My program have ability to export some data and DataTable to Excel file (template)
In the template I insert the data to some placeholders. It's works very good, but I need to insert a DataTable too...
My sample code:
using (Stream OutStream = new MemoryStream())
// read teamplate
using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(templatePath))
// exporting
// to start
OutStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// out
using (var resultFile = File.Create(resultPath))
Next method to exporting
private void Exporting(Stream template)
using (var workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(template, true, new OpenSettings { AutoSave = true }))
// Replace shared strings
SharedStringTablePart sharedStringsPart = workbook.WorkbookPart.SharedStringTablePart;
IEnumerable<Text> sharedStringTextElements = sharedStringsPart.SharedStringTable.Descendants<Text>();
// Replace inline strings
IEnumerable<WorksheetPart> worksheetParts = workbook.GetPartsOfType<WorksheetPart>();
foreach (var worksheet in worksheetParts)
int z = 40;
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in ExcelWorkXLSX.ToOut.Rows)
for (int i = 0; i < row.ItemArray.Count(); i++)
ExcelWorkXLSX.InsertText(workbook, row.ItemArray.ElementAt(i).ToString(), getColumnName(i), Convert.ToUInt32(z)); }
But this fragment to output DataTable slooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww...
How can I export DataTable to Excel fast and truly?
I wrote this quick example. It works for me. I only tested it with one dataset with one table inside, but I guess that may be enough for you.
Take into consideration that I treated all cells as String (not even SharedStrings). If you want to use SharedStrings you might need to tweak my sample a bit.
Edit: To make this work it is necessary to add WindowsBase and DocumentFormat.OpenXml references to project.
private void ExportDataSet(DataSet ds, string destination)
using (var workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(destination, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
var workbookPart = workbook.AddWorkbookPart();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Workbook();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets();
foreach (System.Data.DataTable table in ds.Tables) {
var sheetPart = workbook.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
var sheetData = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.SheetData();
sheetPart.Worksheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Worksheet(sheetData);
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets sheets = workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets>();
string relationshipId = workbook.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(sheetPart);
uint sheetId = 1;
if (sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Count() > 0)
sheetId =
sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Select(s => s.SheetId.Value).Max() + 1;
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet sheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet() { Id = relationshipId, SheetId = sheetId, Name = table.TableName };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row headerRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
List<String> columns = new List<string>();
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in table.Columns) {
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(column.ColumnName);
foreach (System.Data.DataRow dsrow in table.Rows)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row newRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
foreach (String col in columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(dsrow[col].ToString()); //
eburgos, I've modified your code slightly because when you have multiple datatables in your dataset it was just overwriting them in the spreadsheet so you were only left with one sheet in the workbook. I basically just moved the part where the workbook is created out of the loop. Here is the updated code.
private void ExportDSToExcel(DataSet ds, string destination)
using (var workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(destination, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
var workbookPart = workbook.AddWorkbookPart();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Workbook();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets();
uint sheetId = 1;
foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
var sheetPart = workbook.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
var sheetData = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.SheetData();
sheetPart.Worksheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Worksheet(sheetData);
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets sheets = workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets>();
string relationshipId = workbook.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(sheetPart);
if (sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Count() > 0)
sheetId =
sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Select(s => s.SheetId.Value).Max() + 1;
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet sheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet() { Id = relationshipId, SheetId = sheetId, Name = table.TableName };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row headerRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
List<String> columns = new List<string>();
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(column.ColumnName);
foreach (DataRow dsrow in table.Rows)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row newRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
foreach (String col in columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(dsrow[col].ToString()); //
I also wrote a C#/VB.Net "Export to Excel" library, which uses OpenXML and (more importantly) also uses OpenXmlWriter, so you won't run out of memory when writing large files.
Full source code, and a demo, can be downloaded here:
Export to Excel
It's dead easy to use.
Just pass it the filename you want to write to, and a DataTable, DataSet or List<>.
CreateExcelFile.CreateExcelDocument(myDataSet, "MyFilename.xlsx");
And if you're calling it from an ASP.Net application, pass it the HttpResponse to write the file out to.
