I have a button which initiates a connection between the program and a machine known as DDC. To prevent the UI thread from being locked while the connection is being established, I naturally create a backgroundworker to handle the job.
The problem is this: In the event where the client doesn't get any response from the DDC, the client has to wait for 30 seconds before giving a timeout. More precisely speaking, the thread halts executing on the line "GetLogicStatusListResponse result = ddcdao.GetLogicStatusList();".
I'd like the user to be able to cancel the operation if a button has been clicked on the program, but as far as I know there is no way to abort backgroundworker and cancellation wouldn't really help me here since the thread is locked for 30 seconds before the code can even check if cancellationpending is true or not.
I would like to hear some ideas to properly implement the cancellation feature so that the user may start/stop the connection whenever he/she wishes to.
private void bwWorkerConnect_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
//Branch in only if the DDC returns a ping response
if (DDCGlobal.DDCPingTest(ddc))
//Creates an object of class which communicates with the engine
//Retrieves the object obtained through remoting (Engine)
//and casts it to a ReqDDCLogicListResponse type (See CommonEngine)
DDCDAO ddcdao = new DDCDAO(DDCGlobal.ddcEngineIP, ddc.Ip);
//Request status list from DDC (TIMEOUT = 30 SECONDS)
GetLogicStatusListResponse result = ddcdao.GetLogicStatusList();
if (bwWorkerConnect.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
public void LogicListLoad()
if (!bwWorkerConnect.IsBusy)
Posting my comment as answer for future reference.
You can approach your issue with a second BackgroundWorker running alongside the first, which only polls a flag in the first one to verify its status: since he's independent, it doesn't have to "wait" and is free to kill the first worker in case it gets stuck.
This should be deadlock-free since the second worker does nothing more than a periodic "health check" of the first worker as long as the flag handling instructions are wrapped up in a lock.
Flow would look like this:
When you need a connection, fire up both workers
First worker proceeds to attempt the connection, sets a flag to notify the outer world its "connecting" status
Second worker might check the first worker status every second 30 times: if it never reads anything different from "connecting" it can proceed and kill the first worker. It might also react to user input and kill the first worker before time (ie. any user input cancels the second worker, which in turn can kill the first one before its own demise).
Flow end
I'm a newbie in C#, and I'm going to develop a small program using a third party network library to send the requests.
Suppose there have some requests (just simple strings) stored in the queue qTasks, and it will handle those requests one by one with the order as submitted, the queue can be updated during execution, and it should be stopped whenever there has error returned.
I can just use a for loop to call the send request command in the array one by one, but unfortunately the sendrequest command is an async method with callback OnStageChanged, and I need to check the result before sending the next request when the status is "Done".
I'm now using the following method to handle it:
In the main UI Thread,
// Put those request text in a queue names qTasks, then call a goNextTask() to process the request one by one.
// The queue can be updated by the UI thread at anytime, goNextTask will be called periodically to handle those pending request in the queue.
private void goNextTask(bool lastSuccess = true)
if (lastSuccess)
if (qTasks.Count > 0)
// continue to next request
string requestText = qTasks.Dequeue();
SendRequest(requestText, OnStageChangeHandler);
} else {
// Report for all request sent successfully
} else {
// stop and show error
The callback method OnStageChangeHandler will be called by the library whenever the stage changes, and it will have state "Done" when completed.
private void OnStageChangeHandler(object sender, StageChangeEventArgs e)
if (e.newState == SessionStates.Done)
// check result here
bool success = <...>
// then call the goNextTask in UI thread with the result of current request.
(Action)(() => goNextTask(success)));
Although it works fine now, I think it's a little bit stupid as it has a somewhat recursive flow (A -> B -> A -> B ->....).
I learnt that MS has improved the web request handling, so that it can work in sync mode.
I'd like to know if I can have a wrapper to make the above async call work as a sync call, so that it can be done in a simple flow as a loop like that:
while (qTaks.Count > 0)
if (!sendAndWaitReturn(qTasks.Dequeue())) {
// Report error and quit
// all tasks completed
This sendAndWaitReturn method will send the request, then wait for the status "Done", and then return the result.
I found some example that may use a control flag to indicate the status of the current request, and the callback function will update this control flag, while the UI thread will loop on this flag using a while loop:
while (!requestDone);
so that it will not continue to nextRequest until requestDone. But in this case, the UI will be blocked.
Is there any better way to convert the async call to work as a sync call without blocking the UI thread?
The difficulty you're going to run into is you have conflicting desires. On one hand, you want to avoid blocking the UI thread. On the other hand, you don't want to run things asynchronously and so you're going to block the UI thread.
You're going to have to pick one, and there's absolutely no reason to keep on doing things synchronously (especially in light of blocking the UI thread). If it hurts when you do that, don't do that.
