I have a problem with a zip file replacing an existing file. I have looked at other examples on here and I still can't seem to figure it out...
I have a loop that writes some stats of the file extracted into a textbox. I think that its this line:
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileUnzipFullName))
My Code:
public void UnzipFileNew()
richTextBox1.AppendText("\r\n" + "EXTRACTING!");
String rootpath = Environment.CurrentDirectory;
//This stores the path where the file should be unzipped to,
//including any subfolders that the file was originally in.
string fileUnzipFullPath;
//This is the full name of the destination file including
//the path
string fileUnzipFullName;
//Opens the zip file up to be read
using (ZipArchive archive = ZipFile.OpenRead(#"update.zip"))
//Loops through each file in the zip file
foreach (ZipArchiveEntry file in archive.Entries)
//Outputs file information to the Textbox
richTextBox1.AppendText("File Name: "+ file.Name);
richTextBox1.AppendText("File Size: bytes "+ file.Length);
richTextBox1.AppendText("Compression Ratio: "+ ((double)file.CompressedLength / file.Length).ToString("0.0%"));
//Identifies the destination file name and path
fileUnzipFullName = Path.Combine(rootpath, file.FullName); //fileUnzipFullName = Path.Combine(#"Example\", file.FullName);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileUnzipFullName))
fileUnzipFullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileUnzipFullName);
//Creates the directory if it doesn't exist
//Extracts the file to (potentially new) path
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileUnzipFullName)) will indeed prevent you even trying to extract the file if it already exists. So you will need to remove this or change it as per your use case.
Additionally, the ExtractToFile method will throw an IOException if the file already exists as you are using it. Fortunately, MSDN reveals that there is an overload with a boolean flag for overwriting:
public static void ExtractToFile(
this ZipArchiveEntry source,
string destinationFileName,
bool overwrite
So instead of
file.ExtractToFile(fileUnzipFullName, true);
Using your code, this will indiscriminately overwrite all files with the ones extracted from the zip:
//if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileUnzipFullName))
fileUnzipFullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileUnzipFullName);
//Creates the directory if it doesn't exist
//Extracts the file to (potentially new) path
file.ExtractToFile(fileUnzipFullName, true);
I am using Windows 10 and I have two folders namely Source and Destination. The Destination folder is inside a Dropbox. I have two methods CopySourceFilesToDestination and SynchronizeSourceAndDestination. Fist method copies all folders and files from source to the destination while the second method checks whether the particular filename is present or not in Source folder and if it didn't find the filename in the source it deletes the particular file from the Destination folder. Now I have few files named as below and I don't need to care about the content in the files.
E:\Source\A0000000001\20162356312-Future of Utopia in History. Hayden
White. Historein 7.pdf
E:\Source\T0000000142\20162350775-Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire,
1772-1844 a visionary naturalist. Hervé Le Guyader.pdf
E:\Source\T0000000403\2016242657-Reveries of the solitary walker;
Botanical writings; and Letter to Franquières. Jean Jacques
E:\Source\T0000000428\2016243154-Science of Literature- essays on an
incalculable difference.Helmut Müller-Sievers.pdf
When I run my program copies files to the Destination but my SynchronizeSourceAndDestination method deletes all the files expect the first file in the list which doesn't contain any UTF-8 characters.
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace DropboxDemo
class Program
private static string lookupDirectory = #"E:\Source";
private static string backupDirectory = #"C:\Users\SIMANT\Dropbox \Destination";
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Please wait while copying files.");
Console.WriteLine("Please wait while synchronizing files.");
public static void SynchronizeSourceAndDestination(string dir)
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
string destFilePath = file.Replace(backupDirectory, lookupDirectory);
if (!File.Exists(destFilePath))
// Delete file from Backup
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
string destinationDirectory = directory.Replace(backupDirectory, lookupDirectory);
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory))
Directory.Delete(directory, true);
public static void CopySourceFilesToDestination(string dir)
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
string destFilePath = file.Replace(lookupDirectory, backupDirectory);
if (!File.Exists(destFilePath))
File.Copy(file, destFilePath);
// Override the existing file
File.Copy(file, destFilePath, true);
foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(dir))
//Create directory if not present in the destination
string destinationDirectory = directory.Replace(lookupDirectory, backupDirectory);
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationDirectory))
In the second time, I just copied all files from Destination (which is inside Dropbox) to the Source folder and rerun the program and now it doesn't delete the files. Why am I getting this behaviour? I think when a file is copied to Dropbox, it represents the same file names (what we see from my eyes) in a different way. Could you please help me overcome this issue?
