Picture in picture video chat in WPF - c#

I'm adding a video chat component to an existing application that will have picture in picture functionality. My questions is, due to the "airspace" problem, how can picture in picture be accomplished?
I have two activeX controls, one for the remote video feed, and one for the local video feed. They are both wrapped in their own border and I would like to show the local video and its border in the corner of the larger remote video feed. The local video renders on top of the remote video just fine (although I'm kind of confused by this because I thought that you couldn't have anything on top of an activeX controller due to airspace) but the border that contains the local video gets rendered behind everything so that you cannot see it. I've tried setting the ZIndex of the border, however, this doesn't work.
I'm just wondering how I can accomplish a form of PiP that is similar to what's used in Skype or Microsoft Lync.
EDIT: Would it be possible to simply use a popup window for the PiP? You could create the illusion that it isn't a popup pretty easily. A popup could render on top of the activeX control right?

upgrade to .net 4.5. Supposedly they solved the "airspace" problem (airspace is solved link). But, given that you are posting here I'm guessing you can't use .net 4.5?


Embed Youtube video in winforms webbrowser

I am trying to embed YouTube video in C# winforms webbrowser using this code:
Unfortunately I get only black window instead of the video.
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I don't want to use AS3 player, because I want to use YouTube IFrame API.
You can find your answer here:
C# webbrowser Ajax call
According to this answer: "WebBrowser control (both WPF and WinForms versions) behaves in many ways differently from the full IE. You may want to implement Feature Control to bring its behavior as close to IE as possible (particularly, FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION)."
You can see the code sample that is given there. I was able to play a youtube video while before I saw a black screen and javascript errors.

Is it possible to use an embbeded control in Excel to preview video feed from webcam using DirectShow?

There are a quite a few of sources to get a video stream from webcam into a picturebox embedded in a userform.
Preview a camera in DirectShow and capture a still image - in VB.net
How do i use attached webcams to take still image in my application
However, I am trying to do something a little neater, basically have a the preview of the video stream from webcam in a control that is embedded directly into the sheet rather than on a floating userform. I am not sure if this possible. I would very much appreciate any pointers.
(Answer from TnTinMn's comment - Posting as an answer to remove from 'Unanswered' queue)
If you can write a .Net WinForm UserControl to view your video stream, then you should be able to produce a ActiveX UserControl that you can utilize in Excel.
Get the Microsoft InteropForms Toolkit 2.1 .
Even though it was originally intended to allow .Net UC usage in VB6, it works fine to write UCs for use in Excel.
As a test, I just wrote one that used the Windows Media Player and it played the video fine as a UserControl on the worksheet.
Start VS as an Admin as it needs to be able to register the control.
I would say build a Form with TopMost = True
Then you can display your webcam video in this Form
and put it anywhere you want.

Embed button control into existing Direct3D application

I would like to overlay own content above a Direct3D v9 game (made by a third party).
Overlay Interactive Button
Specifically, I would like to overlay a clickable button control, like Steam does, for instance, though I'm attempting a much simpler interface.
Ideally, I would be able to overlay a WPF button or a Windows Form button or whole UserControl, but if that is not possible then creating a functioning button from primitives would suffice as well.
Text Overlay Working with SharpDX
I have a working sample of overlaying text based on the work of Justin Stenning
Namely with the help of SharpDX.Direct3D9.Font DrawText method
How to Overlay a Button or UserControl with SharpDX
I looked through relevant samples in https://github.com/sharpdx/SharpDX-Samples but was not able to find a way to include or draw native controls with SharpDX
Is it possible?
If not, are there any samples of drawing a clickable button from scratch?
Please bear in mind I'm a novice in the DirectX world :)
Your biggest problem isn't going to be getting the controls to render on top of a DX scene; it's going to be getting them to respond to input afterwards. You can probably rig up a way to get the visuals copied to a DX surface, but I have no idea how you would capture input, translate it, and deliver it back to the WPF components. If it's even possible, it's almost certainly more trouble than it's worth.
There are a couple game-oriented Xaml solutions out there that you may want to check out. WPF for Games is a partial C++ implementation of WPF based on Direct3D, and there's also the proprietary Noesis GUI.

Windows Media Player video - how to disable user interaction?

I have to play a video in my C# program and I have to make it so that users can't interact with it, since the PC will be set in a public area.
I tried unchecking Enable Control and I also set uiMode to 'none', but CTRL+P (Pause) still works. This makes me think that other hotkeys do as well.
How can I set it so that you can't do anything with the video?
I'm using Winforms, because it seems to be easier. I'm not really a C# developer, I have 0 experience and it resembles VB back from school.
In case you are developing WPF application, there is MediaElement you can use. It doesn't have any control for user interaction. Developer has to built it manually using buttons, progress bar, etc in case he need to provide control for user interaction.
And the usage is very straightforward :
<MediaElement Source="path_to_video-file.mp4" />
For reference :
Sample Application in MSDN
PS: It turns out that you are developing winform apps instead of WPF. In case this option still interesting for you to try, you can use ElementHost to embed WPF control in winform.
This is one of many tutorials available on net about how to use ElementHost control : http://tech.pro/tutorial/799/wpf-tutorial-using-wpf-in-winforms.
Have you tried putting another transparent WINDOW in front of the media player (area only if needed). While not totally befinner level, that is not exactly super science either.
As WINDOWS can go in front, that should block any interaction with the media player while - due to transparency - still showing the video.
MAybe even a control works (panel with nothing on it), but given that media player is a native control it may be needed to hide it behind a transparent window.
WOuld help to know what UI technology you use.... Winforms or WPF.

Upside down browser in WPF application

I am writing a WPF application using Csharp. Its a touch application that has four browser windows displayed. Two upside down. The screen will be built into a table and lie flat. Four people will use the table - two on one side and two on the other. Thus the need for the upside down (or 180 degree rotation) browsers. I have tried using SilverLight and its Browser Brush. This works to display the browser content upside down BUT to interact with the browser you have to make the browser control active (instead of the Brush) and this turns the content back the right way up. I guess what I need is a Browser control that can be rotated in the normal way and work rotated. IE in Dot Net wont work.
Sascha Barber and Chris Cavanagh have blog posts about an alternative WebBrowser Control based on Chromium that behaves like a real WPF control. Check out http://sachabarber.net/?p=597 and http://chriscavanagh.wordpress.com/2009/08/25/a-real-wpf-webbrowser/
If it is WPF application you can use a simple RotateTransform to rotate controls any degree you want. So upside down should be no problem.

