I am creating an auto-complete control that updates as the user types text. Every time the user types a key a new thread fires in order to filter the results. The results come over the network and are a lot therefore it takes about 1 minute to filter. This is something similar of what I have:
object _lock = new object();
volatile static bool isThreadRunning=false ;
private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
var text = textBox1.Text.ToUpper();
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) =>
lock (_lock) // avoid multiple threads to be running at the same time
isThreadRunning = true;
// do work in here
So as you can see if I where to quickly type "Hello" then 5 threads will be created and 4 of them will have to wait for the first one to finish. Once that thread finishes the next one will continue to execute and so on.
If there exists 4 threads waiting to execute I will like to only execute the last one. Also the threads enter the lock in random order. How could I determine which is the last one. If a new thread fires and a thread is currently executing maybe I could cancel that thread somehow and that way the order will always be correct. How can I implement that algorithm?
This is what I have worked out:
class DoWorkOnce
static object _lock = new object();
static Stack<Action> Work = new Stack<Action>();
public static void Add(Action task)
private static void DoSomeWork()
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
lock (_lock) // ensure that the following block of code is only executed at once
if (Work.Count == 0) // if there is no items in the stack return
Work.Pop()(); // get the last item in the stack and execute it
// remove the bottom of the stack by poping everything exept the top item
Action temp=null;
temp = Work.Pop();
while (Work.Count > 0)
if (temp != null)
and I can use that class as:
string[] simulationOfTyping = new string[] { "H", "He", "Hel", "Hell", "Hello", "Hello ", "Hello W", "Hello Wo", "Hello Wor", "Hello Worl", "Hello World" };
// simulate user typing
foreach(var text in simulationOfTyping)
DoWorkOnce.Add(() =>
// the last item should execute always.
Aside from mellamokb's comment, it sounds like you don't really want a thread pool at all - you want a single thread, with a single "next task to execute" - where if there's already a task to execute, it's overwritten by the new one. Essentially like a producer/consumer queue, but with only one "slot" which is overwritten.
In TPL Dataflow, this is exactly what BroadcastBlock does: it will always remember only the last item posted to it. If you link it to an ActionBlock with capacity bounded to 1, that ActionBlock's action will execute the way you want.
Although it probably doesn't make much sense to use TPL Dataflow just for this.
Cosider the following sample class:
class MyClass
private object syncRoot = new object();
private int value;
public event Action<int> SomethingOccurred;
public void UpdateSomething()
int newValue;
lock (syncRoot)
// ... Do some stuff that modifies some state of the object.
newValue = ++value;
// How to ensure that raising these events are done in the correct order?
In the class above, the events may not occur in the same order that the value was updated apparently, since it's done outside of the lock-statement. The question is, what would be the best way to raise these events outside of the lock statement, but ensuring that they are raised in the correct order (i.e. in this case producing the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4...)?
The best idea I've come up with is to essetially have a ConcurrentQueue or similar to which the values are added, and having a separate thread raise the events based on the values in the queue. But I would prefer to not have a separate thread allocated just for raising these events. Is there a smarter way to accomplish this?
My first idea was to have a concurrent queue, and use the following code for raising the event:
int result;
while (m_events.TryDequeue(out result))
The problem with that of course is that it does not guarantee the order either, since multiple threads would dequeue stuff concurrently and the same problem as before persists basically.
I could place another lock around the event-raising, but this would cause the same undesired blocking as raising the events from inside the lock in the first place.
So is there a lock-free way to guarantee only a single thread is dequeueing and raising events in this case? Or is there another way that is better altogether?
Edit 2:
To illustrate a usage, I want to guarantee that the following code would output the sequence 1 through 20 in order:
MyClass myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.SomethingOccurred += (i) =>
Thread.Sleep(100); Console.WriteLine(i);
Parallel.ForEach(Enumerable.Range(1, 20), i =>
I don't care if the event handler is called from different threads, but it must not be called concurrently, and it must be called with in the correct order.
The best solution I have so far would be the following which is likely not very efficient use of threading resources:
class MyClass
private object syncRoot = new object();
private int value;
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<int> m_events = new ConcurrentQueue<int>();
private object eventRaiserLock = new object();
public event Action<int> SomethingOccurred;
public void UpdateSomething()
int newValue;
lock (syncRoot)
// ... Do some stuff that modifies some state of the object.
newValue = ++value;
// How to ensure that raising these events are done in the correct order?
private void RaiseEvents()
Task.Run(() =>
lock (eventRaiserLock)
int result;
while (m_events.TryDequeue(out result))
If you need ordering, you need synchronization - it's that simple.
It's not entirely obvious what you're trying to do here - the event you're raising is effectively raised on some random thread. Obviously, that's not going to preserve any ordering, since it's perfectly possible for the events to be running concurrently (since UpdateSomething is called from multiple threads).
A queue is a simple solution, and you don't need to waste any extra threads either - however, you might want to think about the ordering of the UpdateSomething calls anyway - are you sure the items are going to be queued in the proper order in the first place?
Now, ConcurrentQueue is a bit tricky in that it doesn't give you a nice, awaitable interface. One option is to use the Dataflow library - a BufferBlock does pretty much what you want. Otherwise, you can write your own asynchronous concurrent queue - though again, doing this well is quite complicated. You could use something like this as a starting point:
async Task Main()
var queue = new AsyncConcurrentQueue<int>();
var task = DequeueAllAsync(queue, i => Console.WriteLine(i));
await task;
private async Task DequeueAllAsync<T>(AsyncConcurrentQueue<T> queue, Action<T> action)
while (true)
var value = await queue.TakeAsync(CancellationToken.None);
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
public class AsyncConcurrentQueue<T>
private readonly ConcurrentQueue<T> _internalQueue;
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _newItem;
private int _isFinished;
public AsyncConcurrentQueue()
_internalQueue = new ConcurrentQueue<T>();
_newItem = new SemaphoreSlim(0);
public void Enqueue(T value)
public void Finish()
Interlocked.Exchange(ref _isFinished, 1);
public async Task<T> TakeAsync(CancellationToken token)
while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
await _newItem.WaitAsync(token);
T result;
if (_internalQueue.TryDequeue(out result))
return result;
if (_isFinished == 1) throw new OperationCanceledException();
throw new OperationCanceledException(token);
This ensures that you have a queue with a global ordering that you can keep filling, and which is emptied continually whenever there are any items. The removal (and execution of the action) is in order of adding, and it happens on a single worker thread. When there are no items to dequeue, that thread is returned to the thread pool, so you're not wasting a thread blocking.
Again, this is still a relatively naïve solution. You want to add more error handling at the very least (according to your needs - e.g. perhaps the action(value) call should be in a try-catch so that a failed action doesn't stop your dequeue loop?).
So first all of my example code:
class Program
static List<string> queue = new List<string>();
static System.Threading.Thread queueWorkerThread;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Randomly call 'AddItemToQueue' at certain circumstances and user inputs (unpredictable)
static void AddItemToQueue(string item)
// Check if the queue worker thread is active
if (queueWorkerThread == null || queueWorkerThread.IsAlive == false)
queueWorkerThread = new System.Threading.Thread(QueueWorker);
Console.WriteLine("Added item to queue and started queue worker!");
Console.WriteLine("Added item to queue and queue worker is already active!");
static void QueueWorker()
string currentItem = queue[0];
// ...
// Do things with 'currentItem'
// ...
// Remove item from queue and process next one
} while (queue.Count > 0);
// Reference Point (in my question) <----
What I am trying to create in my code is a QueueWorker()-method which is always active when there is something in the queue.
Items can be added to the queue via a AddItemToQueue()-method as you can see in the code example.
It basically adds the item to the queue and then checks whether the queue worker is active (aka. if there were other items in the queue previously) or if its not (aka. if the queue was completely empty previously).
And what I am not fully sure about is that: Let's say the queue-worker-thread was currently at the position shown in the screenshot (it left the while-loop just now) and of course the thread's IsAlive-property is still set to true at this point.
So what if the AddItemToQueue()-method checked the thread's IsAlive-property at the exact same time?
That would mean the thread would end shortly after and the new item would just be left in the queue and nothing would happen because the AddItemToQueue()-method didn't realize that the thread was just about to end.
How do I deal with this? (I want to make sure everything works 100%)
(If there's any questions about my question or something is not clear, then feel free to ask!)
More newbie questions:
This code grabs a number of proxies from the list in the main window (I couldn't figure out how to make variables be available between different functions) and does a check on each one (simple httpwebrequest) and then adds them to a list called finishedProxies.
For some reason when I press the start button, the whole program hangs up. I was under the impression that Parallel creates separate threads for each action leaving the UI thread alone so that it's responsive?
private void start_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Populate a list of proxies
List<string> proxies = new List<string>();
List<string> finishedProxies = new List<string>();
foreach (string proxy in proxiesList.Items)
Parallel.ForEach<string>(proxies, (i) =>
string checkResult;
checkResult = checkProxy(i);
// update ui
new Action(
status.Content = "hello" + checkResult;
)); */
// update ui finished
//Console.WriteLine("[{0}] F({1}) = {2}", Thread.CurrentThread.Name, i, CalculateFibonacciNumber(i));
I've tried using the code that's commented out to make changes to the UI inside the Parallel.Foreach and it makes the program freeze after the start button is pressed. It's worked for me before but I used Thread class.
How can I update the UI from inside the Parallel.Foreach and how do I make Parallel.Foreach work so that it doesn't make the UI freeze up while it's working?
Here's the whole code.
You must not start the parallel processing in your UI thread. See the example under the "Avoid Executing Parallel Loops on the UI Thread" header in this page.
Update: Or, you can simply create a new thread manuall and start the processing inside that as I see you have done. There's nothing wrong with that too.
Also, as Jim Mischel points out, you are accessing the lists from multiple threads at the same time, so there are race conditions there. Either substitute ConcurrentBag for List, or wrap the lists inside a lock statement each time you access them.
A good way to circumvent the problems of not being able to write to the UI thread when using Parallel statements is to use the Task Factory and delegates, see the following code, I used this to iterate over a series of files in a directory, and process them in a Parallel.ForEach loop, after each file is processed the UI thread is signaled and updated:
var files = GetFiles(directoryToScan);
tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
CancellationToken ct = tokenSource.Token;
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate
// Were we already canceled?
Parallel.ForEach(files, currentFile =>
// Poll on this property if you have to do
// other cleanup before throwing.
if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
// Clean up here, then...
ProcessFile(directoryToScan, currentFile, directoryToOutput);
// Update calling thread's UI
BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
}, tokenSource.Token); // Pass same token to StartNew.
task.ContinueWith((t) =>
BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
And the methods that do the actual UI changes:
void WriteProgress(string fileName)
progressBar.Visible = true;
lblResizeProgressAmount.Visible = true;
lblResizeProgress.Visible = true;
progressBar.Value += 1;
Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
lblResizeProgressAmount.Text = counter.ToString();
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(fileName);
listView1.FullRowSelect = true;
private void SignalCompletion(Stopwatch sw)
if (tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested)
lblFinished.Visible = true;
lblFinished.Text = String.Format("Processing was cancelled after {0}", sw.Elapsed.ToString());
lblFinished.Visible = true;
if (counter > 0)
lblFinished.Text = String.Format("Resized {0} images in {1}", counter, sw.Elapsed.ToString());
lblFinished.Text = "Nothing to resize";
Hope this helps!
If anyone's curious, I kinda figured it out but I'm not sure if that's good programming or any way to deal with the issue.
I created a new thread like so:
Thread t = new Thread(do_checks);
and put away all of the parallel stuff inside of do_checks().
Seems to be doing okay.
One problem with your code is that you're calling FinishedProxies.Add from multiple threads concurrently. That's going to cause a problem because List<T> isn't thread-safe. You'll need to protect it with a lock or some other synchronization primitive, or use a concurrent collection.
Whether that causes the UI lockup, I don't know. Without more information, it's hard to say. If the proxies list is very long and checkProxy doesn't take long to execute, then your tasks will all queue up behind that Invoke call. That's going to cause a whole bunch of pending UI updates. That will lock up the UI because the UI thread is busy servicing those queued requests.
This is what I think might be happening in your code-base.
Normal Scenario: You click on button. Do not use Parallel.Foreach loop. Use Dispatcher class and push the code to run on separate thread in background. Once the background thread is done processing, it will invoke the main UI thread for updating the UI. In this scenario, the background thread(invoked via Dispatcher) knows about the main UI thread, which it needs to callback. Or simply said the main UI thread has its own identity.
Using Parallel.Foreach loop: Once you invoke Paralle.Foreach loop, the framework uses the threadpool thread. ThreadPool threads are chosen randomly and the executing code should never make any assumption on the identity of the chosen thread. In the original code its very much possible that dispatcher thread invoked via Parallel.Foreach loop is not able to figure out the thread which it is associated with. When you use explicit thread, then it works fine because the explicit thread has its own identity which can be relied upon by the executing code.
Ideally if your main concern is all about keeping UI responsive, then you should first use the Dispatcher class to push the code in background thread and then in there use what ever logic you want to speedup the overall execution.
if you want to use parallel foreach in GUI control like button click etc
then put parallel foreach in Task.Factory.StartNew
private void start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
Parallel.ForEach(YourArrayList, (ArraySingleValue) =>
Console.WriteLine("your background process code goes here for:"+ArraySingleValue);
}//func end
it will resolve freeze/stuck or hang issue
I am trying to populate a text box with some data, namely the names of several instruments a line at a time.
I have a class that will generate and return a list of instruments, I then iterate through the list and append a new line to the text box after each iteration.
Starting the Thread:
private void buttonListInstruments_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ins == null)
ins = new Thread(GetListOfInstruments);
else if (ins != null)
textBoxLog.AppendText("Instruments still updating..");
Delegate to update textbox:
public delegate void UpdateLogWithInstrumentsCallback(List<Instrument> instruments);
private void UpdateInstruments(List<Instrument> instruments)
textBoxLog.AppendText("Listing available Instruments...\n");
foreach (var value in instruments)
textBoxLog.AppendText(value.ToString() + "\n");
textBoxLog.AppendText("End of list. \n");
ins = null;
Invoking the control:
private void GetListOfInstruments()
textBoxLog.Invoke(new UpdateLogWithInstrumentsCallback(this.UpdateInstruments),
new object[] { midiInstance.GetInstruments() });
Note: GetInstruments() returns a List of type Instrument.
I am implementing therads to try to keep the GUI functional whilst the text box updates.
For some reason the other UI controls on the WinForm such as a seperate combo box remain inactive when pressed until the text box has finished updating.
Am I using threads correctly?
You haven't accomplished anything, the UpdateInstruments() method still runs on the UI thread, just like it did before. Not so sure why you see such a long delay, that must be a large number of instruments. You can possibly make it is less slow by first appending all of them into a StringBuilder, then append its ToString() value to the TextBox. That cuts out the fairly expensive Windows call.
I would recommend using a SynchronizationContext in general:
From the UI thread, e.g. initialization:
// make sure a SC is created automatically
Forms.WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext.AutoInstall = true;
// a control needs to exist prior to getting the SC for WinForms
// (any control will do)
var syncControl = new Forms.Control();
SyncrhonizationContext winformsContext = System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current;
Later on, from any thread wishing to post to the above SC:
// later on -- no need to worry about Invoke/BeginInvoke! Whoo!
