Start MonoDevelop
new Android Application
Replace button click delegate with
string fullPath = "/data/misc.mvvmcross.customermanagement/files/_Caches/Pictures.MvvmCross/";
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(fullPath))
button.Text = "exists";
button.Text = "not found";
run and click the button.
Directory.CreateDirectory will fail with
Have tried creating a new emulator image with different API levels, but problem is still here
Any thoughts anyone?
Ok, Have created new Android Emulator image and used that.
Everything now works.
Create a new android emulator image for the API level you want (don't forget Google API support)
I'm wondering if this is caused by some kind of assembly/package naming issue.
I've tested this code:
string fullPath = Path.Combine(FilesDir.Path, "_Caches2/Pictures.MvvmCross/2/");
if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(fullPath))
button.Text = "exists";
button.Text = fullPath;
...and it works fine in a 2.3.3 emulator.
The data folder pattern is: /data/ * package name * /files/
And it is correct (I think) for one package not to be able to access the data of another.
So I'm wondering if somehow your package names are wrong - check the manifest tab and the manifest.xml file for your application?
Solution: I had to click "Unblock" in the file properties dialog in Windows Explorer.
I made an app in c# because i thought it will work on all windows versions. Today i was at my fathers place and downloaded my precompiled app from github. It was running but totally not as expected! Highlighted rows in a gridview wasnt visible, scollbars on a tabcontrol wasnt working and some other more or less small bugs. I had no time to download visual studio to recompile it but is this usual behavior? My father is running on windows 7 and i saw .NET framework 4.5 was installed - i compiled my app using v4.0 so i thought there should be no compatibility issues. I also created a Windows10 virtual machine at home after that and recognized it was the same behavior. I know highlighted rows or scrollbars are not that important but i also have a plugin system to load and reflect additional libraries and thats a basic feature of my app. And the assembly loader will NOT work either - just on the machine i have compiled on.
Should i compile it on multiple versions to support any "unknown" user and its operationg system? I saw that microsoft say i can determine the users version using but i can do it after my app is installed so should i create some downloader to download the correct version after installation or how is this meant?
Edit i uploaded a video on youtube to show how it should work and how it accuaally works..
Edit I got an error message stating (translated from native german) "It was tried to load an assembly from a network address" but i dont understand this message, i never do so.. I load assemblies using
private void m_btnRegisterModule_Click(object objectSender, EventArgs eventArgs)
OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
openFileDialog.Multiselect = true;
openFileDialog.Title = "Register Stack";
openFileDialog.Filter = "Assemblies (*.exe, *.dll)|*.exe;*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.Cancel) return;
Assembly assembly = null;
foreach (String file in openFileDialog.FileNames)
assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(file);
} catch (Exception) { return; }
Type[] arrayTypes = assembly.GetExportedTypes();
foreach (Type type in arrayTypes)
if (!typeof(ScriptStack.Runtime.Stack).IsAssignableFrom(type)) continue;
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo = null;
constructorInfo = type.GetConstructor(new Type[0]);
catch (Exception) { continue; }
object objectHostModule = constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[0]);
ScriptStack.Runtime.Stack hostModule = (ScriptStack.Runtime.Stack)objectHostModule;
catch (Exception) { continue; }
I found .net local assembly load failed with CAS policy and try to load it.. otherwise. lets see how. For now i created a messagebox to see the exact exception.
Edit Solution: I had to click "Unblock" in the file properties dialog in Windows Explorer.
Clicking "Unblock" in the file properties dialog in Windows Explorer solved my issue in some way. By "in some way" i mean i cant expect everybody to know this so someone will just think its not working crap and drop the app.. i guess
I'm using VS 2017 and coding in C#. I installed the 4 Vlc libraries to play videos in a Windows Form Application. I put a Vlc control in the form. And then, in the code, I wrote:
vlcControl1.SetMedia(curFolder + #"\media\1.mp4");
When I run it, I get a "VlcLibDirectory not found". What I need to do? I see that I can set that directory through visual controls, in the VlcControl1 properties, but what is that folder?
I'm sorry this is late...
You got the first part, getting the packages in Visual Studio, now you need the libraries for it.
Download this:
Put the lib directory somewhere the application can find it, and set that VlcLibDirectory equal to a new DirectoryInfo(path to dir).
I did it like this:
var libDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(".", "libvlc", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "x86" : "x64"));
vlcControl1 = new Vlc.DotNet.Forms.VlcControl();
vlcControl1.VlcLibDirectory = libDirectory;
The library that it needs to be loaded is libvlc.dll that is found in the folder where is installed the VLC software.
