInfo.FileName = "cat";
cmdStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
cmdStartInfo.Arguments = "test.exe";
cmdProcess.StartInfo = cmdStartInfo;
Mono.Unix.Native.Syscall.dup2(stdout, 1);
Stream s = new UnixStream(reading);
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int bytes = 0;
int current;
while((current = s.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length)) > 0)
bytes += current;
Console.WriteLine("{0} bytes read", bytes);
Under unix, file descriptors are inherited by child processes unless marked otherwise (close on exec). So, to redirect stdout of a child, all you need to do is change the file descriptor #1 in the parent process before calling exec. Unix also provides a handy thing called a pipe which is a unidirectional communication channel, with two file descriptors representing the two endpoints. For duplicating file descriptors, you can use dup or dup2 both of which create an equivalent copy of a descriptor, but dup returns a new descriptor allocated by the system and dup2 places the copy in a specific target (closing it if necessary). What the above code does, then:
Creates a pipe with endpoints reading and writing
Saves a copy of the current stdout descriptor
Assigns the pipe's write endpoint to stdout and closes the original
Starts the child process so it inherits stdout connected to the write endpoint of the pipe
Restores the saved stdout
Reads from the reading endpoint of the pipe by wrapping it in a UnixStream
Note, in native code, a process is usually started by a fork+exec pair, so the file descriptors can be modified in the child process itself, but before the new program is loaded. This managed version is not thread-safe as it has to temporarily modify the stdout of the parent process.
Since the code starts the child process without managed redirection, the .NET runtime does not change any descriptors or create any streams. So, the only reader of the child's output will be the user code, which uses a UnixStream to work around the StreamReader's encoding issue,
I checked out what's happening with reflector. It seems to me that StreamReader doesn't read until you call read on it. But it's created with a buffer size of 0x1000, so maybe it does. But luckily, until you actually read from it, you can safely get the buffered data out of it: it has a private field byte[] byteBuffer, and two integer fields, byteLen and bytePos, the first means how many bytes are in the buffer, the second means how many have you consumed, should be zero. So first read this buffer with reflection, then create the BinaryReader.
Maybe you can try like this:
public class ThirdExe
private static TongueSvr _instance = null;
private Diagnostics.Process _process = null;
private Stream _messageStream;
private byte[] _recvBuff = new byte[65536];
private int _recvBuffLen;
private Queue<TonguePb.Msg> _msgQueue = new Queue<TonguePb.Msg>();
void StartProcess()
_process = new Diagnostics.Process();
_process.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
_process.StartInfo.FileName = "d:/code/boot/tongueerl_d.exe"; // Your exe
_process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
_process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
_process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
_process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
_process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
_process.ErrorDataReceived += new Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler(ErrorReceived);
_process.Exited += new EventHandler(OnProcessExit);
_messageStream = _process.StandardInput.BaseStream;
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Unable to launch app: " + e.Message);
private void AsyncRead()
_process.StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead(_recvBuff, 0, _recvBuff.Length
, new AsyncCallback(DataReceived), null);
void DataReceived(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
int nread = _process.StandardOutput.BaseStream.EndRead(asyncResult);
if (nread == 0)
Debug.Log("process read finished"); // process exit
_recvBuffLen += nread;
Debug.LogFormat("recv data size.{0} remain.{1}", nread, _recvBuffLen);
void ParseMsg()
if (_recvBuffLen < 4)
int len = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(_recvBuff, 0));
if (len > _recvBuffLen - 4)
Debug.LogFormat("current call can't parse the NetMsg for data incomplete");
TonguePb.Msg msg = TonguePb.Msg.Parser.ParseFrom(_recvBuff, 4, len);
Debug.LogFormat("recv msg count.{1}:\n {0} ", msg.ToString(), _msgQueue.Count + 1);
_recvBuffLen -= len + 4;
The key is _process.StandardOutput.BaseStream.BeginRead(_recvBuff, 0, _recvBuff.Length, new AsyncCallback(DataReceived), null); and the very very important is that convert to asynchronous reads event like Process.OutputDataReceived.
Is there a way to get the "Path" to a memorystream?
For example if i want to use CMD and point to a filepath, like "C:..." but instead the file is in a memorystream, is it possible to point it there?
I have tried searching on it but i can´t find any clear information on this.
If it helps, the thing i am wanting to access is an image file, a print screen like this:
using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b))
g.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size, CopyPixelOperation.SourceCopy);
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
b.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Bmp);
StreamReader read = new StreamReader(ms);
ms.Position = 0;
var cwebp = new Process
StartInfo =
WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal,
FileName = "cwebp.exe",
Arguments = string.Format(
"-q 100 -lossless -m 6 -alpha_q 100 \"{0}\" -o \"{1}\"", ms, "C:\test.webp")
and then some random testing to get it to work....