CreateExcelFile.CreateExcelDocument(myDataSet, "MyFilename.xlsx", Response);
I wrote my own export to Excel writer because nothing else quite met my needs. It is fast and allows for substantial formatting of the cells. You can review it at
I hope it helps.
You could try taking a look at this libary. I've used it for one of my projects and found it very easy to work with, reliable and fast (I only used it for exporting data).
You can have a look at my library here. Under the documentation section, you will find how to import a data table.
You just have to write
using (var doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(#"C:\OpenXmlPackaging.xlsx")) {
Worksheet sheet1 = doc.Worksheets.Add("My Sheet");
sheet1.ImportDataTable(ds.Tables[0], "A1", true);
Hope it helps!
I tried accepted answer and got message saying generated excel file is corrupted when trying to open. I was able to fix it by doing few modifications like adding below line end of the code.
I have posted full code # Export DataTable to Excel with Open XML in c#
I wanted to add this answer because I used the primary answer from this question as my basis for exporting from a datatable to Excel using OpenXML but then transitioned to OpenXMLWriter when I found it to be much faster than the above method.
You can find the full details in my answer in the link below. My code is in VB.NET though, so you'll have to convert it.
How to export DataTable to Excel
I'm creating an xlsx file in my application with openXML. The file is created but when I want to open it with excel 2019 (I didn't try another excel) I have an error message that there is a problem.
Thus I say "Yes" to repair the file and thus excel says "repaired record : sheet properties in the /xl/workbook.xml part".
Note that I use the almost same code to create xlsx file in an other part of the app and it works without error. the difference is that I'm working on a List> in the new part.
I tried to replace append by appendChild but I have an exception error.
I tried to rearrange code lines to change the order creation of the different parts but always excel error.
public static byte[] ToOpenXml(HttpContext context, List<List<String>> data, String fileName, Boolean hasCount)
Shared sharedClass = new Shared();
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (SpreadsheetDocument xlsxDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(memoryStream, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
WorkbookPart workbookPart = xlsxDocument.AddWorkbookPart();
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
workbookPart.Workbook = workbook;
Sheets sheets = new Sheets();
Sheet sheet = new Sheet()
Name = fileName,
SheetId = 1,
Id = "rId1"
WorksheetPart worksheetPart = workbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>("rId1");
Worksheet worksheet = new Worksheet();
SheetData sheetData = new SheetData();
worksheetPart.Worksheet = worksheet;
//Index initialization
UInt32 rowIndex = 1;
Row row = new Row()
RowIndex = rowIndex
String value = String.Empty;
foreach (List<String> datum in data)
UInt32 columnDataIndex = 1;
row = new Row()
RowIndex = rowIndex
for (Int32 i = 0; i < datum.Count; i++)
Cell cell = CreateCell(columnDataIndex, rowIndex, CellValues.String, datum[i]);
columnDataIndex = columnDataIndex + 1;
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
return memoryStream.ToArray();
public static Cell CreateCell(uint columnDataIndex, uint rowIndex, CellValues format, object value)
string columnDataLetter = ColumnIndexToColumnLetter(columnDataIndex);
String cellValue = "";
Cell cell = new Cell()
CellReference = columnDataLetter + rowIndex,
DataType = CellValues.String
switch (format)
case CellValues.Date:
DateTime date = new DateTime();
date = (DateTime)value;
catch (Exception e)
cellValue = date.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
cellValue = (String)value;
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(cellValue);
return cell;
The xlsx file is created but when I open it I have to repair the file and "repaired record : sheet properties in the /xl/workbook.xml part".
I would like to open in excel 2019 (the only one I tested) without error.
Thank you for helping me.
Finally, I solved the problem.
The problem was due to the sheet name. I put the filename in it but the file name was longer than 31 characters which is the max length of a sheet name in excel file.