To make my solution workable I changed extended ASCII character by pressing É (Alt + 144), é (Alt + 130). I think it was because the file creator did some copy and paste of the characters directly.
Trying to copy all files/directories inside a directory to a new location that I create.
Users select the 'backup drive' to work with to in a combobox, then when they click the backup desktop button it simply creates a backup directory on that drive and copies all the files into that directory.
The backup directory gets created on the drive appropriately - but the first file it hits it kicks off an error.
private void backupDesktopButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//set the destionationLocation to the selectedDrive
string selectedDrive = backupDriveCombo.SelectedItem.ToString();
string destinationLocation = selectedDrive+"Backups-" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString()+"-"+DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()+"\\Desktop\\";
if (!Directory.Exists(destinationLocation))
string desktopFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory);
string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(desktopFolder);
foreach (string file in fileList)
//move the file
File.Copy(file, destinationLocation);
I get the error:
IOException was unhandled.
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
In the 'Autos' window (VS2010) I see the locations are set correctly:
destinationLocation = the appropriate directory (C:\Backups-8-2016\Desktop\)
file = the appropriate first file (C:\Users\myusername\Desktop\myshortcut.url)
What am I missing? I have all rights to be able to copy/paste/create things and the directory to store it gets created - just a problem moving the file.
From the documentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c6cfw35a(v=vs.110).aspx
the second parameter:
The name of the destination file. This cannot be a directory or an existing file.
you need to concat the filename to the folder.
Try something like this
string[] fileList = Directory.GetFiles(desktopFolder);
foreach (string file in fileList)
string targetFile = Path.Combine(destinationLocation, Path.GetFileName(file));
if (File.Exists(targetFile)) File.Delete(targetFile);
File.Copy(file, targetFile);
I have some files (.txt, word, excel files) in "C:\ABC\Temp" and I want to move all the .txt files into "C:\ABC\Text", but I'm getting a FileNotFoundException.
Please find attached code.
static void Main()
string sp = #"C:/ABC/Temp";
string dp = #"C:/ABC/TextFiles";
string[] fileList=Directory.GetFiles(sp);
foreach(string file in fileList)
if (file.EndsWith(".txt"))
You're trying to move the entire directories with File.Move.
You have to specify the file name as well:
File.Move(file, Path.Combine(dp, Path.GetFileName(file)));
I need to copy a file to another path, leaving the original where it is.
I also want to be able to rename the file.
Will FileInfo's CopyTo method work?
Have a look at File.Copy()
Using File.Copy you can specify the new file name as part of the destination string.
So something like
File.Copy(#"c:\test.txt", #"c:\test\foo.txt");
See also How to: Copy, Delete, and Move Files and Folders (C# Programming Guide)
Yes. It will work: FileInfo.CopyTo Method
Use this method to allow or prevent overwriting of an existing file. Use the CopyTo method to prevent overwriting of an existing file by default.
All other responses are correct, but since you asked for FileInfo, here's a sample:
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(#"c:\yourfile.ext");
fi.CopyTo(#"d:\anotherfile.ext", true); // existing file will be overwritten
I tried to copy an xml file from one location to another. Here is my code:
public void SaveStockInfoToAnotherFile()
string sourcePath = #"C:\inetpub\wwwroot";
string destinationPath = #"G:\ProjectBO\ForFutureAnalysis";
string sourceFileName = "startingStock.xml";
string destinationFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + ".xml"; // Don't mind this. I did this because I needed to name the copied files with respect to time.
string sourceFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(sourcePath, sourceFileName);
string destinationFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(destinationPath, destinationFileName);
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(destinationPath))
System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destinationFile, true);
Then I called this function inside a timer_elapsed function of certain interval which I think you don't need to see. It worked. Hope this helps.
