How can I call eBay and request it to return search results array?
This is what I came up with so far:
string endpoint = "";
string siteId = "0";
string appId = "*"; // use your app ID
string devId = "*"; // use your dev ID
string certId = "*"; // use your cert ID
string version = "405";
string requestURL = endpoint
+ "?callname=FindProducts"
+ "&siteid=" + siteId
+ "&appid=" + appId
+ "&version=" + version
+ "&routing=default"
+ "&AvailableItemsOnly=true"
+ "&QueryKeywords=nvidia"
+ "&itemFilter(0).name=ListingType"
+ "&itemFilter(0).value(0)=FixedPrice"
+ "&itemFilter(0).value(1)=Auction"
+ "&CategoryID=27386";
How can I wrap it into request and get a response in some-sort of data-structure? I have gotten the SDK.
I needed to use the eBay finding API;
public GetItemCall getItemDataFromEbay(String itemId)
ApiContext oContext = new ApiContext();
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Developer = ""; // use your dev ID
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Application = ""; // use your app ID
oContext.ApiCredential.ApiAccount.Certificate = ""; // use your cert ID
oContext.ApiCredential.eBayToken = ""; //set the AuthToken
//set the endpoint (sandbox) use for production
oContext.SoapApiServerUrl = "";
//set the Site of the Context
oContext.Site = eBay.Service.Core.Soap.SiteCodeType.US;
//the WSDL Version used for this SDK build
oContext.Version = "735";
//very important, let's setup the logging
ApiLogManager oLogManager = new ApiLogManager();
oLogManager.ApiLoggerList.Add(new eBay.Service.Util.FileLogger("GetItem.log", true, true, true));
oLogManager.EnableLogging = true;
oContext.ApiLogManager = oLogManager;
GetItemCall oGetItemCall = new GetItemCall(oContext);
//' set the Version used in the call
oGetItemCall.Version = oContext.Version;
//' set the Site of the call
oGetItemCall.Site = oContext.Site;
//' enable the compression feature
oGetItemCall.EnableCompression = true;
oGetItemCall.ItemID = itemId;
catch (Exception E)
return oGetItemCall;
I'm currently synchronizing products between shopee and tiktok,
I'm doing the tiktok login step, but when I go to the signature creation part, I get an error, on the manual page there are 2 ways to do it:
created with postman:
I got an error in this part:
create it manually:
This way I code like this:`
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var path = "api/products/categories";
var app_key = "572vgg";
var access_token = "9d69P21WEhw-lSDY7suO6aFsZlhSWxDpqdtV-KOYltb_4mqBwcR1LsM3-PPUGfNP";
var limit = 20;
var timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
//var timestamp= GetTimestamp(DateTime.Now);
var shop_id = 7076737409727136006;
var category_id = 602362;
var secret = "9d04ea5bfcfb45947b1d0902d794077d2e59d08f";
var signstring = secret + path + "app_key" + app_key + "category_id" + category_id + "limit" + limit + "shop_id" + shop_id + "timestamp" + timestamp + secret;
var key = Convert.FromBase64String(secret);
var provider = new System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256(key);
var hash = provider.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signstring));
var sign = prtByte2(hash);
var url = "" + path+"?"+ "app_key="+ app_key + "&access_token="+ access_token+ "&sign="+ sign+ "×tamp=" + timestamp+ "&category_id=" + category_id+ "&shop_id=" + shop_id;
var client = new RestClient(url);
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
request.AddHeader("value", "application/json");
request.AddHeader("key", "content-Type");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
MessageBox.Show(response.Content, "Thông báo", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
public static string prtByte2(byte[] b)
var e = "";
for (var i = 0; i < b.Length; i++)
e = e + b[i].ToString("x2");
return e;
And also get the error: signature is invalid
Currently the token I get is as follows at postman:
I've been going back and forth for 3 days now and asked for support on tiktok, but it still hasn't worked, looking forward to your help
Please help me, i have tried my best
The first part of the program is to retrieve the employee user ID (or signature) from an API URL once the name has been entered. (Which I have done)
The second part, the user will enter a specific "to" and "from" date.
