I need scheduling functionality on my .NET MVC website and I came across Quartz.net library which can do exactly what I need.
The problem is I'm running my site on a hosting (GoDaddy) and when I added Quartz.net 2.0.1 to my project I've got "that assembly does not allow partially trusted callers" exception. After some research I found out that many people have the same problem and some solved it by removing Common.Logging library from Quartz.net.
I followed some of the advice and removed all references to Common.Logging but I still have problems. It looks like it's not enough and now I'm getting Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member exception, more details:
Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member:
Security accessibility of the overriding method must match the
security accessibility of the method being overriden.
It looks like I really need to change something in Quartz.net to make it work.
Has anyone run Quartz.net on medium trust? If so what needs to be done? May be someone can suggest some alternatives?
Steinar's answer sent me in the right direction. Sharing the steps here that got QuartZNet to work in a medium trust hosting environment.
QuartzNet initially ran into permissions issues on medium trust, we needed to the do the following to fix the issue
(1) Downloaded QuartzNet code ( ) from github and build it after making the following changes to AssemblyInfo.cs
#if !NET_40
[assembly: System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]
#if NET_40
[assembly: SecurityRules(SecurityRuleSet.Level1)]
(2) Downloaded C5 code (v 2.1) and built it with
[assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute()
Ensure C5 is compiled in the same .NET version as Qartznet.
(3) Added the quartz section to web.config within TGH, section had requirepermission set to false. Common logging section also had requirepermission set to false, also configured it to use Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter.
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=237468 -->
<sectionGroup name="common">
<section name="logging" type="Common.Logging.ConfigurationSectionHandler, Common.Logging" requirePermission="false" />
<section name="quartz" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.5000.0,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
<factoryAdapter type="Common.Logging.Simple.NoOpLoggerFactoryAdapter, Common.Logging">
<arg key="showLogName" value="true" />
<arg key="showDataTime" value="true" />
<arg key="level" value="OFF" />
<arg key="dateTimeFormat" value="HH:mm:ss:fff" />
<add key="quartz.scheduler.instanceName" value="QuartzScheduler" />
<add key="quartz.threadPool.type" value="Quartz.Simpl.SimpleThreadPool, Quartz" />
<add key="quartz.threadPool.threadCount" value="10" />
<add key="quartz.threadPool.threadPriority" value="2" />
<add key="quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold" value="60000" />
<add key="quartz.jobStore.type" value="Quartz.Simpl.RAMJobStore, Quartz" />
(4) Initialised the scheduler using constructor with namecollection as the parameter, namecollection was the quartz section picked up from web.config.
In global.asax
The class
public class QuartzScheduler
public static void Start()
ISchedulerFactory schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory((NameValueCollection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("quartz"));
IScheduler scheduler = schedulerFactory.GetScheduler();
IJobDetail inviteRequestProcessor = new JobDetailImpl("ProcessInviteRequest", null, typeof(InviteRequestJob));
IDailyTimeIntervalTrigger trigger = new DailyTimeIntervalTriggerImpl("Invite Request Trigger", Quartz.TimeOfDay.HourMinuteAndSecondOfDay(0, 0, 0), Quartz.TimeOfDay.HourMinuteAndSecondOfDay(23, 23, 59), Quartz.IntervalUnit.Second, 1);
scheduler.ScheduleJob(inviteRequestProcessor, trigger);
public class InviteRequestJob : IJob
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context)
I recommend building Common.Logging yourself rather than removing it from the project. You can get the latest source from http://netcommon.sourceforge.net/downloads.html.
I guess the second problem had to do with that the C5.dll wasn't trusted either. I would also just build that myself. The source can be found here: http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/.
Although there are other options than building the dlls (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3072359/unblocking-a-dll-on-a-company-machine-how) I personally prefer to build the dlls myself unless I absolutely trust the downloaded product.
I have a very frustrating NServiceBus problem that I cannot seem to figure out. I am hoping that you guys can shed some light on the situation.
