If the filename contains # - download from skydrive fails. More precisely - length of result always 0. Other files are loaded without any problems;
start downloading:
if (!loading) {
if (!Storage.Exists(item.Name)
|| MessageBox.Show(AppResources.alreadyExists, AppResources.confirmation, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) == MessageBoxResult.OK) {
loading = true;
App.loadInfo.Name = item.Name;
App.loadInfo.Info = AppResources.loadingStart;
PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Disa bled;
client.DownloadAsync(item.Id + CONTENT, item);
download completed:
void client_DownloadCompleted(object sender, LiveDownloadCompletedEventArgs e) {
PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode = IdleDetectionMode.Enabled;
try {
FileItem item = e.UserState as FileItem;
if (e.Error == null
&& !e.Cancelled
&& e.UserState != null
&& item.Size == e.Result.Length.ToString()) //LENGTH = 0 { Storage.SaveFile(item.Name, e.Result);
App.loadInfo.Info = AppResources.loadingComplete;
new GetIcon(item._name);
else {
if (item != null) App.loadInfo.Name = item.Name;
App.loadInfo.Info = AppResources.loadingError;
finally { App.loadInfo.Progress = 0; loading = false; MakeUi(); }
LiveDownloadProgressChangedEventArgs does not arise
If this is genuinely the case, can you not just strip the fragments from the URI before you make the request?
Live Connect & Live SDK Known Issues
This logic checks accessGroup and if accessGroup is equal to "Admin" then it only checks if result.Admin or baccess is true but if accessGroup is anything else it will need to check two other objects result.Admin == true || result.PowerUser.
Is there any other way to do this if condition?
if (accessGroup == "Admin")
if (baccess == true || result.Admin == true)
var FileInfo = GetFile(fileManagerGuidId);
if (FileInfo != null)
FileManagerLog _filemanagerLog = new FileManagerLog();
_filemanagerLog.CustomerId =Request.Cookies["customerid"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["customerid"].Value) : 0;
_filemanagerLog.FileManagerGuid = new Guid(fileManagerGuidId);
byte[] fileBytes = FileInfo.FileData;
return File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, FileInfo.FileName);
return null;
if (baccess == true || result.Admin == true || result.PowerUser)
var FileInfo = GetFile(fileManagerGuidId);
if (FileInfo != null)
FileManagerLog _filemanagerLog = new FileManagerLog();
_filemanagerLog.CustomerId =Request.Cookies["customerid"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["customerid"].Value) : 0;
_filemanagerLog.FileManagerGuid = new Guid(fileManagerGuidId);
byte[] fileBytes = FileInfo.FileData;
return File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, FileInfo.FileName);
return null;
Using Enum flags is really great in ur case,
create an enum with
admin = 1
poweruser = 2
normaluser = 4
and check on the result you have
"== true" is useless, writing the boolean itself is enough
if (baccess|| result.Admin || result.PowerUser)
second solution :
if powerUse is only for normal user, you can use Or state
Boolean allowed = false;
if (baccess || result.Admin)
if (accessGroup == "Admin")
allowed = true;
allowed =result.PowerUser
var FileInfo = GetFile(fileManagerGuidId);
if (FileInfo == null)
FileManagerLog _filemanagerLog = new FileManagerLog();
_filemanagerLog.CustomerId =Request.Cookies["customerid"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["customerid"].Value) : 0;
_filemanagerLog.FileManagerGuid = new Guid(fileManagerGuidId);
byte[] fileBytes = FileInfo.FileData;
return File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, FileInfo.FileName);
return null;
There are lots of ways to do this some better than others
however looking at the logic i think you can drop most of it
as you are ORing all the fields then
if they have bacess the code runs regardless of anything else
if they
have result.Admin the code runs regardless of anything else
if they
have accessGroup == "Admin" the code runs regardless of anything else
if they have result.PowerUser the code runs regardless of anything
the only way this code wont run is if !baccess & !result.Admin & !result.PowerUser & accessGroup != "Admin"
so this is exactly the same
if (baccess || result.Admin || (accessGroup != "Admin" && Result.PowerUser))
var FileInfo = GetFile(fileManagerGuidId);
if (FileInfo != null)
FileManagerLog _filemanagerLog = new FileManagerLog();
_filemanagerLog.CustomerId =Request.Cookies["customerid"] != null ? Convert.ToInt32(Request.Cookies["customerid"].Value) : 0;
_filemanagerLog.FileManagerGuid = new Guid(fileManagerGuidId);
byte[] fileBytes = FileInfo.FileData;
return File(fileBytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, FileInfo.FileName);
return null;
though i suspect you actually wanting to AND (&&) the fields together
which would look like
if (baccess && (result.Admin || (accessGroup != "Admin" && result.PowerUser))
ie if they have access and are an admin or a poweruser
I want scan many images toghether in c# code, I use twain 3.0.0.