You haven't specified, but I'm guessing that you're starting this processing from a button click event. Make the method invoked by that click event async. For example:
private async void StartProcessing_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await Task.Run(() => StartProcessing());
There, you've started processing and the UI thread isn't tied up.
The next thing is that, you're right, having the event behave in that cyclical manner is silly. The event is to notify someone that the state has changed, its goal isn't to manage queue policy. The queue should manage queue policy (or if you'd rather not abstract that out, the method that processes requests).
So how would you do that? Well, you've said that SendRequest hands the session object back to the caller. The caller is presumably the one who is orchestrating queue policy and determining whether or not to call SendRequest again.
Have the caller check the session object for validity and decide whether to keep going based on that.
Additionally, I'm unfamiliar with that particular library, but briefly glancing at the documentation it looks like there's also a SendRequestAndWait() method with the same signature and that sounds like it might better meet your needs.
I am working on a windows service written in C# (.NET 4.5, VS2012), which uses RabbitMQ (receiving messages by subscription). There is a class which derives from DefaultBasicConsumer, and in this class are two actual consumers (so two channels). Because there are two channels, two threads handle incoming messages (from two different queues/routing keys) and both call the same HandleBasicDeliver(...) function.
Now, when the windows service OnStop() is called (when someone is stopping the service), I want to let both those threads finish handling their messages (if they are currently processing a message), sending the ack to the server, and then stop the service (abort the threads and so on).
I have thought of multiple solutions, but none of them seem to be really good. Here's what I tried:
using one mutex; each thread tries to take it when entering HandleBasicDeliver, then releases it afterwards. When OnStop() is called, the main thread tries to grab the same mutex, effectively preventing the RabbitMQ threads to actually process any more messages. The disadvantage is, only one consumer thread can process a message at a time.
using two mutexes: each RabbitMQ thread has uses a different mutex, so they won't block each other in the HandleBasicDeliver() - I can differentiate which
thread is actually handling the current message based on the routing key. Something like:
if(routingKey == firstConsumerRoutingKey)
// Try to grab the mutex of the first consumer
// Try to grab the mutex of the second consumer
When OnStop() is called, the main thread will try to grab both mutexes; once both mutexes are "in the hands" of the main thread, it can proceed with stopping the service. The problem: if another consumer would be added to this class, I'd need to change a lot of code.
using a counter, or CountdownEvent. Counter starts off at 0, and each time HandleBasicDeliver() is entered, counter is safely incremented using the Interlocked class. After the message is processed, counter is decremented. When OnStop() is called, the main thread checks if the counter is 0. Should this condition be fulfilled, it will continue. However, after it checks if counter is 0, some RabbitMQ thread might begin to process a message.
When OnStop() is called, closing the connection to the RabbitMQ (to make sure no new messages will arrive), and then waiting a few seconds ( in case there are any messages being processed, to finish processing) before closing the application. The problem is, the exact number of seconds I should wait before shutting down the apllication is unknown, so this isn't an elegant or exact solution.
I realize the design does not conform to the Single Responsibility Principle, and that may contribute to the lack of solutions. However, could there be a good solution to this problem without having to redesign the project?
We do this in our application, The main idea is to use a CancellationTokenSource
On your windows service add this:
private static readonly CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
Then in your rabbit consumers do this:
1. change from using Dequeue to DequeueNoWait
2. have your rabbit consumer check the cancellation token
Here is our code:
public async Task StartConsuming(IMessageBusConsumer consumer, MessageBusConsumerName fullConsumerName, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var queueName = GetQueueName(consumer.MessageBusConsumerEnum);
using (var model = _rabbitConnection.CreateModel())
// Configure the Quality of service for the model. Below is how what each setting means.
// BasicQos(0="Don't send me a new message until I’ve finished", _fetchSize = "Send me N messages at a time", false ="Apply to this Model only")
model.BasicQos(0, consumer.FetchCount.Value, false);
var queueingConsumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(model);
model.BasicConsume(queueName, false, fullConsumerName, queueingConsumer);
var queueEmpty = new BasicDeliverEventArgs(); //This is what gets returned if nothing in the queue is found.
while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
var deliverEventArgs = queueingConsumer.Queue.DequeueNoWait(queueEmpty);
if (deliverEventArgs == queueEmpty)
// This 100ms wait allows the processor to go do other work.
// No sense in going back to an empty queue immediately.
// CancellationToken intentionally not used!
// ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
await Task.Delay(100);
Usually, how we ensure a windows service not stop before processing completes is to use some code like below. Hope that help.
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// start the worker thread
_workerThread = new Thread(WorkMethod)
// !!!set to foreground to block windows service be stopped
// until thread is exited when all pending tasks complete
IsBackground = false
protected override void OnStop()
// notify the worker thread to stop accepting new migration requests
// and exit when all tasks are completed
// some code to notify worker thread to stop accepting new tasks internally
// wait for worker thread to stop
I am using the SteamBot application.
