I have a Use Case where I need to queue a select number of messages when the current queue length drops below a specified value. Since I'm running in Azure, I'm trying to use the RetrieveApproximateMessageCount() method to get the current message count. Everytime I call this I get an exception stating StorageClientException: The specified queue does not exist.. Here is a review of what I've done:
Created the queue in the portal and have successfully queued messages to it.
Created the storage account in the portal and it is in the Created/Online state
Coded the query as follows (using http and https options):
var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(
new StorageCredentialsAccountAndKey(_messagingConfiguration.StorageName.ToLower(),
_messagingConfiguration.StorageKey), false);
var queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
var queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference(queueName.ToLower());
int messageCount;
messageCount = queue.RetrieveApproximateMessageCount();
catch (Exception)
//Booom!!!!! in every case
// ApproximateMessageCount is always null
messageCount = queue.ApproximateMessageCount == null ? 0 : queue.ApproximateMessageCount.Value;
I've confirmed the name is cased correctly with not special characters, numbers, or spaces and the resulting queue Url appears as though its correct formed based on the API documentations (e.g. http://myaccount.queue.core.windows.net/myqueue)
Can anyone help shed some light on what I'm doing wrong.
I've confirmed that using the MessageFactory I can create a QueueClient and then enqueue/dequeue messages successfully. When I use the CloudStorageAccount the queue is never present so the counts and GetMessage routines never work. I am guessing these are not the same thing??? Assuming, I'm correct, what I need is to measure the length of the Service Bus Queue. Is that possible?
RetrieveApproximateMessageCount() has been deprecated
if you want to use ApproximateMessageCount to get result try this
CloudQueue q = queueClient.GetQueueReference(QUEUE_NAME);
qCnt = q.ApproximateMessageCount;
The CloudQueue method has been deprecated (along with the v11 SDK).
The following snippet is the current replacement (from the Azure Docs)
// Get the approximate number of messages in the queue
public void GetQueueLength(string queueName)
// Get the connection string from app settings
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"];
// Instantiate a QueueClient which will be used to manipulate the queue
QueueClient queueClient = new QueueClient(connectionString, queueName);
if (queueClient.Exists())
QueueProperties properties = queueClient.GetProperties();
// Retrieve the cached approximate message count.
int cachedMessagesCount = properties.ApproximateMessagesCount;
// Display number of messages.
Console.WriteLine($"Number of messages in queue: {cachedMessagesCount}");
I am using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus nuget package to work with Azure service bus. We have created a topic and a subscription. The subscription has 100+ messages. We want to read all the message and continue to read message as they arrive.
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package (deprecated now) provided RegisterMessageHandler which use to process every incoming message. I am not able to find similar option under Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus nuget package.
I am able to read one message at a time but I have to call await receiver.ReceiveMessageAsync(); every time manually.
To receive multiple messages (a batch), you should use ServiceBusReceiver.ReceiveMessagesAsync() (not plural, not singular 'message'). This method will return whatever number of messages it can send back. To ensure you retrieve all 100+ messages, you'll need to loop until no messages are available.
If you'd like to use a processor, that's also available in the new SDK. See my answer to a similar question here.
As suggested by #gaurav Mantri, I used ServiceBusProcessor class to implement event based model for processing messages
public async Task ReceiveAll()
string connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://sb-test-today.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=manage;SharedAccessKey=8e+6SWp3skB3Aedsadsadasdwz5DU=;";
string topicName = "topicone";
string subscriptionName = "subone";
await using var client = new ServiceBusClient(connectionString, new ServiceBusClientOptions
TransportType = ServiceBusTransportType.AmqpWebSockets
var options = new ServiceBusProcessorOptions
// By default or when AutoCompleteMessages is set to true, the processor will complete the message after executing the message handler
// Set AutoCompleteMessages to false to [settle messages](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-bus-messaging/message-transfers-locks-settlement#peeklock) on your own.
// In both cases, if the message handler throws an exception without settling the message, the processor will abandon the message.
