How to recognize urls with similar patterns in C#? - c#

I need a way to recognize urls with similar pattern, e.g. a function which returns true when matched
I don't need to check validity of urls here, only find out if the pattern is the same.
I probably need a regular expression for it, but can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help? Thanks.

May be you can try levenshtein distance, which is used to find similarity between strings.

Use a lowest common subsequence algorithm and divide by the length of either of the strings. If it's above an arbitrary number, they're common enough.

Not a specific answer, but I feel that if you want this to work well in a generalised sense, you will need to be content-aware, i.e. you need to break each URL into subsections:
... And process each separately. The level of acceptable fuzziness will control how much you need to break up the URL, but each section would (I feel) need quite specific inspection. The protocol and domain could be straight string matches, but the paths could perhaps be split by '/' and then after basic length checks, the elements could be compared one by one, only comparing items of equal depth (using direct equality or a "change distance" like the Levenshtein distance mentioned earlier). The querystrings could be broken up into dictionaries via a simple split on "&" then by "=", which you could sort and compare however you want. This would also satisfy #MarcGravell's question about reordered querystring parameters.


Given a dictionary, what's the optimal way to find all possible words that contains a particular set of characters and a string

I'm writing a word game. I have access to the dictionary object to validate the words. I need to find all possible words that contains a word and a set of additional characters.
for example:
lets the say the word is "MEN" and the set of additional characters are "WALOHTD". I need a way to find words like....
4. etc....
basically we are looking at all possible words that contain "MEN" and any of the specific additional characters.
I can certainly write code that can loop through the entire dictionary to first words that contains the subword and then check for the specific characters existance but that is not optimal. It's taking more than a second. Any help towards optimal solution is greatly appreciated.
The problem is a mixture of that of regular language and that of searching a data structure.
Considering the first aspect alone, we'd be inclined to use a regular expression. You don't say if we can repeat the "additional characters". If we can, it's easy enough [WALOTHD]*MEN[WALOTHD]* for your case, and that's easily adapted.
If we can't repeat, then we can start with [WALOTHD]{0,7}MEN[WALOTHD]{0,7} and filter out any that break the rule ("ALLOTMENT" matches that expression, but repeats L and T).
Or we can try to build a much more complicated regular expression, though I'm not sure if the gains in the better expression would out-weigh the cost of working out what it was though.
Coming from the other side of searching a dictionary, a DAWG is very space-efficient and makes finding matches that contain substrings relatively efficient. It's not a complete match to this puzzle, as we have quite a few permutations of prefixes and suffixes to worry about. Without testing, I'd guess it'd being reasonably good if we can't repeat from the "additional", and horrible if we can. But that is just a guess. A GADDAG might well be worth looking at, it'd be bigger than a DAWG, but likely faster for this sort of search (GADDAGs are used in scrabble-solving, which is pretty much the same problem that you have here).

Regex to match subdomain?

I have the following so far:
Been testing against these:
I'm using the following tool to test the regexes: regex tester
So far I've been able to yield the following groups:
full protocol
reduced protocol
full domain name
top level domain
port number
rest of the url
rest of the "directory"
no idea how to drop this group
page name
argument string
argument string
hash tag
hash tag
I will be using this regex to change the subdomain for my application for cross-domain redirect hyperlinks.
Using Request.Url as a parameter, I want to redirect from or to
How can I achieve this?
I can't really tell what, if any, the current subdomain ( either nothing, www, blog, or forum, for instance) actually is...
What would be the best way to make this replacement?
What I actually need is some way to find out what the top level domain is. in either,, or I want to get
What would be the best way to make this replacement?
This may not be the answer you're looking for... but IMO the best way would be to make use of the System.Uri class.
The Uri class will easily extract the Host for you - and you can then split the host on "." delimiter - that should easily give you access to the current subdomain.
This is just my opinion - and its especially formed because I find it hard to maintain regex code like ^((http[s]?|ftp):\/\/)(([^.:\/\s]*)[\.]([^:\/\s]+))(:([^\/]*))?(((\/\w+)*\/)([\w\-\.]+[^#?\s]+)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?)?$
You can use the Uri class to parse the strings. There are many properties available in addition to Segments:
Uri MyUri = new Uri("");
foreach (String Segment in MyUri.Segments)
Response.Write(Segment + "<br />");
I think you should reconsider whether usage of a RegEx is really needed in this case;
I think extracting the top level domain from an URL is quite simple; in case of "" you can simply take the part before the 3rd slash and perform a String.Split('.') and concat the last two array items. In case of "", even easier.
Regex-patterns are very error-prone and quite hard to maintain and according to me you won't get any advantage of it. I recommend you to get rid off the Regex. Perhaps the result will be 2 - 3 more lines of code, but it will work, your code will be much better readable and easier to understand.

