I'm trying to port the following Java code to a C# equivalent:
public static String encrypt(String value, String key) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
X509EncodedKeySpec x509 = new X509EncodedKeySpec(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(key));
KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PublicKey publicKey = factory.generatePublic(x509);
Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA");
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey);
bytes = cipher.doFinal(bytes);
return DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bytes);
So far I managed to write the following in C#, using the BouncyCastle library for .NET:
public static string Encrypt(string value, string key)
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value);
var publicKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(key);
var asymmetricKeyParameter = PublicKeyFactory.CreateKey(publicKeyBytes);
var rsaKeyParameters = (RsaKeyParameters) asymmetricKeyParameter;
var cipher = CipherUtilities.GetCipher("RSA");
cipher.Init(true, rsaKeyParameters);
var processBlock = cipher.DoFinal(bytes);
return Convert.ToBase64String(processBlock);
The two methods, though, produce different results even if called with the same parameters.
For testing purposes, I'm using the following public RSA key:
Could you please help me to port the Java code successfully or suggest an alternative to get the same result in C#?
EDIT1: output in Java is different each time I run the program. I don't think that any padding was specified, so I don't understand what makes the output random.
EDIT2: Java uses PKCS1 by default, so it was enough to specify it in the C# cipher initialization to get the same encryption type (although not the same result, which was irrelevant at this point).
As an educated guess, I would say that Java adds random padding to create a stronger encryption.
Most practical implementations of RSA do this, and as the wiki puts it...
Because RSA encryption is a deterministic encryption algorithm – i.e., has no random component – an attacker can successfully launch a chosen plaintext attack against the cryptosystem, by encrypting likely plaintexts under the public key and test if they are equal to the ciphertext. A cryptosystem is called semantically secure if an attacker cannot distinguish two encryptions from each other even if the attacker knows (or has chosen) the corresponding plaintexts. As described above, RSA without padding is not semantically secure.
This is likely why your two methods don't output the same.
I am getting an error decrypting a message in go that was encrypted in C# (using corresponding public/private keys)
My client is written in C# and my server is written in Go. I generated a private and public key via go's crypto/rsa package (using rsa.GenerateKey(random Reader, bits int)). I then store the public key file generated where the client can access it and the private key where the server can access it. I encrypt on the client with the following code (using bouncy castle):
public static string Encrypt(string plainText)
byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
PemReader pr = new PemReader(
new StringReader(m_publicKey)
RsaKeyParameters keys = (RsaKeyParameters)pr.ReadObject();
// PKCS1 OAEP paddings
OaepEncoding eng = new OaepEncoding(new RsaEngine());
eng.Init(true, keys);
int length = plainTextBytes.Length;
int blockSize = eng.GetInputBlockSize();
List<byte> cipherTextBytes = new List<byte>();
for (int chunkPosition = 0; chunkPosition < length; chunkPosition += blockSize)
int chunkSize = Math.Min(blockSize, length - chunkPosition);
plainTextBytes, chunkPosition, chunkSize
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherTextBytes.ToArray());
The go server parses this string from the header and uses the private key to decrypt:
func DecryptWithPrivateKey(ciphertext []byte, priv *rsa.PrivateKey) []byte {
hash := sha512.New()
plaintext, err := rsa.DecryptOAEP(hash, rand.Reader, priv, ciphertext, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, err.Error())
return plaintext
The decryption function throws crypto/rsa: decryption error. If I try pasting the cipher text directly into go (rather then sending from the client), the same error occurs.
NOTE: in order to get the public key to load, I needed to change the header from:
and the same for the footer. I am assuming this is a formatting issue but not sure how to go about solving.
EDIT: it seems that golang OAEP uses sha256 and bouncy castle uses SHA-1. Go's documentation specifies that the hash for encryption and decryption must be the same. This seems likely to be the issue? If it is, how can I change the hashing algorithm used by either go or C#?
Yes, you need to match the hash. In GoLang you've already set it to SHA-512 if I take a look at your code. Using SHA-256 at minimum should probably be preferred, but using SHA-1 is relatively safe as the MGF1 function doesn't rely on the collision resistance of the underlying hash. It's also the default for most runtimes, I don't know why GoLang decided against that.
Probably the best is to set SHA-512 for both runtimes, so here is the necessary constant for .NET.
Note that the underlying story is even more complex as OAEP uses a hash over a label as well as a hash within MGF1 (mask generation function 1, the only one specified). Both need to be specified in advance and generally the same hash function is used, but sometimes it is not.