I visited practically every Google result page for this, almost lost hope, but this worked for me in the end:
1) Created an object in my FormsApp file:
VlcControl vlcControl1 = new VlcControl();
2) Instantiated it in the constructor:
VlcControl vlcControl1 = new VlcControl();
3) In my FormsApp_Load() added the following lines:
vlcControl1.VlcLibDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(_exeFolder + #"\libvlc\win-x86"); //Make sure your dir is correct
vlcControl1.VlcMediaplayerOptions = new[] { "-vv"}; //not sure what this does
YourControlContainer.Controls.Add(vlcControl1); //Add the control to your container
vlcControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; //Optional
this.vlcControl1.Click += new EventHandler(vlcControl1_Click); //Optional - added a click event .Play()
Hope this helps someone.
I've also experienced this problem.
I just look into the properties of the VlcControl on the Form and change the VlcLibDirectory item under the Media Player category by browsing to the directory which the "libvlc.dll" located.
(in my application C:\Users\MCOT\source\repos\WindowsApp3\packages\VideoLAN.LibVLC.Windows.3.0.6\build\x86)
#Thanin's answer is what I needed, ... here is a code snippet to where the library should be installed.
using (RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(
new DirectoryInfo(rk.GetValue("InstallDir") as string),
new string[] { });
So we have created an updated version of a WSP for SharePoint 2010 due to our migration/update from 2007 to 2010.
The WSP is a event handler/reciever for ItemAdded() and we have it working as intended. Issue is that the operation seems to only work for one computer/machine and no others.
When the Item is Added to a list the WSP creates a Folder in Shared Documents library, creates a wiki page, then updates the new List Item with links to the Shared Doc and Wiki.
When triggered by Machine #1 and User #1 all operations work, when Machine #2(M2) and user #2(U2) or M3 and U3 non of the tasks take place when a new Item is created.
User #2 can log in on M1 and create a new item and all operations work. But if U1 uses M2 or M3 to create an item the events don't trigger. Machine #1 is able to trigger the event as many times as they want but no other computer is able to.
If you were able to follow is it something with the code or some sort of cache setting on the local machine or the SP server, or something else? Any help is appreciated.
Update: All machines are on the same network. Non of the machines are the server but various personal laptops. Development was done on a separate machine. All are accessing via the same URL. All users have same access. This is on our test site currently which would be switched to being production once migration/upgrade takes place.
Before current .WSP deployment we noticed the same issue but it was reverse, Machine #2 did all the updates but Machine #1 and #3 couldn't. Only thing we can think of was that those machines were the first to trigger the event after deployment.
I'm Not doing the .WSP install but our IT guy is(won't let us have access :/ but I understand) but below is the install commands he is running.
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "OurPath/ourFile.wsp"
Install-SPSolution -Identity ourIdentity -WebApplication -GACDeployment
Below is the main part of the code
public class CreateWikiAndFolder : Microsoft.SharePoint.SPItemEventReceiver
public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
base.EventFiringEnabled = false;
string sUrlOfWikiPage = string.Empty;
string sUrlOfNewFolder = string.Empty;
string sSubsiteRUL = string.Empty;
string sCurrentItemTitle = properties.ListItem["Title"].ToString();
string sWikiListName = "TR Wikis";
string sDocLibName = "Shared Documents";
string sTRListID = "TR Status";
if (sTRListID.ToUpper().Equals(properties.ListTitle.ToString().ToUpper()))
//Create the Folder
sUrlOfNewFolder = CreateFolder(properties.ListItem.Web, sDocLibName, sCurrentItemTitle);
//Create the Wiki
string ItemDispFormUrl = String.Concat(properties.ListItem.Web.Url, "/", properties.ListItem.ParentList.Forms[PAGETYPE.PAGE_DISPLAYFORM].Url, "?ID=", properties.ListItem.ID.ToString());
sUrlOfWikiPage = CreateWiki(properties.ListItem.Web, sWikiListName, sCurrentItemTitle, ItemDispFormUrl, sUrlOfNewFolder);
//Update the current TR Item
SPWeb myWeb = properties.ListItem.Web;
myWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPListItem myListItem = properties.ListItem;
SPFieldUrlValue shareFolderURLValue = new SPFieldUrlValue();
shareFolderURLValue.Description = "Shared Folder";
shareFolderURLValue.Url = sUrlOfNewFolder ;
myListItem["SharedFolder"] = shareFolderURLValue;
myWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
base.EventFiringEnabled = true;
catch (Exception e)
//Currently throwing nothing
It could be a hardcoded path/url, however there is not enough information to identify the problem, I would be glad to update my answer with a more detailed theory if you provide more details or if you share some of your code.
