I know try catch have been discussed a lot but I haven’t found a solution to my problem yet.
I’m writing a Silverlight application where every exception should generate a MessageBox that says something like “Sorry of the inconvenience”.
Since I cannot guarantee that my code will be free from exceptions my coworker has instructed me to have a try catch in every method (a couple of hundred) like this:
public void Method1()
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, we apologize for the inconvenience. \n" + e.Message);
public void Method2()
catch (Exception e)
MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong, we apologize for the inconvenience. \n" + e.Message);
But it seems so excessive. I’ve read that one does not use try catch in this way plus there will be a lot of duplicated code plus the code will be obfuscated and hard to read.
Are there any alternatives like a global try catch I can use?
you can always handle the AppDomain.UnhandledException Event
Try-catches in each and single method is silly. But:
What is the reason your colleague wants you to catch exceptions to that extent? Do you let exceptions slip through to a level where they are unwanted?
I had a similar case with a product already in use with our customers. It was a WPF project that is similar to silverlight. My job was to ride out bugs in old bad code, that nobody still working with us mastered. The application cross-function with other programs in windows and it was impossible to foresee what could go wrong in different environments.
I had these problems:
The program stopped working because of uncaught exceptions.
It was hard to understand what went wrong, in order to fix the bugs. Our customers normally report errors by emailing screen dumps where it was hard to see what happened.
My approach was:
Catching exceptions on selected "user and system end points". That is typically event handlers for button click, drag-n-drop, navigation commands, and so on from the user side, and typically windows messages and server responses from the system side.
A class OopsBox to make the unexpected error handling a one-liner in each catch. Each catch has an as friendly message as possible, and hides the dirty stuff behind an expand button. The box is also used for error messages for expected errors, and in those cases there is no expand button and no dirty stuff to display as we know what went wrong already.
We gained this:
Users had an easier time figuring out a workaround, as they were not thrown out of context, in cases when the error were not severe.
It was, and still is, easier to grasp what went wrong when some unexpected behaviour was reported.
The Oops boxes started out in large frequencies but I believe the product is stabilizing faster now, and the Oops-boxes are much rarer.
Still to this day, when something goes wrong at a customer's, I get the call stack from them in an email. :)
It cost this:
A large walk-through of all the user and system end points.
Some logic had to be re-written to be able to put the catches at the right places.
Exceptions should be caught before they do any damage, like throwing the user out of context, and in a level where it makes sense.
When users run your program and something unexpected happens, make sure you have a way to point you to where to start looking. I did this by catching otherwise unhandled exceptions on "user and system end points" that I selected for this purpose.
Error box or not, try to find a way to not throw the user out of context when something goes wrong. It is hard to make it work in all cases though, but it is fatal when it happens.
You can capture unhanded (and thread) exceptions using the Application.ThreadException and AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException properties.
Your Main would look something like this:
static void Main() {
if (Debugger.IsAttached) {
Application.ThreadException += ApplicationThreadException;
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomainUnhandledException;
Note the debugger check, just so the debugger can catch these exceptions when your developing.
The Run function is pretty simple
static void Run() {
Application.Run(new MainForm());
And then the two exception handlers.
static void ApplicationThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) {
ErrorInformationDialog eid = new ErrorInformationDialog(e.Exception.Message, e.Exception);
static void CurrentDomainUnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) {
ErrorInformationDialog eid = new ErrorInformationDialog(e.ExceptionObject as Exception);
And ErrorInformationDialog is just a form I put together to display an error notification and give instructions for reporting it.
I have an application in C# that I want to run by just running the .exe from my desktop. However, I'm pretty sure there will be some type of error that will make the program crash. Is there a way to write the problem that caused the program to crash to a text file, so that I can see what caused the issue when users are using the program? I know I can use debug mode to do this but I want to run the application as a stand alone not inside of VS.
I am aware of the try catch blocks and I am already using those where problems might occur. But I am speaking in general. For example if I wasn't sure where the problem would occur. There is no way to print this specific error to a file.
You can try the global try/catch method except that if there is an exception on a background thread it won't be caught. You can use AppDomain.UnhandledException if you want to be notified of any unhandled exception in the appdomain (msdn). You would signup in main before the rest of your program executes like so:
static void Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.UnhandledException += WriteUnhandledExceptionToFile;
// rest of program
static void WriteUnhandledExceptionToFile(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs args)
// write to where ever you can get it.
string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "UnhandledException.txt");
File.WriteAllText(path, args.ExceptionObject.ToString()); // will print message and full stack trace.
