I have to make an uninformed search (Breadth-first-Search) program which takes two nodes and return all the paths between them.
public void BFS(Nod start, Nod end) {
Queue<Nod> queue = new Queue<Nod>();
while (queue.Count != 0)
Nod u = queue.Dequeue();
if (u == end) break;
u.data = "Visited";
foreach (Edge edge in u.getChildren())
if (edge.getEnd().data == "")
edge.getEnd().data = "Visited";
if (edge.getEnd() != end)
cost = 0;
PrintPath(edge.getEnd(), true);
edge.getEnd().data = "";
My problem is that i only get two paths instead of all and i don't know what to edit in my code to get them all. The input of my problem is based on this map :
In the BFS algorithm you must not stop after you find a solution. One idea is to set data null for all the cities you visited except the first one and let the function run a little bit longer. I don't have time to write you a snippet but if ou don't get it i will write at least a pseudocode. If you didn't understood my idea post a comment with your question and i will try to explain better.
Breadth first search is a strange way to generate all possible paths for the following reason: you'd need to keep track of whether each individual path in the BFS had traversed the node, not that it had been traversed at all.
Take a simple example
\ \
3--- 4----5
We want all paths from 1 to 5. We queue up 1, then 2 and 3, then 4, then 5. We've lost the fact that there are two paths through 4 to 5.
I would suggest trying to do this with DFS, though this may be fixable for BFS with some thinking. Each thing queued would be a path, not a single node, so one could see if that path had visited each node. This is wasteful memory wise, thoug
A path is a sequence of vertices where no vertex is repeated more than once. Given this definition, you could write a recursive algorithm which shall work as follows: Pass four parameters to the function, call it F(u, v, intermediate_list, no_of_vertices), where u is the current source (which shall change as we recurse), v is the destination, intermediate_list is a list of vertices which shall be initially empty, and every time we use a vertex, we'll add it to the list to avoid using a vertex more than once in our path, and no_of_vertices is the length of the path that we would like to find, which shall be lower bounded by 2, and upper bounded by V, the number of vertices. Essentially, the function shall return a list of paths whose source is u, destination is v, and whose length of each path is no_of_vertices. Create an initial empty list and make calls to F(u, v, {}, 2), F(u, v, {}, 3), ..., F(u, v, {}, V), each time merging the output of F with the list where we intend to store all paths. Try to implement this, and if you still face trouble, I'll write the pseudo-code for you.
Edit: Solving the above problem using BFS: Breadth first search is an algorithm that could be used to explore all the states of a graph. You could explore the graph of all paths of the given graph, using BFS, and select the paths that you want. For each vertex v, add the following states to the queue: (v, {v}, {v}), where each state is defined as: (current_vertex, list_of_vertices_already_visited, current_path). Now, while the queue is not empty, pop off the top element of the queue, for each edge e of the current_vertex, if the tail vertex x doesn't already exist in the list_of_vertices_already_visited, push the new state (x, list_of_vertices_already_visited + {x}, current_path -> x) to the queue, and process each path as you pop it off the queue. This way you can search the entire graph of paths for a graph, whether directed, or undirected.
Sounds like homework. But the fun kind.
The following is pseudocode, is depth first instead of breath first (so should be converted to a queue type algorithm, and may contain bugs, but the general jist should be clear.
class Node{
Vector[Link] connections;
String name;
class Link{
Node destination;
int distance;
Vector[Vector[Node]] paths(Node source, Node end_dest, Vector[Vector[Node]] routes){
for each route in routes{
bool has_next = false;
for each connection in source.connections{
if !connection.destination in route {
has_next = true;
if (!connection.destination == end_dest){
paths(destination, end_dest, routes);
if !has_next {
routes.remove(route) //watch out here, might mess up the iteration
return routes;
Edit: Is this actually the answer to the question you are looking for? Or do you actually want to find the shortest path? If it's the latter, use Dijkstra's algorithm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dijkstra%27s_algorithm
there's an exercise i need to do, given a List i need to sort the content using ONLY recursive methods (no while, do while, for, foreach).
So... i'm struggling (for over 2 hours now) and i dont know how to even begin.
The function must be
List<int> SortHighestToLowest (List<int> list) {
I THINK i should check if the previous number is greater than the actual number and so on but what if the last number is greater than the first number on the list?, that's why im having a headache.
I appreciate your help, thanks a lot.