I have a command that is supposed to act when a specific event occurs. In this particular case, I, as the administrator, issue the command and the bot waits for a trade request and then continue on with my logic. What I can't figure out is how to make it wait until the trade request has occurred and then proceed.
Assume that I have issued the command and am now in the function that handles that command's behavior. This is a very simple example of what I'm trying to do.
private void giveItemsToUser()
// Wait here
var items = Trade.CurrentSchema.GetItemsByCraftingMaterial('hat');
foreach (var item in items)
added += Trade.AddAllItemsByDefindex(item.Defindex, amount);
In the // Wait here section, I want the bot to stop until the trade has started. Then, once it has started, it can proceed and add items as expected.
I've tried adding an inTrade (initialized to false) variable that is set to true in the OnTradeInit function and putting the bot to sleep until that is true.
while (!inTrade)
Console.WriteLine("Not in trade. Sleeping for 10 seconds.");
This, however, blocks the main thread and throws it into a tight loop. When it wakes up, it immediately checks if the variable is true and if not puts it back to sleep. There isn't time for the HandleSteamMessage function in Bot.cs to handle anything - even if the bot did receive an event while sleeping.
I've tried to use an EventWaitHandle, but that never seems to fire.
EventWaitHandle waitForInTrade = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, "OnTradeRequest");
Console.WriteLine("In trade? " + inTrade.ToString());
This pauses the main thread for 30 seconds (due to the timeout passed in WaitOne) and then continues as expected. However, inTrade is still false, even if a trade request had been received. Since I'm not in a trade at that point, and subsequent code would be invalid.
So, what is the proper way to handle this type of interaction?
I cross posted this to the /r/steambot subreddit as well. I hope that is not a problem, especially since some of the comments on Github mentioned posting here for better assistance.
Your approach is fundamentally incorrect. Steambot is event-based, so your logic needs to be based on responding to events in the event-handlers, not waiting for the events to occur.
So in other words, when the admin issues the Give Items command, you can't simply call a GiveItemsToUser() method. Instead, you'll need something more like QueueItemsToBeGivenToUser() which creates a list of items to give to the user and stores it in a private variable. Then when OnTradeInit() is called, you can check if that user has any items queued up, and if they do, add those items to the trade.
I am using VS 2012, .Net 4.5.
Execute this code (just upgrade some sample from article about threading):
using System.Threading;
class BasicWaitHandle
static EventWaitHandle wh = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static void Main()
new Thread(Waiter).Start();
new Thread(Waiter).Start();
Thread.Sleep(1000); // Подождать некоторое время...
wh.Set(); // OK – можно разбудить
static void Waiter()
wh.WaitOne(); // Ожидать сигнала
Console.WriteLine("Got a signal"+Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
I Debug it few times, but usually (not always) get wrong result. At first (once or more times) it correct:
Got a signal 11
Got a signal 10
But then it just start skipping one thread (somethimes first? somethimes second):
Got a signal 11 (or 10)
And program just does not react. In a few minutes it gives some correct results, but then go wrong again...
Moreover, when i debugging it step-by-step it always acting correctly.
So, maybe I should choose another approach? But this looks like what I expected, even if threads got signals in random order...
I am pretty unsure you can use same AutoResetEvent for multiple awaters, because Set is not waiting for first thread to complete its Wait:
There is no guarantee that every call to the Set method will release a thread from an EventWaitHandle whose reset mode is EventResetMode.AutoReset. If two calls are too close together, so that the second call occurs before a thread has been released, only one thread is released. It is as if the second call did not happen. Also, if Set is called when there are no threads waiting and the EventWaitHandle is already signaled, the call has no effect.
I'd go with ManualResetEvent and synchronization during setting signal (to ensure, what waiting thread receive signal) or (better) use dedicated event for each waiting function (every thread would start with its own event to wait for, you will need kind of manager for those thread to create waiting event and to have Set method what will signal all these events).
p.s.: can repeat said above in russian btw ^^
Both threads start and run until they block on the WaitHandle. When the WaitHandle is set, one thread will wake up and the event will reset.
You can't guarantee which thread will wake up, so the order isn't ensured. When running correctly, either 10 or 11 will wake up, followed by the other, every time.
In the case where your application hangs, the problem is the execution order. The main thread is executing both calls to Event.Set() prior to the first thread waking up. The AutoResetEvent is not a counter, it is either set or unset, so the second call to Set() is lost.
If you Sleep() between calls to Set(), you will yield to the other threads and give one of them time to wake up and reset the event.