// Post will run async and will guarantee a post to the UI message queue
// that is, this returns immediately
// it is OKAY to call this from the UI thread or a non-UI thread
winformsContext.Post(((state) => ..., someState);
As others have pointed out, either make the UI update action quicker (this is the better method!!!) or separate it into multiple actions posted to the UI queue (if you post into the queue then other message in the queue won't be blocked). Here is an example of "chunking" the operations into little bit of time until it's all done -- it assumes UpdateStuff is called after the data is collected and not necessarily suitable when the collection itself takes noticeable time. This doesn't take "stopping" into account and is sort of messy as it uses a closure instead of passing the state. Anyway, enjoy.
void UpdateStuff (List<string> _stuff) {
var stuff = new Queue<string>(_stuff); // make copy
SendOrPostCallback fn = null; // silly so we can access in closure
fn = (_state) => {
// this is in UI thread
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
while (s.ElapsedMilliseconds < 20 && stuff.Count > 0) {
var item = stuff.Dequeue();
// do stuff with item
if (stuff.Count > 0) {
// have more stuff. we may have run out of our "time-slice"
winformsContext.Post(fn, null);
winformsContext.Post(fn, null);
Happy coding.
Change this line:
textBoxLog.Invoke(new UpdateLogWithInstrumentsCallback(this.UpdateInstruments),
new object[] { midiInstance.GetInstruments() });
with this:
textBoxLog.BeginInvoke(new UpdateLogWithInstrumentsCallback(this.UpdateInstruments),
new object[] { midiInstance.GetInstruments() });
You are feeding all instruments into the textbox at once rather then one-by-one in terms of threading. The call to Invoke shall be placed in the for-loop and not to surround it.
nope, you start a thread, and then use invoke, which basically means you are going back to the UI thread to do the work... so your thread does nothing!
You might find that it's more efficient to build a string first and append to the textbox in one chunk, instead of line-by-line. The string concatenation operation could then be done on the helper thread as well.
I have a timer calling a function every 15 minutes, this function counts the amount of lines in my DGV and starts a thread for each lines (of yet another function), said thread parse a web page which can take anywhere from 1 second to 10 second to finish.
Whilst it does work fine as it is with 1-6 rows, anymore will cause the requests to time-out.
I want it to wait for the newly created thread to finish processing before getting back in the loop to create another thread without locking the main UI
for (int x = 0; x <= dataGridFollow.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
string getID = dataGridFollow.Rows[x].Cells["ID"].Value.ToString();
int ID = int.Parse(getID);
Thread t = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateLo));
// <- Wait for thread to finish here before getting back in the for loop
I have googled a lot in the past 24 hours, read a lot about this specific issue and its implementations (Thread.Join, ThreadPools, Queuing, and even SmartThreadPool).
It's likely that I've read the correct answer somewhere but I'm not at ease enough with C# to decypher those Threading tools
Thanks for your time
to avoid the UI freeze the framework provide a class expressly for these purposes: have a look at the BackgroundWorker class (executes an operation on a separate thread), here's some infos : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.backgroundworker.aspx
Btw looks if I understand correctly you don't want to parallelize any operation so just wait for the method parsing the page to be completed. Basically for each (foreach look) row of your grid you get the id and call the method. If you want to go parallel just reuse the same foreach loop and add make it Parallel
What you want is to set off a few workers that do some task.
When one finishes you can start a new one off.
I'm sure there is a better way using thread pools or whatever.. but I was bored so i came up with this.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
namespace WorkerTest
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
WorkerGroup workerGroup = new WorkerGroup();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
var work = new Action(() =>
Thread.Sleep(1000); //somework
while (workerGroup.WorkCount > 0)
public class WorkerGroup
private List<Worker> workers;
private Queue<Action> workToDo;
private object Lock = new object();
public int WorkCount { get { return workToDo.Count; } }
public WorkerGroup()
workers = new List<Worker>();
workers.Add(new Worker());
workers.Add(new Worker());
foreach (var w in workers)
w.WorkCompleted += (OnWorkCompleted);
workToDo = new Queue<Action>();
private void OnWorkCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void AddWork(Action work)
private void FindWork()
lock (Lock)
if (workToDo.Count > 0)
var availableWorker = workers.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsBusy);
if (availableWorker != null)
var work = workToDo.Dequeue();
public class Worker
private BackgroundWorker worker;
private Action work;
public bool IsBusy { get { return worker.IsBusy; } }
public event EventHandler WorkCompleted;
public Worker()
worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(OnWorkerDoWork);
worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(OnWorkerRunWorkerCompleted);
private void OnWorkerRunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
if (WorkCompleted != null)
WorkCompleted(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void StartWork(Action work)
if (!IsBusy)
this.work = work;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Worker is busy");
private void OnWorkerDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
work = null;
This would be just a starting point.