And the thing i want to pass it to is cwebp, a Webp encoder.
Which is why i must use CMD, as i can´t work with it at the C# level, else i wouldn´t have this problem.
Yeah that is usually protected. If you know where it is, you might be able to grab it with an unsafe pointer. It might be easier to write it to a text file that cmd could read, or push it to Console to read.
If using .NET 4.0 or greater you can use a MemoryMappedFile. I haven't toyed with this class since 4.0 beta. However, my understanding is its useful for writing memory to disk in cases where you are dealing with large amounts of data or want some level of application memory sharing.
Usage per MSDN:
static void Main(string[] args)
long offset = 0x10000000; // 256 megabytes
long length = 0x20000000; // 512 megabytes
// Create the memory-mapped file.
using (var mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(#"c:\ExtremelyLargeImage.data", FileMode.Open,"ImgA"))
// Create a random access view, from the 256th megabyte (the offset)
// to the 768th megabyte (the offset plus length).
using (var accessor = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(offset, length))
int colorSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(MyColor));
MyColor color;
// Make changes to the view.
for (long i = 0; i < length; i += colorSize)
accessor.Read(i, out color);
accessor.Write(i, ref color);
If cwebp.exe is expecting a filename, there is nothing you can put on the command line that satisfies your criteria. Anything enough like a file that the external program can open it won't be able to get its data from your program's memory. There are a few possibilities, but they probably all require changes to cwebp.exe:
You can write to the new process's standard in
You can create a named pipe from which the process can read your data
You can create a named shared memory object from which the other process can read
You haven't said why you're avoiding writing to a file, so it's hard to say which is best.
I have a textReader that in a specific instance I want to be able to advance to the end of file quickly so other classes that might hold a reference to this object will not be able to call tr.ReadLine() without getting a null.
This is a large file. I cannot use TextReader.ReadToEnd() as it will often lead to an OutOfMemoryException
I thought I would ask the community if there was a way SEEK the stream without using TextReader.ReadToEnd() which returns a string of all data in the file.
Current method, inefficient.
The following example code is a mock up. Obviously I am not opening a file with an if statement directly following it asking if I want to read to the end.
TextReader tr = new StreamReader("Largefile");
while(tr.ReadLine() != null) { }
Desired solution (Note this code block contains fake 'concept' methods or methods that cannot be used due to risk of outofmemoryexception)
TextReader tr = new StreamReader("Largefile");
tr.SeekToEnd(); // A method that does not return anything. This method does not exist.
// tr.ReadToEnd() not acceptable as it can lead to OutOfMemoryException error as it is very large file.
A possible alternative is to read through the file in bigger chunks using tr.ReadBlock(args).
I poked around ((StreamReader)tr).BaseStream but could not find anything that worked.
As I am new to the community I figured I would see if someone knew the answer off the top of their head.
You have to discard any buffered data if you have read any file content - since data is buffered you might get content even if you seek the underlying stream to the end - working example:
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fileName);
string sampleLine = sr.ReadLine();
//discard all buffered data and seek to end
sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
The problem as mentioned in the documentation is
The StreamReader class buffers input from the underlying stream when
you call one of the Read methods. If you manipulate the position of
the underlying stream after reading data into the buffer, the position
of the underlying stream might not match the position of the internal
buffer. To reset the internal buffer, call the DiscardBufferedData
reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(#"Your Large File"))
reader.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
int read = reader.Read();//read will be -1 since you are at the end of the stream
Edit: Test it with your code:
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader("C:\\test.txt"))//test.txt is a file that has data and lines
((StreamReader)tr).BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
string foo = tr.ReadLine();
Debug.WriteLine(foo ?? "foo is null");//foo is null
int read = tr.Read();
I want to change a WAV file to 8KHz and 8bit using NAudio.
WaveFormat format1 = new WaveFormat(8000, 8, 1);
byte[] waveByte = HelperClass.ReadFully(File.OpenRead(wavFile));
using (WaveFileWriter writer = new WaveFileWriter(outputFile, format1))
writer.WriteData(waveByte, 0, waveByte.Length);
but when I play the output file, the sound is only sizzle. Is my code is correct or what is wrong?
If I set WaveFormat to WaveFormat(44100, 16, 1), it works fine.
A few pointers:
You need to use a WaveFormatConversionStream to actually convert from one sample rate / bit depth to another - you are just putting the original audio into the new file with the wrong wave format.
You may also need to convert in two steps - first changing the sample rate, then changing the bit depth / channel count. This is because the underlying ACM codecs can't always do the conversion you want in a single step.
You should use WaveFileReader to read your input file - you only want the actual audio data part of the file to get converted, but you are currently copying everything including the RIFF chunks as though they were audio data into the new file.
