ListBox items not displaying - c#

so i am working on a Windows Phone 7 application, and i am having a problem, normally in my other WPF/WinForm applications this code would work but here on Wphone 7 i am receiving a problems, i created data class:
public class AlarmTemplate
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Time { get; set; }
public BitmapImage Activated { get; set; }
public AlarmTemplate(string name, string time, string activated)
Name = name;
Time = time;
Activated = new BitmapImage
{UriSource = new Uri("Images/alarm_" + activated + ".png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)};
Next thing read dad, also i tried with hard coding data and its not working:
private List<AlarmTemplate> _templateList = new List<AlarmTemplate>();
private void PopulateList()
using (var storage = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (!storage.FileExists("file.txt"))
using (var reader = new BinaryReader(storage.OpenFile("file.txt", FileMode.Open)))
var s = reader.ReadInt32();
for (var i = 0; i < s; i++)
_templateList.Add(new AlarmTemplate(reader.ReadString(), reader.ReadString(),
lbAlarms.ItemsSource = _templateList;
Here is xaml:
<ListBox Height="176.135" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="0,567.164,0,0" Name="lbAlarms" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="456" Foreground="#FFFFC7C7" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Background="Transparent" AllowDrop="False" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#00900707" Grid.Row="1" Hold="lbAlarms_Hold">
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Height="52" Orientation="Horizontal" Name="spList" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="480" Margin="0,329,0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False">
<Image Height="52" Name="imTStatus" Stretch="Uniform" Width="73" Margin="10,0,0,0" UseLayoutRounding="False" Source="{Binding Activated}" />
<StackPanel Height="52" Name="spHolder" Width="300" Margin="10,0,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Left" UseLayoutRounding="False">
<TextBlock Height="26" Name="tbTTime" Text="{Binding Time}" Foreground="Black" FontFamily=".\Fonts\Nokia.ttf#Nokia" TextAlignment="Left" FontWeight="Bold" Width="230" FontSize="24" HorizontalAlignment="Left" UseLayoutRounding="False" />
<TextBlock Height="26" Name="tbTName" Text="{Binding Name}" Foreground="Black" FontFamily=".\Fonts\Nokia.ttf#Nokia" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="297" />

Your code is working (I noticed the scrollbar was present on the right), but your text colour is black on black so not very visible.
Get rid of the TextBlock colour Foreground="Black" :)
Note, your margin means your listbox is very small at the bottom of the page, less than 1 item high, so you might want to change that as well.

private List<AlarmTemplate> _templateList = new List<AlarmTemplate>();
public List<AlarmTemplate> TemplateList
get { return _templateList; }
set { _templateList = value; }
and set the binding to TemplateList.


WPF sending value to code behind from dynamic image?

I'm new to using WPF forms, I have created a page that displays images from a database, but despite days of searching I cannot find a way of knowing which image has had a mouse over or mouse click event on it.
To setup the images I have:
public class RBimageData
private string _Title;
public string Title
get { return this._Title; }
set { this._Title = value; }
private BitmapImage _ImageData;
public BitmapImage ImageData
get { return this._ImageData; }
set { this._ImageData = value; }
private String _ImageID;
public String ImageID
get { return this._ImageID; }
set { this._ImageID = value; }
public MainWindow()
RBpartsList rbPartsList = mongoDB.GetRBparts("elements", 1, 7); // get parts from database
List<RBpartsImages> rbImages = rbPartsList.RBparts;
List<RBimageData> md = new List<RBimageData>();
foreach (RBpartsImages img in rbImages)
RBimageData m = new RBimageData
Title = img.ImageFilename,
ImageID = "id_"+img.PartNum,
ImageData = LoadImage(rbPartsList.FilePath,img.ImageFilename) }; // provides BitmapImage URI for image
RBbox.ItemsSource = md.ToArray();
and the images are displayed in the XAML, I have used the Tag element to hold the ImageID:
<ListView x:Name="RBbox" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Height="143" Margin="10,0,10,10" Background="#FFE6E2E2">
<UniformGrid Columns="7" Rows="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">
<Border BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#FF000000" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Width="100" Height="100" Background="#FFC1A0A0">
MouseLeave="IdentifyPartImage_MouseLeave" >
<Image Source="{Binding ImageData}"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top"
Tag="{Binding ImageID}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="100" Height="14" FontSize="10" />
but in my codebehind the this.Tag is always null:
private void IdentifyPartImage_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// this fails - tag is null
var imgId = this.Tag.ToString();
Debug.WriteLine("id: {0}, {1}", "imageID", imgId.ToString());
It won't work with x:Name="{Binding ImageID}".. I can't find anything that will let me identify which image has been clicked, can you help?
When you reference this in your code-behind, it points to the Window object. You are looking for the Tag property of the Image control.
For that I recommend defining the MouseEnter="IdentifyPartImage_MouseEnter" and MouseLeave="IdentifyPartImage_MouseLeave" events on the Image control, and then the sender parameter will be that Image object.
In your XAML:
<Image Source="{Binding ImageData}"
Tag="{Binding ImageID}"
And in your code-behind:
private void IdentifyPartImage_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var imgId = ((Image)sender).Tag.ToString();
Debug.WriteLine("id: {0}, {1}", "imageID", imgId);