Note that by default Windows Forms and WPF catch any exceptions that are thrown on the UI thread. You will have to subscribe to the Application.ThreadException event (forms) or Application.DispatcherUnhandledException event (wpf) to be notified of exceptions on those threads. The code would be very similar to the code above for the AppDomain event.
Have a global exception handler that writes the exception details to a file.
If you wrap the code in your Main method in a try{}catch{} block, you can write out the exception details in the catch block.
// Calls to application code
catch(Exception ex)
// log `ex.ToString()`
throw; // rethrow to ensure termination optionally: `Application.Exit`
Even if you aren't logging the problem, you can usually get the error in question from the event viewer within windows.
The first thing you want to look at is the try/catch construct in C#. This is probably your first building block to handling errors.
As for how you handle the errors, that's entirely up to you. Currently your only stated goal is to log them to a file. You can get a lot of details out of the Exception object that you catch and you can write those details to a file. Additionally, you can use logging libraries to help with that sort of thing.
Proper error handling is something of a big subject, really. One thing to keep in mind is logically where you want to catch the exception. Ideally, you want to catch it where you can handle it. That is, where your code can sufficiently recover from the error. If it's a fatal error and the application should stop entirely, then you can throw the exception further up the stack and let it go unhandled (though still logged where you caught it).
If, however, you're in a logical condition where you can just log the error and move on, then the catch block allows you to do just that. Log the details, update the state of any objects/data which need to be updated, and continue with the flow of the application.
you can surround your one of the starting method with try catch block
///Your code
catch(Exception exception)
System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("ErrLog.txt", exception.Message);
As a permanent solution you can create extension method ToLog and use it whenever you want.
public static void ToLog(this Exception Exception)
using (var file = File.AppendText("ErrorLog.txt"))
file.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " : " + exception.Message);
You can use it in catch block like this
catch(Exception exception)
See initial information here http://www.csharp-examples.net/catching-unhandled-exceptions/
static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show(e.Exception.Message, "Unhandled Thread Exception");
static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show((e.ExceptionObject as Exception).Message, "Unhandled UI Exception");
The UnhandledException event handles uncaught exceptions thrown from the main UI thread. The ThreadException event handles uncaught exceptions thrown from non-UI threads.
I would replace the MessageBox with some actual logging (log4net or others). This would give you the ability to log out the errors to another server for distributed applications, file system for local users, event logs, options are fairly unlimited if you're willing to put in the time.
I have a couple of questions around exception management for a website:
in the catch block can I have a static class with a handle exception method that handles the exception like so:
catch (Exception ex)
throw ExceptionHandler.HandleException(...);
where ExceptionHandler.HandleException is a static method that returns a variable of type System.Exception. Is this a good practice? Any possible problems with this approach? Will it be thread safe?
In my application I have a DAL layer that is called by the Business layer and the Business layer is called by the UI. So, is it a good practice to just re-throw all Custom exceptions so they bubble up right up to the UI where they get displayed whereas System.Exception types get logged and I throw a custom exception in the catch block?
for eg in DAL and Business Layer like so:
catch (CustomExceptionBase ex)
catch (Exception sysEx)
ICustomExceptionBase ex = new SysException(sysEx);
throw BusinessException("Some problem while serving your request");
In the UI layer like so
catch (CustomExceptionBase ex)
//when custom exception bubbles up; code to display text to user on screen
catch (Exception sysEx)
ICustomExceptionBase ex = new SysException(sysEx);
//display error on screen;
Here CustomExceptionBase implements ICustomExceptionBase and inherits Exception. SysException & BusinessException both inherit from CustomExceptionBase.
Thanks for your time...
The intent of rethrowing in the system.Exceptions block is so that if there is a fatal error like database connection lost or something similar then I log it for the technical helpdesk and return a ticket number and rethrow the same so the user knows that something went wrong and this is your reference number to follow up. For all custom exceptions in the DAL layer or Business layer, I just bubble it up all the way to the UI where the text gets displayed.
I suspect some of the answers at least are entirely down to your architecture. In the first case it all depends on what ExceptionHandler.HandleException does exactly. Does it generate a new exception based on some criteria or is it just going to return the original exception?
