I need to call a RabbitMQ RPC Service from within a C# WCF Web service hosted in IIS.
We have this working OK, but being a good little soldier I was reading the RabbitMQ client documentation and it states the following "IModel should not be shared between threads".
My understanding is that in RabbitMQ an IModel is actually a socket connection.
this would mean that for every call the WCF service makes it's needs to create an IModel and dispose of it once completed.
This would seem to me to be somewhat excessive on performance and socket usage and I am wondering if my understanding is actually correct, or if there are other options available like using a connection pool of IModels between threads.
Any suggestions would be gratefully received. Here's a sample of the code I'm using below, the rabbitMQ connection is actually initialized in the Global.asax, I just have it there to you can see the usage.
var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.HostName = "SampleHostName";
connectionFactory.UserName = "SampleUserName";
connectionFactory.Password = "SamplePassword";
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();
// Code below is what we actually have in the service method.
var model = connection.CreateModel();
using (model)
model.ExchangeDeclare("SampleExchangeName", ExchangeType.Direct, false);
model.QueueDeclare("SampleQueueName", false, false, false, null);
model.QueueBind("SampleQueueName", "SampleExchangeName", "routingKey" , null);
// Do stuff, like post messages to queues
IModel is actually a socket connection
This is incorrect. IConnection represents a connection :) Model was introduced in order to allow several clients to use the same tcp connection. So Model is a "logical" connection over a "physical" one.
One of tasks Model does is splitting and re-assembling large messages. If message exceeds certain size, it is split into frames, frames are labeled and are assembled back by receiver. Now, imagine that 2 threads send large messages... Frame numbers will be messed up, and you will end up with Frankenstein message which consists of random parts of 2 messages.
You are right assuming that Model creation have some cost. Client sends a request to server to create a model, server creates a structure in memory for this model, and sends model Id back to the client. It is done over tcp connection which is already open, so no overhead due to establishing connection. But there is still some overhead because of network round trip.
I'm not sure about WCF binding, but base rabbit's .net library does not provide any pooling for models. If it is a problem in your case, you'll have to come up with something on your own.
You need a single IModel object for each session. This is pretty normal for network-based API's. For example the Azure Table Storage client is exactly the same.
Why, well you can't have a single Channel with multiple concurrent communication streams running over them.
I would expect that a certain level of caching to occur (e.g. DNS) which would reduce the overhead of creating subsequent IModel instances.
Performance is alright when doing the same thing with Azure Tables so it should be perfectly fine with IModel. Only attempt to optimise this when you can prove you have a real need.
I am building a c#/wpf project.
It's architecture is this:
A console application which will be on a virtual machine (or my home computer) that will be the server side.
A wpf application that will be the client app.
Now my problem is this - I want the server to be able to send changes to the clients. If for example I have a change for client ABC, I want the server to know how to call a service on the clients computer.
The problem is, that I don't know how the server will call the clients.
A small example in case I didn't explain it well:
The server is on computer 1, and there are two clients, on computers 2 and 3.
Client 2 has a Toyota car and client 3 has a BMW car.
The server on computer 1 wants to tell client 2 that it has a new car, an Avenger.
How do I keep track and call services on the clients?
I thought of saving their ip address (from calling ipconfig from the cmd) in the DB - but isn't that based on the WI-FI/network they are connected to?
Thanks for any help!
You could try implementing SignalR. It is a great library that uses web sockets to push data to clients.
SignalR can help you solve your problem by allowing you to set up Hubs on your console app (server) that WPF application (clients) can connect to. When the clients start up you will register them with a specified Hub. When something changes on the server, you can push from the server Hub to the client. The client will receive the information from the server and allow you to handle it as you see fit.
Rough mockup of some code:
namepsace Server{}
public class YourHub : Hub {
public void SomeHubMethod(string userName) {
//clientMethodToCall is a method in the WPF application that
//will be called. Client needs to be registered to hub first.