I want to change transfer mode in twain to save my images directly and don't collect these in RAM.
TwainSession _twain;
if (_twain.State == 4)
_stopScan = false;
if (_twain.CurrentSource.Capabilities.CapUIControllable.IsSupported)
// hide scanner ui if possible
if (_twain.CurrentSource.Enable(SourceEnableMode.NoUI, false, this.Handle) == ReturnCode.Success)
btnStopScan.Enabled = true;
btnStartCapture.Enabled = false;
data transfer:
_twain.DataTransferred += (s, e) =>
PlatformInfo.Current.Log.Info("Transferred data event on thread " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
// example on getting ext image info
var infos = e.GetExtImageInfo(NTwain.Data.ExtendedImageInfo.Camera).Where(it => it.ReturnCode == ReturnCode.Success);
foreach (var it in infos)
var values = it.ReadValues();
PlatformInfo.Current.Log.Info(string.Format("{0} = {1}", it.InfoID, values.FirstOrDefault()));
Image img = null;
if (e.NativeData != IntPtr.Zero)
var stream = e.GetNativeImageStream();
if (stream != null)
img = Image.FromStream(stream);
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.FileDataPath))
img = new Bitmap(e.FileDataPath);
While submitting a form, in one of the fields i am inserting vulnerable characters like =cmd|'/C calc'!A0. So in security terms it is termed as CSV-injection in export functionality
I have written code like this for above error. but its not working
public static string SaveRecord(RRSOCSaving RRSOCSaving, string Indication)
string strReturnId = "";
string strAppURL = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppUrl"].ToString();
string strmail_Content = "";
CommonDB commonObj = new CommonDB();
// Cross site scripting issue code tag..!!
if (commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_CODE)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.CITY)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_SITENAME)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_SITENAME_LANDL_1)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_SITENAME_LANDL_2)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_ASST_MANAGER_NAME)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_ASST_MANAGER_MOBNO)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.STORE_MANAGER_NAME)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.MANAGER_MOBNO)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.EMP_NEAREST_STORE)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.EMP_NEAREST_STORE_MOBNO)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.SUPERVISOR_MOBNO)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.SECURITY_SUP_NAME_STORE)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.SECURITY_SUP_MOBNO_STORE)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.ALPM_ALPO_NAME)
|| commonObj.HackerTextExistOrNot(RRSOCSaving.ALPM_ALPO_MOBNO))
strReturnId = "Something went wrong due to malicious script attack..!!!";
if (RRSOCSaving.ROLE_ASSIGNED == "SLP State Head")
bool blnState1 = Array.Exists(RRSOCSaving.ASSIGNED_STATE.ToString().ToUpper().Split(','), element => element == (RRSOCSaving.STATE).ToString().ToUpper());
if (blnState1)
strmail_Content = Get_Email_Content(RRSOCSaving.STORE_CODE, RRSOCSaving.UserName, Indication, RRSOCSaving.STATE, RRSOCSaving.SITE_STORE_FORMAT, RRSOCSaving.STORE_SITENAME);
// SendEmail(RRSOCSaving.UserName, RRSOCSaving.STORE_CODE, RRSOCSaving.SLP_EMAILID, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NHQEmail"].ToString(), strmail_Content, Indication);
strReturnId = CommonDB.INSERT_INTO_RRSOC_INFO(RRSOCSaving, Indication);
strReturnId = "User can add data for " + RRSOCSaving.ASSIGNED_STATE + " only";
else if (RRSOCSaving.ROLE_ASSIGNED == "NHQ Admin")
strmail_Content = Get_Email_Content(RRSOCSaving.STORE_CODE, RRSOCSaving.UserName, Indication, RRSOCSaving.STATE, RRSOCSaving.SITE_STORE_FORMAT, RRSOCSaving.STORE_SITENAME);
// SendEmail(RRSOCSaving.UserName, RRSOCSaving.STORE_CODE, RRSOCSaving.SLP_EMAILID, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NHQEmail"].ToString(), strmail_Content, Indication);
strReturnId = CommonDB.INSERT_INTO_RRSOC_INFO(RRSOCSaving, Indication);
//strReturnId = "Record Saved Succesfully";
// strReturnId = CommonDB.INSERT_INTO_RRSOC_INFO(RRSOCSaving);
catch (Exception)
return strReturnId;
public bool HackerTextExistOrNot(string Text)
bool flgValid = false;
Regex htmltags = new Regex(#"<.*?>");
Match chkMatch = htmltags.Match(Text);
if (chkMatch.Success)
flgValid = true;
return flgValid;
Please suggest how to stop this error.