C# UWP create check-list table programmatically

I have task to create in C# UWP user created check-list.
But I have stuck from the beginning cause XAML is new for me, so I have no idea what to start from.
So, I have textbox to enter title, task or subtask to in listbox (priviously added to) selected task.
this is my xaml how it looks like now:
<TextBox x:Name="txt" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="71" Margin="71,247,0,0" Text="TextBox" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="395"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="title" Content="Add Title" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="71,86,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="task" Content="Add Task" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="71,123,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<RadioButton x:Name="subtask" Content="Add Subtask" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="71,155,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
<ListBox x:Name="listbox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="68" Margin="71,354,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="395"/>
<Button x:Name="btn" Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="401,483,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Click="btn_Click"/>
There are the code:
public class subtasks
public string parent { get; set; }
public string subtask { get; set; }
public subtasks(string parenti, string subtaski)
parent = parenti;
subtask = subtaski;
public void setsub(string parenti, string sub)
parent = parenti;
subtask = sub;
List<string> Tasks = new List<string>();
List<subtasks> sub = new List<subtasks>();
private void btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string parent = "";
string Title;
string Task;
string Subtask;
if (title.IsChecked==true)
Title = txt.Text;
adding(Title, parent, 1);
else if (task.IsChecked==true)
Task = txt.Text;
adding(Task, parent, 2);
else if (subtask.IsChecked==true)
parent = listbox.SelectedItem.ToString();
Subtask = txt.Text;
adding(Subtask, parent, 3);
private void adding(string str, string par, int x)
subtasks subi = new subtasks(par,str);
RowDefinition row = new RowDefinition();
TextBlock text = new TextBlock();
if (x==1)
else if (x==2)
text.Text = str;
private void print(string title)
int step = 0;
Grid gridwin = new Grid();
RowDefinition row = new RowDefinition();
TextBlock text = new TextBlock();
text.Text = title;
Grid.SetColumn(text, 0);
Grid.SetRow(text, step);
for (int i = 0; i < Tasks.Count; i++)
text.Text = Tasks[i].ToString();
Grid.SetColumn(text, 0);
Grid.SetRow(text, step);
for (int k = 0; k < sub.Count; k++)
if (sub[k].parent == Tasks[i])
text.Text = sub[k].subtask.ToString();
Grid.SetColumn(text, 0);
Grid.SetRow(text, step);
As you see I need to clear and put data every time the button is clicked, cause you never know when user will decide to add new subtask for previously added task. So, the question is, how to make the table with column1 with tasks and subtasks and column2 which is chekbox.
What you want to probably do is to create a DataTemplate. You use this to specify how list items should be displayed and formatted. This way you can specify you want to lay them out as a Grid with two columns like description and CheckBox. Take a look into the documentation to see some examples of DataTemplates. You can also see the Azure Mobile Apps quickstart for UWP, because although it is focused on demonstrating Microsoft Azure integration to UWP, it is actually a to-do app, which should give you some inspiration for building your own.
The layout could look like this:
<ListBox x:Name="listbox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="68" Margin="71,354,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="395">
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Text}" />
<CheckBox Grid.Column="1" IsChecked="{Binding IsChecked, Mode=TwoWay}" />
You can see my code is also using {Binding} syntax, which you will also need to learn a bit about to be able to know when the user has checked a to-do item in the list. I suggest you to take a look at a simple tutorial sample like here. In fact, data-binding is one of the most important things when building XAML-based apps and when you get to understand this concept, it will help you a lot on the way to becoming a UWP ninja :-) .
Why dont use the UWP DataGrid with CheckBox?
<toolkit:DataGrid Grid.Column="0" ItemsSource="{x:Bind myItemsToBind}"
x:Name="dgwDeviceSPNs" MinWidth="100"
VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"
<toolkit:DataGridTemplateColumn MinWidth="10">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="2">
<CheckBox ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding Name}" IsChecked="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" Content="{Binding Name}"></CheckBox>

