I am trying to implement the strategy pattern. Here is part of my implementation:
public List<string> GetOrderedEmployeeNames(IOrderByStrategy strategy)
return GetEmployeeFullNames().OrderBy(strategy.Order);
now every time I call this function I have to write:
var employees = GetOrderedEmployeeNames(new OrderByFamilyName());
Is 'new-ing up' the strategy every time the right way or am I implementing this incorrectly?
If the class that implements IOrderByStrategy doesn't have any state (i.e. behaves the same every time) then you might as well store it in a field somewhere to save having to re-new it.
That said, new is a very efficient operation and if you're not calling it in a tight loop, it may be simpler to keep doing what you're doing.
Not necessarily, although it's probably not hurting anything to create objects as I'm assuming they're mostly methods and don't hold a lot of data.
Some alternatives:
Implement a StrategyFactory that either creates new instances or hold references to flyweights (small objects that are indexed by some key, like a string)
Implement the strategies as singletons, but that may be more overhead than you need if there are a lot of strategies.
You can store a property if the strategy will have same behavior. If not, you can create object with parameters.
private IOrderByStrategy orderByStrategy;
public IOrderByStrategy OrderByStrategy
if(orderByStrategy != null)
return orderByStrategy;
return new OrderByStrategy();
var employees = GetOrderedEmployeeNames(OrderByStrategy);
Second situation:
var employees = GetOrderedEmployeeNames(new OrderByFamilyName("familyname","DESC"));
In a project I'm working on, I have a set of blocks that make up a 3D voxel based environment (like Minecraft). These worlds are stored in an external data file.
This file contains the data for:
Each block,
its location,
and its type.
When the LoadLevel method is called, I want it to iterate over the data for every block in the file, creating a new instance of the Block object for every one. It's no problem to pass things like location. It's as simple as
CreateBlock(Vector3 position)
The issue is with the type. All types are child classes (think Abstract Block, and then subtypes like GrassBlock or WaterBlock that inherit the abstract Block's properties.) Assuming there's a child class like "GrassBlock" that I want to be created, rather than a generic block, how do I make it do this through the method? The only way I know of is through reflection, which I've been advised to stay away from. Is it possible that I can do this through generic typing or something?
This seems like such an important question in game design, but no one I've asked seems to have any idea. Any help?
Generic typing will still require reflection.
First of all: what you're looking for is the factory pattern. It creates objects for you without having to do it explicitly yourself everywhere.
Basically there are two options:
This indeed has a performance impact connected to it but don't dismiss it if you haven't determined it to be a problem yet. It will be readable and maintainable.
Hardcode every option and create a new instance based on some sort of metadata you pass in (something that will identify the type of each block). This has the benefit of not using reflection and as such not incurring that performance penalty but it will also be less extensible and if you have 500 different blocks you can guess what your code will look like.
Of course, you can create objects without any reflection.
Simple assign each class the integer index:
Func<Vector3, Block>[] factories =
(v) => new GrassBlock(v), // index 0
(v) => new WaterBlock(v), // index 1
. . .
Save this index in the external data. At deserialization time read Vector3 v and index i, then call var block = factories[i](v);
Without reflection, you can use a factory method, with a switch. Assume BlockType is an enum.
public static Block CreateBlock(BlockType type, Vector3 position)
switch (BlockType type)
case BlockType.Grass:
return new GrassBlock(position);
case BlockType.Water:
return new WaterBlock(position);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
But to have something more maintainable, you could still use reflection until it proves to be a bottleneck. In that case, you could switch to runtime code generation.
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<Vector3, Block>> _activators = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Vector3, Block>>();
public static Block CreateBlock(Type blockType, Vector3 position)
Func<Vector3, Block> factory;
if (!_activators.TryGetValue(blockType, out factory))
if (!typeof(Block).IsAssignableFrom(blockType))
throw new ArgumentException();
var posParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Vector3));
factory = Expression.Lambda<Func<Vector3, Block>>(
blockType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(Vector3) }),
new[] { posParam }
_activators.Add(blockType, factory);
return factory(position);
This code will generate a factory function at runtime, the first time a block of a given type is requested. And you could make this function thread-safe if needed by using a ConcurrentDictionary.
But that may be a bit overkill for your purpose ;)
Why are you avoiding reflection? If you're able to execute this code only on startup (which it sounds like you can do if you're reading a file) then I don't personally have too big a problem with using reflection.
