WCF/REST Logging - c#

I was wondering if someone could show me how to log a simple request/response from my wcf rest service.
I am self hosting with a console application on the localmachine:
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string baseAddress = "http://" + Environment.MachineName + ":8000/Service";
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(RawDataService), new Uri(baseAddress));
WebHttpBinding binding = new WebHttpBinding();
//binding.Security.Mode = WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IReceiveData), new WebHttpBinding(), "").Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior());
Console.WriteLine("Host opened");
I was really hoping all that would be required is something added to the hosting console app. I tryed following this but it was abit confusing http://blogs.msdn.com/b/carlosfigueira/archive/2011/04/19/wcf-extensibility-message-inspectors.aspx
Just to note I am not using any app.config or web.config files.
I also cannot use any third party products for this.

Are you talking about logging for debugging purposes or for monitoring in a live service?
If you are debugging you can just switch on WCF tracing. It will produce a very comprehensive log and there is a good free tool for viewing the log that comes as part of the Windows SDK - I presume when you say you can't use third party product it doesn't include built-in .Net and Windows SDK features...

A common way to handle this is with Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) using the Castle Dynamic Proxy library. The idea is that you can decorate/proxy your service implementation with a dynamic class that intercepts every single method called on your service. No matter what method is called on your service, they'll be "intercepted" by your proxy and sent to a single method where you can log what you want and then you can finish the original call. Here's a quick sample of what that looks like:
public class LoggingInterceptor : IInterceptor
// No matter what service method is called, it's funneled through here.
public void Intercept(IInvocation call)
MyLogger.Info("Starting call: " + call.Method.Name);
// Actually invoke whatever method was originally called
MyLogger.Info("Finished call: " + call.Method.Name);
Now you need to create a proxy of your service class that uses this interceptor for all of its method calls. You can pretty up and abstract as necessary, but this is the basic jist:
using Castle.DynamicProxy;
// Create your service object and then create a dynamic proxy of the object
// that will inject your logging interceptor logic.
ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();
RawDataService service = new RawDataService();
RawDataService proxy = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget<RawDataService>(
new LoggingInterceptor());
// Register your proxy object, not the raw service w/ WCF
WebServiceHost host = new WebServiceHost(proxy, new Uri(baseAddress));
... rest of your code as it was ...
Now any call made to your RawDataService will go through the Intercept() method first and when it calls Proceed() your actual implemented service logic will happen. You can update the interceptor to handle exceptions, include a StopWatch and log parameters as needed but that's the basic idea.
My example shows you the brute force way of setting this up. The "cleaner" solution would be to use IoC to create your service instance/proxy but this should get your code doing what you want right now. For further reading, here's a link to the Castle project's tutorial on using its AOP hooks:


Call WCF Service from another decoupled WCF service on the same site without HttpClient

I have a plugin model architecture that creates my Restful WCF services.
(It will be a couple years before we move to Web Api from WCF so, moving to Web Api isn't exactly a solution.)
I have decoupled WCF Microservices that don't reference each other.
EnityAWebService knows that a service EntityBWebService exists from a configuration, but doesn't reference it.
EntityAWebService and EntityBWebService are plugins. As such, they could be on loaded on the same site.
EntityAWebService makes a call to EntityBWebService using configuration information. The EntityBWebService could be on the same server or a different server.
- If on a different server, the code will continue to use HttpClient.
- If on the same server, go cract the message and send it through the channel without going through HttpClient, operating system's network, and IIS.
Below is the architecture. The orange is what I want to create.
Using HttpClient means EntityAWebService sends a message that is going to hit the operating systems network layer and go through IIS. Neither of which is necessary. It causes performance issues, and as the Entity plugins increase, so does the number of sockets and even using a singleton httpclient, the sockets are leaking.
The orange in the architecture is what doesn't exist yet.
The code knows the Url to call for Entity B Web Service, the message content, and the headers. How would I simulate, in the code represented by the orange box, what IIS does to forward the call through the behaviors and to the Endpoint?
FYI, my current project is too complex to post, so I will create a sample and post it soon.
Sample project: https://github.com/rhyous/DecoupledWcfServices
Turns out I didn't need to use named pipes. However, investigating how to use named pipes taught me what I needed to know. I just needed to use reflection and ChannelFactory. As the ChannelFactory for IIS hosting already exists, named pipes would be redundant.
Example Project here: https://github.com/rhyous/DecoupledWcfServices
And the appropriate snippet (the meat of the solution) is below.
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.ServiceModel.Description;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
namespace DecoupledWcfServices
/// <summary>
/// Service 1 and Service 2 are in the same namespace in this project
/// </summary>
public class MessageBus
public string CallOtherWcfService(string url, object content, NameValueCollection headers)
var service = GetServiceName(url);
var netPipeUrl = $"http://localhost:54412/{service}/{service}.svc";
var serviceContractType = typeof(IService2);
var genericChannelFactoryType = typeof(WebChannelFactory<>).MakeGenericType(serviceContractType);
var binding = new WebHttpBinding();
var channelFactory = Activator.CreateInstance(genericChannelFactoryType, binding, new Uri(netPipeUrl)) as WebChannelFactory<IService2>; // I actually won't know it is an IService2 in my project, but getting this far should be enough
var proxy = channelFactory.CreateChannel() as IService2;
using (new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)proxy))
var task = proxy.GetData("some data"); // Might need more work here to know which method to call based on the Url
return task.Result; // Serialized JSON
catch (Exception)
internal string GetServiceName(string url)
var index = url.IndexOf(".svc");
var sub = url.Substring(0, index);
index = sub.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
var sub2 = url.Substring(index, sub.Length - index);
return sub2;