Clients.User(userName).clientMethodToCall("This is a test.");
//One issue you may face is mapping client connections.
//There are a couple different ways/methodologies to do this.
//Just figure what will work best for you.
namespace Client{
public class HubService{
public IHubProxy CreateHubProxy(){
var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://serverAddress:serverPort/");
IHubProxy yourHubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("YourHub");
return yourHubProxy;
Then in your WPF window:
var hubService = new HubService();
var yourHubProxy = hubService.CreateHubProxy();
yourHubProxy.On("clientMethodToCall", () => DoSometingWithServerData());
You need to create some kind of subscription model for the clients to the server to handle a Publish-Subscribe channel (see http://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/patterns/messaging/PublishSubscribeChannel.html). The basic architecture is this:
Client sends a request to the messaging channel to register itself as a subscriber to a certain kind of message/event/etc.
Server sends messages to the channel to be delivered to subscribers to that message.
There are many ways to handle this. You could use some of the Azure services (like Event hub, or Topic) if you don't want to reinvent the wheel here. You could also have your server application track all of these things (updates to IP addresses, updates to subscription interest, making sure that messages don't get sent more than once; taking care of message durability [making sure messages get delivered even if the client is offline when the message gets created]).
In general, whatever solution you choose is plagued with a common problem - clients hide behind firewalls and have dynamic IP addresses. This makes it difficult (I've heard of technologies claiming to overcome this but haven't seen any in action) for a server to push to a client.
In reality, the client talks and the server listens and response. However, you can use this approach to simulate a push by;
1. polling (the client periodically asks for information)
2. long polling (the client asks for information and the server holds onto the request until information arrives or a timeout occurs)
3. sockets (the client requests server connection that is used for bi-directional communication for a period of time).
Knowing those terms, your next choice is to write your own or use a third-party service (azure, amazon, other) to deliver messages for you. I personally like long polling because it is easy to implement. In my application, I have the following setup.
A web API server on Azure with and endpoint that listens for message requests
A simple loop inside the server code that checks the database for new messages every 100ms.
A client that calls the API, handling the response.
As mentioned, there are many ways to do this. In your particular case, one way would be as follows.
Client A calls server API to listen for message
Server holds onto call, waiting for new message entry in database
Client B calls server API to post new message
Server saves message to database
Server instance from step 2 sees new message
Server returns message to Client A.
Also, the message doesn't have to be stored in a database - it just depends on your needs.
Sounds like you want to track users à la https://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/asp.net/tracking-online-users-with-signalr/ , but in a desktop app in the sense of http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/804770/Implementing-SignalR-in-Desktop-Applications or damienbod.wordpress.com/2013/11/20/signalr-a-complete-wpf-client-using-mvvm/ .
I'm trying to make a stunnel clone in C# just for fun. The main loop goes something like this (ignore the catch-everything-and-do-nothing try-catches just for now)
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;
TcpListener a = new TcpListener (9999);
a.Start ();
while (true) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Spinning...");
try {
TcpClient remote = new TcpClient ("XXX.XX.XXX.XXX", 2376);
SslStream ssl = new SslStream(remote.GetStream(), false, new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(Validator));
TcpClient user = a.AcceptTcpClient ();
new Thread (new ThreadStart(() => {
Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
forward(user.GetStream(), ssl); //forward is a blocking function I wrote
})).Start ();
} catch {
Thread.Sleep (1000);
I found that if I do the remote SSL connection, as I did, before waiting for the user, then when the user connects the SSL is already set up (this is for tunneling HTTP so latency is pretty important). On the other hand, my server closes long-inactive connections, so if no new connection happens in, say, 5 minutes, everything locks up.
What is the best way?
Also, I observe my program generating as much as 200 threads, which of course means that context-switching overhead is pretty big and sometimes results in the whole thing just blocking for seconds, even with just one user tunneling through the program. My forward function goes, in a gist, like
new Thread(new ThreadStart(()=>in.CopyTo(out))).Start();
of course with lots of error handling to prevent broken connections from holding up forever. This seems to stall a lot though. I can't figure how to use asynchronous methods like BeginRead which should help according to google.