An alternative is to store the fully qualified type name (e.g. My.System.Blocks.GrassBlock) and load that type with
var typeName = readStringTypeFromFile(file);
Block type = Activator.CreateInstance(typeName, location);
As I said, running something like this on startup is fine by me, and you can test performance of this if needs be.
Quick and dirty fiddle: https://dotnetfiddle.net/BDmlyi
Now and again I end up with code along these lines, where I create some objects then loop through them to initialise some properties using another class...
ThingRepository thingRepos = new ThingRepository();
GizmoProcessor gizmoProcessor = new GizmoProcessor();
WidgetProcessor widgetProcessor = new WidgetProcessor();
public List<Thing> GetThings(DateTime date)
List<Thing> allThings = thingRepos.FetchThings();
// Loops through setting thing.Gizmo to a new Gizmo
// Loops through setting thing.Widget to a new Widget
return allThings;
...which just, well, feels wrong.
Is this a bad idea?
Is there a name of an anti-pattern that I'm using here?
What are the alternatives?
Edit: assume that both GizmoProcessor and WidgetProcessor have to go off and do some calculation, and get some extra data from other tables. They're not just data stored in a repository. They're creating new Gizmos and Widgets based on each Thing and assigning them to Thing's properties.
The reason this feels odd to me is that Thing isn't an autonomous object; it can't create itself and child objects. It's requiring higher-up code to create a fully finished object. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not!
ThingRepository is supposed to be the single access point to get collections of Thing's, or at least that's where developers will intuitively look. For that reason, it feels strange that GetThings(DateTime date) should be provided by another object. I'd rather place that method in ThingRepository itself.
The fact that the Thing's returned by GetThings(DateTime date) are different, "fatter" animals than those returned by ThingRepository.FetchThings() also feels awkward and counter-intuitive. If Gizmo and Widget are really part of the Thing entity, you should be able to access them every time you have an instance of Thing, not just for instances returned by GetThings(DateTime date).
If the Date parameter in GetThings() isn't important or could be gathered at another time, I would use calculated properties on Thing to implement on-demand access to Gizmo and Widget :
public class Thing
public Gizmo Gizmo
// calculations here
public Widget Widget
// calculations here
Note that this approach is valid as long as the calculations performed are not too costly. Calculated properties with expensive processing are not recommended - see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bzwdh01d%28VS.71%29.aspx#cpconpropertyusageguidelinesanchor1
However, these calculations don't have to be implemented inline in the getters - they can be delegated to third-party Gizmo/Widget processors, potentially with a caching strategy, etc.
If you have complex intialization then you could use a Strategy pattern. Here is a quick overview adapted from this strategy pattern overview
Create a strategy interface to abstract the intialization
public interface IThingInitializationStrategy
void Initialize(Thing thing);
The initialization implementation that can be used by the strategy
public class GizmosInitialization
public void Initialize(Thing thing)
// Add gizmos here and other initialization
public class WidgetsInitialization
public void Initialize(Thing thing)
// Add widgets here and other initialization
And finally a service class that accepts the strategy implementation in an abstract way
internal class ThingInitalizationService
private readonly IThingInitializationStrategy _initStrategy;
public ThingInitalizationService(IThingInitializationStrategy initStrategy)
_initStrategy = initStrategy;
public Initialize(Thing thing)
You can then use the initialization strategies like so
var initializationStrategy = new GizmosInitializtion();
var initializationService = new ThingInitalizationService(initializationStrategy);
List<Thing> allThings = thingRepos.FetchThings();
allThings.Foreach ( thing => initializationService.Initialize(thing) );
Tho only real potential problem would be that you're iterating over the same loop multiple times, but if you need to hit a database to get all the gizmos and widgets then it might be more efficient to request them in batches so passing the full list to your Add... methods would make sense.
The other option would be to look into returning the gizmos and widgets with the thing in the first repository call (assuming they reside in the same repo). It might make the query more complex, but it would probably be more efficient. Unless of course you don't ALWAYS need to get gizmos and widgets when you fetch things.
To answer your questions:
Is this a bad idea?
From my experience, you rarely know if it's a good/bad idea until you need to change it.
IMO, code is either: Over-engineered, under-engineered, or unreadable
In the meantime, you do your best and stick to the best practices (KISS, single responsibility, etc)
Personally, I don't think the processor classes should be modifying the state of any Thing.
I also don't think the processor classes should be given a collection of Things to modify.