I delivered the exercise but then teacher said i shouldn't use external variables like i did here:
List<int> _tempList2 = new List<int>();
int _actualListIndex = 0;
int _actualMaxNumber = 0;
int _actualMaxNumberIndex = 0;
List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
if (list.Count == 0)
return _tempList2;
if (_actualListIndex == 0)
_actualMaxNumber = list[0];
if (_actualListIndex < list.Count -1)
if (list[_actualListIndex] > _actualMaxNumber)
_actualMaxNumberIndex = _actualListIndex;
_actualMaxNumber = list[_actualListIndex];
return SortHighestToLowest(list);
_actualListIndex = 0;
_actualMaxNumberIndex = 0;
return SortHighestToLowest(list);
Exercise is done and i approved (thanks to other exercises as well) but i was wondering if there's a way of doing this without external variables and without using System.Linq like String.Empty's response (im just curious, the community helped me to solve my issue and im thankful).
I am taking your instructions to the letter here.
Only recursive methods
No while, do while, for, foreach
Signature must be List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
Now, I do assume you may use at least the built-in properties and methods of the List<T> type. If not, you would have a hard time even reading the elements of your list.
That said, any calls to Sort or OrderBy methods would be beyond the point here, since they would render any recursive method useless.
I also assume it is okay to use other lists in the process, since you didn't mention anything in regards to that.
With all that in mind, I came to this piece below, making use of Max and Remove methods from List<T> class, and a new list of integers for each recursive call:
public static List<int> SortHighestToLowest(List<int> list)
// recursivity breaker
if (list.Count <= 1)
return list;
// remove highest item
var max = list.Max();
// append highest item to recursive call for the remainder of the list
return new List<int>(SortHighestToLowest(list)) { max };
For solving this problem, try to solve smaller subsets. Consider the following list
Let's take the last element out of list, and consider the rest as sorted which will be [1,3,5] and 2. Now the problem reduces to another problem of inserting this 2 in its correct position. If we can insert it in correct position then the array becomes sorted. This can be applied recursively.
For every recursive problem there should be a base condition w.r.t the hypothesis we make. For the first problem the base condition is array with single element. A single element array is always sorted.
For the second insert problem the base condition will be an empty array or the last element in array is less than the element to be inserted. In both cases the element is inserted at the end.
temp = last element of list
temp_list = list with last element removed
Insert(temp_list, temp)
Insert(list, temp)
if(list.count ==0 || list[n-1] <= temp)
insert_temp = last element of list
insert_temp_list = list with last element removed
Insert(insert_temo_list, insert_temp)
For Insert after base condition its calling recursively till it find the correct position for the last element which is removed.
I'm trying to use QuickGraph to, well, find a maximal matching in my bipartite graph, but the MatchedEdges collection they return to me is empty. I know there are matchings because I tested it with a K7,7 (complete bipartite) graph. So, I'm confused on what I did wrong.
Here's my code (I wrote Vertex and Edge in place of my actual classes for readability):
public void findMatchings(List<Friend> setA, List<Friend> setB, List<Edge> candidateEdges) {
// we need a graph and two sets of vertices
IMutableVertexAndEdgeListGraph<Vertex, Edge> graph = new AdjacencyGraph<Vertex, Edge>();
foreach (Vertex vertex in setA) {
foreach (Vertex vertex in setB) {
foreach (Edge candidate in candidatesEdges) {
// sets a and b must be distinct, and their union must be equal to the set of all vertices in the graph
// (though they're conceptually the same set, to you or me, I created new instances of everything so they should be practically different.)
IEnumerable<Vertex> vertexSetA = setA;
IEnumerable<Vertex> vertexSetB = setB;
// These functions are used to create new vertices and edges during the execution of the algorithm.
// All added objects are removed before the computation returns
VertexFactory<Vertex> vertexFactory = newVertex; //newVertex() is defined below
EdgeFactory<Vertex, Edge> edgeFactory = (source, target) => new Edge(source, target);
// computing the maximum bipartite match
var maxMatch = new MaximumBipartiteMatchingAlgorithm<Vertex, Edge>(
graph, vertexSetA, vertexSetB, vertexFactory, edgeFactory);
//This is in the same class as the above function:
static Vertex newVertex() {
return new Vertex("");
//This is the constructor in the Edge class:
public Edge(Vertex source, Vertex target) {
this.source = source;
this.target = target;
maxMatch.MatchedEdges.Count always comes back as 0. That's the problem.
I'm hopeful that there will be an easy solution to this, like I shouldn't be using new AdjacencyGraph() or something, but I'm also open to suggestions to other ways to find maximal matchings in bipartite graphs.