Whether its thread-safe or not entirely depends on its implementation. For example in the following trivial case I'd say it was thread safe:
public static Exception ExceptionHandler.HandleException(Exception ex)
return ex;
In other cases it could easily be not thread safe. eg:
public static string message;
public static Exception ExceptionHandler.HandleException(Exception ex)
message = ex.ToString;
return new Exception(message);
The latter example clearly has scope for the message variable to be changed by another thread while this one is asleep.
As for the second... Exceptions should be handled where it makes sense to handle them. There is no hard and fast rule. If some part of the code can effect a recovery from an exception (or is willing to skip over it) then catch it at that point and not earlier. If an exception is truly fatal then nothing should be trying to catch it and pretend otherwise so you should just let it bubble right up to the top and do something like alert your user that things have crashed and that you need to restart or whatever.
So really it depends on what your custom exceptions mean. If they just mean "You want to retry this" then that is different from an exception saying "Data integrity has been compromised: 0==1". both of these may be custom so really its for you to decide where to handle things.
Yes, you can call a static exception handler inside a catch block and it will likely be threadsafe as long as you don't reference any static variables.
You should look at Microsoft's Enterprise Library. It has nearly this same design but uses exception policies defined in the web.config to control how the exception is bubbled, wrapped or discarded. Couple that with the Application Logging block and you have a complete solution.
In itself there aren't any technical problems having a static method to handle exceptions / rethrow exceptions, however from a best practices point of view having a single method that magically "handles" exceptions strikes me as a potential code smell. Exceptions are by their very name exceptional, each individual case requires thought to go into it to make sure that you are doing the correct thing and so I find it unlikely that your HandleException method will always be doing something sensible.
As an extreme example I know of one such application where pretty much every single method was wrapped in a try-catch block with a call to an static exception handler method which threw a generic MyApplicationException type. This is an extremely bad idea:
It clutters the code
It makes it harder to make sense of stack traces
It makes it very difficult for callers to catch and handle specific exceptions types
It makes throwing an exception an even bigger performance penalty than before
My favourite was a method which wasn't implemented which looked a bit like this:
void SomeException()
throw new NotImplementedException();
catch(Exception ex)
throw ExceptionHandler.HandleException(...);
The worst bit of this of course that it is completely mindless. As I said before exceptions are exceptional - each try ... catch block requires careful thought and consideration to be put into how it should behave, the use of a generic HandleException method is an immediate warning flag that this probably isn't the case.
Rethrowing exceptions
Generally speaking you should only rethrow an exception in two cases:
When you want to add contextual information to an exception (such as the name of the current file being processed)
When you had to catch an exception in order to handle some specific case, e.g. handling an "out of disk space" error
catch (IOException ex)
long win32ErrorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex) & 0xFFFF;
if (win32ErrorCode == ERROR_HANDLE_DISK_FULL || win32ErrorCode == ERROR_DISK_FULL)
// Specific "out of disk space" error handling code
"Bubbling" (i.e. catching and rethrowing an exception without doing anything with it) is completely unneccessary - this is what exceptions are already designed to do all by themselves!
Handling exceptions
Other people have said "exceptions should be handled where it makes sense" and I have even given this advice myself, but in hindsight I don't think thats particularly useful advice! :)
What people generally mean by that is that you should handle exceptions for specific reasons, and that you should choose where in your application to handle that exception depending on that reason.
For example if you want to display an error message to inform the user that they don't have permission to modify a file if you get an access denied error then you may have a specific try-catch block in your UI code that does this:
catch (IOException ex)
long win32ErrorCode = Marshal.GetHRForException(ex) & 0xFFFF;
if (win32ErrorCode == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
// Display "access denied error"
Note that this is very specific to this one case that we wish to handle - it catches only the specific exception type were are interested in and performs additional checks to filter down to the specific case we are interested in.
Alternatively if you want to log unhandled errors or gracefully display error messages to the user instead of an IIS 505 error screen then the place to do this is either in Global.asax or through a custom error page - ASP.Net Custom Error Pages
My point is that when handling exceptions we are are thinking carefully about what it is we want to achieve in terms of application functionality (e.g. retry logic, error messages, logging etc...) and implementing our exception handling logic to specifically address those requirements in the most targeted way possible - there is no magic exception handing framework and there is no boilerplate code.