Is there a name of an anti-pattern that I'm using here?
Sorry, unable to help.
What are the alternatives?
Personally, I would write the code as such:
public List<Thing> GetThings(DateTime date)
List<Thing> allThings = thingRepos.FetchThings();
// Build the gizmo and widget for each thing
foreach (var thing in allThings)
thing.Gizmo = gizmoProcessor.BuildGizmo(thing);
thing.Widget = widgetProcessor.BuildWidget(thing);
return allThings;
My reasons being:
The code is in a class that "Gets things". So logically, I think it's acceptable for it to traverse each Thing object and initialise them.
The intention is clear: I'm initialising the properties for each Thing before returning them.
I prefer initialising any properties of Thing in a central location.
I don't think that gizmoProcessor and widgetProcessor classes should have any business with a Collection of Things
I prefer the Processors to have a method to build and return a single widget/gizmo
However, if your processor classes are building several properties at once, then only would I refactor the property initialisation to each processor.
public List<Thing> GetThings(DateTime date)
List<Thing> allThings = thingRepos.FetchThings();
// Build the gizmo and widget for each thing
foreach (var thing in allThings)
// [Edited]
// Notice a trend here: The common Initialize(Thing) interface
// Could probably be refactored into some
// super-mega-complex Composite Builder-esque class should you ever want to
return allThings;
I personally do not care that much for (Anti)Pattern names.
While it helps to discuss a problem at a higher level of abstraction, I wouldn't commit every (anti)pattern names to memory.
When I come across a Pattern that I believe is helpful, then only do I remember it.
I'm quite lazy, and my rationale is that: Why bother remembering every pattern and anti pattern if I'm only going to use a handful?
Noticed an answer was already given regarding using a Strategy Service.
Take a look at this code.
interface ILoader
interface ILoader<T>: ILoader
T Load();
class CarLoader: ILoader<Car>
class TrainLoader: ILoader<Train>
class Container
List<ILoader> loaders = new ILoader[] { new CarLoader(), new TrainLoader()};
public T Load<T>()
// Finding right loader
var loader = loaders.OfType<ILoader<Car>>.FirstOrDefault();
return loader.Load();
I've got about 100 of loaders and I need to load a lot of Trains, Cars, etc. I think that List of loaders is very slow (has OfType() linear complexity??), what do you suggest to use instead of list? Dictionary<Type,ILoader> or Hashtable<Type,ILoader> or HashSet<ILoader>? How fast would be for example to use hashset.OfType<ILoader<Car>>(), same as list or faster?
Build a Dictionary<Type, ILoader> and populate it with the loaders. Then you can just do:
ILoader<T> loader = (ILoader<T>) loaderDictionary[typeof(T)];
On the other hand, if you've only got 100 items to look through, even a linear scan isn't exactly going to take long. Have you actually benchmarked a real usage situation and found this to be your bottleneck?
The Enumerable.OfType extension method does run in linear time and it is probably fast enough for your purposes. Don't micro-optimizate your code unless you have measured the performance and are sure that you need to optimize it.
Rather than concentrating on the performance you should first consider the suitability of your design. A good design in general does not need to inspect the types of the object - the information you need should be available in other ways. In this case for example you might want to ask if each loader is capable of loading an object by passing that object to a CanLoad method and returning true or false. This will make your design more flexible.
Loader loader = loaders.First(x => x.CanLoad(myObject));
Now you can have loaders that can load multiple types of objects.
If you want a new Loader each time and you want a one-to-one mapping another option is to also ask the object itself to create a suitable loader:
Loader loader = myObject.CreateLoader();
Each class can implement CreateLoader differently so that you get a Loader of the correct type for your object. By taking advantage of polymorphism this works without ever needing to ask an object what type it is.
I want to design a class, which contains a procedure to achieve a goal.
And it must follow some order to make sure the last method, let's say "ExecuteIt", to behave correctly.
in such a case, what design patter will you use ?
which can make sure that the user must call the public method according some ordering.
If you really don't know what I am saying, then can you share me some concept of choosing a design patter, or what will you consider while design a class?
I believe you are looking for the Template Method pattern.