Ideas for creating a "Did you mean XYZ" feature into website

I'd like to give users the ability to search through a large list of businesses, but still find near matches.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how best to go about this when you're not targeting simple dictionary words, but instead complex names like ABC Business Name?
Check out the wikipedia article on Levenshtein distance. It's a fairly simple concept to wrap your head around and pretty easy to implement an algorithm in whichever language you are using, in your case, C#.
I found an example in C# for you here.
Also, here is an example of a spelling corrector from Peter Norvig of Google. It was said on the SO podcast a few episodes ago that Jon Skeet attempted a rewrite of this same algorithm in C#. Not sure if he completed it and/or made it publicly available though.
Consider using Keyword match and edit distance based similarity. Might combine with 'original searched' to 'actually clicked'.
This is probably a crazy solution but could you split the business name by space and then search either all the items or maybe the first couple.
So you might search on 'ABC' and 'Business' but leave out 'Name' as this might take too long.
You might even check to see if the string is of a certain length, then trim and just search on the first say 5 letters.
Have you had a look at "soundex" as a way of searching through your businesses. Again, I think you'd need to split the name by space.
You might check out the SQL Server SOUNDEX and DIFFERENCE functions. SOUNDEX converts a sequence of characters (such as a word) into a 4-character code which will be the same for similar-sounding words. DIFFERENCE gives a number which represents how "different" two strings are based on sound.
You could, for example, create a computed column based on the SOUNDEX function and match on that column later. Or you could use DIFFERENCE in a WHERE clause.

Regular expression to extract domain name from any domain

I'm trying to extract the domain name from a string in C#. You don't necessarily have to use a RegEx but we should be able to extract from all of the following:
Also, any TLD is acceptable, so replace all the above with .net, .org, 'co'uk, etc.
If no scheme present (no colon in string), prepend "http://" to make it a valid URL.
Pass string to Uri constructor.
Access the Uri's Host property.
Now you have the hostname. What exactly you consider the ‘domain name’ of a given hostname is a debatable point. I'm guessing you don't simply mean everything after the first dot.
It's not possible to distinguish hostnames like ‘’ from domains-in-an-SLD like ‘’ from just the strings. Indeed, there is even a bit of grey area about what is and isn't a public SLD, given the efforts of some registrars to carve out their own niches.
A common approach is to maintain a big list of SLDs and other suffixes used by unrelated entities. This is what web browsers do to stop unwanted public cookie sharing. Once you've found a public suffix, you could add the one nearest prefix in the host name split by dots to get the highest-level entity responsible for the given hostname, if that's what you want. Suffix lists are hell to maintain, but you can piggy-back on someone else's efforts.
Alternatively, if your app has the time and network connection to do it, it could start sniffing for information on the hostname. eg. it could do a whois query for the hostname, and keep looking at each parent until it got a result and that would be the domain name of the lowest-level entity responsible for the given hostname.
Or, if all that's too much work, you could try just chopping off any leading ‘www.’ present!
I would recommend trying this yourself. Using regulator and a regex cheat sheet.
Also find some good info on Regular Expressions at coding horror.
Have a look at this other answer. It was for PHP but you'll easily get the regex out of the 4-5 lines of PHP and you can benefit from the discussion that followed (see Alnitak's answer).
A regex doesn't really fit your requirement of "any TLD", since the format and number of TLDs is quite large and continually in flux. If you limited your scope to:
You would catch .anything and .co.anything, which I imagine covers most realistic cases...