Your HackerTextExistOrNot method is checking for the existance of html tags.
You should however check if the text is starting with one of the formular triggering characters.
To protect yourself against the injection attack ensure that none of the given text begins with any of the following characters:
Equals to ("=")
Plus ("+")
Minus ("-")
At ("#")
So you can check like this:
var attackChars = new char[]{'=','+','-','#'};
I have a console application which runs as 32 bit process(we cant change it to 64 bit) and is throwing Out of memory Exception. We traced minor Memory leak(related to Entity Framework repository) in a downstream process but with that too application should not cross 2 GB memory.
One thing i want to understand is sometimes application processes 2500 records while other times it fails at 100.(Server memory utilization is under 60% when this application is running
I am using Parallel.forEach and controlling number of threads to 4 using ParallelOptions. Can anybody suggest making the application on a single thread may by any chance resolve the problem.
(The application didn't fail in any lower environment but only in production and giving us a very hard time).
Below is the code snippet.
Thanks In Advance,
protected override void Execute(IEnumerable<PlanPremiumDetails> argument)
if (argument.Any())
var EnrollmentRequests = argument.GroupBy(c => c.CaseNumber).ToList();
SelectedPlanPremiumDetails request;
EnrollmentResponse enrollmentResponse;
bool taskStatus;
Common.Status.TotalAutoEnrollRecords = EnrollmentRequests.Count;
Action<IGrouping<int,PlanPremiumDetails>> processRequest = eRequest =>
int caseNumber;
List<EnrolledIndividual> enrolledIndividuals;
string errorMessage;
caseNumber = eRequest.Key;
if (eRequest.Any(f => f.FailedMCOEnrollmentId > 0))
request = FailedMcoRequest(eRequest, caseNumber);
enrollmentResponse = InvokeEnrollment(request);
if (enrollmentResponse.OverallStatus == false && enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA != null)
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder();
if (enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps != null)
Exception innerExp = enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps.InnerException;
if (innerExp != null)
// messages.Append(enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps.InnerException.Message);
innerExp = innerExp.InnerException;
while (innerExp != null);
if (enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA != null && enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.InnerErrorInfo != null)
foreach (var msg in enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.InnerErrorInfo)
messages.Append( string.Format(#"ErrorCode: {0}, ErrorMessage: {1} ",msg.ErrorCode,msg.ErrorMessage));
errorMessage = Convert.ToString(messages);
Common.Errors.Add(new Exception(String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FailedEnrollErrorText"], caseNumber, errorMessage), enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps));
taskStatus = GenerateTask(eRequest, caseNumber, false, errorMessage);
if (taskStatus)
UpdateTriggerStatus(caseNumber, "Y");
UpdateTriggerStatus(caseNumber, "N");
Common.Errors.Add(new Exception(String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FailedEnrollErrorText"], caseNumber, "Task Creation")));
Common.Status.Success = (Common.Status.Success + 1);
UpdateTriggerStatus(caseNumber, "Y");
enrolledIndividuals = eRequest.Select(p => new EnrolledIndividual
IndividualId = p.IndividualId,
EdgTraceId = p.EdgTraceId,
EDGNumber = p.EDGNumber
request = new SelectedPlanPremiumDetails()
EmployerId = 0,
CaseNumber = caseNumber,
CallBackId = Common.ApplicationName,
SourceSystem = EnrollmentLibrary.SourceSystem.MAAUTOASSIGN,
AutoAssignMCOIndividuals = enrolledIndividuals
enrollmentResponse = InvokeEnrollment(request);
if (enrollmentResponse.OverallStatus == false && enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA != null)
StringBuilder messages = new StringBuilder();
if (enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps != null)
Exception innerExp = enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps.InnerException;
if (innerExp != null)
// messages.Append(enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps.InnerException.Message);
innerExp = innerExp.InnerException;
while (innerExp != null);
if (enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA != null && enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.InnerErrorInfo.Count != null)
foreach (var msg in enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.InnerErrorInfo)
messages.Append(string.Format(#"ErrorCode: {0}, ErrorMessage: {1} ", msg.ErrorCode, msg.ErrorMessage));
errorMessage = Convert.ToString(messages);
Common.Errors.Add(new Exception(String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AutoEnrollErrorText"], caseNumber, errorMessage), enrollmentResponse.ErrorInformationMA.ErrorInformationPostMcaps));
// Update status to be saved in InterfaceSummary table.