You could also use File.Copy to copy and File.Move to rename it afterwords.
// Copy the file (specify true or false to overwrite or not overwrite the destination file if it exists.
File.Copy(mySourceFileAndPath, myDestinationFileAndPath, [true | false]);
// EDIT: as "astander" notes correctly, this step is not necessary, as File.Copy can rename already...
// However, this code could be adapted to rename the original file after copying
// Rename the file if the destination file doesn't exist. Throw exception otherwise
//if (!File.Exists(myRenamedDestinationFileAndPath))
// File.Move(myDestinationFileAndPath, myRenamedDestinationFileAndPath);
// throw new IOException("Failed to rename file after copying, because destination file exists!");
Commented out the "rename" code, because File.Copy can already copy and rename in one step, as astander noted correctly in the comments.
However, the rename code could be adapted if the OP desired to rename the source file after it has been copied to a new location.
string directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(destinationFileName);
// If directory doesn't exist create one
if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))
DirectoryInfo di = Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryPath);
File.Copy(sourceFileName, destinationFileName);
File::Copy will copy the file to the destination folder and File::Move can both move and rename a file.
This is what I did to move a test file from the downloads to the desktop.
I hope its useful.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//Copy files to the desktop
string sourcePath = #"C:\Users\UsreName\Downloads";
string targetPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop);
string[] shortcuts = {
listbox1.Items.Add("Starting: Copy shortcuts to dektop.");
for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.Length; i++)
if (shortcuts[i]!= null)
File.Copy(Path.Combine(sourcePath, shortcuts[i]), Path.Combine(targetPath, shortcuts[i]), true);
listbox1.Items.Add(shortcuts[i] + " was moved to desktop!");
listbox1.Items.Add("Shortcut " + shortcuts[i] + " Not found!");
catch (Exception ex)
listbox1.Items.Add("Unable to Copy file. Error : " + ex);
TO Copy The Folder I Use Two Text Box To Know The Place Of Folder And Anther Text Box To Know What The Folder To Copy It And This Is The Code
MessageBox.Show("The File is Create in The Place Of The Programe If you Don't Write The Place Of copy And You write Only Name Of Folder");// It Is To Help The User TO Know
if (Fromtb.Text=="")
MessageBox.Show("Ples You Should Write All Text Box");
else if (Nametb.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("Ples You Should Write The Third Text Box");
else if (Totb.Text == "")
MessageBox.Show("Ples You Should Write The Second Text Box");
string fileName = Nametb.Text;
string sourcePath = #"" + Fromtb.Text;
string targetPath = #"" + Totb.Text;
string sourceFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(sourcePath, fileName);
string destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetPath, fileName);
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(targetPath))
//when The User Write The New Folder It Will Create
MessageBox.Show("The File is Create in "+" "+Totb.Text);
System.IO.File.Copy(sourceFile, destFile, true);
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(sourcePath))
string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath);
foreach (string s in files)
fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(s);
destFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(targetPath, fileName);
System.IO.File.Copy(s, destFile, true);
MessageBox.Show("The File is copy To " + Totb.Text);
Old Question,but I would like to add complete Console Application example, considering you have files and proper permissions for the given folder, here is the code
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
//path of file
string pathToOriginalFile = #"E:\C-sharp-IO\test.txt";
//duplicate file path
string PathForDuplicateFile = #"E:\C-sharp-IO\testDuplicate.txt";
//provide source and destination file paths
File.Copy(pathToOriginalFile, PathForDuplicateFile);
Source: File I/O in C# (Read, Write, Delete, Copy file using C#)
File.Move(#"c:\filename", #"c:\filenamet\filename.txt");