BTW, this link is what I used to write my stuff:
Maximum Bipartite Matching in QuickGraph
After creating an instance of MaximumBipartiteMatchingAlgorithm, you need to call the its Compute method so a matching is computed. In terms of your example, this means adding:
Also each call to the newVertex() method should return a unique string which differs from the strings identifying the vertices in the input to MaximumBipartiteMatchingAlgorithm.
FYI: I personally found that sometimes maxMatch.MatchedEdges contains too many edges: some vertices are covered twice. Also I've seen maxMatch.MatchedEdges contain edges not in the input to MaximumBipartiteMatchingAlgorithm but created internally by the algorithm.
I've been working a lot with tree implementations lately and how we represent and understand trees. My focus has been on turning mathematical expressions into binary trees, I set the problem of representing a tree in a linear form say a string or an array, while still retaining important information about the tree and its sub trees.
As such I have developed a really simple encoding for binary expression trees does just this. However I am having some issues with implementing it effectively in a recursive manor, it seems to be the one failing aspect behind the concept.
The encoding is simple if the node resides as a left child it is given a map of 1 if it resides as a right child it is given a 0. This simple encoding allows me to encode entire balanced and unbalanced trees like this:
## ##
/ \ / \
1 0 OR 1 0
/ \ / \ / \
11 10 01 00 01 00
Etc to trees of depth N
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to create a recursive function that would create the prefix string representing a mapping of this sort (for example ## 1 11 10 0 01 00).
I was told this would be difficult/impossible due to having to keep track of alternating between 1 and 0 while retaining and concatenating to the value of the parent.
I wondered if anyone had any insight or ideas into how to do this with C# ??
I'm not sure I understand you problem but here is something that might help. One solution might be implementing graph traversal routine on a Graph (remember a Tree is a specialized Graph), where the visit occurs the first time you encounter a node/vertex. I apologize for posting Java code when you asked for C# but I happen know Java...
public void depthFirstSearch(Graph graph, Vertex start){
Set<Vertex> visited = new HashSet<Vertex>(); // could use vertex.isVisited()...
Deque<Vertex> stack = new ArrayDeque<Vertex>(); // stack implies depth first
// first visit the root element, then add it to the stack so
// we will visit it's children in a depth first order
while(stack.isEmpty() == false){
List<Edge> edges = graph.getEdges(stack.peekFirst());
Vertex nextUnvisited = null;
for(Edge edge : edges){
if(visited.contains(edge.getEndVertex)) == false){
nextUnvisited = edge.getEndVertex();
break; // break for loop
if(nextUnvisited == null){
// check the next item in the stack
Vertex popped = stack.pop();
} else {
// visit adjacent unvisited vertex
stack.push(nextUnvisited); // visit it's "children"
public void visit(Vertex vertex){
// your own visit logic (string append, etc)
You can easily modify this to be a breadth first search by using the Deque as a queue instead of stack as follows:
stack.pop() >>>> queue.removeFirst()
stack.push() >>>> queue.addLast()
Note that for this purpose the Graph and Edge classes support the following operations :
public interface Graph {
// get edges originating from Vertex v
public List<Edge> getEdges(Vertex v);
public interface Edge {
// get the vertex at the start of the edge
// not used here but kind of implied by the getEndVertex()...
public Vertex getStartVertex();
// get the vertex at the end of the edge
public Vertex getEndVertex();
Hopefully that gives you some ideas.
Well i don't know if i completely get your question but it seems you want a preorder traversal of the tree. I don't know c#'s syntax but the pseudocode i think will be as follows:
if(node != NULL)
Building a tree recursively is a difficult challenge even for a seasoned programmer. I realize I'm a bit late to the party on this question considering it was originally posted in March of 2011. Better late than never?
One important factor in creating a tree is just making sure your dataset is formatted correctly. You simply need a way to associate a parent to a child. Once the association is clearly defined, then you can begin to code the solution. I chose to use a simple format like this:
ParentId ChildId
1 2
1 3
2 4
3 5
Once that relationship is established, I developed a recursive method to iterate through the dataset to build the tree.