Using the signature obtained from the first part and the dates that the user enters, the program should pass this information to an API address and obtain information accordingly.
My question is that I am not sure how to pass the obtained signature to the new API address + the "to" and "from" date.
The first part of the program to retrieve the signature (works perfectly):
namespace TimeSheets_Try_11.Controllers
class WebAPI
public string Getsignature(string name)
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
var cookies = FullWebBrowserCookie.GetCookieInternal(new Uri(StaticStrings.UrlIora), false);
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
wc.Headers.Add("Cookie:" + cookies);
wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
string uri = "";
uri = StaticStrings.UrlIora + name;
var response = wc.DownloadString(uri);
var status = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Employeename>>(response);
string signame = status.Select(js => js.signature).First();
return signame;
The second part that I have written so far:
public string[] GetTime(double fromDate, double toDate, string username)
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
var cookies = FullWebBrowserCookie.GetCookieInternal(new Uri(StaticStrings.UrlNcert), false);
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
wc.Headers.Add("Cookie:" + cookies);
wc.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
wc.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
string url = "";
url = StaticStrings.UrlNcert + username + "&fromDate=" + fromDate + "&toDate=" + toDate;
var respons = wc.DownloadString(url);
OracleHour ndata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<OracleHour>(respons);
var Get_Odnum = ndata.orderNumber;
var Dt_Work = ndata.dateOfWork;
var hrType = ndata.hourType;
var hr = ndata.hours;
var des = ndata.description;
var surname = ndata.surveyor;
string[] myncertdata = { Get_Odnum, Dt_Work.ToString(), hrType, hr.ToString(), des, surname };
return myncertdata;
The API strings:
namespace TimeSheets_Try_11.Controllers
class StaticStrings
public static string UrlIora = "";
public static string UrlNcert = "" + #"\";
For example if we are using the name "Jane Dow" from the date 9/22/20 - 9/29/20, the api strings will be
UrlIora = "
UrlNcert = "\JDOW&fromDate=2020-09-22&toDate=2020-09-29"
Trivial way - change UrlNcert to url without query at first:
class StaticStrings
public static string UrlIora = "";
public static string UrlNcert = "";
Then in your api call get values for username, fromDate and toDate and use string interpolation.
var url = $"{StaticStrings.UrlNcert}?user={username}&fromDate={fromDate:yyyy-MM-dd}&toDate={toDate:yyyy-MM-dd}";
If you want more complex way, check UriBuilder
I am writing an Metrol Style App to update status on my Twitter. I use LINQ to Twitter library. But I don't understand why my app throws exception 401 Unauthorized. Here is my code:
private void UpdateStatus()
// configure the OAuth object
var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = "ConsumerKey",
ConsumerSecret = "ConsumerSecret",
OAuthToken = "TwitterAccessToken",
AccessToken = "TwitterAccessTokenSecret"
using (var twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth, "", ""))
var tweet = twitterCtx.UpdateStatus("Hi everybody!"); // error here
viewTextBlock.Text = String.Empty;
viewTextBlock.Text = viewTextBlock.Text + "Status returned: " +
"(" + tweet.StatusID + ")" +
tweet.User.Name + ", " +
tweet.Text + "\n";
I just posted a blog entry on using OAuth in Windows 8 with LINQ to Twitter:
I also included a 401 FAQ in the LINQ to Twitter docs here:
You can implement it using the Twitterizer assembly.
Firstly you can create a token which can be used to access Twitter and then using that particular token you can update TwitterStatus (Twitterizer.Core.TwitterObject.TwitterStatus).
Sample code is as follows.
public void CreateCachedAccessToken(string requestToken)
string ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKey"];
string ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecret"];
OAuthTokenResponse responseToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, requestToken);
//Cache the UserId
Session["GetCachedUserId"] = responseToken.UserId;
OAuthTokens accessToken = new OAuthTokens();
accessToken.AccessToken = responseToken.Token;
accessToken.AccessTokenSecret = responseToken.TokenSecret;
accessToken.ConsumerKey = ConsumerKey;
accessToken.ConsumerSecret = ConsumerSecret;
Session["AccessToken"] = accessToken;
To update the TwitterStatus you can do as follows.
public OAuthTokens GetCachedAccessToken()
if (Session["AccessToken"] != null)
return (OAuthTokens)(Session["AccessToken"]);
return null;
TwitterStatus.Update(GetCachedAccessToken(), txtTweet.Trim());
The below mentioned method can be used to implement sign in.
protected string GetTwitterAuthorizationUrl()
string ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerKey"];
string ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConsumerSecret"];
OAuthTokenResponse reqToken = OAuthUtility.GetRequestToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret);
return "" + reqToken.Token;
Hope this helps.