AutoCompleteMessages = false,
// I can also allow for multi-threading
MaxConcurrentCalls = 1
await using ServiceBusProcessor processor = client.CreateProcessor(topicName, subscriptionName, options);
processor.ProcessMessageAsync += MessageHandler;
processor.ProcessErrorAsync += ErrorHandler;
await processor.StartProcessingAsync();
public async Task MessageHandler(ProcessMessageEventArgs args)
string body = args.Message.Body.ToString();
// we can evaluate application logic and use that to determine how to settle the message.
await args.CompleteMessageAsync(args.Message);
public Task ErrorHandler(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
// the error source tells me at what point in the processing an error occurred
// the fully qualified namespace is available
// as well as the entity path
return Task.CompletedTask;
I am working on a console application program that receives messages from an Azure IoT Device and is using a timer to receive the messages every two seconds. Upon receiving a message the device sends out a call to complete it. The issue that I am experiencing is that the message does not complete in Azure before the device receives it again, which results in the message getting reprocessed. I have tried to filter incoming messages when it is the same message coming in multiple times, but the messages are coming in with the same message id whether or not they are duplicate messages or new messages. I do not have access to control the incoming message's message id field and make it unique, but that would solve the problem. The sequence number is unique for every message that comes in whether it is duplicate or not so I cannot use that as a filter either. Is there a way to filter a message to see if it is a duplicate without the message id field?
//Within Program.cs > Main():
_timer = new Timer(Operations, null, 0, _timerInterval); //_timerInterval is set to 2000
//Within Initialize class used to setup device client:
//Fully qualified namespace for DeviceClient:
string connectionString = "code removed for example";
var deviceClient = DeviceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
//Within Operations class:
var message = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync();
if (message != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message?.MessageId))
//Filtering message based on MessageId
if (_memoryCache.Get(message.MessageId) == null)
_memoryCache.Set(message.MessageId, message.MessageId, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddMinutes(10));
await deviceClient.CompleteAsync(message);
//Processing message
await ProcessMessage(message);
await deviceClient.RejectAsync(message);
You can use Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message package to retrieve the Device client message values.
Use the IOT explicit unique id in message to check the duplicates while receiving.
Follow the below code to check the duplicate value
List<string> FinalResponse = new List<string>();
Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Message Response = await deviceClient.ReceiveAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
if (Response == null)
await Task.Delay(10).ConfigureAwait(false);
//here you can use the explicit properties like message id or correlation Id
await this.deviceClient.CompleteAsync(Response);
var content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Response.GetBytes());
Either you can use above one or use below conditions
Create a List and ADD all values to the list which get from Device
Add condition to ignore If any duplicates occur while insert into list.
Then send unduplicated values to Azure.
How do i get the dead letter queue length without receiving each message and counting how many message I received?
My Current Implementation
public int GetDeadLetterQueueCount()
MessagingFactory factory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString(CloudConnectionString);
QueueClient deadLetterClient = factory.CreateQueueClient(QueueClient.FormatDeadLetterPath(_QueueClient.Path), ReceiveMode.PeekLock);
BrokeredMessage receivedDeadLetterMessage;
List<string> lstDeadLetterQueue = new List<string>();
// Ref: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Brokered-Messaging-Dead-22536dd8/sourcecode?fileId=123792&pathId=497121593
// Log the dead-lettered messages that could not be processed:
while ((receivedDeadLetterMessage = deadLetterClient.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10))) != null)
lstDeadLetterQueue.Add(String.Format("DeadLettering Reason is \"{0}\" and Deadlettering error description is \"{1}\"",
var locktime = receivedDeadLetterMessage.LockedUntilUtc;
return lstDeadLetterQueue.Count;
Problem with implementation
Because I am receiving each message in peek and block mode, the messages have a lock duration set. During this time i cannot receive or even see the messages again until this time period has timed out.
There must be an easier way of just getting the count without having to poll the queue?
I do not want to consume the messages either, i would just like the count of the total amount.
You can use the NamespaceManager's GetQueue() method which has a MessageCountDetails property, which in turn has a DeadLetterMessageCount property. Something like:
var namespaceManager = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString("<CONN_STRING>");
var messageDetails = namespaceManager.GetQueue("<QUEUE_NAME>").MessageCountDetails;
var deadLetterCount = messageDetails.DeadLetterMessageCount;
I am trying to receive messages in batch from the ServiceBus using the ReceiveBatch method in the MessageReceiver:
IEnumerable<BrokeredMessage> messages;
var messagingfactory = MessagingFactory.CreateFromConnectionString("ConnectionString");
var msgrcvr = messagingfactory.CreateMessageReceiver("queueName", ReceiveMode.ReceiveAndDelete);
messages = msgrcvr.ReceiveBatch(20, timeoutInSecs);
I have checked that my queue contains 20 messages using the Service Bus Explorer.
This code returns only one message in the messages structure. Is there some property I am missing?