Efficient string matching algorithm

I'm trying to build an efficient string matching algorithm. This will execute in a high-volume environment, so performance is critical.
Here are my requirements:
Given a domain name, i.e., determine if it "matches" one in a list of entries.
Entries may be absolute matches, i.e.
Entries may include wildcards, i.e. *
Wildcard entries match from the most-defined level and up. For example, * would match,, and
Wildcard entries are not embedded, i.e. sub.* will not be an entry.
Language/environment: C# (.Net Framework 3.5)
I've considered splitting the entries (and domain lookup) into arrays, reversing the order, then iterating through the arrays. While accurate, it feels slow.
I've considered Regex, but am concerned about accurately representing the list of entries as regular expressions.
My question: what's an efficient way of finding if a string, in the form of a domain name, matches any one in a list of strings, given the description listed above?
If you're looking to roll your own, I would store the entries in a tree structure. See my answer to another SO question about spell checkers to see what I mean.
Rather than tokenize the structure by "." characters, I would just treat each entry as a full string. Any tokenized implementation would still have to do string matching on the full set of characters anyway, so you may as well do it all in one shot.
The only differences between this and a regular spell-checking tree are:
The matching needs to be done in reverse
You have to take into account the wildcards
To address point #2, you would simply check for the "*" character at the end of a test.
A quick example:
m -> o -> c -> . -> k -> r -> a -> f -> . -> *
-> n -> n -> c -> . -> w -> w -> w
Checking would involve tracing through the tree up to the first "*". Because the traversal ended on a "*", there is a match.
Checking would fail on the second "n" of n,n,c,...
Checking would also fail, since the traversal ends on a character other than "*".
I would use Regex, just make sure to have it the expression compiled once (instead of it being calculated again and again).
you don't need regexp .. just reverse all the strings,
get rid of '*', and put a flag to indicate partial match
till this point passes.
Somehow, a trie or suffix trie looks most appropriate.
If the list of domains is known at compile time, you may look at
tokenizing at '.' and using multiple gperf generated machines.
google for trie
I would use a tree structure to store the rules, where each tree node is/contains a Dictionary.
Construct the tree such that "com", "net", etc are the top level entries, "example" is in the next level, and so on. You'll want a special flag to note that the node is a wildcard.
To perform the lookup, split the string by period, and iterate backwards, navigating the tree based on the input.
This seems similar to what you say you considered, but assuming the rules don't change each run, using a cached Dictionary-based tree would be faster than a list of arrays.
Additionally, I would have to bet that this approach would be faster than RegEx.
You seem to have a well-defined set of rules regarding what you consider to be valid input - you might consider using a hand-written LL parser for this. Such parsers are relatively easy to write and optimize. Usually you'd have the parser output a tree structure describing the input - I would use this tree as input to a matching routine that performs the work of matching the tree against the list of entries, using the rules you described above.
Here's an article on recursive descent parsers.
Assuming the rules are as you said: literal or start with a *.
public static boolean matches(String candidate, List<String> rules) {
for(String rule : rules) {
if (rule.startsWith("*")) {
rule = rule.substring(2);
if (candidate.endsWith(rule)) {
return true;
return false;
This scales to the number of rules you have.
Just to be clear here.
When I say "sort the rules", I really mean create a tree out of the rule characters.
Then you use the match string to try and walk the tree (i.e. if I have a string of xyz, I start with the x character, and see if it has a y branch, and then a z child).
For the "wildcards" I'd use the same concept, but populate it "backwards", and walk it with the back of the match candidate.
If you have a LOT (LOT LOT) of rules I would sort the rules.
For non wildcard matches, you iterate for each character to narrow the possible rules (i.e. if it starts with "w", then you work with the "w" rules, etc.)
If it IS a wildcard match, you do the exact same thing, but you work against a list of "backwards rules", and simply match form the end of the string against the end of the rule.
I'd try a combination of tries with longest-prefix matching (which is used in routing for IP networking). Directed Acyclic Word Graphs may be more appropriate than tries if space is a concern.
I'm going to suggest an alternative to the tree structure approach. Create a compressed index of your domain list using a Burrows-Wheeler transform. See for a full explanation of the technique.
Have a look at RegExLib
Not sure what your ideas were for splitting and iterating, but it seems like it wouldn't be slow:
Split the domains up and reverse, like you said. Storage could essentially be a tree. Use a hashtable to store the TLDs. The key would be, for example, "com", and the values would be a hashtable of subdomains under that TLD, iterated ad nauseum.
Given your requirements, I think you're on-track in thinking about working from the end of the string (TLD) towards the hostname. You could use regular expressions, but since you're not really using any of the power of a regexp, I don't see why you'd want to incur their cost. If you reverse the strings, it becomes more apparent that you're really just looking for prefix-matching ('*' becomes: "is 'moc.elpmaxe' the beginning of my input string?), which certainly doesn't require something as heavy-handed as regexps.
What structure you use to store your list of entries depends a lot on how big the list is and how often it changes... for a huge stable list, a tree/trie may be the most performant; an often-changing list needs a structure that is easy to initialize/update, and so on. Without more information, I'd be reluctant to suggest any one structure.
I guess I am tempted to answer your question with another one: what are you doing that you believe your bottleneck is some string matching above and beyond simmple string-compare? surely something else is listed higher up on your performance profiling?
I would use the obvious string compare tests first that'll be right 90% of the time and if they fail then fallback to a regex
If it was just matching strings, then you should look at trie datastructures and algorithms. An earlier answer suggests that, if all your wildcards are a single wildcard at the beginning, there are some specific algorithms you can use. However, a requirement to handle general wildcards means that, for fast execution, you're going to need to generate a state machine.
That's what a regex library does for you: "precompiling" the regex == generating the state machine; this allows the actual match at runtime to be fast. You're unlikely to get significantly better performance than that without extraordinary optimization efforts.
If you want to roll your own, I can say that writing your own state machine generator specifically for multiple wildcards should be educational. In that case, you'll need to read up on the kind of algorithms they use in regex libraries...
Investigate the KMP (Knuth-Morris-Pratt) or BM (Boyer-Moore) algorithms. These allow you to search the string more quickly than linear time, at the cost of a little pre-processing. Dropping the leading asterisk is of course crucial, as others have noted.
One source of information for these is:

