This question is related to How to detect static code dependencies in C# code in the presence of constants?
If type X depends on a constant defined in type Y, this dependency is not captured in the binary code, because the constant is inlined. Yet the dependency is there - try compiling X without Y and the compilation fails. So it is a compile time dependency, but not runtime.
I need to be able to discover such dependencies and scanning all the source code is prohibitively expensive. However, I have full control over the build and if there is a way to instruct the C# compiler not to inline constants - that is good enough for me.
Is there a way to compile C# code without inlining the constants?
I would like to respond to all the comments so far:
I cannot modify the source code. This is not a toy project. I am analysing a big code base - millions of lines of C# code.
I am already using Roslyn API to examine the source code. However, I only do it when the binary code inspection (I use Mono.Cecil) of a method indicates the use of dynamic types. Analysing methods using dynamic with Roslyn is useful, because not all the dynamic usages are as bad as reflection. However, there is absolutely no way to figure out that a method uses a constant in general. Using Roslyn Analyser for that takes really long time, because of the code base size. Hence my "prohibitively expensive" statement.
I have an NDepend license and I used it at first. However, it only processes binary code. It does NOT see any dependencies introduced through constants. My analysis is better, because I drill down to dynamic users and employ Roslyn API to harvest as much as I can from such methods. NDepend does nothing of the kind. Moreover, it has bugs. For example, the latest version does not inspect generic method constraints and thus does not recognise any dependencies introduced by them.
I am new to C# and was trying to write an SNTP server on the weekend.
During the course of this development I ended up with exactly the same question as this one: How to use generics to pass argument to a non-generic method?
The question, repeated here is: "How to use generics to pass argument to a non-generic method?" The crucial answer to this question was that the non-generic method in question didn't have an overload which accepted an Object.
Now the question I have is a follow on question: why is Generics implemented this way? Or to rephrase, why are constraints required at all?
My understanding so far is that generics help to preserve compile time type safety which means that the compiler knows what types are being dealt with at compile time.
Why wasn't C# (or perhaps this question should pertain to the CLR) implemented such that the compiler can accept the fact that a generic class/method is being created in which an argument can be provided which may not be acceptable in all cases. Then, when the generic class/method get's invoked, the compiler can see the issue and complain at that time.
Is this a technical limitation?
It just seems like a real pity that a generic method cannot be created to wrap a non generic method with multiple overloads. Unless I opt to defer type checking to run time which is the solution to the aforementioned question, I would have to wrap this overloaded method with a suite of methods, one for each signature, even though the code within it will look identical. This would have been an ideal place to leverage a generic method.
The person who can best explain this is Eric Lippert, and he did, in What’s the difference, part one: Generics are not templates:
We do the overload resolution once and bake in the result. We do not change it at runtime when someone, possibly in an entirely different assembly, uses string as a type argument to the method. The IL we’ve generated for the generic type already has the method its going to call picked out. The jitter does not say “well, I happen to know that if we asked the C# compiler to execute right now with this additional information then it would have picked a different overload. Let me rewrite the generated code to ignore the code that the C# compiler originally generated...” The jitter knows nothing about the rules of C#.
Now, if you do want overload resolution to be re-executed at runtime based on the runtime types of the arguments, we can do that for you; that’s what the new “dynamic” feature does in C# 4.0. Just replace “object” with “dynamic” and when you make a call involving that object, we’ll run the overload resolution algorithm at runtime and dynamically spit code that calls the method that the compiler would have picked, had it known all the runtime types at compile time.
So why not: because the runtime wouldn't know how to re-generate the required code.
And something about a design philosophy that your code should fail as early as possible, preferably during compile time, but I can't find that quote right now.
Microsoft.CSharp is required to use dynamic feature.
I understand there are binders, evaluators and helpers in the assembly.
But why it has to be language-specific?
Why Microsoft.CSharp and not Microsoft.Dynamic or System.Dynamic?
Please, explain.
Let's say we have d.x where d is dynamic.
C# compiler
1. applies C# language rules
2. gets "property or field access"
3. emits (figurally) Binder.GetPropertyOrField(d, "x")
Now, being asked to reference Microsoft.CSharp may make one think that language-agnostic binder can't handle this case, and C#-only something got its way through compilation and requires special library.
Compiler had a bad day?
To your first question, it is language-specific because it needs to be.
In C# you call a method with too many arguments and you get an error. In Javascript, the extra arguments are simply ignored. In C# you access a member that doesn't exist and get an error, while in Javascript you get undefined. Even if you discovered all these varying feature sets and put it all into System.Core, the next language fad of the month is sure to have some super neat feature that it wouldn't support. It's better to be flexible.
There is common code in .NET core, under the System.Dynamic and System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespaces. It just can't all be common.
And as for your second question, the need for the "special C# library" could of course be removed by transforming these language-specific behaviors inline, but why? That will needlessly bloat your IL code size. It is the same reasoning for you not writing your own Int32.Parse every time you need to read in a number.
One reason I can think of - Visual Basic.NET has had late binding in it from day one, primarily oriented around how it interoperates with COM IDispatch interfaces - so if they wanted a language agnostic binder, they'd have had to adopt the Visual Basic rules - which includes that member lookup only works with Public members.
Apparently, the C# designers didn't want to be so strict. You can call this class' DoStuff method from C# via a dynamic reference:
public class Class1
internal void DoStuff()
Whereas attempting to call the same via Visual Basic's Object results in a MissingMemberException at runtime.
So because the C# designers weren't the first to arrive at the late-binding party, they could either follow Visual Basic's lead or they could say "each language will have its own rules" - they went with the latter.
Is there any built-in way to use Roslyn to perform the same compile-time transformations that the C# compiler does, e.g. for transforming iterators, initializers, lambdas, LINQ, etc. into basic C# code?
The Roslyn compiler API is designed to (in addition to translating source code to IL) let you build source code analysis and transformations tools.
However, lambdas and iterators do not have translations that can always be specified using source. They are modeled using the internal bound node abstraction that includes additional compiler specific rules that can only be represented using IL.
It would be possible to translated LINQ to source in C#, since it is specified as a source code translation (whether the compiler actually does it that way or not.) Yet, there is no compiler API that does this specifically. If there was, it would probably show up as a services layer API and not a compiler API.
AFAIK, no, there is no such thing exposed in Roslyn. But the compiler has to do these transformations somehow, so it's possible you will be able to do this by accessing some internal method.
Of course, you could use Roslyn to make these transformations yourself, but that's not what you're asking.
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For c# developers that are staring out to learn Java, are there any big underlying differences between the two languages that should be pointed out?
Maybe some people may assume things to be the same, but there are some import aspects that shouldn't be overlooked? (or you can really screw up!)
Maybe in terms of OOP constructs, the way GC works, references, deployment related, etc.
A few gotchas off the top of my head:
Java doesn't have custom value types (structs) so don't bother looking for them
Java enums are very different to the "named numbers" approach of C#; they're more OO. They can be used to great effect, if you're careful.
byte is signed in Java (unfortunately)
In C#, instance variable initializers run before the base class constructor does; in Java they run after it does (i.e. just before the constructor body in "this" class)
In C# methods are sealed by default. In Java they're virtual by default.
The default access modifier in C# is always "the most restrictive access available in the current context"; in Java it's "package" access. (It's worth reading up on the particular access modifiers in Java.)
Nested types in Java and C# work somewhat differently; in particular they have different access restrictions, and unless you declare the nested type to be static it will have an implicit reference to an instance of the containing class.
here is a very comprehensive comparison of the 2 languages:
I am surprised that no one has mentioned properties, something quite fundamental in C# but absent in Java. C# 3 and above has automatically implemented properties as well. In Java you have to use GetX/SetX type methods.
Another obvious difference is LINQ and lambda expressions in C# 3 absent in Java.
There are a few other simple but useful things missing from Java like verbatim strings (#""), operator overloading, iterators using yield and pre processor are missing in Java as well.
One of my personal favourites in C# is that namespace names don't have to follow the physical directory structure. I really like this flexibility.
There are a lot of differences, but these come to mind for me:
Lack of operator overloading in Java. Watch your instance.Equals(instance2) versus instance == instance2 (especially w/strings).