Avoid exceptions entirely whenever possible!
I usually find that the best strategy is simply to avoid exceptions entirely whever possible! For example if your page parses user enter numbers and you want to display validation messages when they enter stupid values then validate your input up-front instead of catching exceptions:
void DoSomething()
int age = int.Parse(ageTextBox.Text);
if (age < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("age must be positive");
if (age >= 1000)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("age must be less than 1000");
void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
catch (Exception ex)
void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int age;
if (!int.TryParse(ageTextBox.Text, out age))
DisplayError("Invalid age entered");
if (age < 0)
DisplayError("age must be positive");
if (age >= 1000)
DisplayError("age must be less than 1000");
Users enter invalid data all of the time - handling this is really application logic and shouldn't fall into the real of exception handling - its certainly not an event that I would call "exceptional".
Of course this isn't always possible, however I find that using this strategy simplifies the code and makes it easier to follow application logic.
First of all we need to consider Exception types, In any business exception can be either BusinessException or Technical/SystemException.
In BusinessException we can send custom exceptions with error
In Technical/System Exception we should not handle it, but let it
popup to UI layer.UI Can decide what error should be displayed in
case of exceptions.
In your approaches, if you handle exception or throw the custom
exception the call trace is lost.
This is getting extremely irritating. Right now I have a winforms application, and things were not working right, but no exceptions were being thrown as far as I could tell. After stepping through almost all pieces of relevant code, it turns out that an exception was being thrown at the start of my application.
Long story short, in WinForms, being as awesome as it is, if an exception occurs the WinForms library ignores it. No "an unhandled exception has occurred" JIT message is thrown, it just stops processing the current event and goes back to the GUI.
This is causing random bugs, because code to load data isn't being called due to the exception occurring prior to this data being loaded.
To see this in action I created a brand new WinForms application, and entered the following code:
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string blah = null;
Press F5 and the form loads without any errors showing, even though a null reference is being thrown.
I then tried to go to my Program.cs main method and add Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.ThrowException); to it. Still my form loads without causing any errors to be thrown.
Even though I know that I can tell VS to break on all exceptions, I find this situation really bad. It causes really wierd issues that are hard to debug in production, and as this is an internal tool I really want to have it so it actually errors out when an exception occurs, and not silently disregards it.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Update: Just to update on things I have learned from the comments.
This does appear to be a 64-bit issue with windows, as I learned from this question which I did not see before posting. In that question it pointed to a Microsoft bug report about this, which had this to say:
This bug was closed as "External" because this behavior results from how x64 version of Windows handle exceptions. When a user mode exception crosses a kernel transition, x64 versions of Windows do not allow the exception to propagate. Therefore attached debuggers are unaware of the fact that an exception occured resulting in the debugger failing to break on the unhandled exception.
Unfortunately where is nothing that the Visual Studo team can do to address this, it is the result of operating system design. All feedback regarding this issue should be addressed to the Windows team; however the Windows team considers this to be the "correct" operating system design, and considers the x86 behavior to be "incorrect".
Best Regards,
Visual Studio Debugger
That being said, builds not run through visual studio (or using Ctrl+F5 to run) does seem to show the JIT exception message box EXCEPT if you have the following code in your Program.cs:
That code will cause windows to ignore the exception.
However, if you (instead) subscribe to the Application.ThreadException event, not only will your exceptions be caught, visual studio's debugger will break on unhandled exceptions!
In your Program.cs' Main function you should also ensure that you've wrapped your call to open the form in a try/catch. Additionally use the AppDomain.UnhandledException to catch exceptions. We also add Application.ThreadException too.
I believe the following will give you hooks into all the exceptions that can be thrown...
static void Main()
System.Windows.Forms.Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(OnGuiUnhandedException);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += OnUnhandledException;
var form = new MainForm();
catch (Exception e)
// Do stuff
private static void HandleUnhandledException(Object o)
// TODO: Log it!
Exception e = o as Exception;
if (e != null)
private static void OnUnhandledException(Object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
private static void OnGuiUnhandedException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
Try the following.
Handle exceptions in your main application entry point.
Also, manage unhandled thread exceptions using a ThreadExceptionEventHandler
This is the code snippet:
public static void Main(string[] args)
Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
//your program entry point
catch (Exception ex)
//manage also these exceptions
private void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
An easy fix is not to run under the debugger.