The label is generally empty and most runtimes don't even allow setting it, so the hash value over the label is basically a hash-function specific constant that doesn't matter for security. The constant just manages to make things incompatible; "More flexible" isn't always a good thing.
Currently I perform this operation through openssl, and I have had no problem with the generated file
openssl dgst -sha256 -sign privateKey.key -out file.txt.signature file.txt
Now, we want to automate the generation of the file using C #, but I have not been able to get the same result.
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(CreateToken("key...", "text"));
public static string CreateToken(string key, string message)
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] keyByte = encoding.GetBytes(key);
HMACSHA256 hmacsha256 = new HMACSHA256(keyByte);
byte[] messageBytes = encoding.GetBytes(message);
byte[] hashmessage = hmacsha256.ComputeHash(messageBytes);
return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(hashmessage);
I'm new to working with this, what would be the right way?
Am I not retrieving the information properly ?, Should I get the content directly from the file?
Thank you very much.
Signature generation is not the same thing as HMAC message authentication and it uses a different key. As HMAC can use a key of any size, it will probably take the private key, but that's not how it is supposed to work. RSA is an asymmetric algorithm that uses private and public keys, MAC uses symmetric, secret keys. The dgst -sign instead uses RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 padding to sign the file.
From the OpenSSL Wiki on dgst:
When signing a file, dgst will automatically determine the algorithm (RSA, ECC, etc) to use for signing based on the private key's ASN.1 info. When verifying signatures, it only handles the RSA, DSA, or ECDSA signature itself, not the related data to identify the signer and algorithm used in formats such as x.509, CMS, and S/MIME.
HMAC is not the same thing as SHA-256 either. RSA signature generation uses a hash, not a HMAC. You should use the SHA256 class to create a hash. HMAC is a message authentication code build using the SHA-256 hash. However, the SHA class is not needed as signature generation usually includes the hash generation (you sign a message, not a hash value).
So to create a signature, take a look at the RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter class, it includes an example at the bottom. Try again using this example.
Make sure your message only contains ASCII (both in the text file as in your string) or your result may fail as well.
I want to verify a private key signed SHA256 hash using the CryptographicEngine in a UWP application. The hash is created externally and is signed with a private RSA key with passphrase. For this example however, I also generate the unsigned hash. Both hashes are then compared at the end to verify that they are the same.
I have created my private and public keys using OSX command line, specified in this blog.
This gave me two .pem files. My public key has the following structure:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Here is my C# code to decrypt the hash:
var inputText = "stringtohash";
// put the string in a buffer, UTF-8 encoded...
IBuffer input = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(inputText,
// hash it...
var hasher = HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm("SHA256");
IBuffer hashed = hasher.HashData(input);
// format it...
string ourhash = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToBase64String(hashed);
IBuffer data = CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromBase64String("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");
IBuffer publickey = CryptographicBuffer.DecodeFromBase64String("MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3fasaNKpXDf4B4ObQ76XqOaSRaedFCAHvsW4G0PzxL / RuAQFz80esZPyyDCps1PAbTKzQ + QblChPo7PJkbsU4HzNN4PIRGh5xum6SRmdvOowrlTUtyxdOkRJoFxmiR / VCea + PUspt26F7PLcK9ao5 + hVzMvPuqdYenqzd01f1t5hQEhFQ9qjB6Es8fpizHd / RSRfZ7n6rVKm9wYfCRLB7GJ7IHhWGuZrx9fjzsbW8eagu06qRhnUuR5oDVjXC8ZeazsRiw50xMuOzkhX9Oo081IYikwCgseJmQhT7vF4lZoyeB4qJpwTCA + glSy1w9N8ZfxyXK8QaT2RsrBrzl0ZCwIDAQAB");
// Open an asymmetric algorithm provider for the specified algorithm.
AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider rsa = AsymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(AsymmetricAlgorithmNames.RsaPkcs1);
// Import Key
CryptographicKey key = rsa.ImportPublicKey(publickey, CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType.X509SubjectPublicKeyInfo);
// Decrypt the Hash using our Key
IBuffer result = CryptographicEngine.Decrypt(key, data, null);
//Compare the two hashes
if (data == result) {
//Hash is verified!
Unfortunately when reaching the Decrypt method I get a NotImplementedException with error
The method or operation is not implemented
I researched online and I understand what needs to happen in theory but I don't know how to debug this further. What can I try?
