I wish to draw some graphics in a asp.net web application page on some percentages, what is the code required? I'm asking specially for piechart and rectangle.
You can use the data visualization stuff (charting) that comes with .net 3.5 and 4.
There is a downloadable Visual Studio solution (an asp.net web application project) that shows examples of different types of charts and corresponding code and markup:
Depending on your situation, you may even be able to generate pie charts, etc. without writing any code.
I'm trying to develop a masonry layout in a custom-made image grid/gallery control in WinForm. Currently my control displays images in a square grid format with fast GDI rendering. Masonry layouts are usually common for web, and there's a lot of resources available on the internet for CSS and Javascript. But I noted that some Windows10 applications are also displaying masonry layout, such as Photos app. Another thing I noted is that the commonly used masonry layout on the web is developed in vertical orientation (variable heights) whereas the layout used by Win10 Photos app (and also other similar apps) are using a fixed row height horizontal masonry layout.
I'm trying to develop a similar code (as per screenshot of Photos app). The point I'm unable to figure out is how the layout configures that how many items to show in each row. There are rows that have 4 items, 3 items or sometimes 5 items. Its purely flexible depending upon the photo sizes/aspect. Overall the width of the layout control/panel is fixed.
Is this type of layout inherently supported by UWP apps? Does anyone know any links / guides that explain the logic behind this type of layout? Does the Photos app has public source code? Another UWP app I've seen implementing this type of layout is the "Perfect Flickr" app.
Does anyone know any links / guides that explain the logic behind this type of layout?
The UWP Community toolkit has a StaggeredPanel control which is similar to the one you mentioned. It's open source. You could check its source code to learn how to arrange its child elements.
I'm new in web programming and just want to ask for an opinion. I want to develop a web page and in the home page, I want to display a kind of chart. With nodes connected with arrows and the arrows will be hyperlinked. In a window based application, I understand there are tools like Visual Basic Power Tools in which you can drag and drop shapes like lines and oval or arrows and using there, it is fairly easy to make a chart.
But in a web application, I can't find any tools or anything that can help me draw a chart. Is there any recommendation on some kind of tools or something so that I can draw a chart in a web page? :)
You can do it either client side or server side.
Client side
There are some javascript libraries which will render charts to your web page(Client side) upon feeding it with the data in JSON format. Checkout chart.js and d3.js. Chart.js uses HTML5 canvas elements to draw the chart where d3 uses SVG for drawing charts.
Server side
ASP.NET has some charting libraries/server controls which renders charts for you. Check out this blogpost which has sample code to get started.
I would like to draw a clickable pie chart in monotouch c# how Could I do that. for example if I click on particular portion on the chart then it will show corresponding data.
There are (old) bindings for CorePlot available on github that contains several types of charts, including pie charts.
Note that you'll likely have to update the bindings a bit for the latest MonoTouch releases and CorePlot library.
ShinobiControls Chart supports MonoTouch and provides bindings. They supply pie charts that handle clicks and animate gracefully.
NOTE: I am associated with the ShinobiControls company.
I'm looking for a component that I can use to plot class times against a timeline for four different instructors. So the y axis will contain a timeline at 30 minute intervals, with the instructors class times stacked in one column per instructor. Any idea what control I should look at using? I thinking the MS Chart control stacked column chart may be the solution - not really sure how to set this up...anyone know of a link or example similar to what I'm trying to accomplish?
Chart Control for .NET Framework enables you to add robust charting abilities to your applications with little effort. It is a fully managed .NET Framework component and has been specifically designed for use with Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
For examples of how to use Chart Control for .NET Framework, download the samples on Codeplex. Also, to access community content, go to the Chart Control Forum.
I've used Google Chart a few time with success. Use the google machine, I think there are even videos out there on how to use it.
Good luck.
A really simple charting component is to use the System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting Chart
It comes standard in the .NET 4.0 framework -- otherwise you can download a the assemblies here:
I use this chart control frequently and have built other components on top of it. It's very straightforward to use and supports databinding
How to create asp.net 2.0 pie chart and bar chart
You can try beautiful and attractive Silverlight Bar and Pie Chart from Visifire. Visifire is the best choice if you really want to concentrate on looks, clarity while creating presentation or report. Also Visifire works with all versions of asp.net.
Visifire Bar Chart Gallery: http://visifire.com/silverlight_bar_charts_gallery.php
Visifire Column Chart Gallery: http://visifire.com/silverlight_2d_column_charts_gallery.php
Visifire Pie Chart Gallery: http://visifire.com/silverlight_pie_doughnut_charts_gallery.php
The MS Charting Control?
If you don't have to build complex and interactive charts you could try Google Chart, it's super easy...
<img src="https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chd=t:60,40&chs=250x100&chl=Hello|World" />
You could write your own Generic Handler (.ashx) that generates an Image of your Bar Chart/Pie Chart as a Bitmap using System.Drawing and saves it to the Response.OutputStream if a) you really want to make life hard for yourself or b) really need to customise the output in detail
Much better to use one of the Controls recommended by the other guys
In addition to Microsoft Charting you can also get good components from
For a different approach than the MS Chart Control or other components would be to use to use the Microsoft Report Viewer control and design a report (locally or via reporting services) that way.
Recommended: http://www.simplechart.net/
I recomend fusion charts. This API make things very easy to implement.
There is no question about it the clear #1 choice for me has been to use the MS Chart controls that have builds for both the .NET 2.0 and 4.0 Frameworks. Actually the controls were originally aquired from Dundas by Microsoft so the similarities exist, but the MS Chart controls are free!! They exist in the System.Web.DataVisualization namespace.
I have been using them for about 3 years now, and the extensive documentation and samples make creating the charts a BREEZE in ASP.NET. Take a look at the links below to get started:
Samples Environment for Microsoft Chart Controls (downloadable code helps a lot!):
Getting Started (Chart Controls):