Figured out the issue. I didn't include them with the above file code. But we were StreamWriting to a text file on the server to help us with debugging. Issue was with that, When user 1 was logged on their machine and the log files didn't exist, they would get generated. Now no other users then had read/write access to those files and so it errored out at our debug files for anyone else. But that Windows user could run it as much as they wanted as they were the owner of the file :/
I have a method that gets called when a button is pressed,
private List<Page> _pages = new List<Page>();
public void LoadKern(int requestedKern)
TextAsset pages = Resources.Load("kern" + requestedKern) as TextAsset;
JSONArray jsonPages = JSON.Parse(pages.text)["pages"].AsArray;
foreach (JSONNode page in jsonPages)
_pages.Add(new Page(page["image"], page["text"]));
ImageSpriteRenderer.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(_pages[currentPage].image);
TextSpriteRenderer.sprite = Resources.Load<Sprite>(_pages[currentPage].text);
The code works perfect when running it in the simulator but whenever I deploy it to an android device or use the Untiy Remote 4 it no longer updates the sprites.
Whenever I remove this line and set the resource manually, it does update when the button is pressed.
_pages.Add(new Page(page["image"], page["text"]));
It seems very odd that it does work on a desktop but not on Android, is there something I am missing?
I think it difficult to put it in the comment, so I write it as an answer here.
The simplest approach to verify this a problem due to the Resource.Load<>, is to add below code:
TextAsset pages = Resources.Load("kern" + requestedKern) as TextAsset;
Debug.Load(pages + "are Loading"); // to see if it is really loaded successfully
Connect your device and open the adb log, filter the message with "are loading".
If you see pages are null, then it is clear that Resource.Load<> is the culprit.
If it is Resource.Load<> problem, you can consider using StreamingAssets:
Any files placed in a folder called StreamingAssets in a Unity project will be copied verbatim to a particular folder on the target machine. You can retrieve the folder using the Application.streamingAssetsPath property. It’s always best to use Application.streamingAssetsPath to get the location of the StreamingAssets folder, it will always point to the correct location on the platform where the application is running.
On Android, you should use:
path = "jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets/";
I suspect that your loading the text assets is carried out at runtime, when you package the app, the text assets are not read, and it might be excluded from the project, as Unity considers this "not used". When you run the app on Android, it is natural that it fails.
Using StreamingAssets approach, you force Unity to copy the text assets "verbatim" which assures it is accessible at runtime!
I'm developing a program in C# (Visual Studio 2015) and I want to show a toast message to the user at a certain situation. I downloaded this code from the MSDN and it runs fine:
// Get a toast XML template
XmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText04);
// Fill in the text elements
XmlNodeList stringElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text");
for (int i = 0; i < stringElements.Length; i++)
stringElements[i].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode("Line " + i));
// Specify the absolute path to an image
String imagePath = "file:///" + Path.GetFullPath("toastImageAndText.png");
XmlNodeList imageElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("image");
imageElements[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("src").NodeValue = imagePath;
// Create the toast and attach event listeners
ToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml);
toast.Activated += ToastActivated;
toast.Dismissed += ToastDismissed;
toast.Failed += ToastFailed;
// Show the toast. Be sure to specify the AppUserModelId on your application's shortcut!
After testing this code I wanted to implement it into my application. So I changed it up a little bit and tried to run it. The error messages:
The type "IReadOnlyList<>" is defined in a not referenced assembly. Add a reference to System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Same goes for IEnumerable<> and IReadOnlyList<>
The error come from these two lines:
for (int i = 0; i < stringElements.Length; i++)
stringElements[i].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode("Line " + i));
I also tried adding the reference to System.Runtime. I downloaded it with NuGet (
After that the errors were gone, but now literaly every word in my code is cringled red with error like "System.Object is not defined" and so on (but it still runs when I start it!).
The only possible solution I can think of is that System.Runtime is already installed somewhere on my computer, and that 4.0.0 is the wrong version for my program. But I can't find it anywhere.
PS: It's a desktop-application, not a Windows-Store application.
I think it is the same problem as in this question
You must add a reference to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.5.1\Facades\System.Runtime.dll
PS : If you have a Windows 10 only desktop app, you might want to use the new toast system, the code sample on MSDN uses the Windows 8 one. it works on W10 but does not have all the new features (Microsoft released an official NuGet package).
Edit : Since I can't comment, I will post the answer here :
The exception is because you need to provide an applicationId in CreateToastNotifier()
It is the name that will be used in the action center to group your toasts (so in general, you put the name of your app). In Windows 8.1 it was needed to register your application Id (I think this was in the sample from the MSDN) but now you can just put the name of your app.
And the GetXml() is only for WinRT. In desktop you need to do like you did with the GetContent().