You could start it off with a list of Actions and then have a completed event for when that group of actions is finished.
then at least you can use a ManualResetEvent to wait for the completed event.. or whatever logic you want really.
Call a method directly or do a while loop (with sleep calls) to check the status of the thread.
There are also async events but the would call another method, and you want to continue from the same point.
I have no idea why the requests would timeout. That sounds like a different issue. However, I can make a few suggestions regarding your current approach.
Avoid creating threads in loops with nondeterministic bounds. There is a lot of overhead in creating threads. If the number of operations is not known before hand then use the ThreadPool or the Task Parallel Library instead.
You are not going to get the behavior you want by blocking the UI thread with Thread.Join. The cause the UI to become unresponsive and it will effectively serialize the operations and cancel out any advantage you were hoping to gain with threads.
If you really want to limit the number of concurrent operations then a better solution is to create a separate dedicated thread for kicking off the operations. This thread will spin around a loop indefinitely waiting for items to appear in a queue and when they do it will dequeue them and use that information to kick off an operation asynchronously (again using the ThreadPool or TPL). The dequeueing thread can contain the logic for limiting the number of concurrent operations. Search for information regarding the producer-consumer pattern to get a better understand of how you can implement this.
There is a bit of a learning curve, but who said threading was easy right?
If I understand correctly, what you're currently doing is looping through a list of IDs in the UI thread, starting a new thread to handle each one. The blocking issue you're seeing then could well be that it's taking too many resources to create unique threads. So, personally (without knowing more) would redesign the process like so:
//Somewhere in the UI Thread
Thread worker = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(UpdateLoWorker));
//worker thread
private void UpdateLoWorker(DataRowCollection rows)
foreach(DataRow r in rows){
string getID = r.Cells["ID"].Value.ToString();
int ID = int.Parse(getID);
Here you'd have a single non-blocking worker which sequentially handles each ID.
Consider using Asynchronous CTP. It's an asynch pattern Microsoft recently released for download. It should simplify asynch programming tremendouesly. The link is http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/async.aspx. (Read the whitepaper first)
Your code would look something like the following. (I've not verified my syntax yet, sorry).
private async Task DoTheWork()
for(int x = 0; x <= dataGridFollow.Rows.Count - 1; x++)
string getID = dataGridFollow.Rows[x].Cells["ID"].Value.ToString();
int ID = int.Parse(getID);
task t = new Task(new Action<object>(UpdateLo), ID);
await t;
This method returns a Task that can be checked periodically for completion. This follows the pattern of "fire and forget" meaning you just call it and presumably, you don't care when it completes (as long as it does complete before 15 minutes).
I corrected the syntax above, you would need to change UpdateLo to take an object instead of an Int.
For a simple background thread runner that will run one thread from a queue at a time you can do something like this:
private List<Thread> mThreads = new List<Thread>();
public static void Main()
Thread t = new Thread(ThreadMonitor);
t.IsBackground = true;
private static void ThreadMonitor()
while (true)
foreach (Thread t in mThreads.ToArray())
// Runs one thread in the queue and waits for it to finish
Thread.Sleep(2000); // Wait before checking for new threads
// Called from the UI or elsewhere to create any number of new threads to run
public static void DoStuff()
Thread t = new Thread(DoCorestuff);
t.IsBackground = true;
public static void DoStuffCore()
// Your code here