Logging as a cross-cutting concern in WCF

I would like to log to file every time my Web service is called recording the name of the method called as well as the calling data.
To write in this file, I use Nlog but I would like not to make the logging call in each of my service operations. I'd prefer to automate this logging call somehow as a cross cutting concern.
Is it possible?
You can use a DI container supporting interceptors to log any WCF method call with input values. Here is an example for Ninject and old weird ASMX service (for WCF, idea is the same):
Let's consider the following client class:
public partial class LegacyClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<Legacy>, Legacy
Because this class is partial, we may easily add to class the interface ILegacyClient containing methods we want to call. ReSharper extract the interface in a second. So place the partial class declaration in separate file:
public partial class LegacyClient : ILegacyClient {}
In DI config, add the interceptor:
.InRequestScope() //carefully choose a scope
LogRequestInterceptor is the most interesting part:
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception;
public class LogRequestInterceptor : IInterceptor
public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)
MethodInfo method = invocation.Request.Method;
var parameters = method.GetParameters();
var builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++)
object argument = invocation.Request.Arguments[index];
ParameterInfo parameterInfo = parameters[index];
if (!parameterInfo.IsOut)
//use any serialization you like
string text = $"{parameterInfo.Name} = {argument.ToJson()}, ";
string joinedParameters = builder.ToString();
YourLogging(method.Name, joinedParameters);
//LegacyClient method call, don't forget this line
Last part to make things work. Create proxy object via DI and use it:
ILegacyClient client = Kernel.GetService<ILegacyClient>();
Direct creation is only an example, of course you may use constuctor or property injection instead and replace client interface with factory if you need.
Hope it helps!
You can try to use either Aspect Oriented programming (AOP) using Windsor Castle, PostSharp or other 3rd party Libraries offering AOP. Also, you may use interceptors from these Libraries.
WCF Extension might be another place to do this kind of logging.
Using WCF tracing. You can view the Service calls, message level details etc by enabling WCF tracing by Configuration.
The answer from Agalo is correct but too general, so I would just add a link to how to implement #2. I guess this is exactly what question author wants to have.
In a nutshell, you can implement your own parameter inspector (IParameterInspector) and inject it using service behavior (IServiceBehavior). Here you can find complete example how to do that for logging.

Customising instantiation of WCF web service

I have a WCF RESTful service that I want to integration test so need to create an instance of the service locally within the test with a reference to a client channel that I can call. I can do this, however the code I'm using will only call the Services default parameterless constructor as below
_serviceHost = new WebServiceHost(typeof(UserService), baseAddress);
var binding = new WebHttpBinding();
_serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(Interface.IUserService), binding, address.Uri);
In my UserService class, I want to inject a dependency into it for the data repository, as so
public UserService(IUserDataRepository userRepository)
_userRepository = userRepository;
How can I adapt the first lot of code so that I can create and self host my WCF REST service with an IDataRepository object that I create (Mock) in the test class?
Well, I think you can use the same approach as you have for production environment. I might be wrong but you must already have your custom ServiceHost and ServiceHostFactory. If not please take a look at this article Using Instance Provider and ServiceHostFactory to Construct the Service. You want to read through steps steps 1-3. You will need to derive from WebServiceHost to implement your own one. Then your code will look like that:
_serviceHost = new YourCustomServiceHost(typeof(UserService), baseAddress);
Hope it helps!