How can I get the following value of the property in a TextBlock which has its source as Data Binding in a Windows Phone application

Please have a look at this image to understand my scenario
So I have the above scenario in my Windows Phone application where I have a ListBox with the below layout.
My XAML for the ListBox
<ListBox x:Name="llsIceCreamBrands" Margin="0,54,0,0" CacheMode="BitmapCache">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,40">
<Border BorderBrush="{StaticResource PhoneProgressBarBackgroundBrush}" BorderThickness="3">
<Image Width="200" Height="200" Source="{Binding IceCreamBrandImage }" Margin="3,0,0,0" Stretch="Fill"/>
<Grid Margin="20,-5,0,0" Height="250" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding IceCreamBrandName }" FontWeight="SemiBold" FontSize="34" FontFamily="Segoe WP" Margin="0" TextWrapping="Wrap" Width="184" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Opacity="1" LineStackingStrategy="BlockLineHeight" LineHeight="35" Height="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding IceCreamBrandFlavour }" FontWeight="Normal" FontSize="15" FontFamily="Segoe WP" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="200" Opacity="0.7" HorizontalAlignment="Left" IsHitTestVisible="False" Height="140"/>
In C# Code:
void GetIceCreamBrands()
string mystring = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands.Count; i++)
var bmp = new BitmapImage();
if (dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[i].HasArt)
bmp.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
bmp.UriSource = new Uri("/Assets/Images/IceCreams/Placeholder.png", UriKind.Relative);
for (int j = 0; j < dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands.Count; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[j].Flavour.Count; k++)
sourceFlavourList.Add(new Flavour
FlavourBrand = dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[j].Name,
BrandFlavourName = dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[j].Flavour[k].Name
sourceIceCreamBrands.Add(new IceCreamBrands
IceCreamBrandName = dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[i].Name,
IceCreamBrandImage = bmp,
IceCreamBrandFlavour = "Get Flavours here for the particular brand somehow?"
llsIceCreamBrands.ItemsSource = sourceIceCreamBrands.ToList();
I have the above method in my code which successfully gets the brands and their images, but the flavours are also a Collection which I tried to get in a single string by using
string mystring = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sourceFlavourList.Select(x => x.IceCreamBrandFlavourName));
But this returns the same values for both Ben&Jerrys and Haagen-Dazs - which is an amalgamation of both brands' flavours.
How can I achieve what I'm looking for?
I don't see where you define the variable 'sourceFlavourList' within GetIceCreamBrands(), so I assume you have this defined elsewhere in your code. This would explain why you see the full list of flavours (from both brands) as you keep adding all flavours to this one variable.
So instead of using this full list variable, you would need to bind to a per brand list (which you DO have in your result)., so you can use the same linq you have, but with a different source variable).
Try something like this:
var flavours = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[j].Flavour.Select(x => x.Name));
sourceIceCreamBrands.Add(new IceCreamBrands
IceCreamBrandName = dc.IceCreams[cID].Brands[i].Name,
IceCreamBrandImage = bmp,
IceCreamBrandFlavour = flavours