I added this code line before the first using :
String sheetName = fileName.Substring(0,30);
and I put it in the declaration sheet :
Sheet sheet = new Sheet()
Name = sheetName,
SheetId = 1,
I have exported the report to Excel and it works fine, but when I print the file the width of the spreadsheet doesn't fit all column into one page. For this to happen I have to change the Page Layout, and set the scaling to fit 1 on width and 43 tall. How can I get this from code?
using (var workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(Savepath, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
var workbookPart = workbook.AddWorkbookPart();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new Workbook();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets = new Sheets();
//declare our MergeCells here
MergeCells mergeCells = null;
foreach (DataRow dsrow in table.Rows)
int innerColIndex = 0;
Row newRow = new Row();
foreach (String col in columns)
Stylesheet stylesheet1 = new Stylesheet();
Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.DataType = CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(dsrow[col].ToString());
cell.CellReference = excelColumnNames[innerColIndex] + rowIndex.ToString();
if (table.TableName == "Work Order Report")
string cellNameWorkOrder = dsrow[col].ToString();
if (mergeCells == null)
mergeCells = new MergeCells();
var cellAddress = cell.CellReference;
var cellAddressTwo = "I" + rowIndex.ToString();
mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue(cellAddress + ":" + cellAddressTwo) });
//add the mergeCells to the worksheet if we have any
if (mergeCells != null)
sheetPart.Worksheet.InsertAfter(mergeCells, sheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<SheetData>().First());
The excel report looks like when I print now its like , the expected result is
In order to achieve this you need to do two things. Firstly, you need to add a PageSetupProperties instance to a SheetProperties instance which in turn should get added to your Worksheet. The PageSetupProperties has a FitToPage property which is the part that sets the radio button in Excel to "Fit to".
Next, you need to use the PageSetup class in order to set the width and height required. This is done via the FitToWidth and FitToHeight properties. The PageSetup also needs to be added to the Worksheet.
Note that the order of the elements is important, you can see the correct order in the ECMA spec.
The following is a self contained example that adds one cell and then sets the properties the way that you need them:
using (SpreadsheetDocument myDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(filename, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
WorkbookPart workbookpart = myDoc.AddWorkbookPart();
workbookpart.Workbook = new Workbook();
// Add a WorksheetPart to the WorkbookPart.
WorksheetPart worksheetPart = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
SheetData sheetData = new SheetData();
//add a row
Row row = new Row();
row.RowIndex = 1;
//create a cell
Cell cell = new Cell();
cell.CellReference = "A1";
CellValue cellValue = new CellValue();
cellValue.Text = "123";
// Add a WorkbookPart to the document.
worksheetPart.Worksheet = new Worksheet(sheetData);
//this sets the "Fit to" radio in Excel.
//note this must come before the SheetData
SheetProperties sheetProperties = new SheetProperties();
PageSetupProperties pageSetupProperties = new PageSetupProperties() { FitToPage = true };
worksheetPart.Worksheet.InsertBefore(sheetProperties, sheetData);
// this changes the fit to width and height
PageSetup pageSetup = new PageSetup() { FitToWidth = 1, FitToHeight = 43 };
//append the sheets / sheet
Sheets sheets = myDoc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild(new Sheets());
sheets.AppendChild(new Sheet()
Id = myDoc.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(myDoc.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts.First()),
SheetId = 1,
Name = "Sheet1"
I am reading XML data then I pasted to data-set and the I created spreadsheet and copied the data to to sheets in spreadsheet.So now I want to only allow some sheets and cells to read-only. To prevent to no changes to headers and data in some sheets, So I am posting code used to convert the XML to excel using open XML. So I need to prevent write for some sheets and also cells some sheets.
public void ExportDSToExcel(DataSet ds, string dest)
using (var workbook = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(dest, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook))
var workbookPart = workbook.AddWorkbookPart();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Workbook();
workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Sheets = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets();
uint sheetId = 1;
foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
var sheetPart = workbook.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>();
var sheetData = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.SheetData();
sheetPart.Worksheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Worksheet(sheetData);
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets sheets = workbook.WorkbookPart.Workbook.GetFirstChild<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheets>();
string relationshipId = workbook.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(sheetPart);
if (sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Count() > 0)
sheetId =
sheets.Elements<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet>().Select(s => s.SheetId.Value).Max() + 1;
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet sheet = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Sheet() { Id = relationshipId, SheetId = sheetId, Name = table.TableName };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row headerRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
List<String> columns = new List<string>();
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(column.ColumnName);
foreach (DataRow dsrow in table.Rows)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row newRow = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
foreach (String col in columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValues.String;
cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(dsrow[col].ToString()); //
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(txtname.Text != null)
if (FileUpload1.HasFile == true)
string myXMLfile = "/uploads/" + FileUpload1.FileName;
string dest = "D:/uploads/" + txtname.Text+".xlsx";
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
catch (Exception ex)
ExportDSToExcel(ds, dest);
lblstatus.Text = "Please Upload the file ";
else {
lblstatus.Text = "Please enter the name ";
thanks in advance so please help me to find solution in this code.
