Conditional search with - c#

the below way i did the search with this routine search multiple word against all index field called "Title", "Description", "Url", "Country" .
i need to know how can i give a condition like where country='UK' or country='US'
i want that multiple word should be search like below but i want to add one more clause that when country is UK. so please guide me what to add in my code.
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiWordPhrase))
string[] fieldList = { "Title", "Description", "Url" };
List<BooleanClause.Occur> occurs = new List<BooleanClause.Occur>();
foreach (string field in fieldList)
searcher = new IndexSearcher(_directory, false);
Query qry = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(Version.LUCENE_29, multiWordPhrase, fieldList, occurs.ToArray(), new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_29));
TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(qry, null, ((PageIndex + 1) * PageSize), Sort.RELEVANCE);
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.ScoreDocs;
int resultsCount = topDocs.TotalHits;
list.HasData = resultsCount;
StartRecPos = (PageIndex * PageSize) + 1;
if (topDocs != null)
for (int i = (PageIndex * PageSize); i <= (((PageIndex + 1) * PageSize)-1) && i < topDocs.ScoreDocs.Length; i++)
Document doc = searcher.Doc(topDocs.ScoreDocs[i].doc);
oSr = new Result();
oSr.ID = doc.Get("ID");
oSr.Title = doc.Get("Title");
oSr.Description = doc.Get("Description");
//oSr.WordCount = AllExtension.WordCount(oSr.Description, WordExist(oSr.Title, multiWordPhrase));
string preview =
oSr.Description = BBAReman.AllExtension.HighlightKeywords(oSr.Description, multiWordPhrase); //sr.Description;
oSr.Url = doc.Get("Url");

Look up BooleanQuery
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(multiWordPhrase))
BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();
string[] fieldList = { "Title", "Description", "Url" };
List<BooleanClause.Occur> occurs = new List<BooleanClause.Occur>();
foreach (string field in fieldList)
Query qry = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(Version.LUCENE_29, multiWordPhrase, fieldList, occurs.ToArray(), new StandardAnalyzer(Version.LUCENE_29));
//this is the country query (modify the Country field name to whatever you have)
string country = "UK";
Query q2 = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, "Country", analyzer).parse(country);
searcher = new IndexSearcher(_directory, false);
TopDocs topDocs = searcher.Search(bq, null, ((PageIndex + 1) * PageSize), Sort.RELEVANCE);
ScoreDoc[] scoreDocs = topDocs.ScoreDocs;
int resultsCount = topDocs.TotalHits;
list.HasData = resultsCount;
StartRecPos = (PageIndex * PageSize) + 1;
if (topDocs != null)
//loop through your results


Google Sheets API .NET v4 Creating Drop-down list for a grid cell

I'm trying to create a drop-down list on a grid. I was following the advice on this page. However, I'm not able to enter any string values for UserEnteredValue. The underlined error I'm getting:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.Data.ConditionValue' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IList'.An explicit conversion exists(are you missing a cast?)
public Request createDataValidationRequest(int sheetID, int startRow, int endRow, int startColumn, int endColumn)
var updateCellsRequest = new Request() {
SetDataValidation = new SetDataValidationRequest()
Range = new GridRange()
SheetId = sheetID,
StartRowIndex = startRow,
StartColumnIndex = startColumn,
EndRowIndex = endRow,
EndColumnIndex = endColumn
Rule = new DataValidationRule()
Condition = new BooleanCondition()
Type = "ONE_OF_LIST",
Values = new ConditionValue()
UserEnteredValue = "awer"
InputMessage = "Select an Option",
ShowCustomUi = true,
Strict = true
return updateCellsRequest;
I was able to get the following, for my situation to work.
SpreadsheetsResource.GetRequest request = _sheetsService.Spreadsheets.Get(newTimeSheet.Id);
Spreadsheet spreadsheet = request.Execute();
SheetProperties timeSheetProperties = new SheetProperties();
for (int z = 0; z < spreadsheet.Sheets.Count; z++)
SheetProperties sheetProperties = spreadsheet.Sheets[z].Properties;
if (sheetProperties.Title == "3c TIME")
timeSheetProperties = sheetProperties;
var updateCellsRequest = new Request()
SetDataValidation = new SetDataValidationRequest()
Range = new GridRange()
SheetId = timeSheetProperties.SheetId,
StartRowIndex = 2,
StartColumnIndex = 0,
EndColumnIndex = 1
Rule = new DataValidationRule()
Condition = new BooleanCondition()
//Type = "ONE_OF_RANGE",
Type = "ONE_OF_LIST",
Values = new List<ConditionValue>()
new ConditionValue()
UserEnteredValue = "YES",
new ConditionValue()
UserEnteredValue = "NO",
new ConditionValue()
UserEnteredValue = "MAYBE",
InputMessage = "Select an Option",
ShowCustomUi = true,
Strict = true
var requestBody = new Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.Data.BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest();
var requests = new List<Request>();
requestBody.Requests = requests;
var batchRequest = _sheetsService.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(requestBody, newTimeSheet.Id);

Adding Sort functionality with Lucene.Net

I am working on implementing Search using Lucene.Net in my E Commerce site. I want to Sort by result depending on user selected criterion. It might be Name,Price,Discount,NewArrivals etc
My Code
var sortBy = new Lucene.Net.Search.Sort(new Lucene.Net.Search.SortField("Name", Lucene.Net.Search.SortField.STRING, true));
//var parser = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_30, "Name", analyzer);
//Query searchQuery = parser.Parse(query);
//TopDocs hits = searcher.Search(searchQuery, int.MaxValue);
//Sort sort=new Sort
//TopDocs hits = searcher.Search(QueryMaker(query, searchfields, storeId), int.MaxValue);
TopFieldDocs hits = searcher.Search(QueryMaker(query, searchfields, storeId),null,int.MaxValue,sortBy);
int results = hits.TotalHits;
Product searchResult = null;
if (results < limit)
limit = results;
//if (limit == 0)
// limit = int.MaxValue;
for (int i = (pagenumber*limit) + 1; i <= ( ( pagenumber * limit ) + limit); i++)
Document doc = searcher.Doc(hits.ScoreDocs[i-1].Doc);
searchResult = new Product();
searchResult.Id = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Get("Id"));
searchResult.Name = doc.Get("Name");
searchResult.SeName = doc.Get("SeName");
searchResult.StoreId = Convert.ToInt32(doc.Get("StoreId"));
searchResult = null;
catch (Exception ae)
But this doesnt give me expected result and does not sort products using its Name
Any Solutions

Task.WhenAll gives an error

public async virtual Task<ActionResult> Store(int? id, int? mainRoadID, int? segmentID, int? cityid, string serverMessage = "")
UserTrafficReport_Create model = await Task.WhenAll(GetNewModel, InitialCameras, GetMonitoredWaysListAndPushViewData(mainRoadID, segmentID, cityid));
return View(model);
The previous function has an error line ... I can't find the exact error
Error 1358 The best overloaded method match for 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(params System.Threading.Tasks.Task[])' has some invalid arguments
And those are the three functions used in When All
public async virtual Task<UserTrafficReport_Create> GetNewModel(int? id, int? mainRoadID, int? segmentID, int? cityid)
var model = new UserTrafficReport_Create();
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
if (id != null && id > 0)
var report = _repository.FindOne<UserTrafficReport>((int)id);
model.Comments = report.Comments;
if (report.PictureSize.HasValue && report.PictureSize > 0)
model.photo_name = report.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (report.RoadID != null)
model.RoadID = (int)report.RoadID;
model.RoadStatus = report.RoadStatus ?? 99;
if (report.traffic_rating >= 0)
model.traffic_rating = report.traffic_rating;
model.traffic_rating = null;
var fakeGroup = _repository.First<UserGroup>(g => g.Name.Contains("Fake"));
var fakeGroupId = 3;
if (fakeGroup != null)
fakeGroupId = fakeGroup.ID;
var dbNamesList = (from userAD in _context.UserAdditionalDatas
join groups in _context.UserMultiGroups on userAD.ID equals groups.UserDataId
join aspUser in _context.AspnetUsers on userAD.ID equals aspUser.ID
where (groups.UserGroupId == fakeGroupId)
select new
name = userAD.FirstName,
UserName = aspUser.Username,
userId = aspUser.ID
if (dbNamesList.Any())
var randomedList = dbNamesList.Randomize();
var fakeUser = randomedList.FirstOrDefault();
if (fakeUser != null)
model.GuestName =;
model.UserID = fakeUser.userId;
model.RoadID = segmentID.GetValueOrDefault(-1);
model.traffic_rating = -1;
if (cityid != null)
model.CityId = (int)cityid;
return model;
public async virtual Task InitialCameras(int? cityid,string serverMessage = "")
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var conditionslist = CreateListFromSingle(
value = "99",
text = "Not Specified"
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "4", text = "Accident" });
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "2", text = "Danger" });
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "3", text = "Road Work" });
string outputOfConditions = serializer.Serialize(conditionslist);
ViewData["ConditionsListSerialized"] = outputOfConditions;
var conditionslistitems =
(from condition in conditionslist
select new SelectListItem
Value = condition.value,
Text = condition.text
ViewBag.ConditionsList = conditionslistitems;
ViewData["serverMsg"] = serverMessage;
if (cityid == null || cityid == -1)
var cameras = _context.Cameras.Select(c => new
value = c.Id,
text = c.Name
cameras.Insert(0, new { value = (long)0, text = "--Select a Camera --" });
ViewData["Cameras"] = serializer.Serialize(cameras);
ViewData["Cameras"] = GetCityCameras((int)cityid);
private async Task GetMonitoredWaysListAndPushViewData(int? roadID = null, int? segmentID = null, int? cityID = null, Guid? reporterId = null)
int? id = cityID;
var dbWaysList =
m =>
!m.IsTest &&
(m.RoadID != null && m.Road.AppOrder >= 0 && (id <= 0 || id == null)
? m.Road.AreaID > 0
: m.Road.AreaID == id));
var xWayseSelectList = (from s in dbWaysList
select new
OppId = s.OppositeSegment ?? 0,
Value = s.ID,
Title = s.EnglishName,
RoadTitle = s.Road.EnglishName
var repsList = (from s in xWayseSelectList//context.MonitoredWays
select new SelectListItem
Value = s.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(s.RoadTitle) ? s.Title : s.RoadTitle + " (" + s.Title + ")",
Selected = segmentID != null && (segmentID.Value == s.Value)
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string wayseSelectListOppId = serializer.Serialize(xWayseSelectList);
string outputOfAreas = serializer.Serialize(repsList);
ViewData["MonitoredWaysListSerialized"] = outputOfAreas;
ViewData["OppositeMonitoredWays"] = wayseSelectListOppId;
ViewBag.MonitoredWaysList = repsList;
var conditionslist = CreateListFromSingle(
value = "99",
text = "Not Specified"
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "4", text = "Accident" });
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "2", text = "Danger" });
conditionslist.Add(new { value = "3", text = "Road Work" });
string outputOfConditions = serializer.Serialize(conditionslist);
ViewData["ConditionsListSerialized"] = outputOfConditions;
var conditionslistitems =
(from condition in conditionslist
select new SelectListItem
Value = condition.value,
Text = condition.text
ViewBag.ConditionsList = conditionslistitems;
var ratingslist = CreateListFromSingle(
value = "0",
text = "V. Bad"
ratingslist.Add(new { value = "1", text = "Bad" });
ratingslist.Add(new { value = "2", text = "Average" });
ratingslist.Add(new { value = "3", text = "Good" });
ratingslist.Add(new { value = "3", text = "V. Good" });
ViewBag.Ratingslist = ratingslist;
string outputOfRatings = serializer.Serialize(ratingslist);
ViewData["RatingsListSerialized"] = outputOfRatings;
if (roadID != null)
var rod = _context.Roads.FirstOrDefault(r => r.ID == roadID);
if (rod != null)
cityID = rod.AreaID;
var dbAreassList = _context.Cities.ToList();
var areas =
(from area in dbAreassList
select new SelectListItem
Value = area.ID.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
Text = area.EnglishName,
Selected = cityID != null && (cityID.Value == area.ID)
ViewBag.AreasList = areas;
var areasList = (from s in _context.Cities
id = s.ID,
text = s.EnglishName
serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string outputOfAreas1 = serializer.Serialize(areasList);
ViewData["AreasListSerialized"] = outputOfAreas1;
var fakeGroup = _repository.First<UserGroup>(g => g.Name.Contains("Fake"));
var fakeGroupId = 3;
if (fakeGroup != null)
fakeGroupId = fakeGroup.ID;
var dbNamesList = (from userAD in _context.UserAdditionalDatas
join groups in _context.UserMultiGroups on userAD.ID equals groups.UserDataId
join aspUser in _context.AspnetUsers on userAD.ID equals aspUser.ID
where (groups.UserGroupId == fakeGroupId)
select new
Text = userAD.FirstName,
Value = userAD.ID,
Selected = false
//Email = aspUser.Username
var namess = dbNamesList.Select(s => new SelectListItem
Text = s.Text,
Value = s.Value.ToString(),
Selected = s.Selected
if (reporterId != null)
var member = _repository.FindOne<UserAdditionalData>((Guid)reporterId);
if (member != null)
namess.Add(new SelectListItem
Text = member.FirstName,
Value = member.ID.ToString(),
Selected = true
var random = new Random();
if (!namess.Any(n => n.Selected))
int rand = random.Next(0, namess.Count - 1);
namess[rand].Selected = true;
ViewBag.FakeUsersList = namess;
A few things wrong with this line:
UserTrafficReport_Create model =
await Task.WhenAll(
GetMonitoredWaysListAndPushViewData(mainRoadID, segmentID, cityid));
Task.WhenAll takes a collection of Task instances as an argument.
You're passing 2 delegates and a task. You probably meant to actually call the first two methods, so that they'll return a task?
Task.WhenAll returns a Task. Awaiting that task won't return anything, so you won't be able to assign anything to model.
Task<UserTrafficReport_Create> modelFactoryTask = GetNewModel(...);
await Task.WhenAll(
modelFactoryTask ,
GetMonitoredWaysListAndPushViewData(mainRoadID, segmentID, cityid));
UserTrafficReport_Create model = modelFactoryTask.Result;

