Can't read maximum Y axis value on MS chart - c#

I'm using MS Chart generated image on a MVC3 view.
The chart works but the maximum value is so high on the top of the chart that I can't read the values.
Shouldn't the chart have a margin from the max value?
I don't really know if this is a real problem but I can't make this look nice unless I define a AxisYMaximum value that I think should not be used on dynamic values.

Yes, the chart control should calculate the margin necessary to clearly display the data, but in my experience, it doesn't.
Since your y-values are dynamic, you can dynamically set the AxisYMaximum to a value just above the greatest displayed y-value. Something like this could set it:
double greatestYValue = double.MinValue;
foreach (var pt in Chart1.Series[0].Points)
if (greatestYValue < pt.YValues[0]) greatestYValue = pt.YValues[0];
Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = greatestYValue * 1.2;
// or
Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = greatestYValue + 20;
I just looped through all the points in the first series to find the greatest y-value, then set the y-axis maximum to 120% of that value, or some absolute amount above that value, or whatever you need.
You could also get the greatest y-value in a one-liner using LINQ:
double greatestYValue = Chart1.Series[0].Points.Select(p => p.YValues[0]).Max();


Get the X axis value of the maximum point in ChartArea C#

I'd like to get the x axis value of the maximum point from the chart bellow.
You can see that the value I get is around 67, even though it should be around 30. I thought it happened because of I also limit the chart maximum X axis into a certain value with the chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum code, then I tried the following code to get the maximum value var dataPoint = chart3.Series[0].Points.FindMaxByValue();. So maybe this code is searching the maximum value from the whole series, not only from the visible chart area.
My question is, is there any idea to get the maximum value from the visible chart area only?? Or maybe it's better to erase the unwanted chart series, but I don't know how to do that.
You could try checking out this stackoverflow answer.
The below code will search all DataPoint in the Series.
var xAxisValue = chart3.Series[0].Points.FindMaxByValue();
So, from the link above you can get the value you require by doing something like this:
var scaleView = chart3.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.ScaleView;
var min = scaleView.ViewMinimum;
var max = scaleView.ViewMaximum;
var yourAnswerMaybe = chart3.Series[0].Points
.Where(p => p.XValue > min && p.XValue < max)
.OrderBy(p => p.XValue)

C# Dundas Charts Auto-Scale Y Axis with no values over 100%

I am using Dundas Charts in Visual Studio using C#.
My charts are displaying percentage values, if I do not use a maximum y axis value the chart will automatically scale the axis - however, sometimes it will display values over 100% (even though none of the values actually exceed 100%).
How can I allow the axis to change in size depending on chart values, but never allow it to exceed 100%?
For anyonewho is interested, I decided to programmatically set the maximum value for the Y Axis for each chart.
The following code is used to get the max value from the given array and return 100 or the max value rounded up to the next multiple of 10:
int GetYAxisMaxValue(decimal[] yValues)
var max = yValues.Max();
var output = 0m;
if (yValues.Max() % 10 == 0) output = max;
else output = max + (10 - max % 10);
if (output > 100) return 100;
else return Convert.ToInt32(output);
This is then used to create the chart, setting:
chart.ChartAreas["Default"].AxisY.Maximum = GetYAxisMaxValue(...);
Hope this helps.

How do I set the charts Y axis to be dynamic with maximum value set at 125?

I have a charts populated in C#. I have multiple charts and each can range from 0 - 125.
which look like this if I do not set the maximum which one of it, the chart maximum will go to 140 if my series range max is 125.:
Thus I would like to set the maximum of Y axis to 125 however not staticly setting it for all charts. which mean I would like to make it dynamic still like the second chart image with the maximum set as 125.
Please advice thanks.
// Maximum value in Series, you may have to change YValues[0] to the appropriate
// index for your type of chart (so that it measures the top of your markers)
double maxValue = chart.Series[0].Points.Max(x => x.YValues[0])
// yAxisMax calculated as max value in series + 10 then rounded up to nearest 10
// but capped at 125 below. You could change this to perhaps
// maxValue * 1.1 to always get a 10 % extra above, anything goes
double yAxisMax = Math.Ceiling((maxValue + 10) / 10) * 10;
if (yAxisMax > 125)
yAxisMax = 125;
chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Minimum = 0;
chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Maximum = yAxisMax;
chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Interval = 5;

VS2010 Chart control, how to display a blank chart?

I'm trying to use the chart control on a windows form and have it working, plotting some real time data, however before the data arrives nothing is displayed. I would like to show an empty graph with an X Y of 10 30 but still have the graph auto range if values go above this.
I cannot find a property to show the "blank" graph it this possible and if so how?
You can hide all data of a Series by making its line color Transparent. If you also set its LegendText to be " " all you can see are the Axis ticks. you can control them by adding a few Points and by setting the Minimum and Maximum values:
// short reference for our dummy:
Series S0 = chart1.Series[0];
// a simple type
S0.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
// set 10 point with x-values going from 0-100 and y-values going from 1-10:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i +=10) S0.Points.AddXY(i , i / 10);
// or add only a few, e.g. the first and last points:
//S0.Points.AddXY(100, 10);
//S0.Points.AddXY(0, 10);
// hide the line:
S0.Color = Color.Transparent;
// hide the legend text (it will still take up a little space, though)
S0.LegendText = " ";
// limit the axis to the target values
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = 100;
chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0;
The result looks like an empty chart:

chart x-axis data is not visible when more than 10 point

chart x-axis data is not visible when more than 10 point:
for (int i = 0; i < dtRpt.Rows.count; i++)
string i1=dtRpt.Rows[i]["vchCompetency"].ToString();
float i2 = float.Parse(dtRpt.Rows[i]["Average"].ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
chart.Series[0].Points.AddXY(i1, i2);
Its my chart code;how to overcome by this problem ;any other method is there. i tried for chartarea.AxisX.IntervalType its not working for string value.Any help me to resolve this problem.
OT: Why not use the DataBindTable or DataBindCrossTable? Its cleaner and faster.
It's better practice to set the DataType of axis
Chart1.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.[type]
instead of passing everything as a string. That way the chart control don't have to guess and usually this create less problems.
(Actually you retrieved the value as a string from the DataTable and casted into float - wicked!)
You might wanna check the Chart1.AxisX(or Y).Interval property instead of Chart1.AxisX(or Y).IntervalType to display more specific chart. Usually the Interval is set by default accordingly to the amount of data to be shown.