Dynamically create WCF ServiceHost based on parsing Endpoint Address with NamedNetPipes Binding

Need a way for one service on a well-known Endpoint to return strings which are relative addresses. The client can then connect to Endpoints using these relative addresses.
Clearly this resembles REST in some ways, but in this case running a Windows Service using NetNamedPipeBinding for IPC, so no need for HTTP.
Don't want to create the Endpoint ahead of time since there will be a potentially large number of relative addresses, only some of which the client would be interested in.
All Contracts are known in advance.
Tried to find a solution with AddressFilterMode but wasn't sure how to provision new Binding so that client connected to it, UriTemplate but don't want to use the HTTP framework. Haven't looked into RoutingService because constrained to .Net 3.5.
Pseudocode for client would be something like that below...
namespace Testing
class RunTest
static void Test()
NetNamedPipeBinding namedpipe = new NetNamedPipeBinding();
ChannelFactory<Contracts.IRoot> factoryRoot =
new ChannelFactory<Contracts.IRoot>(
, new EndpointAddress("net.pipe://localhost/root");
Contracts.IRoot root = factoryRoot.CreateChannel();
ICommunicationObject commsRoot = root as ICommunicationObject;
// Service examines address and creates Endpoint dynamically.
string address = root.SomeFunctionWhichGetsARelativeAddress();
// IBar service routes endpoint requests internally based on
// "address" variable.
ChannelFactory<Contracts.IBar> factoryBar =
new ChannelFactory<Contracts.IBar>(
, new EndpointAddress("net.pipe://localhost/root/IBar/" +
Contracts.IBar bar = factoryBar.CreateChannel();
} // Ends class RunTest
} // Ends namespace Testing
Message Filters are the way to go. You can use “Prefix” or create a custom.
WCF Addressing In Depth
From the Message Filters section of the article:
...it uses message filters to determine the matching endpoint, if one
exists. You can choose which message filter to use or you can provide
your own. This flexibility allows you to break free from the
traditional dispatching model when using Windows Communication
Foundation to implement things other than traditional SOAP—for
instance, the techniques described here enable you to implement
REST/POX-style services on the Windows Communication Foundation
messaging foundation.
Nice question, by the way. I learned something trying to figure this out.
AddressFilterMode.Prefix might suffice. The actual Endpoint used can be inspected in Service methods via
Helper code can parse the endpoint and do any necessary internal processing from there.
Hopefully there's some extensibility on the server side which can simplify that code.
Pseudocode for host:
namespace Services
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceBehavior(AddressFilterMode =
class BarService : Contracts.IBar
#region IBar Members
public void DoSomething()
System.Uri endpoint = System.ServiceModel.OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.To;
Console.WriteLine("DoSomething endpoint: {0}", endpoint);
} // Ends class BarService
} // Ends namespace Services
class RunHost
static void HostIBar()
System.Uri uriBase = new System.Uri("net.pipe://localhost");
System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost hostBar =
new System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost(
typeof(Contracts.IBar) // Type implementedContract
, namedpipeBinding // System.ServiceModel.Channels.Binding binding
, "root/IBar" //string address
Console.WriteLine("Press <ENTER> to stop...");
Correction: I'd originally said that this wouldn't treat "net.pipe://localhost/root/IBar/1" and "net.pipe://localhost/root/IBar/2" as distinct endpoints, but it does. Each causes its own WCF Service instance to be created and called.
An additional change was to encode the data in URL style query parameters and not embed it in the path. E.g.: "net.pipe://localhost/root/IBar?something=1&somethingelse=11" and "net.pipe://localhost/root/IBar?something=2&somethingelse=22" using HttpUtility.ParseQueryString

Programmatically create endpoints in .NET WCF service

I have a class that is designed to work with a web service. For now, I've written it to query http://www.nanonull.com/TimeService/TimeService.asmx.
The class is going to be used by a legacy app that uses VBScript, so it's going to be instantiated using Namespace.ClassName conventions.
I'm having trouble writing the code to get bindings and endpoints working with my class, because I won't be able to use a config file. The samples that I have seen discuss using SvcUtil.exe but I am unclear how to do this if the web service is external.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? This is what I have so far, and the compiler is crashing on IMyService:
var binding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding();
var endpoint = new EndpointAddress("http://www.nanonull.com/TimeService/TimeService.asmx");
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IMyService>(binding, endpoint);
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
HelloWorld = channel.getCityTime("London");
Darjan is right. The suggested solution with the web service works. The command line for proxy generation with svcutil is
svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:generatedProxy.cs /config:app.config http://www.nanonull.com/TimeService/TimeService.asmx
You can ignore app.config, however add generatedProxy.cs to your solution. Next, you should use TimeServiceSoapClient, take a look:
using System;
using System.ServiceModel;
namespace ConsoleApplication
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
TimeServiceSoapClient client =
new TimeServiceSoapClient(
new BasicHttpBinding(),
new EndpointAddress("http://www.nanonull.com/TimeService/TimeService.asmx"));
Basically that's it!