I am currently using NServiceBus.Core v5.0 and NServiceBus.Host v6.0 and running it in Unobtrusive Mode.
It seems that no matter what configuration I use, I always get some kind of error. I will start with the configuration that produces the least problems:
Case 1 - Using custom assembly scanning:
public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
var endpointName = typeof(EndpointConfig).Namespace;
configuration.UsePersistence<NHibernatePersistence, StorageType.Outbox>();
configuration.AssembliesToScan(new List<Assembly>
.DefiningCommandsAs(type => typeof(ICustomCommand).IsAssignableFrom(type));
var container = ContainerInitializer.Container;
configuration.UseContainer<AutofacBuilder>(c => c.ExistingLifetimeScope(container));
The issues I have noticed here are the following:
When starting the NServiceBus host application and the persistence SQL database does not yet exist, no exception is thrown saying that the database cannot be found (it does in case 2).
I keep getting the following exception:
NServiceBus.Timeout.Hosting.Windows.TimeoutPersisterReceiver Failed to fetch timeouts from the timeout storage
Which ultimately results in the application crashing because when this error occurs too many times, ServiceBus decides that enough is enough and just throws a fatal exception.
Besides the issues above, the application runs perfectly receiving and processing messages... until the fatal exception occurs
Now, this one is a bit more difficult:
Case 2 - Using default assembly scanning:
public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
var endpointName = typeof(EndpointConfig).Namespace;
configuration.UsePersistence<NHibernatePersistence, StorageType.Outbox>();
// !! DISABLED !!
// configuration.AssembliesToScan(new List<Assembly>
// {
// GetType().Assembly,
// typeof(ICustomCommand).Assembly
// });
.DefiningCommandsAs(type => typeof(ICustomCommand).IsAssignableFrom(type));
var container = ContainerInitializer.Container;
configuration.UseContainer<AutofacBuilder>(c => c.ExistingLifetimeScope(container));
In this case the following issues occur:
When the persistence SQL database does not yet exist:
When starting the NServiceBus host application and the SQL database does not exist, an exception is throw - Expected behavior (This is positive)
After creating the persistence SQL database:
ServiceControl.Plugin.Nsb5.Heartbeat.Heartbeats|Unable to send heartbeat to ServiceControl:
NServiceBus.Unicast.Queuing.QueueNotFoundException: Failed to send message to address: [Particular.ServiceControl#MYPCNAME]
Exception thrown: 'System.Messaging.MessageQueueException' in System.Messaging.dll
Additional information: External component has thrown an exception.
2017-09-15 16:25:45.6743|Warn|NServiceBus.Unicast.Messages.MessageMetadataRegistry|Message header 'SharedTemp.Interfaces.ICustomCommand'
was mapped to type 'SharedTemp.Interfaces.ICustomCommand' but that type was not found in the message registry [...]
Exception thrown: 'System.Exception' in NServiceBus.Core.dll
Additional information: Could not find metadata for 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject'.
Now, exceptions 3 and 4 are particularly (no pun intended) odd since the NServiceBus documentation states:
By default all assemblies in the endpoint bin directory are scanned to find types implementing its interfaces so that it can configure them automatically.
And the "Newtonsoft.Json" and my "SharedTemp dll's" are indeed in the BIN folder, but NServiceBus does not seem to find them. As for point 1: NServiceBus does not create that queue for me, but it creates all the other queues that I need.
Finally the always requested app.config file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="MasterNodeConfig" type="NServiceBus.Config.MasterNodeConfig, NServiceBus.Core"/>
<section name="MessageForwardingInCaseOfFaultConfig" type="NServiceBus.Config.MessageForwardingInCaseOfFaultConfig, NServiceBus.Core"/>
<section name="UnicastBusConfig" type="NServiceBus.Config.UnicastBusConfig, NServiceBus.Core"/>
<section name="AuditConfig" type="NServiceBus.Config.AuditConfig, NServiceBus.Core"/>
<add key="NServiceBus/Persistence/NHibernate/dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2012Dialect"/>
<add key="NServiceBus/Outbox" value="true"/>
<MessageForwardingInCaseOfFaultConfig ErrorQueue="error"/>
<MessageEndpointMappings />
<AuditConfig QueueName="audit"/>
<add name="NServiceBus/Persistence" connectionString="Server=(LocalDB)\v11.0;Initial Catalog=NServiceBus;Integrated Security=true"/>
<membership defaultProvider="ClientAuthenticationMembershipProvider">
<add name="ClientAuthenticationMembershipProvider" type="System.Web.ClientServices.Providers.ClientFormsAuthenticationMembershipProvider, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" serviceUri=""/>
<roleManager defaultProvider="ClientRoleProvider" enabled="true">
<add name="ClientRoleProvider" type="System.Web.ClientServices.Providers.ClientRoleProvider, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" serviceUri="" cacheTimeout="86400"/>
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2"/>
<MasterNodeConfig Node="localhost"/>
Does anyone have an idea about any of this?
After a lot of searching I finally found the problem!
First of all I was using a in-house NuGet package that was supposed to help me with configuring NServiceBus. The package worked fine for other projects, but for mine not so well, since I was using JsonSerialization instead of the default XML serialization.
The first problem with the package is that it used the "INeedInitialization" interface to configure NServiceBus. In my code I would then call "IConfigureThisEndpoint" to enable the JsonSerialization. The issue here was, that when starting the NServiceBus host, it would fail to find the NewtonSoft.Json library. If I then added custom assembly scanning to my own configuration code, it would not trigger "INeedInitialization", causing an incomplete/incorrect configuration.
I assume it could not load the NewtonSoft.Json library because scanning was triggered in the code/namespace of the package? Maybe #Sean Farmer can answer this?
The second problem with the package is that it would add connection strings to the app.config, one for "NServiceBus/Persistence" and one for "NServiceBus/Persistence/NHibernate/Saga". I am not using Saga, so the connection string for that was not needed. Initially this was not a problem since I caught it the first time, but I completely forgot about it after reinstalling the package. Removing this again also seemed to make NServiceBus happier.
So, what ended up working? I removed the package and did the configuration myself with the following result:
public void Customize(BusConfiguration configuration)
var endpointName = typeof(EndpointConfig).Namespace;
.DefiningCommandsAs(type => typeof(ICustomCommand).IsAssignableFrom(type));
var container = ContainerInitializer.Container;
configuration.UseContainer<AutofacBuilder>(c => c.ExistingLifetimeScope(container));
#Sean: Thank you for allowing me to contact you. Luckily it was not necessary
#Mike: Thank you for the input
If I install .Net SDK and uses Sample Code, VS says: Cannot resolve symbol 'Configuration' at this line:
var apiContext = Configuration.GetAPIContext();
So, what DLL or namespaces did I missed?
It is a wrapper class around the configuration section.
Please look into \PayPal-NET-SDK-develop\Samples\Source\Utilities\Configuration.cs and create it to suit your configuration.
Don't forget to modify your web.config or app.config
<section name="paypal" type="PayPal.SDKConfigHandler, PayPal" />
<!-- PayPal SDK settings -->
<add name="mode" value="sandbox" />
<add name="clientId" value="youclientid" />
<add name="clientSecret" value="yoursecret" />
I'm performing a migration of database, SQL Server to Oracle, in a C# application. The application mentioned, is using Entity Framework to access the database.
In this database there's a procedure that returns a "ComplexType", I researched and found that Oracle does not understand the "ComplexType" and I need to perform the mapping of the output parameter in web.config, then:
<version number="*">
<storedProcedure schema="ALERTA_MPLUS" name="PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO">
<refCursor name="CV_1">
<bindInfo mode="Output" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="0" columnName="Broker" baseColumnName="Broker" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="Varchar2" providerType="Varchar2" columnSize="50" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="1" columnName="Companhia" baseColumnName="Companhia" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="Varchar2" providerType="Varchar2" columnSize="100" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="2" columnName="Metrica" baseColumnName="Metrica" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="Varchar2" providerType="Varchar2" columnSize="50" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="3" columnName="Q1" baseColumnName="Q1" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="NVarchar2" providerType="NVarchar2" columnSize="50" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="4" columnName="Q2" baseColumnName="Q2" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="NVarchar2" providerType="NVarchar2" columnSize="50" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="5" columnName="Q3" baseColumnName="Q3" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="NVarchar2" providerType="NVarchar2" columnSize="50" />
<metadata columnOrdinal="6" columnName="Q4" baseColumnName="Q4" baseSchemaName="ALERTA_MPLUS" baseTableName="tt_Resultado_Final" nativeDataType="NVarchar2" providerType="NVarchar2" columnSize="50" />
This mapping worked perfectly in the development environment, but when I passed the application for approval gave the following error:
I've tried some solutions but none was successful:
ODAC installed on the server approval;
Searching, I found the Oracle documentation that indicates the mapping that way:
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursor.CV_1" value="implicitRefCursor bindinfo='mode=Output'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.0" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Broker;BaseColumnName=Broker;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.1" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Companhia;BaseColumnName=Companhia;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.2" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Metrica;BaseColumnName=Metrica;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.3" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Q1;BaseColumnName=Q1;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=NVarchar2;ProviderType=NVarchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.4" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Q2;BaseColumnName=Q2;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=NVarchar2;ProviderType=NVarchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.5" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Q3;BaseColumnName=Q3;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=NVarchar2;ProviderType=NVarchar2'" />
<add name="ALERTA_MPLUS.PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO.RefCursorMetaData.CV_1.Column.6" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=Q4;BaseColumnName=Q4;BaseSchemaName=ALERTA_MPLUS;BaseTableName=tt_Resultado_Final;NATIVEDATATYPE=NVarchar2;ProviderType=NVarchar2'" />
This is code return the following error (in all environments):
ORA-06550: line 1, colunm 8: PLS-00306:
wrong number or types of arguments in call to
'PR_CONSULTA_DADOS_ROBO' ORA-06550: line 1, colunm 8: PL/SQL:
Statement ignored;
I published the application on another machine (another developer) and also worked;
Some information that I think are necessary:
Visual Studio 2013;
Oracle.DataAcess.dll version;
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll version;
ISS 7.0;
Pool - Enable 32-bit Applications true;
If you can help me...
Very thanks in advance!
After many trials and errors managed to solve. I do not know if it is the best solution but worked.
In machine.config exists a definition of <oracle.manageddataaccess.client>:
<section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
So I added this declaration in web.config and it worked perfectly.
I had the same issue and this showed me the way to a solution.
The cause of the issue was that I had installed the OracleManagedDataAccessClient through NUGET but someone else had done a native install of the client. When the client was installed, it created an entry in the Machine.Config. When NUGET installed it created an entry in the Web.config. When trying to execute, I received an error that the section for:
<section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
Already existed. I commented it out and my service worked but Oracle would fail with the error:
"PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call"
When the client was installed it was an earlier version of Oracle so the entry in the Machine.config was:
<section name="oracle.manageddataaccess.client" type="OracleInternal.Common.ODPMSectionHandler, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=4.121.**1**.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
Since I commented the entry in web.config, the application used the machine.config entry which did not match the actual version.
I modified the entry in the machine.config to match the web.config and everything now works.
My application is using AppFabric for our distributed caching model in a production web farm of windows web 5 servers. The application is a .net4 c# web application. We are encountering some problems with AppFabric and have some questions regarding the setup of such. The main issue we have is if one of the web 5 servers is restarted, the site on the other servers will also go down for a short period of time with appfabric exceptions like the following appearing in our event logs:
Message: ErrorCode:SubStatus:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later.