If there are any clarifications please raise. Thanks
I have created an web page and I am using twitterizer.framework.dll.
Below is my c# code.
protected void btnTwitt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//OAuthTokens tokens = new OAuthTokens();
//tokens.AccessToken = "--REDACTED--";
//tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "--REDACTED--";
//tokens.ConsumerKey = "--REDACTED--";
//tokens.ConsumerSecret = "--REDACTED--";
//TwitterResponse<TwitterUser> showUserResponse = TwitterUser.Show(tokens, "twit_er_izer");
string TwitterUserName = "My twitter username";
string TwitterPassword = "my password";
// string TwitterMessage = txtShout.Text;
if (TwitterUserName != string.Empty && TwitterPassword != string.Empty)
// TwitterAccount twitter = new TwitterAccount(TwitterUserName, TwitterPassword);
//Twitter tw
Twitter twitter = new Twitter(TwitterUserName, TwitterPassword);
string TwitterMsg = txtShout.Text;
if (txtShout.Text.Length > 120)
TwitterMsg = TwitterMsg.Substring(0, 130) + "... For more update logon to";
TwitterMsg = TwitterMsg + "... For more update logon to";
lblTwitMsg.Text = "Your have shout successfully on" + TwitterUserName;
catch (Exception ex)
Response.Write("<b>" + ex.Message + "</b><br>" + ex.StackTrace);
Now, I am getting error authorization failed.
On this line
Plz help me, thanks!
It appears as though you're using Twitterizer version 1.x, but trying to copy code examples from Twitterizer version 2.x. Twitter twitter = new Twitter(TwitterUserName, TwitterPassword); is a dead giveaway. 2.x no longer uses that syntax.
Twitter no longer allows access to the API by supplying username and password. The tokens ARE your username and password, in a manner of speaking.
If you use the twitterizer framework you shouldn't be passing the username/password. You need to fill:
OAuthTokens tokens = new OAuthTokens();
tokens.AccessToken = "XXX";
tokens.AccessTokenSecret = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerKey = "XXX";
tokens.ConsumerSecret = "XXX";
you can do this by using the following three methods from the framework:
public static Uri BuildAuthorizationUri(
string requestToken
public static OAuthTokenResponse GetRequestToken(
string consumerKey,
string consumerSecret,
string callbackAddress
OAuthTokenResponse accessToken = OAuthUtility.GetAccessToken(consumerKey, consumerSecret, requestToken, verifier);
look it up here
We have been able to create a web site. We did this using the information in this link:
However, we would like to use a port number other that port 80. How do we do this?
We are using IIS 6
If you're using IIS 7, there is a new managed API called Microsoft.Web.Administration
An example from the above blog post:
ServerManager iisManager = new ServerManager();
iisManager.Sites.Add("NewSite", "http", "*:8080:", "d:\\MySite");
If you're using IIS 6 and want to do this, it's more complex unfortunately.
You will have to create a web service on every server, a web service that handles the creation of a website because direct user impersonation over the network won't work properly (If I recall this correctly).
You will have to use Interop Services and do something similar to this (This example uses two objects, server and site, which are instances of custom classes that store a server's and site's configuration):
string metabasePath = "IIS://" + server.ComputerName + "/W3SVC";
DirectoryEntry w3svc = new DirectoryEntry(metabasePath, server.Username, server.Password);
string serverBindings = ":80:" + site.HostName;
string homeDirectory = server.WWWRootPath + "\\" + site.FolderName;
object[] newSite = new object[] { site.Name, new object[] { serverBindings }, homeDirectory };
object websiteId = (object)w3svc.Invoke("CreateNewSite", newSite);
// Returns the Website ID from the Metabase
int id = (int)websiteId;
See more here
Heres the solution.