First I identify all the parent nodes and store them in a collection giving them each a unique identifier using a combination of the parent ID and child ID:
private void IdentifyParentNodes()
SortedList<string, MyTreeNode> newParentNodes = new SortedList<string,MyTreeNode>();
Dictionary<string, string> parents = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (MyTreeNode oParent in MyTreeDataSource.Values)
if (!parents.ContainsValue(oParent.ParentId))
parents.Add(oParent.ParentId + "." + oParent.ChildId, oParent.ParentId);
newParentNodes.Add(oParent.ParentId + "." + oParent.ChildId, oParent);
this._parentNodes = newParentNodes;
Then the root calling method would loop through the parents and call the recursive method to build the tree:
// Build the rest of the tree
foreach (MyTreeNode node in ParentNodes.Values)
Recursive method:
private void RecursivelyBuildTree(MyTreeNode node)
int nodePosition = 0;
_renderedTree.Append(FormatNode(MyTreeNodeType.Parent, node, 0));
_renderedTree.Append(NodeContainer("open", node.ParentId));
foreach (MyTreeNode child in GetChildren(node.ParentId).Values)
if (IsParent(child.ChildId))
_renderedTree.Append(FormatNode(MyTreeNodeType.Leaf, child, nodePosition));
_renderedTree.Append(NodeContainer("close", node.ParentId));
Method used to get children of a parent:
private SortedList<string, MyTreeNode> GetChildren(string parentId)
SortedList<string, MyTreeNode> childNodes = new SortedList<string, MyTreeNode>();
foreach (MyTreeNode node in this.MyTreeDataSource.Values)
if (node.ParentId == parentId)
childNodes.Add(node.ParentId + node.ChildId, node);
return childNodes;
Not that complex or elegant, but it got the job done. This was written in 2007 time frame, so it's old code, but it still works. :-) Hope this helps.
What is the most efficient way to find a sequence within a IEnumerable<T> using LINQ
I want to be able to create an extension method which allows the following call:
int startIndex = largeSequence.FindSequence(subSequence)
The match must be adjacent and in order.
Here's an implementation of an algorithm that finds a subsequence in a sequence. I called the method IndexOfSequence, because it makes the intent more explicit and is similar to the existing IndexOf method:
public static class ExtensionMethods
public static int IndexOfSequence<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> sequence)
return source.IndexOfSequence(sequence, EqualityComparer<T>.Default);
public static int IndexOfSequence<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, IEnumerable<T> sequence, IEqualityComparer<T> comparer)
var seq = sequence.ToArray();
int p = 0; // current position in source sequence
int i = 0; // current position in searched sequence
var prospects = new List<int>(); // list of prospective matches
foreach (var item in source)
// Remove bad prospective matches
prospects.RemoveAll(k => !comparer.Equals(item, seq[p - k]));
// Is it the start of a prospective match ?
if (comparer.Equals(item, seq[0]))
// Does current character continues partial match ?
if (comparer.Equals(item, seq[i]))
// Do we have a complete match ?
if (i == seq.Length)
// Bingo !
return p - seq.Length + 1;
else // Mismatch
// Do we have prospective matches to fall back to ?
if (prospects.Count > 0)
// Yes, use the first one
int k = prospects[0];
i = p - k + 1;
// No, start from beginning of searched sequence
i = 0;
// No match
return -1;
I didn't fully test it, so it might still contain bugs. I just did a few tests on well-known corner cases to make sure I wasn't falling into obvious traps. Seems to work fine so far...
I think the complexity is close to O(n), but I'm not an expert of Big O notation so I could be wrong... at least it only enumerates the source sequence once, whithout ever going back, so it should be reasonably efficient.
The code you say you want to be able to use isn't LINQ, so I don't see why it need be implemented with LINQ.
This is essentially the same problem as substring searching (indeed, an enumeration where order is significant is a generalisation of "string").
Since computer science has considered this problem frequently for a long time, so you get to stand on the shoulders of giants.
Some reasonable starting points are:
Even just the pseudocode in the wikipedia articles is enough to port to C# quite easily. Look at the descriptions of performance in different cases and decide which cases are most likely to be encountered by your code.
I understand this is an old question, but I needed this exact method and I wrote it up like so:
public static int ContainsSubsequence<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elements, IEnumerable<T> subSequence) where T: IEquatable<T>
return ContainsSubsequence(elements, 0, subSequence);
private static int ContainsSubsequence<T>(IEnumerable<T> elements, int index, IEnumerable<T> subSequence) where T: IEquatable<T>
// Do we have any elements left?
bool elementsLeft = elements.Any();
// Do we have any of the sub-sequence left?
bool sequenceLeft = subSequence.Any();
// No elements but sub-sequence not fully matched
if (!elementsLeft && sequenceLeft)
return -1; // Nope, didn't match
// No elements of sub-sequence, which means even if there are
// more elements, we matched the sub-sequence fully
if (!sequenceLeft)
return index - subSequence.Count(); // Matched!
// If we didn't reach a terminal condition,
// check the first element of the sub-sequence against the first element
if (subSequence.First().Equals(e.First()))
// Yes, it matched - move onto the next. Consume (skip) one element in each
return ContainsSubsequence(elements.Skip(1), index + 1 subSequence.Skip(1));
// No, it didn't match. Try the next element, without consuming an element
// from the sub-sequence
return ContainsSubsequence(elements.Skip(1), index + 1, subSequence);
Updated to not just return if the sub-sequence matched, but where it started in the original sequence.
