Deploying Postgresql Along Windows Application - c#

I have WPF application which using Postgresql as Database engine. I want to install Postgresql engine and restore/attach application-Db to it.
The application's users are non-technical people and they can not install Postgresql individually.

The application's users are non-technical people and they can not install Postgresql individually.
then try this , silently install PostgreSQL, we are using the similar code in our software deployment
C:\Installer\postgresql-9.0.2-1-windows.exe --serverport 5432 --servicename postgres_service --locale C --superaccount Myadmin --superpassword Mypassword --unattendedmodeui minimal --debuglevel 2 --mode unattended
run this as the bat file , install in the background
This is your exe
serverport 5432
This is your port number where you want to install Postgres
superaccount Myadmin
You use account name
superpassword Mypassword
Your user password
keep the rest same.
This will directly install to c:\Program Files

I presume you want to deploy on Windows, so you can include PostgrSQL in your application installer, you can create an application installer for example with InnoSetup ...

Here are the details of Postgresql silent install on Windows. Installers can downloaded from here. Once it's installed then you can run your db script off-course.


How to silently install MySql server in Installsheild?

i want to install Mysql server in client mechine during installation of my Actual Application using IntallShield Limited Edition i have already tried an approach that just place the MySQL.msi in an exe and run the exe in installshield during installation of my Application but it throws an error that is "Another installation is in Progress.You must complete that installation before continuing this one".I think this error comes bcz Windows Installer is busy to install my Actual application and it doesn't Install more than one App simultaneously. So how can i install MySQL parallel to my App?Thanks
i want to install Mysql server in client mechine during installation of my Actual Application using IntallShield Limited Edition i have already tried an approach that just place the MySQL.msi in an exe and run the exe in installshield during installation of my Application but it throws an error that is "Another installation is in Progress.
I would suggest you to create installshield prerequisite for Mysql server, and include this prerequisite in your application, so that the prerequisite will be installed before your application.

One click install mongodb with WPF Project

I am trying to deploy a WPF Project that uses MongoDB. I want to create a One-Click installation system for the client who does not have any idea about computers. I tried creating a batch file but the best it does is, it starts the MongoDB setup file. Is there any possible way, I can install MongoDB without using their installer and bundle it with my deployed project?
You can install mongoDB unattended on Windows.
Just use the msi installer like this
msiexec.exe /l*v mdbinstall.log /qb /i mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-4.0.9-signed.msi
For more details check out their official documentation on this regard here

VS102 Setup including the Setup file for Postgresql Database and Scripts

I am trying to create a windows installer which will include both the application setup files as well as the setup file for the Postgresql Database(if not present in the installed system) with some ddl scripts which will run post installation.
Request you to please guide me on how should i go ahead with meeting the requirement.
WiX allows you to create installer bundles. This means you can package PostgreSQL and your application in a single installer and let it install PostgreSQL (and other prerequisites) before your application. Other installer solutions have similar capabilities.

Deploying a C# winform and MySQL project

I have developed a Windows-based project using C# and MySQL. Now I want to deploy this project to my client.
How to create an Installer (package)?
How to dump the database into the client's system?
Applications will be installed across multiple systems -- each system has their own database
System doesn't have MySQL installed (installation is not preferred).
This is a completely standalone application, not related to any servers.
Problem: I cannot ask the end user to install MySQL in their system to be able to export, dump, and import in every system.
Required: A package installer which installs my project along with MySQL patches and required data in database.
You can create an installation package using install shield
Other alternatives
Hi have you used MySQL just because its a freely available database product?
by the sound of what your asking would SQL CE not be a better database option?
As far as i know with SQL CE you can embed the database into the application and would not need to install a database server on the client computer.

How to embed other application during deployment my application?

I am trying to make the setup file of my appllication. i already made the deployment process and also been success to build the setup file as .msi file. but to run my application on other computer there need othe software to install like SQL server 2005 so that my database file can support on that system. also it need some other software to install. so i want to embed on my software the all necessary s/w and suppossed to install during installing my application. so i need to know what to do during deployment to attach these software.
what the solution for it in C#?
Usually you'll do this through your application's installer (ie, InstallShield, Inno-Setup, etc). Installers generally have the capability to launch other programs and/or incorporate other install scripts. Also, some installers will allow for hands-off installations (usually done with command-line switches), so that the install of the dependent program is seamless.