ErrorCode:SubStatus:Region referred to does not exist. Use CreateRegion API to fix the error.
We have a cache provider wrapper class that creates the datacachefactory object etc and is used as the intermediatory between the web application and appfabric. This is a singleton class so only one instance of the datacachefactory object is created on the Init of the class.
The second error above I believe I have found the reason for, in our code the region was being created on the Init ie at the very start, but if a node comes out of the cluster that contains the region in its memorary, then the above error is a result. To resolve this issue, the region should be attempted to be created on every request appfabric - but only creating it if it does not exist - does this sound correct?
Regarding the other error, I believe it may be down to the configruation. This is the cluster config xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="dataCache" type="Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheSection, Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" />
<dataCache size="Small">
<cache consistency="StrongConsistency" name="App1Cache"
<eviction type="Lru" />
<expiration defaultTTL="10" isExpirable="true" />
<cache consistency="StrongConsistency" name="App2Cache"
<eviction type="Lru" />
<expiration defaultTTL="10" isExpirable="true" />
<cache consistency="StrongConsistency" name="App3Cache"
<eviction type="Lru" />
<expiration defaultTTL="10" isExpirable="true" />
<cache consistency="StrongConsistency" name="default">
<eviction type="Lru" />
<expiration defaultTTL="10" isExpirable="true" />
<host replicationPort="22236" arbitrationPort="22235" clusterPort="22234"
hostId="724664608" size="1228" leadHost="true" account="SERVER1\user"
cacheHostName="AppFabricCachingService" name="SERVER1"
cachePort="22233" />
<host replicationPort="22236" arbitrationPort="22235" clusterPort="22234"
hostId="598646137" size="1228" leadHost="true" account="SERVER2\user"
cacheHostName="AppFabricCachingService" name="SERVER2"
cachePort="22233" />
<host replicationPort="22236" arbitrationPort="22235" clusterPort="22234"
hostId="358039700" size="1228" leadHost="true" account="SERVER3\user"
cacheHostName="AppFabricCachingService" name="SERVER3"
cachePort="22233" />
<host replicationPort="22236" arbitrationPort="22235" clusterPort="22234"
hostId="929915039" size="1228" leadHost="false" account="SERVER4\user"
cacheHostName="AppFabricCachingService" name="SERVER4"
cachePort="22233" />
<host replicationPort="22236" arbitrationPort="22235" clusterPort="22234"
hostId="1752630351" size="1228" leadHost="false" account="SERVER5\user"
cacheHostName="AppFabricCachingService" name="SERVER5"
cachePort="22233" />
<allow users="everyone" />
Note: we have multiple we caches set up as we have multiple applications using appfabric, and seeing same issues with them all.
And this is the web.config entry in the application on each of the servers:
<dataCacheClient requestTimeout="15000" channelOpenTimeout="3000" maxConnectionsToServer="1">
<localCache isEnabled="true" sync="TimeoutBased" ttlValue="300" objectCount="10000" />
<clientNotification pollInterval="300" maxQueueLength="10000" />
<host name="SERVER1" cachePort="22233" />
<host name="SERVER2" cachePort="22233" />
<host name="SERVER3" cachePort="22233" />
<host name="SERVER4" cachePort="22233" />
<host name="SERVER5" cachePort="22233" />
<transportProperties connectionBufferSize="131072" maxBufferPoolSize="268435456" maxBufferSize="8388608" maxOutputDelay="2" channelInitializationTimeout="60000" receiveTimeout="600000" /></dataCacheClient>
Anyone see a problem with the above? As you can see we have 3 lead hosts and 2 secondaries.
Some questions I have following on from this are:
I have read about having a local cache - what is the technical benefit of this? ie. will this give a local copy of the data per node.
What is the best practice regarding ports? Are the above ports correct or could there be conflicts with the same ports being used?
The 3 lead hosts and 2 secondaries, is this a recommended split? Does it mean there are 3 copies of the data?