Memory Leak in Windows Phone 8 Application

I am trying to create a listbox containing an Image and some details of it.
Here is the code:
<ListBox x:Name="GalleryImages" ItemsSource="{Binding}">
<VirtualizingStackPanel VirtualizingStackPanel.VirtualizationMode="Recycling" Orientation="Vertical" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
<Grid VerticalAlignment="Top">
<Image Source="{Binding Path=ImageSrc}" Height="200" Width="480" Stretch="Fill"/>
<Border BorderThickness="5" BorderBrush="White" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="10" >
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Center" Background="White" Opacity="0.6">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Time}" Foreground="Black" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="10,5,10,0" FontSize="12" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Day}" Foreground="Black" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="45" FontWeight="Bold" Padding="10,0,10,10" Margin="0,-10,0,-18"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=MonthAndYear}" Foreground="Black" HorizontalAlignment="Center" FontSize="17" Padding="10,0,10,5"/>
the backened code is:
public class Item
public ImageSource ImageSrc { get; set; }
public string Time { get; set; }
public string Day { get; set; }
public string MonthAndYear { get; set; }
//Creating a New Item
//Added the time,day, monthandyear
//Now adding the image source
//This will be looped each time for each image
Item item = new Item();
using (IsolatedStorageFile ISF = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (ISF.DirectoryExists("SomeDirectory"))
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream FS = ISF.OpenFile("SomeDirectory/" + "SOMERANDOMIMAGENAME", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage();
item.ImageSrc = bitmap;
At last binding the items to the listbox one-by-one created before:
Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => GalleryImages.Items.Add(item));
Now the problem is:
As you can see that all the listbox images are being fetched from the Isolated Storage using a new Bitmap Image and then setting it to the item.ImageSrc. But when the items go beyond 25 it creates a Memory Leak and the app crashes after displaying the images
what i tried till now,
added virtualizingstackpanel, which worked but, not for images beyond 25.
set the item.ImageSrc = null just after adding the item to the GalleryImage(ListBox) Items, but that makes the images of the ListBox null too.
What else i can do to work this out, for images more than 1000??
When dealing with collection that contains image, not only UI controls to display the collection that takes considerable amount of memory, but the collection it self too. So, try to look into Data Virtualization in addition to UI Virtualization.
With data virtualization, not all items in the collection loaded to memory at a time. Only portion of it loaded, those needed to be displayed currently plus several next items as buffer.

how to change the image style received from webservice in windows phone 7

I am sharing the screen shot of my application. The image which is coming i want it to be in the side and should be small in size. Here i am not getting the full image also. Can anyone help me to fit the image in the listbox and appear it in the side.
My xaml code is:
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel" Grid.Row="1" Margin="12,0,12,0">
<ListBox Name="listBox1">
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" Height="80" Width="400">
<!--<ScrollViewer Height="80">-->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,0">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Height="80">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=News_Title}" TextWrapping="Wrap" ></TextBlock>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=News_Description}" TextWrapping="Wrap"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Date_Start}" TextWrapping="Wrap"></TextBlock>
<Image Source="{Binding ImageBind }" />
My .cs code is:
public class Newss
public string News_Title { get; set; }
public string News_Description { get; set; }
public string Date_Start { get; set; }
public string image_path { get; set; }
public BitmapImage ImageBind{get;set;}
public News()
KejriwalService.aapSoapClient client = new KejriwalService.aapSoapClient();
client.getarvindNewsCompleted += new EventHandler<KejriwalService.getarvindNewsCompletedEventArgs>(client_getarvindNewsCompleted);
void client_getarvindNewsCompleted(object sender, KejriwalService.getarvindNewsCompletedEventArgs e)
string result = e.Result.ToString();
List<Newss> listData = new List<Newss>();
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(result);
foreach (var location in doc.Descendants("UserDetails"))
Newss data = new Newss();
data.News_Title = location.Element("News_Title").Value;
//data.News_Description = location.Element("News_Description").Value;
data.Date_Start = location.Element("Date_Start").Value;
data.image_path = location.Element("image_path").Value;
data.ImageBind = new BitmapImage(new Uri( #""+data.image_path, UriKind.Absolute));
listBox1.ItemsSource = listData;
Try to move your Image outside inner StackPanel :
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,0,0">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical" Height="80">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=News_Title}" TextWrapping="Wrap" ></TextBlock>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=News_Description}" TextWrapping="Wrap"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Date_Start}" TextWrapping="Wrap"></TextBlock>
<Image Source="{Binding ImageBind }" />
That will make the Image appear besides the Text. Then try to set Width and Height properties of Image control to fixed value, and set Stretch property appropriately. See this post for reference about setting Stretch property.
There're too many wrong things here, and I don't know what you want.
You've put buttons inside items of ListBox. You should either remove buttons and rely on listbox own items selection mechanism for handling touch elents, or continue using buttons but replace ListBox with ItemsControl that doesn’t handle touch.
You’ve put ScrollViewer inside those buttons. So if you have 10 items, you’ll have 10 buttons, each with its own scroll viewer. Why you did that?
You’ve set height of your StackPanel to 80. When specifying fixed height, Silverlight often does not care whether the content fits or no, instead it clips things. It’s rarely a good idea to specify absolute size of elements.
Instead of using two nested stack panels, you should use single Grid with two rows and two columns, where image occupies both rows of the second column (using Grid.RowSpan property).
And you’re asking question about changing image style? You should fix the rest of your XAML first…

