I am trying to send data to this web service.
With the following code I have how can I adjust what I have to send the CorrelationId in C#?
www.SyncroWebService ws = new www.SyncroWebService();
ws.addNewProduct(new www.AddProductRequest(){
Products = new www.Product[]
new www.Product() { categoryName = "Cat_Rory", departmentName = "Dept_Rory", productName = "Product_Rory", productPrice = 100, productQty = 1000},
new www.Product() { categoryName = "Cat_Test", departmentName = "Dept_Test", productName = "Product_Test", productPrice = 100, productQty = 1000 }
ws.addNewProduct(new www.AddProductRequest {
CorrelationId = "id here",
Products = ...
I try add payment method to my project where customer can buy product from other user. But i have problem because when i use it:
LineItems = new List<SessionLineItemOptions>
new SessionLineItemOptions
Price = "{{PRICE_ID}}",
Quantity = 1,
Mode = "payment",
SuccessUrl = "https://example.com/success",
CancelUrl = "https://example.com/cancel",
PaymentIntentData = new SessionPaymentIntentDataOptions
ApplicationFeeAmount = 123,
var requestOptions = new RequestOptions
StripeAccount = "{{CONNECTED_ACCOUNT_ID}}",
var service = new SessionService();
Session session = service.Create(options, requestOptions);
PRICE_ID can't be price's on my main stripe account and i must create product and price on the connected account.
In the case of creating a product on the main account, I do it like this:
var options = new ProductCreateOptions
Id = ProductId.ToString(),
Name = "Product_name",
DefaultPriceData = new ProductDefaultPriceDataOptions
UnitAmount = price,
Currency = "pln"
Expand = new List<string> { "default_price" },
How create product and price on the connected account with my api?
The Stripe API has a Stripe-Account header where you can pass in the ID of one of your connected accounts to make the call as that account. In C# that would look like this:
Id = ProductId.ToString(),
Name = "Product_name",
DefaultPriceData = new ProductDefaultPriceDataOptions
UnitAmount = price,
Currency = "pln"
Expand = new List<string> { "default_price" },
StripeAccount = "acct_123456789",
here is the code:-
static I used its worked fine.. how can I store product dynamically in using asp.net c#
LineItems = new List<SessionLineItemOptions>
for (int i = 0; i < dtOrder.Rows.Count; i++){
new SessionLineItemOptions
Amount =Convert.toInt64(dtOrder>Rows[i]["Price"])*100,
Quantity = 1,
Extending the snippet shown in the API reference here, we can replace Price = 'price_123' with PriceData (API ref) like so:
var options = new SessionCreateOptions
SuccessUrl = "https://example.com/success",
CancelUrl = "https://example.com/cancel",
PaymentMethodTypes = new List<string>
LineItems = new List<SessionLineItemOptions>
new SessionLineItemOptions
PriceData = new SessionLineItemPriceDataOptions
Currency = "usd",
UnitAmount = 50000,
ProductData = new SessionLineItemPriceDataProductDataOptions
Name = "some product name",
Quantity = 2,
Mode = "payment",
var service = new SessionService();
You can find all the type definitions in the source code.
I integrated Mulitple Account Payment of stripe and fixed the issue like this
and its working for me now , you can also use simple checkout method like this fetching dynamically product from db
List lineItemsOptions = new List();
string cmdText = "select * from tableorder where sessionid='"+ sessionid + "'";
DataSet ds = dbm.getDs(cmdText);
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
var currentLineItem = new SessionLineItemOptions
Name = row["ProductName"].ToString(),
Amount = 100,//Convert.ToInt32( row["variationPrice"].ToString()),
Currency = "usd",
Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(row["Quantity"].ToString()),
StripeConfiguration.ApiKey = ".......................................";
var options = new SessionCreateOptions();
options = new SessionCreateOptions
PaymentMethodTypes = new List<string>
LineItems = lineItemsOptions,
PaymentIntentData = new SessionPaymentIntentDataOptions
ApplicationFeeAmount = 1,
Mode = "payment",
SuccessUrl = "https://www.......com/success.aspx",
CancelUrl = "https://example.com/cancel",
var requestOptions = new RequestOptions
StripeAccount = ".............",
var service = new SessionService();
Session session = service.Create(options, requestOptions);
I am working to create a sales order with a single product added to the sales order detail and attach that to the sales order.
It is throwing me an error and I am wondering if there is a proper way to performing this action?
public void Create(CrmContextCore _crmContext, Guid productId, UserEntityModel currentuser)
var detail = new Entity("salesorderdetail");
detail["productid"] = new EntityReference("product", productId);
var salesorder = new Entity("salesorder");
salesorder["accountid"] = new EntityReference("account", currentuser.AccountId);
salesorder["contactid"] = new EntityReference("contact", currentuser.ContactId );
salesorder["emailaddress"] = currentuser.Email;
salesorder["name"] = "DealerPO123";
salesorder["salesorderdetail"] = detail;
Sample: Set negative prices in opportunities, quotes, and sales orders.