Get used to interfaces NOT being prefixed with an I. Often you see namespaces or classes suffixed with Impl instead.
Double checked locking doesn't work because of the Java memory model.
You can import static methods without prefixing them with the class name, which is very useful in certain cases (DSLs).
Switch statements in Java don't require a default, and you can't use strings as case labels (IIRC).
Java generics will anger you. Java generics don't exist at runtime (at least in 1.5), they're a compiler trick, which causes problems if you want to do reflection on the generic types.
.NET has reified generics; Java has erased generics.
The difference is this: if you have an ArrayList<String> object, in .NET, you can tell (at runtime) that the object has type ArrayList<String>, whereas in Java, at runtime, the object is of type ArrayList; the String part is lost. If you put in non-String objects into the ArrayList, the system can't enforce that, and you'll only know about it after you try to extract the item out, and the cast fails.
One thing I miss in C# from Java is the forced handling of checked exceptions. In C# is it far to common that one is unaware of the exceptions a method may throw and you're at the mercy of the documentation or testing to discover them. Not so in Java with checked exceptions.
Java has autoboxing for primitives rather than value types, so although System.Int32[] is an array of values in C#, Integer[] is an array of references to Integer objects, and as such not suitable for higher performance calculations.
No delegates or events - you have to use interfaces. Fortunately, you can create classes and interface implementations inline, so this isn't such a big deal
The built-in date/calendar functionality in Java is horrible compared to System.DateTime. There is a lot of info about this here: What's wrong with Java Date & Time API?
Some of these can be gotchas for a C# developer:
The Java Date class is mutable which can make returning and passing dates around dangerous.
Most of the java.util.Date constructors are deprecated. Simply instantiating a date is pretty verbose.
I have never gotten the java.util.Date class to interoperate well with web services. In most cases the dates on either side were wildly transformed into some other date & time.
Additionally, Java doesn't have all the same features that the GAC and strongly-named assemblies bring. Jar Hell is the term for what can go wrong when linking/referencing external libraries.
As far as packaging/deployment is concerned:
it can be difficult to package up web applications in an EAR/WAR format that actually install and run in several different application servers (Glassfish, Websphere, etc).
deploying your Java app as a Windows service takes a lot more effort than in C#. Most of the recommendations I got for this involved a non-free 3rd party library
application configuration isn't nearly as easy as including an app.config file in your project. There is a java.util.Properties class, but it isn't as robust and finding the right spot to drop your .properties file can be confusing
There are no delegates in Java. Therefore, aside from all the benefits that delegates bring to the table, events work differently too. Instead of just hooking up a method, you need to implement an interface and attach that instead.
One thing that jumps out b/c it's on my interview list is that there is no "new" keyword analogue in Java for method hiding and there fore no compiler warning "you should put new here". Accidental method hiding when you meant to override leads to bugs.
(edit for example)
Example, B derives from A (using C# syntax, Java behaves same way last I checked but does not emit compiler warning). Does A's foo get called, or B's foo? (A's gets called, probably surprising the dev who implemented B).
class A
public void foo() {code}
class B:A
public void foo() {code}
void SomeMethod()
A a = new B(); // variable's type is declared as A, but assigned to an object of B.;
Java doesn't have LINQ and the documentation is hell. User interfaces in Java are a pain to develop, you lose all the good things Microsoft gave us (WPF, WCF, etc...) but get hard - to - use, hardly documented "APIs".
The most harrasing difference to me when I switch to java it's the string declaration.
in C# string (most of the time)
in Java String
It's pretty simple, but trust me, it makes you lose so much time when you have the habit to s not S !
The one issue I've run into so far when working with Java coming from C# is Exceptions and Errors are different.
For example you cannot catch an out of memory error using catch(Exception e).
See the following for more details:
It's been so long since I've been in Java but the things I noticed right off the bat in application development was C# event model, C# drag and drop vs using Layout Managers in Swing (if your doing App dev), and exception handling with Java making sure you catch an exception and C# not required.
In response to your very direct question in your title:
"C# developers learning Java, what are the biggest differences one may overlook?"
A: The fact that Java is considerably slower on Windows.