8 bit PCM audio usually sounds horrible. Use 16 bit, or if you must have 8 bit, use G.711 u-law or a-law
Downsampling audio can result in aliasing. To do it well you need to implement a low-pass filter first. This unfortunately isn't easy, but there are sites that help you generate the coefficients for a Chebyshev low pass filter for the specific downsampling you are doing.
Here's some example code showing how to convert from one format to another. Remember that you might need to do the conversion in multiple steps depending on the format of your input file:
using (var reader = new WaveFileReader("input.wav"))
var newFormat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);
using (var conversionStream = new WaveFormatConversionStream(newFormat, reader))
WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile("output.wav", conversionStream);
The following code solved my problem dealing with G.711 Mu-Law with a vox file extension to wav file. I kept getting a "No RIFF Header" error with WaveFileReader otherwise.
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
var waveFormat = WaveFormat.CreateMuLawFormat(8000, 1);
var reader = new RawSourceWaveStream(fileStream, waveFormat);
using (WaveStream convertedStream = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(reader))
WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(fileName.Replace("vox", "wav"), convertedStream);
openFileDialog openFileDialog = new openFileDialog();
openFileDialog.Filter = "Wave Files (*.wav)|*.wav|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
openFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1;
WaveFileReader reader = new NAudio.Wave.WaveFileReader(dpmFileDestPath);
WaveFormat newFormat = new WaveFormat(8000, 16, 1);
WaveFormatConversionStream str = new WaveFormatConversionStream(newFormat, reader);
WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile("C:\\Konvertierten_Dateien.wav", str);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("{0}", ex.Message));
MessageBox.Show("Konvertieren ist Fertig!");
I'd like to make a simple text file viewer and I'd like it to be able to handle large files (possibly larger than the computer's memory).
I know that I need to implement something like a sliding buffer, that will contain the currently visible portion of the file. The main problem is to determine the relation between lines and file offsets. If I just needed to be able to navigate by lines, I'd just need an linked list of lines and on line up/line down just read new line from the file. But what should I do when I also want to go to, say 50% of the file? I need to show the lines starting from the half of the file, so if the file is 10000 bytes long, I'd seek to byte 5000, look for a line break and display stuff from there. The problem is, that I don't know what line I'm at when seeking like this.
So what I would like to know is what would be a suitable data structure for keeping these few lines in memory (the ones that will be painted on the screen).
Keep in mind that I don't need to edit the files, just view them, so I don't need to care about efficiency of the chosen approach for editing.
If you're reading in a defined chunk of bytes via a FileStream you could keep track of which byte you read last so you know where to pick up next to read more data chunks from the file. FileStream exposes Read() which allows you to specify an offset byte (position to start) and also how many bytes to read at a time.
After you read in your bytes you can decode them to UTF8 with a decoder, for instance, and then retrieve a char array with it. All of that should initialize your initial data. What I would do since this will be displayed somewhere is setup event handlers tied to scrolling. When you start scrolling down you can remove top lines from memory (at the same time counting their bytes before deleting so you can dynamically read in the next set bytes with the same exact size) and append new lines to the bottom. Likewise for scrolling upward.
If you're wanting to figure out half of your data then you could try something with makign a FileInfo object on the text file path and then using the Length() method to return the number of bytes. Since streams deal in bytes this comes in handy when trying to read in a percentage. You can use that to define how many bytes to read in. You'll have to read data in to determine where line breaks are and set your last byte read as the CR-LF to pickup at the next line when you retrieve data again.
Here's what I would do to read a predefined count of bytes from a file.
public static LastByteRead = 0; // keep it zero indexed
public String[] GetFileChunk( String path, long chunkByteSize )
FileStream fStream;
String[] FileTextLines;
int SuccessBytes = 0;
long StreamSize;
byte[] FileBytes;
char[] FileTextChars;
Decoder UtfDecoder = Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
FileInfo TextFileInfo = new FileInfo(path);
if( File.Exists(path) )
try {
StreamSize = (TextFileInfo.Length >= chunkByteSize) ? chunkByteSize : TextFileInfo.Length;
fStream = new FileStream( path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read );
FileBytes = new byte[ StreamSize ];
FileTextChars = new char[ StreamSize ]; // this can be same size since it's UTF-8 (8bit chars)
SuccessBytes = fStream.Read( FileBytes, 0, (Int32)StreamSize );
if( SuccessBytes > 0 )
UtfDecoder.GetChars( FileBytes, 0, StreamSize, FileTextChars, 0 );
LastByteRead = SuccessBytes - 1;
String.Concat( fileTextChars.ToArray<char>() ).Split('\n');
return new String[1] {""};
catch {
var errorException = "ERROR: " + ex.Message;
Console.Writeline( errorException );
finally {
Maybe that will get you in the right direction at least.