// Create the sales order.
SalesOrder order = new SalesOrder()
Name = "Faux Order",
DateFulfilled = new DateTime(2010, 8, 1),
PriceLevelId = new EntityReference(PriceLevel.EntityLogicalName,
CustomerId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName,
FreightAmount = new Money(20.0M)
_orderId = _serviceProxy.Create(order);
order.Id = _orderId;
// Add the product to the order with the price overriden with a
// negative value.
SalesOrderDetail orderDetail = new SalesOrderDetail()
ProductId = new EntityReference(Product.EntityLogicalName,
Quantity = 4,
SalesOrderId = order.ToEntityReference(),
IsPriceOverridden = true,
PricePerUnit = new Money(-40.0M),
UoMId = new EntityReference(UoM.EntityLogicalName,
_orderDetailId = _serviceProxy.Create(orderDetail);
That's when i need to use the Stripe API so when i need it, it will go wrong and make mistakes in the Stripe area as you can see here.
i have : v15.6.1 on Stripe.net
Where it goes wrong is here:
planservice.Create(new StripePlanCreateOptions()
to here:
PlanId = abn.PriceValueUnikId };
all the value I get by json eg userid, pric and pricId there is content in them.
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] JObject token)
var api = Settings.ConstName.StrinpAPIKeyTest;
var chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
chargeService.ExpandBalanceTransaction = true;
chargeService.ExpandCustomer = true;
chargeService.ExpandInvoice = true;
//StripeCharge stripeCharge = chargeService.Get(api);
var customerSerive = new StripeCustomerService(api);
var subservice = new StripeSubscriptionService(api);
var planservice = new StripePlanService(api);
var pricId = (int)token.GetValue("pricid");
var pric = (int)token.GetValue("pric");
var userid = (int) Userid();
var abn = _dbContext.PriceValue.FirstOrDefault(i => i.PriceValueId == pricId || i.Price == pric);
//Finder information omkring pakken til den enkelte pakke.
var currentUser = _dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefault(i => i.UserId == userid);
if (currentUser != null)
if (abn != null)
var orderid = Settings.ValueWordsAndNumbers.OrdreValue();//Orderid
var planType = $"OrderId: {orderid} - Pris: {abn.Price} - Mdr: {abn.Months} UserId: {userid}";
planservice.Create(new StripePlanCreateOptions()//error from here
Amount = int.Parse(abn.Price.ToString()) * 100,
Nickname = planType,
Currency = "dkk",
Interval = "month",
IntervalCount = abn.Months,
Id = abn.PriceValueUnikId
var newCustomer = new StripeCustomerCreateOptions
SourceToken = token["id"].ToString(),
Email = token["email"].ToString(),
PlanId = abn.PriceValueUnikId,
};//error to here
var stripeCustomer = customerSerive.Create(newCustomer);
var planOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions() {
Product = new StripePlanProductCreateOptions() {
Name = "planType"
Amount = int.Parse(abn.Price.ToString()) * 100,
Nickname = planType,
Currency = "dkk",
Interval = "month",
IntervalCount = abn.Months,
var planService = new StripePlanService();
StripePlan plan = planService.Create(planOptions);
API version to 2018-02-06 and add support for Product & Plan API
Now Product is REQUIRED.
you need past ID product or dictionary containing fields used to create a service product.
var planOptions = new StripePlanCreateOptions() {
ProductId ="Product Plan id",
Amount = int.Parse(abn.Price.ToString()) * 100,
Nickname = planType,
Currency = "dkk",
Interval = "month",
IntervalCount = abn.Months,
Throwing an exception when I trying to create sales order in VTiger version
Sending the following entity
for Sales order creation
VTigerListItem[] arrListItem = new VTigerListItem[1];
arrListItem[0] = new VTigerListItem() { productid = "25x405", listprice = "468.25", quantity = "1" };
VTigerSalesOrder[] arrListItem1 = new VTigerSalesOrder[1];
arrListItem1[0] = new VTigerSalesOrder()
start_period = "2015-01-01",
end_period = "2015-01-01",
subject = "Testing",
contact_id = "4x680",
sostatus = SoStatus.Created,
account_id = "3x679",
assigned_user_id = "19x11",
bill_street = "test bill street",
invoicestatus = Invoicestatus.Created,
productid = "25x405",
cf_1121 = "RDMS",
createdtime = "2015-01-01",
modifiedtime = "2015-01-01",
LineItems = arrListItem
var desc = vtigerApi.Create(arrListItem1[0]);
Please check the Contactid , Accountid and Productid.
Module ids are given wrong.
Contacts start with 12X,
Accounts start with 11X,
Products start with 14X,
assign_user_id if it is assigning to User then 19X, if it is assigning to Group then 20X. Also change contact_id to contactid,account_id to accountid.