We can customise protection by password in different means.For making excel sheet specified area or column or row as read only or a full sheet into read only by giving protection to sheet by password.If we want to protect whole sheet use this code
PageMargins pageM = sheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<PageMargins>();
SheetProtection sheetProtection = new SheetProtection();
sheetProtection.Password = "admin";
sheetProtection.Sheet = true;
sheetProtection.Objects = true;
sheetProtection.Scenarios = true;
ProtectedRanges pRanges = new ProtectedRanges();
ProtectedRange pRange = new ProtectedRange();
ListValue<StringValue> lValue = new ListValue<StringValue>();
lValue.InnerText = ""; //set cell which you want to make it editable
pRange.SequenceOfReferences = lValue;
pRange.Name = "not allow editing";
sheetPart.Worksheet.InsertBefore(sheetProtection, pageM);
sheetPart.Worksheet.InsertBefore(pRanges, pageM);
If we want specified page as read only then first give a condition filter by name then give this code .In this code lValue.InnerText = ""; is null so we are not mention cells have permission to overcome this protection. If we mention the cells we can edit up to that limit.
I already have added the EPPlus library to my solution. I just can't seem to figure out how to get my excel data it into a datatable that will allow my bulkcopy to work. The below code doesn't work. Can anyone help me massage this into place? Thank you in advance for your assistance. I have edited this after comments from 'mason' below.
//// open file
var excel = Request.Files[0];
var file = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Uploads/"), excel.FileName);
var sqlConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyDB"].ToString();
// Get the datatable from procedure on Utility.cs page
var datapush = Utility.ImportToDataTable(file, "Sheet1");
// open connection to sql and use bulk copy to write excelData to my table
using (var destinationConnection = new SqlConnection(sqlConnectionString))
using (var bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(destinationConnection))
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "MYTABLE";
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("CODE", "code");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("TITLE", "title");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("LAST_NAME", "last_name");
bulkCopy.ColumnMappings.Add("FIRST_NAME", "first_name");
and here is the code on the Utility.cs page based on Mason's suggested link:
public class Utility
public static DataTable ImportToDataTable(string FilePath, string SheetName)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(FilePath);
// Check if the file exists
if (!fi.Exists)
throw new Exception("File " + FilePath + " Does Not Exists");
using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(fi))
// get the first worksheet in the workbook
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[SheetName];
// Fetch the WorkSheet size
ExcelCellAddress startCell = worksheet.Dimension.Start;
ExcelCellAddress endCell = worksheet.Dimension.End;
// create all the needed DataColumn
for (int col = startCell.Column; col <= endCell.Column; col++)
// place all the data into DataTable
for (int row = startCell.Row; row <= endCell.Row; row++)
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
int x = 0;
for (int col = startCell.Column; col <= endCell.Column; col++)
dr[x++] = worksheet.Cells[row, col].Value;
return dt;
Currently when I run the code and F11 the bug is on the Utility.cs page. right after "// get the first worksheet in the workbook"
ExcelWorksheet worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[SheetName];
returns null and the next line of code
ExcelCellAddress startCell = worksheet.Dimension.Start;
stops everything and kicks the following error "{"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."}"
I have the following code and its not saving the values to cell and also in file. It shows value in cell.cellvalue field but its not writing it to excel. I have no idea how to save the file. I used OpenXml-SDK and I am writing datatable values to each cell/row of created spreadsheet document.