Template Method is what you want. It is one of the oldest, simply a formalization of a way of composing your classes.
or as in this code sample:
abstract class AbstractParent // this is the template class
// this is the template method that enforces an order of method execution
final void executeIt()
doBefore(); // << to be implemented by subclasses
doInTheMiddle() // also to be implemented by subclasses
doLast(); // << the one you want to make sure gets executed last
abstract void doBefore();
abstract void doInTheMiddle();
final void doLast(){ .... }
class SubA extends AbstractParent
void doBefore(){ ... does something ...}
void doInTheMiddle(){ ... does something ...}
class SubB extends SubA
void doBefore(){ ... does something different ...}
But it seems you are fishing for an opportunity to use a pattern as opposed to use a pattern to solve a specific type of problem. That will only lead you to bad software development habits.
Don't think about patterns. Think about how you would go around solving that specific problem without having patterns.
Imagine there were no codified patterns (which is how it was before). How would you accomplish what you want to do here (which is what people did to solve this type of problems.) When you can do that, then you will be in a much better position to understand patterns.
Don't use them as cookie cutters. That is the last thing you want to do.
Its basically not a pattern, but: If you want to make sure, the code/methods are executes in a specific order, make the class having only one public method, which then calls the non-public methods in the right sequence.
The simple and pragmatic approach to enforcing a particular sequence of steps in any API is to define a collection of classes (instead of just one class) in such way that every next valid step takes as a parameter an object derived from the previous step, i.e.:
Fuel coal = CoalMine.getCoal();
Cooker stove = new Cooker (gas);
Filling apple = new AppleFilling();
Pie applePie = new Pie(apple);
That is to say that to bake a pie you need to supply a Cooker object that in turn requires some sort of a suitable fuel to be instantiated first. Similarly, before you can get an instanse of a Pie you'd need to get some Filling ready.
In this instance the semantics of the API use are explicitly enforced by its syntax. Keep it simple.
I think you have not to really execute nothing, just prepare the statements, resources and whatever you want.
This way whatever would be the order the user invokes the methods the actual execution would be assured to be ordered; simply because you have the total control over the real execution, just before execute it.
IMHO Template Method as very little to do with your goal.
to be more clear. Make your class to have one public method Execute, and a number of other public methods to tell your class what to do (when to do it is a responsibility of you and not of the user); then make a number of private methods doing the real job, they will be invoked in the right order by your Execute, once the user has finished settings things.
Give the user the ability of setting, keep execution for your self. He tells what, you decide how.
Template Method is rational, if you have a class hierarchy and base class defines protected operation steps in its public template method. Could you elaborate your question?
As general concept you should choose a pattern as a standard solution to a standard problem so, I agree with Oded, the "Template Method" seems to fit your needs (but what you explained is too few maybe).
DonĀ“t use pattern as "fetish", what you have to keep in mind is:
How can I figure my problem in a standard way?
There is a pattern for this?
Is this the simplest way?
My most used mini pattern is:
VideoLookup = new ArrayList { new ArrayList { buttonVideo1, "Video01.flv" },
new ArrayList { buttonVideo2, "Video02.flv" },
new ArrayList { buttonVideo3, "Video03.flv" },
new ArrayList { buttonVideo4, "Video04.flv" },
new ArrayList { buttonVideo4, "Video04.flv" }
This means that rather than a switch statement with a case for each button I can instead just compare the button that was clicked with each item in the ArrayList. Then when I've found a match I launch the correct file (although the action that's the 2nd part the "lookup" could be a delegate or anything else).
The main benefit is that I don't have the problem of remembering to add all the correct code for each switch statement case, I just add a new item to the lookup ArrayList.
(Yes I know using an ArrayList isn't the best way to go, but it's old code. And I know that looping through an array each time isn't as efficient as using a switch statement, but this code isn't in a tight loop)
Does anyone else have any mini-patterns they use that save time/effort or make code more readable? They don't have to just be GUI related.
Update: Don't copy this code, I knew it was bad, but I didn't realise how bad. Use something like this instead.
Hashtable PlayerLookup = new Hashtable();
PlayerLookup.Add(buttonVideo1, "Video01.flv");
PlayerLookup.Add(buttonVideo2, "Video02.flv");
PlayerLookup.Add(buttonVideo3, "Video03.flv");
PlayerLookup.Add(buttonVideo4, "Video04.flv");
string fileName = PlayerLookup[currentButton].ToString();
please please please omg use this version.