Writing to incidents in C#

I am using CRM 4 and the SDK to grab cases like so:
public List<Case> GetCases()
List<Case> cases = new List<Case>();
#region Retrieve Resolved Cases
RetrieveMultipleRequest req = new RetrieveMultipleRequest();
req.ReturnDynamicEntities = true;
//QueryExpression says what entity to retrieve from, what columns we want back and what criteria we use for selection
QueryExpression qe = new QueryExpression();
qe.EntityName = EntityName.incident.ToString();
List<string> attributes = new string[] {
"incidentid","title" ,"description", "ticketnumber", "statuscode",
//columns to retireve
ColumnSet AvailabilityColumnSet = new ColumnSet();
AvailabilityColumnSet.Attributes = attributes.ToArray();
qe.ColumnSet = AvailabilityColumnSet;
FilterExpression fe = new FilterExpression();
fe.FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And;
//condtion for filter
ConditionExpression isResolved = new ConditionExpression();
isResolved.AttributeName = "statuscode";
isResolved.Operator = ConditionOperator.NotEqual;
isResolved.Values = new string[] { "5" };
fe.Conditions = new ConditionExpression[] { isResolved }; //Add the conditions to the filter
qe.Criteria = fe; //Tell the query what our filters are
req.Query = qe; //Tell the request the query we want to use
//retrieve entities
RetrieveMultipleResponse resp = svc.Execute(req) as RetrieveMultipleResponse;
if (resp != null)
BusinessEntity[] rawResults = resp.BusinessEntityCollection.BusinessEntities;
List<DynamicEntity> castedResults = rawResults.Select(r => r as DynamicEntity).ToList();
foreach (DynamicEntity result in castedResults)
string id = GetProperty(result, "incidentid");
string title = GetProperty(result, "title");
string description = GetProperty(result, "description");
string ticket = GetProperty(result, "ticketnumber");
string customer = GetProperty(result, "customerid");
int statuscode = -1;
string statusname = "";
double estHours = 0.0;
string casetype = "";
int casetypecode = -1;
Property prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "statuscode").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
StatusProperty status = prop as StatusProperty;
if (status != null)
statuscode = status.Value.Value;
statusname =;
prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "kez_allocatedhours").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
CrmFloatProperty fl = prop as CrmFloatProperty;
if (fl != null)
estHours = fl.Value.Value;
prop = result.Properties.Where(p => p.Name == "casetypecode").FirstOrDefault();
if (prop != null)
PicklistProperty fl = prop as PicklistProperty;
if (fl != null)
casetype =;
casetypecode = fl.Value.Value;
Case c = new Case();
c.ID = id;
c.Title = title;
c.Description = description;
c.StatusCode = statuscode;
c.StatusName = statusname;
c.TicketNumber = ticket;
c.CustomerName = customer;
c.EstimatedHours = estHours;
c.Type = casetype;
c.TypeCode = casetypecode;
bool allowedThroughStat = true;
bool allowedThroughType = true;
var userStatuses = SettingsManager.Get("CRMUserStatusReasons").Split(';').ToList().Where(p => p.Length > 0).ToList();
var userTypes = SettingsManager.Get("CRMUserCaseTypes").Split(';').ToList().Where(p => p.Length > 0).ToList();
if(userStatuses.Count > 0 && !userStatuses.Contains(c.StatusCode.ToString()))
allowedThroughStat = false;
if (userTypes.Count > 0 && !userTypes.Contains(c.TypeCode.ToString()))
allowedThroughType = false;
if(allowedThroughStat && allowedThroughType)
}// end try
catch (Exception)
return null;
// The variable 'e' can access the exception's information.
// return "Error Message: " + e.Message.ToString() + " | Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace.ToString();
return cases;
However, now I need to be able to change the status and title of a case from C# given its incidentid.
Ive looked at the SDK docs and cannot find an example of this.
Anyone work with this before?
Simply put, above is code to read an incident. Could I get an example of writing an incident field, Just one. Ex: How could I change the title of an incident.
You can call the Update method on the CrmService. Here is the SDK article.
Case c = new Case();
c.ID = id;
c.Title = title;
To change the state of an entity you use the setstaterequest. If you want to do it to a dynamic entity there's a description in this blog