Blog article : How to add new website in IIS 7
On Button click :
ServerManager serverMgr = new ServerManager();
string strWebsitename = txtwebsitename.Text; // abc
string strApplicationPool = "DefaultAppPool"; // set your deafultpool :4.0 in IIS
string strhostname = txthostname.Text; //
string stripaddress = txtipaddress.Text;// ip address
string bindinginfo = stripaddress + ":80:" + strhostname;
//check if website name already exists in IIS
Boolean bWebsite = IsWebsiteExists(strWebsitename);
if (!bWebsite)
Site mySite = serverMgr.Sites.Add(strWebsitename.ToString(), "http", bindinginfo, "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\yourWebsite");
mySite.ApplicationDefaults.ApplicationPoolName = strApplicationPool;
mySite.TraceFailedRequestsLogging.Enabled = true;
mySite.TraceFailedRequestsLogging.Directory = "C:\\inetpub\\customfolder\\site";
lblmsg.Text = "New website " + strWebsitename + " added sucessfully";
lblmsg.Text = "Name should be unique, " + strWebsitename + " is already exists. ";
catch (Exception ae)
Looping over sites whether name already exists
public bool IsWebsiteExists(string strWebsitename)
Boolean flagset = false;
SiteCollection sitecollection = serverMgr.Sites;
foreach (Site site in sitecollection)
if (site.Name == strWebsitename.ToString())
flagset = true;
flagset = false;
return flagset;
Try the following Code to Know the unUsed PortNo
DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC");
// Find unused ID PortNo for new web site
bool found_valid_port_no = false;
int random_port_no = 1;
bool regenerate_port_no = false;
System.Random random_generator = new Random();
random_port_no = random_generator.Next(9000,15000);
foreach (DirectoryEntry e in root.Children)
if (e.SchemaClassName == "IIsWebServer")
int site_id = Convert.ToInt32(e.Name);
//For each detected ID find the port Number
DirectoryEntry vRoot = new DirectoryEntry("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/" + site_id);
PropertyValueCollection pvcServerBindings = vRoot.Properties["serverbindings"];
String bindings = pvcServerBindings.Value.ToString().Replace(":", "");
int port_no = Convert.ToInt32(bindings);
if (port_no == random_port_no)
regenerate_port_no = true;
found_valid_port_no = !regenerate_port_no;
} while (!found_valid_port_no);
int newportId = random_port_no;
I have gone though all answer here and also tested. Here is the most clean smarter version of answer for this question. However this still cant work on IIS 6.0. so IIS 8.0 or above is required.
string domainName = "";
string appPoolName = "";
string webFiles = "C:\\Users\\John\\Desktop\\New Folder";
if (IsWebsiteExists(domainName) == false)
ServerManager iisManager = new ServerManager();
iisManager.Sites.Add(domainName, "http", "*:8080:", webFiles);
iisManager.ApplicationDefaults.ApplicationPoolName = appPoolName;
Console.WriteLine("Name Exists already");
public static bool IsWebsiteExists(string strWebsitename)
ServerManager serverMgr = new ServerManager();
Boolean flagset = false;
SiteCollection sitecollection = serverMgr.Sites;
flagset = sitecollection.Any(x => x.Name == strWebsitename);
return flagset;
This simplified method will create a site with default binding settings, and also create the application pool if needed:
public void addIISApplication(string siteName, string physicalPath, int port, string appPoolName)
using (var serverMgr = new ServerManager())
var sitecollection = serverMgr.Sites;
if (!sitecollection.Any(x => x.Name.ToLower() == siteName.ToLower()))
var appPools = serverMgr.ApplicationPools;
if (!appPools.Any(x => x.Name.ToLower() == appPoolName.ToLower()))
var mySite = serverMgr.Sites.Add(siteName, physicalPath, port);
mySite.ApplicationDefaults.ApplicationPoolName = appPoolName;
In properties of site select "Web Site" tab and specify TCP Port.
In studio to debug purpose specify http://localhost:<port>/<site> at tab Web for "Use Local IIS Web Server"