using (SpreadsheetDocument ssd=SpreadsheetDocument.Open(Server.MapPath(#"\ExcelPackageTemplate.xlsx"),true))
WorkbookPart wbPart = ssd.WorkbookPart;
WorksheetPart worksheetPart = wbPart.WorksheetParts.First();
SheetData sheetdata = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>();
string[] headerColumns = new string[] { dt.Columns[0].ColumnName, dt.Columns[1].ColumnName,dt.Columns[2].ColumnName };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row r = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
int RowIndexer = 1;
//int colInd=0;
r.RowIndex = (UInt32)RowIndexer;
string test = ColumnName(RowIndexer);
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.CellReference = test+RowIndexer;
cell.DataType = CellValues.InlineString;
cell.InlineString = new InlineString(new Text(dc.ColumnName.ToString()));
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue value = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue();
// colInd++;
//r.RowIndex = (UInt32)RowIndexer;
RowIndexer = 2;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row Row = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
string Index = ColumnName(RowIndexer);
Row.RowIndex = (UInt32)RowIndexer;
foreach (object value in dr.ItemArray)
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.DataType = CellValues.InlineString;
cell.InlineString = new InlineString(new Text(value.ToString()));
cell.CellReference = Index+RowIndexer;
// cell.CellValue = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.CellValue(value.ToString());
Try this:
using (SpreadsheetDocument ssd = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(Server.MapPath(#"\ExcelPackageTemplate.xlsx"), true))
WorkbookPart wbPart = ssd.WorkbookPart;
WorksheetPart worksheetPart = wbPart.WorksheetParts.First();
SheetData sheetdata = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>();
string[] headerColumns = new string[] { dt.Columns[0].ColumnName, dt.Columns[1].ColumnName, dt.Columns[2].ColumnName };
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row r = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
int RowIndexer = 1;
int ColumnIndexer = 1;
r.RowIndex = (UInt32)RowIndexer;
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
cell.CellReference = ColumnName(ColumnIndexer) + RowIndexer;
cell.DataType = CellValues.InlineString;
cell.InlineString = new InlineString(new Text(dc.ColumnName.ToString()));
// consider using cell.CellValue. Then you don't need to use InlineString.
// Because it seems you're not using any rich text so you're just bloating up
// the XML.
// here's the missing part you needed
RowIndexer = 2;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
r = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Row();
r.RowIndex = (UInt32)RowIndexer;
// this follows the same starting column index as your column header.
// I'm assuming you start with column 1. Change as you see fit.
ColumnIndexer = 1;
foreach (object value in dr.ItemArray)
cell = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet.Cell();
// I moved it here so it's consistent with the above part
// Also, the original code was using the row index to calculate
// the column name, which is weird.
cell.CellReference = ColumnName(ColumnIndexer) + RowIndexer;
cell.DataType = CellValues.InlineString;
cell.InlineString = new InlineString(new Text(value.ToString()));
// missing part
Some comments:
The ColumnName() function is from here.
I'm assuming you wanted the column headers in a row, and data in subsequent rows (because the original code had the row index used for calculating the column name).
Cleaned up some parts of the code so it's easier to read and that the column header and data row parts are more consistent in writing style.
I suggest that you consider using CellValue instead of InlineString. Based on your code, you're importing a DataTable, and you don't seem to need rich text so InlineString's are a little overkill and might make the resulting file larger (bloated XML). Use one or the other, and remember to set DataType accordingly.
Also, the code only works for completely empty SheetData.
There are some possible issues here:
You create and add new Rows and Cells: it presumes the worksheet is totally blank when you open it (ie: no rows or cells with the same index/address).
Since you set the CellType to InlineString, you need to set the Cell.InlineString and not Cell.CellValue
cell.DataType = CellValues.InlineString;
cell.InlineString = new InlineString(New Text(value.TsString()));
Also, there is something wrong in your code concerning usage of
CellReference. These parts of code have no sense:
cell.CellReference = dc.ColumnName.ToString();
cell.CellReference = value.ToString();
Cell Address should be something like this "A1". You have to review your code to set the correct address. You already have the rowIndex. You need to get the column name. This Translate a column index into an Excel Column Name can help.