Not getting the value of the hit field?

I am doing a project on search using Lucene.Net. We have created an index which contains 100 000 documents with 5 fields. But while searching I'm unable to track my correct record. Can anybody help me? Why is that so?
My code looks like this
List<int> ids = new List<int>();
List<Hits> hitList = new List<Hits>();
List<Document> results = new List<Document>();
int startPage = (pageIndex.Value - 1) * pageSize.Value;
string indexFileLocation = #"c:\\ResourceIndex\\"; //Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "ResourceIndex");
var fsDirectory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo(indexFileLocation));
Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29);
IndexReader indexReader = IndexReader.Open(fsDirectory, true);
Searcher indexSearch = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
//ids.AddRange(this.SearchPredicates(indexSearch, startPage, pageSize, query));
/*Searching From the ResourceIndex*/
Query resourceQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_29,
new string[] { productId.ToString(), languagelds, query },
new string[] { "productId", "resourceLanguageIds", "externalIdentifier" },
TermQuery descriptionQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("description", '"'+query+'"'));
//TermQuery identifierQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("externalIdentifier", query));
BooleanQuery filterQuery = new BooleanQuery();
filterQuery.Add(descriptionQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);
Filter filter = new CachingWrapperFilter(new QueryWrapperFilter(filterQuery));
TopScoreDocCollector collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(100, true);
//Hits resourceHit = indexSearch.Search(resourceQuery, filter);
indexSearch.Search(resourceQuery, filter, collector);
ScoreDoc[] hits = collector.TopDocs().scoreDocs;
//for (int i = startPage; i <= pageSize && i < resourceHit.Length(); i++)
// ids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(resourceHit.Doc(i).GetField("id")));
for (int i = 0; i < hits.Length; i++)
int docId = hits[i].doc;
float score = hits[i].score;
Lucene.Net.Documents.Document doc = indexSearch.Doc(docId);
string result = "Score: " + score.ToString() +
" Field: " + doc.Get("id");
You're calling Document.Get("id"), which returns the value of a stored field. It wont work without Field.Store.YES when indexing.
You could use the FieldCache if you've got the field indexed without analyzing (Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED) or using the KeywordAnalyzer. (Meaning one term per field and document.)
You'll need to use the innermost reader for the FieldCache to work optimally. Here's a code paste from FieldCache with frequently updated index which uses the FieldCache in a proper way, reading an integer value from the id field.
// Demo values, use existing code somewhere here.
var directory = FSDirectory.Open(new DirectoryInfo("index"));
var reader = IndexReader.Open(directory, readOnly: true);
var documentId = 1337;
// Grab all subreaders.
var subReaders = new List<IndexReader>();
ReaderUtil.GatherSubReaders(subReaders, reader);
// Loop through all subreaders. While subReaderId is higher than the
// maximum document id in the subreader, go to next.
var subReaderId = documentId;
var subReader = subReaders.First(sub => {
if (sub.MaxDoc() < subReaderId) {
subReaderId -= sub.MaxDoc();
return false;
return true;
var values = FieldCache_Fields.DEFAULT.GetInts(subReader, "id");
var value = values[subReaderId];