VideoLookup = new Dictionary<Button, string> {
{ buttonVideo1, "Video01.flv" },
{ buttonVideo2, "Video02.flv" },
{ buttonVideo3, "Video03.flv" },
{ buttonVideo4, "Video04.flv" },
{ buttonVideo4, "Video04.flv" }
You could just create a struct or object that has a button reference and a string representing the file name and then a List of these things. Or, you could just use a Dictionary and make it even easier on yourself. Lots of ways to improve. :)
On the subject of switches, I write this kind of thing a lot:
public Object createSomething(String param)
return s == null ? new NullObject() :
s.equals("foo") ? new Foo() :
s.equals("bar") ? new Bar() :
s.equals("baz") || s.equals("car") ? new BazCar() :
new Object();
I think it looks more readable compared to regular switch statements and has the ability to have more complex comparisons. Yeah, it'll be slower because you need to compare each condition but 99% of the time that doesn't matter.
In Java, I sometimes find that private inner classes which implement a public interface can be very helpful for objects composed of tightly-coupled elements. I've seen this mini-pattern (idiom) discussed in the context of creating UIs with Allen Holub's Visual Proxy architecture, but not much beyond that. As far as I know it doesn't have a name.
For example, let's say you have a Collection interface that can provide an Iterator:
public interface Collection
public Iterator iterate();
public interface Iterator
public boolean hasNext();
public Object next();
If you have a Stack that implements Collection, then you could implement its Iterator as a private inner class:
public class Stack implements Collection
public Iterator iterate()
return new IteratorImpl();
private class IteratorImpl implements Iterator
public boolean hasNext() { ... }
public Object next() { ... }
Stack.IteratorImpl has complete access to all of Stack's private methods and fields. At the same time, Stack.IteratorImpl is invisible to all except Stack.
A Stack and its Iterator will tend to be tightly coupled. Worst case, implementing Stack's Iterator as a public class might force you to break Stack's encapsulation. The private inner class lets you avoid this. Either way, you avoid polluting the class hierarchy with something that's really an implementation detail.
In my last job I wrote a C# version of the Enforcements concept introduced in C++ by Andrei Alexandrescu and Petru Marginean (original article here).
This is really cool because it lets you interweave error handling or condition checking in with normal code without breaking the flow - e.g.:
string text = Enforce.NotNull( myObj.SomeMethodThatGetsAString(), "method returned NULL" );
This would check if the first argument is null, throw an EnforcementException with the second argument as the message if it is, or return the first argument otherwise. There are overloads that take string formatting params too, as well as overloads that let you specify a different exception type.
You could argue that this sort of thing is less relevant in C# because the runtime checking is better and already quite informative - but this idiom lets you check closer to the source and provide more information, while remaining expressive.
I use the same system for Pre and Post condition checking.
I might write an Open Source version and link it from here.
for when I'm churning out code fast (deadlines! deadlines! why am I on stackoverflow.com? deadlines!), I wind up with this kind code:
Button1.Click += (o,e) => { DoSomething(foo); };
Will this cause me memory leaks at some point? I'm not sure! This probably deserves a question. Ack! Deadlines!
For Windows forms I'll often use the Tag field to put a psuedo-command string so that I can have a single event handler for a shared set of buttons. This works especially well for buttons that do pretty much the same thing but are parameterized.
In your first example, I would set the Tag for the buttons equal to the name of the video file -- no lookup required.
For applications that have some form of text-based command processor for dispatching actions, the Tag is a string that is just fed into the command processor. Works nice.
(BTW: I've seen the term "idiom" used for mini-patterns...)
A new idiom that I'm beginning to see in C# is the use of closure parameters that encapsulate some configuration or setup that the method will need to function. This way, you can control the relative order that code must run from within your method.
This is called a nested closure by Martin Fowler: http://www.martinfowler.com/dslwip/NestedClosure.html
Perhaps there's already a better way of doing this (vbEx2005/.Net2.0), but I've found it useful to have a class of generic delegate-creators which accept a method that takes some parameters, along with the values of either all, or all but one, of those parameters, and yields a delegate which, when invoked, will call the specified function with the indicated parameters. Unlike ParamArray-based things like ParameterizedThreadStart, everything is type-safe.
For example, if I say:
Sub Foo(param1 As Integer, param2 As String)
End Sub
Dim theAct as Action(of Integer) = _
ActionOf(of Integer).NewInv(AddressOf Foo,"Hello there")
the result will be to call Foo(5, "Hello there") on object where Foo was declared. Unfortunately, I end up having to have separate generic classes and methods for every different number of parameters I want to support, but it's nicer to have all the cut-and-paste in one file than to have extra code scattered about everywhere to create the appropriate delegates.