Although both called PKCS#1 v1.5 padding, the padding for signature generation and encryption is not identical, see RFC 3447 for more details.
If you look at the RsaPkcs1 property you can see it is aimed at encryption:
Use the string retrieved by this property to set the asymmetric algorithm name when you call the OpenAlgorithm method. The string represents an RSA public key algorithm that uses PKCS1 to pad the plaintext. No hash algorithm is used.
As I don't see any option for "raw RSA", i.e. RSA without padding, it seems you are only able to verify your signature. However, RSA decryption expects an RSA private key. It's very likely that you get the error because of this: if you try and decrypt with a public key it will fail.
If you want to precompute the hash you can use VerifySignatureWithHashInput.
For other functionality you may have to use e.g. the C# lightweight API of Bouncy Castle. In the end you don't need platform provided cryptography to verify a signature.
I have RSA modulus and exponent, i want to generate a public key with this components. Then i want to encrypt a data with this public key.
So i wrote this function:
public static byte[] EncryptRSA(byte[] rsaModulus, byte[] exponent, byte[] data)
byte[] response = null;
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
RSAParameters rsaPar = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
rsaPar.Modulus = rsaModulus;
rsaPar.Exponent = exponent;
response = rsa.Encrypt(data, false);
return response;
but rsa.ExportParameters method takes long time.
public RSACryptoServiceProvider ()
: this (1024)
// Here it's not clear if we need to generate a keypair
// (note: MS implementation generates a keypair in this case).
// However we:
// (a) often use this constructor to import an existing keypair.
// (b) take a LOT of time to generate the RSA keypair
// So we'll generate the keypair only when (and if) it's being
// used (or exported). This should save us a lot of time (at
// least in the unit tests).
As you can see ExportParameters() method is performing RSA key-pair generation which is time consuming operation.
After that i get exception "Private/public key mismatch" at importing RSA parameters.
Simply replace the export with creating a new object:
RSAParameters rsaPar = rsa.ExportParameters(false);
RSAParameters rsaPar = new RSAParameters();
That should still be slow in .net but should be fast in mono since it creates keys lazily.
I also strongly recommend using OAEP padding instead PKCS#1v1.5 padding. The latter has weaknesses that can be exploited in practice unless you carefully work around them. So use rsa.Encrypt(data, true) not rsa.Encrypt(data, false).
I don't see any clear way of removing the time-out related to generating the key pair. You are probably better off using FromXMLString as I don't see any method to generate the RSAParameters object an other way.
As for the mismatch, that is to be expected - the private key is still in there. Microsoft uses a second RSACryptoServiceProvider (check the sample code) to get around this issue.
I have an Encyption Part in my C# program that is encrypted with DES encryption. It just encrypts "005". I want this part but with RSA encryption.I don't know how to use C# codes.Can anyone help me
/*********************Message Encryption******************************/
string smsg = "005";
string venc;
DESCryptoServiceProvider iDESCryptoServiceProvider = new DESCryptoServiceProvider();
System.Text.Encoding iEncoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
byte[] vkey = iEncoding.GetBytes("12345678");
byte[] viv = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
ICryptoTransform iICryptoTransform = iDESCryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(vkey, viv);
byte[] vmsg = iEncoding.GetBytes(smsg);
byte[] benc = iICryptoTransform.TransformFinalBlock(vmsg, 0, vmsg.Length);
venc = System.Convert.ToBase64String(benc);
/****************Message Encryption******************************/
This is more of a cryptography task.
Anyway, what you need to do is to swap DESCryptoServiceProvider for RSACryptoServiceProvider. Additionally, as RSA is a PKI cipher while DES is a symmetric block cipher, you will need to create appropriate parameters and so on. So the actual encryption will be also done using different keys, if that was one of your goals to achieve.
Finally, all the necessary code can be found at
Ok, so from what I gather from your responses, You don't actually want to use RSA. Just any other cipher, right?
In that case, what you can choose from, assuming you want to keep .NET' System.Security.Crytography library as your source, you can choose from 4 symmetric encryption (read the same type of) algorithms. These are:
They have all very similar interface, so just choose one of them (my advice is to pick AES) and rework your code. They have identical interfaces (if I didn't miss something from the quick look), so all you would really need to do is to replace all occurrences of DES with AES. As simple as that.
Hope this helps.