Common.Status.Success = (Common.Status.Success + 1);
catch(Exception ex)
Common.Errors.Add(new Exception(String.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AutoEnrollErrorText"], eRequest.Key, ex.Message), ex));
int dParallelism = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DegreeofParallelism"]);
new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = dParallelism > 0 ? dParallelism : 1 },
A weird situation has struck me this code was running successfully two days back, but i dont know why its not running as before now :
public static void ChangeStatus(int sessionID, int? participantID, Guid? temporaryParticipantID, int statustypeID)
using (EMSEntities entities = new EMSEntities())
using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope())
SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = null;
CurrentSessionSeatsStatu sessionCurrentStatus = null;
if (participantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.ParticipantID == participantID)
else if (temporaryParticipantID != null)
sessionParticipant = entities.SessionParticipants
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID && a.TemporaryParticipantID == temporaryParticipantID)
if (sessionParticipant != null)
sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID = statustypeID; // Status Changed here
**if (sessionParticipant.StatusTypeID == 2) // verified status
sessionCurrentStatus = entities.CurrentSessionSeatsStatus
.Where(a => a.SessionID == sessionID)
if (sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft > 0)
sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft = sessionCurrentStatus.SeatsLeft - 1;
catch (Exception ex)
The problem is that changes(in StatusTypeID) for sessionParticipant are not saved in database but sessionCurrentStatus changes are !
no error thrown nothing !
Edit: I have discovered that the change in sessionparticipant is happening in all cases except when the status is changed to verified.
ie. when the other table viz. sessioncurrentstatus is updated in the if block.
That is whenever it goes in this if block(bold in code) the problem takes place.
Finally i found the problem and i think its because of the below code however it would be good if someone can explain the exact reason:
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // the position of this code line can be found in the below code
below is the code which called the ChangesStatus method:
protected void ddlStatuses_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < gridViewEvents.VisibleRowCount; i++)
if (gridViewEvents.Selection.IsRowSelected(i))
EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant sessionParticipant = (EMS.DAL.SessionParticipant)gridViewEvents.GetRow(i);
EMS.DAL.Session session = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionById(sessionParticipant.SessionID);
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.ChangeStatus(sessionParticipant.SessionID, sessionParticipant.ParticipantID, sessionParticipant.TemporaryParticipantID, Convert.ToInt32(ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value));
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2" || ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // if accepted or rejected
if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "2") // verified/accepted
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Congratulations! your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been confirmed.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
// AT THIS POINT THE 'sessionParticipant' did not have the changed status which was set in the ChangeStatus method
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); // culprit as per me
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail == null)
attendanceListDetail.AttendanceListID = a.ID;
attendanceListDetail.ParticipantID = sessionParticipant.ParticipantID.Value;
attendanceListDetail.IsPresent = false;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Added);
else if (ddlStatuses.SelectedItem.Value == "3") // denied/rejected
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.SendMail("Your participation for " + session.Name + " event has been denied.", "", sessionParticipant.Email, "");
sessionParticipant.IsNotified = true;
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(sessionParticipant, System.Data.EntityState.Modified);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
EMS.DAL.DALHelper.AttachAndSaveChanges(attendanceListDetail, System.Data.EntityState.Deleted);
List<EMS.DAL.SessionAttendanceList> attendanceList = EMS.DAL.DALHelper.GetSessionAttendanceList(session.ID);
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>
EMS.DAL.AttendanceListDetail attendanceListDetail = a.AttendanceListDetails.Where(p => p.ParticipantID == sessionParticipant.ParticipantID).FirstOrDefault();
if (attendanceListDetail != null)
attendanceList.ForEach(a =>