The debugger is masking the exception for some reason. If you run your app normally (Ctrl+F5), you'll get the usual "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application... Continue/Quit?" dialog.
Having experienced this often and identified the issue regarding 64 bit OS and the Form.Load event, I always just make a point of doing all my start up functions in the Form.Shown event. For all practical purposes this is the same thing (aside from a few rare, exceptional circumstances), and the JIT message is produced in the Shown event.
I have an app, and after about 20 minutes of idle time the program just crashes. ("Windows has encountered an error and needs to close...")
I have no idea why this is happening. What is the best way to go about debugging something like this?
Generally crashes in .Net applications are caused by an unhandled exception - i.e. an exception in a thread in that application that was not caught in a try-catch block of some sort:
// Some code that may throw an exception
catch (Exception ex)
A good first place to check for information about this exception is the application event log, often however you will find that the .Net framework posts only minimal information about the crash - if this is the case then you need to catch and handle the exception yourself, recording enough information to allow you to diagnose the error.
Typically there are two way that you might do this:
1. Ensure that the code for each thread of your application is contained in a try-catch block.
This is the easiest method - unless your application has multiple user threads (you will know if it has), this simply requires that you place a try-catch block around the entry point of your application, for example in a Windows Forms application:
// Probably found somewhere in Program.cs
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
catch (Exception ex)
If you are working on a console application then you will need to use something other than MessageBox (see the first example).
If you spawn multiple threads then the entry point method for each thread should also catch all exceptions in a similar way.
2. Handle the UnhandledException event of the current App Domain
This event will be fired whenever any thread throws an unhandled exception in the current App Domain. Generally speaking it is best to use the first method instead, however this event is still useful in some situations.
static void Main()
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
// The rest of your application
static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
Of course it is worth pointing out that the error still might not be caught by either of the above two methods (which is possible if the error is caused by a native module loaded in the same process), however this should probably do the trick.
Finally - Good luck!
First, I'm sorry for what must be a duplicate post. I cannot seem to narrow my search down enough on SO and google to find what I'm looking for.
I'm currently working in a shop where they like their exceptions to bubble up. When the compiled app goes to test, it's a big pain trying to get the details of the exception (message and stack trace). Windows shows that familiar box that lacks any details what-so-ever.
After rescently spending close to an hour finding out that the test box has the wrong version of crystal reports, I added this simple code everone is probably familiar with.
static void Main(string[] arg)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
Application.ThreadException += new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
Application.Run( ... );
static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show((e.ExceptionObject as Exception).ToString());
This gets the job done, but I'm not allowed to check it in. Is there any way in the app.config or via registry setting to get the CLR to show or log exception details for a compiled .net app?
Thanks in advance for your help.
just use log4net if you want to configure your log output.
I am using WPF so here is where all the unhandled exceptions bubble out, it might be useful for your needs:
Private Sub Application_DispatcherUnhandledException(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs) Handles Me.DispatcherUnhandledException
'TODO: Log error'
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder(e.Exception.Message & vbCrLf)
Dim ex = e.Exception.InnerException
While ex IsNot Nothing
sb.AppendLine("______________ inner exception: ______________")
ex = ex.InnerException
End While
If MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString, "Exception caught", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel) = MessageBoxResult.Cancel Then Stop
e.Handled = True
End Sub
Accept my apology I didn't have time to rewrite it, I just copied my original code, I am sure it's still helpful tho.
Shimmy's solution is handy if you know how to code in VB.NET.
You can then go recursively into ex.InnerException.InnerException....and so on...to construct a complete message
(1) if ex.Message is not null or Empty, show it.
(2) if ex.InnerException is not null show ex.InnerException.Message.
You have the option of wrapping the debugging handling code in conditional compilation symbols. This would allow you to provide the verbose logging you wanted for testing purposes, but that would not be available to end-users in the release builds of the application.
Looks like you're missing the top-level try-catch in your Main() method. See one of my answers for an example.
And I wouldn't use a MessageBox, but one single static method that logs the problem in the way you want/need, then shows a generic "Unexpected fatal error occured. [Bla bla bla]" message and kills the running process on Ok.
Can you use the Enterprise Library? There are Exception Handling and Logging blocks which might be useful to you. You can configure the Exception Handling block to notify and rethrow the original exception and log the details with the Logging Block. It can be a bit of a steep hill to climb, to get to grips with it, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.