This is an extension method on IEnumerable, fully lazy, terminates early and is far more linq-ified than the currently up-voted answer. Bewarned, however (as #wai-ha-lee points out) it is recursive and creates a lot of enumerators. Use it where applicable (performance/memory). This was fine for my needs, but YMMV.
You can use this library called Sequences to do that (disclaimer: I'm the author).
It has a IndexOfSlice method that does exactly what you need - it's an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
int startIndex = largeSequence.AsSequence().IndexOfSlice(subSequence);
Given the clarification of the question my response below isn't as applicable. Leaving it for historical purposes.
You probably want to use mySequence.Where(). Then the key is to optimize the predicate to work well in your environment. This can vary quite a bit depending on your requirements and typical usage patterns.
It is quite possible that what works well for small collections doesn't scale well for much larger collections depending on what type T is.
Of course, if the 90% use is for small collections then optimizing for the outlier large collection seems a bit YAGNI.
I'm working on a portion of code that is essentially trying to reduce a list of strings down to a single string recursively.
I have an internal database built up of matching string arrays of varying length (say array lengths of 2-4).
An example input string array would be:
{"The", "dog", "ran", "away"}
And for further example, my database could be made up of string arrays in this manner:
(length 2) {{"The", "dog"},{"dog", "ran"}, {"ran", "away"}}
(length 3) {{"The", "dog", "ran"}.... and so on
So, what I am attempting to do is recursively reduce my input string array down to a single token. So ideally it would parse something like this:
1) {"The", "dog", "ran", "away"}
Say that (seq1) = {"The", "dog"} and (seq2) = {"ran", "away"}
2) { (seq1), "ran", "away"}
3) { (seq1), (seq2)}
In my sequence database I know that, for instance, seq3 = {(seq1), (seq2)}
4) { (seq3) }
So, when it is down to a single token, I'm happy and the function would end.
Here is an outline of my current program logic:
public void Tokenize(Arraylist<T> string_array, int current_size)
// retrieve all known sequences of length [current_size] (from global list array)
loc_sequences_by_length = sequences_by_length[current_size-min_size]; // sequences of length 2 are stored in position 0 and so on
// escape cases
if (string_array.Count == 1)
// finished successfully
else if (string_array.Count < current_size)
// checking sequences of greater length than input string, bail
// split input string into chunks of size [current_size] and compare to local database
// of known sequences
// (splitting code works fine)
foreach (comparison)
if (match_found)
// update input string and recall function to find other matches
string_array[found_array_position] = new_sequence;
string_array.Removerange[found_array_position+1, new_sequence.Length-1];
Tokenize(string_array, current_size)
// ran through unsuccessfully, increment length and try again for new sequence group
if (current_size > MAX_SIZE)
Tokenize(string_array, current_size);
I thought it was straightforward enough, but have been getting some strange results.
Generally it appears to work, but upon further review of my output data I'm seeing some issues. Mainly, it appears to work up to a certain point...and at that point my 'curr_size' counter resets to the minimum value.
So it is called with a size of 2, then 3, then 4, then resets to 2.
My assumption was that it would run up to my predetermined max size, and then bail completely.
I tried to simplify my code as much as possible, so there are probably some simple syntax errors in transcribing. If there is any other detail that may help an eagle-eyed SO user, please let me know and I'll edit.
Thanks in advance
One bug is:
string_array[found_array_position] = new_sequence;
I don't know where this is defined, and as far as I can tell if it was defined, it is never changed.
In your if statement, when if match_found ever set to true?
Also, it appears you have an extra close brace here, but you may want the last block of code to be outside of the function:
It would help if you cleaned up the code, to make it easier to read. Once we get past the syntactic errors it will be easier to see what is going on, I think.
Not sure what all the issues are, but the first thing I'd do is have your "catch-all" exit block right at the beginning of your method.
public void Tokenize(Arraylist<T> string_array, int current_size)
if (current_size > MAX_SIZE)
// Guts go here
Tokenize(string_array, ++current_size);
A couple things:
Your tokens are not clearly separated from your input string values. This makes it more difficult to handle, and to see what's going on.
It looks like you're writing pseudo-code:
loc_sequences_by_length is not used
found_array_position is not defined
Arraylist should be ArrayList.
Overall I agree with James' statement:
It would help if you cleaned up the
code, to make it easier to read.