For any kind of proxy server (including an stunnel clone), opening the backend connection after you accept the frontend connection is clearly much simpler to implement.
If you pre-open backend connections in anticipation of receiving frontend connections, you can certainly save an RTT (which is good for latency), but you have to deal with the issue you hinted at: the backend will close idle connections. At any time that you receive a frontend connections, you run the risk that the backend connection that you are about to associate with this frontend connection and which has been opened some time ago is too old to use and may be closed by the backend. You will have to manage a pool of currently open backend connections and periodically close and refresh them when they become idle for too long. There is even a race condition where if the backend decided the connection has been idle too long and decides to close it but the proxy server receives a new frontend connection at the same time, the frontend may decide to forward a request through the backend connection while the backend is closing this connection. That means that you must be able to know a priori how long backend connections can be idle for before the backend will close them (you must know what the timeout values that are configured on the backend are set to) so you can give them up just before the backend will decide they are too old.
So in summary: pre-opening backend connections will save an RTT versus opening them only on demand, but it is a lot of work, including subtle connection pool management that it quite tough to implement bug-free. Up to you to judge if the extra complexity is worth it.
By the way, concerning your comment about handling several hundred simultaneous connections, I recommend implementing such an I/O-bound program as a proxy server based around an event loop instead of based around threads. Basically, you use non-blocking sockets and process events in a single thread (e.g. "this socket has new data waiting to be forwarded to the other side") instead of spawning a thread for each connection (which can get expensive both in thread creation and context switches). In order to scale such an event-based model to multiple CPU cores, you can start a small number of parallel threads of processes (more or less one per CPU core) which each handle many hundreds (or thousands) of simultaneous connections.
In the project I'm working on, we have several services implemented using WCF. The situation I'm facing is that some of the services need to know when a session ends, so that it can appropriately update the status of that client. Notifying the service when a client gracefully terminates (e.g. the user closes the application) is easy, however, there are cases where the application might crash, or the client machine might restart, in which case the client won't be able to notify the service about its status.
Initially, I was thinking about having a timer on the server side, which is triggered once a client connects, and changes the status of that client to "terminated" after, let's say, 1 minute. Now the client sends its status every 30 seconds to the service, and the service basically restarts its timer on every request from the client, which means it (hopefully) never changes the status of the client as long as the client is alive.
Even though this method is pretty reliable (not fully reliable; what if it takes the client more than 1 minute to send its status?) it's still not the best approach to solving this problem. Note that due to the original design of the system, I cannot implement a duplex service, which would probably make things a lot simpler. So my question is: Is there a way for the sevice to know when the session ends (i.e. the connection times out or the client closes the proxy)? I came accross this question: WCF: How to find out when a session is ending but the link on the answer seems to be broken.
Another thing that I'm worried about is; they way I'm currently creating my channel proxies is implemented like this:
internal static TResult ExecuteAndReturn<TProxy, TResult>(Func<TProxy, TResult> delegateToExecute)
string endpointUri = ServiceEndpoints.GetServiceEndpoint(typeof(TProxy));
var binding = new WSHttpBinding();
binding.Security.Mode = SecurityMode.Message;
binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = MessageCredentialType.UserName;
TResult valueToReturn;
using (ChannelFactory<TProxy> factory = new ChannelFactory<TProxy>(binding,
new EndpointAddress(new Uri(endpointUri),
TProxy proxy = factory.CreateChannel();
valueToReturn = delegateToExecute(proxy);
return valueToReturn;
So the channel is closed immediately after the service call is made (since it's in a using block), is that, from a service standpoint, an indication that the session is terminated? If so, should I keep only one instance of each service during application runtime, by using a singleton maybe? I apologize if the questions seem a little vague, I figured there would be plenty of questions like these but wasn't able to find something similar.