In the case where it works correctly, you are just getting lucky and the waiting threads are getting a chance to run between calls to Set(). This is referred to as a race condition.
I've got a thread that goes out and looks up data on our (old) SQL server.
As data comes in, I post information to a modal dialog box - the user can't & shouldn't do anything else while all this processing is going on. The modal dialog box is just to let them see that I'm doing something and to prevent them from running another query at the same time.
Sometimes (rarely) when the code makes a call to the SQL server, the server does not respond (IT has it down for maintenance, the LAN line got cut, or the PC isn't on the network) or the person doing the query runs out of time. So, the modal dialog box does have a cancel button.
The Thread object (System.Threading.Thread) has IsBackground=true.
When someone clicks Cancel, I call my KillThread method.
Note: I can NOT use the BackgroundWorker component in this class because it is shared with some Windows Mobile 5 code & WM5 does not have the BackgroundWorker.
void KillThread(Thread th) {
if (th != null) {
ManualResetEvent mre = new ManualResetEvent(false);
Thread thread1 = new Thread(
() =>
try {
if (th.IsAlive) {
// 'System.Threading.Thread' does not contain a definition for 'Stop'
// and no extension method 'Stop' accepting a first argument of type
// 'System.Threading.Thread' could be found (are you missing a using
// directive or an assembly reference?)
} catch (Exception err) {
} finally {
string text = "Thread Killer";
thread1.IsBackground = true;
thread1.Name = text;
bool worked = mre.WaitOne(1000);
if (!worked) {
Console.WriteLine(text + " Failed");
th = null;
In my Output Window, I always see "Thread Killer Failed" but no exception is ever thrown.
How should I stop a thread?
The best related posts I found where the two below:
How to Kill Thread in C#?
How to kill a thread instantly in C#?
There seems to be some confusion with the method I listed above.
First, when someone clicks the cancel button, this routine is called:
void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Next, when I go in to kill a thread, I'd rather not have to wait forever for the thread to stop. At the same time, I don't want to let my code proceed if the thread is still active. So, I use a ManualResetEvent object. It should not take a full second (1000ms) just to stop a thread, but every time the WaitOne method times out.
Still listening for ideas.
Short Answer: You don't. Normally you do it by signaling you want to quit.
If you're firing an SQL query, do it asynchronously (pardon my spelling), and cancel it if necessary. That really goes for any lengthy task in a separate thread.
For further reading see Eric Lippert's articles:
Careful with that axe, part one: Should I specify a timeout? and Careful with that axe, part two: What about exceptions?
How do you call SQL Server? ADO, TDS, Standard/Custom Library, etc... ?
THAT call should be made asynchrone.
Thus: StartOpeningConnection, WaitFor OpeningComplete, StartQuery, WaitFor QueryComplete, Start CloseConnection, WaitFor CloseConnectionComplete etc. During any of the waits your thread should sleep. After waking up, Check if your parent thread (the UI thread) has cancelled, or a timeout has occurred and exit the thread and possibly inform sqlserver that you're done (closing connection).
It's not easy, but it rarely is...
Edit 2:In your case, if you are unable to change the database code to asynchrone, make it a seperate process and kill that if neccesary. That way the resources (connection etc.) will be released. With threads, this won't be the case. But it's an ugly hack.
Edit 3:
You should use the BeginExecuteReader/EndExecuteReader Pattern.
this article is a good reference:
It will require rewriting your data access code, but it's the way to do it properly.
I get the feeling that giving the Thread 1000ms to abort is simply not enough. MSDN recommends that you call Thread.Join. It would definitely be helpful to see the code that is being aborted.
The thread is not guaranteed to abort
immediately, or at all. This situation
can occur if a thread does an
unbounded amount of computation in the
finally blocks that are called as part
of the abort procedure, thereby
indefinitely delaying the abort. To
wait until a thread has aborted, you
can call the Join method on the thread
after calling the Abort method, but
there is no guarantee the wait will
What are you passing into your KillThread method? The cancel button will be being clicked on the UI thread, not the one that you want to kill.
You should signal your event when the user clicks Cancel (not kill the thread). In your example, the ManualResetEvent "mre"'s scope should be outside the thread function.
To answer the more general question of how to force kill any kind of Thread in C#:
If any unhandled Exception is thrown inside a thread (including those used by Task and other ways of running asynchronously), this thread will be terminated.
However note that this comes with many problems, like resources not being freed, improper memory management, general undefined behavior etc, and the unhandled Exception may still have to be handled by its parent thread (wherever it was started from) OR by registering for the following Event beforehand, depending on how the thread was started:
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += YourEventHandler;
I should emphasize again that this should be an absolute last resort. If you need this, your applications is almost certainly designed poorly and there are probably different solutions you should use. There are good reasons why Thread.Abort is now deprecated and no longer functional.