When we are restarting the servers, we attempt to never restart the lead hosts at the same time.
Thanks for any feedback on this!
We make extensive use of AppFabric caching. You are going to see the
Message: ErrorCode:SubStatus:There is a temporary failure. Please retry later.
fairly often. It's probably best to write yourself a wrapper around AppFabric that automates retries when this error is thrown. You really want to use exponential backoff, but failing that randomizing the retry period may be enough.
The cache configuration in the Web.config file is only used to create the cache factory. It will contact one of the hosts and obtain the cluster configuration from that. The only benefit to listing all hosts in your Web.config is so that if a host is down it can contact another host. Even if you only listed a single host, provided that was present your caching would work fine.
Using a local cache is likely to improve performance if you read objects more frequently than you write them. You're going to have to tune the size of that by experimentation.
I want email to be sent only on a specific condition and log error in DB in all cases. But as I understand, filtering can't work for one of the two. Is that right? If so then how can I achieve it?
Also to note that, right now I'm saving additional info to database on ErrorMail_Mailing in global.asax as replied by Atif Aziz. Because email will be sent only on conditional basis and ErrorMail_Mailing fires only while sending email, I wonder how would I be able to save additional info of all errors to database.
UPDATE:I have modified Elmah code a bit to satisfy my need.
The first step is to configure modules. Make sure you add Elmah.ErrorFilterModule after any of the logging modules from ELMAH, as shown here with ErrorLogModule:
<add name="ErrorMail" type="Elmah.ErrorMailModule, Elmah"/>
<add name="ErrorSql" type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah"/>
<add name="ErrorFilter" type="Elmah.ErrorFilterModule, Elmah"/>
Then in your configuration section registered Elmah.ErrorFilterSectionHandler as shown here:
<sectionGroup name="elmah">
<section name="errorFilter" type="Elmah.ErrorFilterSectionHandler, Elmah"/>
Now you can add filters to decide what errors to be ignored for what source. The following example shows how to prevent having 404 HTTP errors being mailed.
<errorMail from="xx#xx.com" fromName="xx" to="xx#xx.com" subject="An unhandled exception occured xxx" priority="Normal" async="false" smtpServer="xx.xx.xx.com"/>
<errorLog name="ErrorSql" type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="MyConnectionString" />
<add name="ErrorFilter" type="Elmah.ErrorFilterModule, Elmah"/>
<equal binding="HttpStatusCode" value="404" type="Int32" />
<regex binding="FilterSourceType.Name" pattern="mail" />
You can find out more detail information on the following link.
The ELMAH documentation on error filtering has a section on exactly your scenario and is called, which amounts to filtering by source. For example, the following will prevent 404 HTTP errors from being mailed but they will be still logged (assuming both mailing and logging modules are registered):
<equal binding="HttpStatusCode" value="404" type="Int32" />
<regex binding="FilterSourceType.Name" pattern="mail" />
If you want to save all exceptions to the database you should just be able to use the ErrorLogModule like so which should be independent of what you are doing in the error mail module:
<add name="ErrorLog" type="Elmah.ErrorLogModule, Elmah" preCondition="managedHandler" />
and then in your elmah secition of your config:
<errorLog type="Elmah.SqlErrorLog, Elmah" connectionStringName="MyConnectionString" />
You should try out the StackExchange.Exceptional
This project was inspired by ELMAH, but it didn't suit our particular
needs for very, very high volume error logging when a network-level
event occurs.
StackExchange.Exceptional is the error handler used internally by
Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow for logging to SQL.
It also supports JSON and memory error stores, filtering of exceptions
before logging, and fail/retry mechanisms for storing errors if
there's an interruption in connecting to the error store.
It's highly customizable and it's really easy to add something according your needs.
As i can see an pull request has the email functionality implemented Email functionality so you can start from there.
To set it up you only need to look at the web.config and pick what to enable.
Hope it helps.