Yes, closing the channel terminates the session, but if there is an error of some kind then you are subject to the timeout settings of the service, like this:
<binding name="tcpBinding" receiveTimeout="00:00:10" />
This introduces a ten second timeout if an error occurs.
Check out Managing WCF Session Lifetime with IsInitiating and IsTerminating
I need such scenario: client sends message to server, not waiting for response, and don't care, if message was send properly.
using(host.RemoteService client = new host.RemoteService())
in scenario when firewall is on, or there is no connection to the internet, client dies at "SendMessage". I mean program stops to respond. I wish program don't care about the result. I mean if there is no connection, i wish program to go further, omitting "SendMessage" or sth like that.
What should I do, is there any solution for non blocking method?
Try something like this in your service contract:
void Send(string message);
See the following link:
One Way Operation in WCF
Edit: OP was already using my suggested solution.
Suggested approaches to solve the issue - taken from MSDN (One-Way Services):
Clients Blocking with One-Way Operations
It is important to realize that while some one-way applications return
as soon as the outbound data is written to the network connection, in
several scenarios the implementation of a binding or of a service can
cause a WCF client to block using one-way operations. In WCF client
applications, the WCF client object does not return until the outbound
data has been written to the network connection. This is true for
all message exchange patterns, including one-way operations; this
means that any problem writing the data to the transport prevents the
client from returning. Depending upon the problem, the result could
be an exception or a delay in sending messages to the service.
You can mitigate some of this problem by inserting a buffer between
the client object and the client transport's send operation. For
example, using asynchronous calls or using an in-memory message
queue can enable the client object to return quickly. Both
approaches may increase functionality, but the size of the thread pool
and the message queue still enforce limits.
It is recommended, instead, that you examine the various controls on
the service as well as on the client, and then test your application
scenarios to determine the best configuration on either side. For
example, if the use of sessions is blocking the processing of messages
on your service, you can set the
property to PerCall so that each message can be processed by a
different service instance, and set the ConcurrencyMode to
Multiple in order to allow more than one thread to dispatch messages
at a time. Another approach is to increase the read quotas of the
service and client bindings.
Modify your attribute
I'm trying to write an asynch socket application which transfering complex objects over across sides..
I used the example here...
Everything is fine till i try send multi package data. When the transferred data requires multiple package transfer server application is suspending and server is going out of control without any errors...
After many hours later i find a solution; if i close client sender socket after each EndSend callback, the problem is solving. But i couldn't understand why this is necessary? Or are there any other solution for the situation?
My (2) projects is same with example above only i changed EndSend callback method like following:
public void EndSendCallback(IAsyncResult result)
Status status = (Status)result.AsyncState;
int size = status.Socket.EndSend(result);
status.Socket.Close(); // <--------------- This line solved the situation
Console.Out.WriteLine("Send data: " + size + " bytes.");
This is due to the example code given not handling multiple packages (and being broken).
A few observations:
The server can only handle 1 client at a time.
The server simply checks whether the data coming in is in a single read smaller than the data requested and if so, assumes that's the last part.
The server then ignores the client socket while leaving the connection open. This puts the responsibility of closing the connection on the client side which can be confusing and which will waste resources on the server.
Now the first observation is an implementation detail and not really relevant in your case. The second observation is relevant for you since it will likely result in unexplained bugs- probably not in development- but when this code is actually running somewhere in a real scenario. Sockets are not streamlined. When the client sents over 1000 bytes. This might require 1 call to read on the server or 10. A call to read simply returns as soon as there is 'some' data available. What you need to do is implement some sort of protocol that communicates either how much data is being sent over- or when all the data has been sent over. I really recommend just to stick with the HTTP protocol since this is a well tested and well supported protocol that suits most scenario's.
The third observation might also cause bugs where the server is running out of resources since it leaves all connections open.