This is only a partial-answer or work-around; the following code reliably gets all elements, but doesn't use the "ReceiveBatch"; note, as far as I can discern, Peek(i) operates on a one-based index. Also: depending on which server one is running on, if you are charged by the message pull, this may (or may not) be more expensive, so use at your own risk:
List<BrokeredMessage> dlIE = new List<BrokeredMessage>();
BrokeredMessage potentialMessage = null;
int loopCount = 1;
while ((potentialMessage = deadletterSubscriptionClient.Peek(loopCount)) != null)
dlIE.Add(potentialMessage); loopCount++;
At this line of code i am getting the error as i mentioned
I declared MSMQ_NAME as string as follows
private const string MSMQ_NAME = ".\\private$\\ASPNETService";
private void DoSomeMSMQStuff()
using (MessageQueue queue = new MessageQueue(MSMQ_NAME))
queue.Send(DateTime.Now); //Exception raises
Can you first verify the queue is existing with the name 'ASPNETService' at below location?
Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> Message Queuing -> Private Queues
I had a similar problem. I was confused because my code worked on my local development machine, but not in production. Even stranger, the queues were created the exact same way.
It turns out that IIS doesn't have access to them by default. I just opened up the permissions.
Computer Management -> Private Queues -> right-click queue name -> Properties -> Security Tab -> click "Everyone" user -> click Full Control/Allow checkbox -> click OK
This fixed it for me, and in my case it's not an issue, but you may want to think about the ramifications of just opening it up for all users.
Also, I had to do this across all queues on all servers. There doesn't seem to be a way to multi-select queues or folders in order to set permissions for multiple queues simultaneously.
I was having the same problem.
I had created a new private queue and gave Full Permission to Everyone.
But I was still catching a "Queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation" when trying to Send() to the queue. And I was able to verify that MessageQueue.Exists(".\\private$\\myqueue") was returning true.
Restarting the Message Queuing Service resolved my the problem for me.
I had same problem and I did like below where I check whether queue exists or not. If yes send message else create queue and then send message
MessageQueue msgQueue = null;
string queuePath = ".\\Private$\\billpay";
Payment newPayment = new Payment()
Payee = txtPayee.Text,
Payor = txtPayor.Text,
Amount = Convert.ToInt32(txtAmount.Text),
DueDate = dpDueDate.SelectedDate.Value.ToShortDateString()
Message msg = new Message();
msg.Body = newPayment;
msg.Label = "Gopala - Learning Message Queue";
if (MessageQueue.Exists(queuePath) == false)
//Queue doesnot exist so create it
msgQueue = MessageQueue.Create(queuePath);
msgQueue = new MessageQueue(queuePath);
I was facing the same problem, I had resolved it using the following class to create queue
private MessageQueue messageQueue;
public const string DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME = "newQueue";
public const string QUEUENAME_PREFIX = ".\\Private$\\";
public static string QueueName
string result = string.Format("{0}{1}", QUEUENAME_PREFIX, DEFAULT_QUEUE_NAME);
return result;
public void SendMessage()
string queuePath = QueueName;
MessageQueue messageQueue = MessageQueue.Create(queuePath);
Create message queue in same manner for receiving the message.
For others struggling with this and pulling their hair out like I have been, I finally found something that works when all of the upvoted suggestions failed.
Even if you think the host name of your target queue's hosting system is being resolved correctly, don't believe it. Try replacing the host name with an IP address and see if it works. It does for me. I can WRITE to a public queue using a host name on my remote server without problems, but trying to READ from it produces exactly the error listed for this question.
For example, if I declare the following:
private static string QueueName = #"FormatName:DIRECT=TCP:SOMEHOST\MyQueue";
private static System.Messaging.MessageQueue Queue = new System.Messaging.MessageQueue(QueueName);
Where "MyQueue" is a public queue on server SOMEHOST, the following code will successfully insert messages to the queue, but always fails on the Receive():
Queue.Formatter = new XmlMessageFormatter(new Type[] { typeof(String) });
// The Receive() call here is a blocking call. We'll wait if there is no message in the queue, and processing
// is halted until there IS a message in the queue.
Queue.Send("hello world", System.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
var msg = Queue.Receive(MessageQueueTransactionType.Single);
catch (Exception ex)
// todo error handling
One simple change in how I specify the queue location is all that's needed to make the Receive() stop failing with the dreaded "queue does not exist or you do not have sufficient permissions" error:
private static string QueueName = #"FormatName:DIRECT=TCP:\MyQueue";
(Obviously I've obfuscated IP addresses and other sensitive info). Using the IP address is not obviously a production-worthy scenario, but it did point me to some type of name resolution problem as being the possible cause of the error. I cannot explain why Send() works but Receive() does not when I am using a host name instead of IP, but I can reproduce these results consistently. Until I can figure out what's going on with the name resolution, I'm no longer wasting a day trying to read messages from a queue.