I have a client that will send a lots of data to server from different threads.
The packet uses the following format:
I have the following onDataRecieved function:
public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
SocketPacket socketData = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState;
int iRx = 0;
iRx = socketData.m_currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn);
char[] chars = new char[iRx + 1];
System.Text.Decoder d = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
int charLen = d.GetChars(socketData.dataBuffer, 0, iRx, chars, 0);
MessageBox.Show("Incoming data: " + socketData.dataBuffer.Length.ToString() + " from socket(" + socketData.socket_id + ")");
char[] PACKET_END_IDENTIFIER = { (char)2, (char)1, (char)2, (char)1 };
for (int i = 0; i < iRx; i++)
if (PacketEndReached(chars, PACKET_END_IDENTIFIER))
// done reading the data
WaitForData(socketData.m_currentSocket, socketData.socket_id);
My socket buffer size is set to 100. If I send 1000 bytes, they would be split up in 10 chunks and onDataRecieved would get triggered 10 times.
All I need to do is keep reading the data into buffer for each individual packet sent my client until PacketEndReached gets triggered
then pass the buffer to another function that will process the data.
If I define a GLOBAL_BUFFER for storing incoming data, then if client sends data from multiple threads, wouldn't the data get mixed up? I need a way to read all the data for each individual packet sent my client.
This is my current class:
public partial class TCP_SERVER
const int MAX_CLIENTS = 3000;
const int MAX_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 10;
public AsyncCallback pfnWorkerCallBack;
private Socket m_mainSocket;
private Socket[] m_workerSocket = new Socket[MAX_CLIENTS];
private int m_clientCount = 0;
public void StartServer(int listen_port)
public void OnClientConnect(IAsyncResult asyn)
public void ProcessIncomingData(char[] INCOMING_DATA, int CLIENT_ID)
public void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
As you can see GLOBAL_BUFFER is defined 'globally'. If client sends packet_1 that takes 10 seconds to send and at the same time packet_2 that takes 2 secs to send data would get mixed up. I need to collect data for each packet individually.
If at all possible, I would recommend allowing each client thread to have their own connection to the server. Doing so will help the Winsock stack differentiate the messages from each thread and avoid any bleeding of packets between messages. This will effectively allow you to benefit from the stack's ability to decipher which messages (and message segements) are intended to be grouped together before passing them to your application as a complete message.
The message design you describe while very primitive can only work (reliably) if you separate your threads to different connections (or otherwise provide a guarantee that only a single message will be sent from the client at a time). You employee a very primitive message framing technique to your communication which will aide in your effort to determining message boundries but the reason it is failing is because socketData.m_currentSocket.EndReceive(asyn); will only tell you the number of bytes received when the event is raised (not necessarily the total number of bytes in the message). Rather than relying on it to tell you how many bytes have been read, I'd suggest reading the incoming message incrementally from a loop within your async handler reading very small message segments until it discovers your end of message byte sequence. Doing so will tell your event when to quit reading and to pass the data on to something else to process it.
The way I typically approach message framing is to have a before message eye-catcher (some value that will rarely if ever be seen in the messaging), followed by the length of the message (encoded to taste, I personally use binary encoding for it's efficiency), , the message content, and finally a second eye-catcher at the end of your message. The eye-catchers serve as logical queues for message breaks in the protocol and the message length tells your server explicitly how many bytes to wait for. Doing it this way, you are guaranteed to receive the number of bytes necessary (if you don't it is a problem so discard and/or throw exception) and it provides a very explicit boundary between messages that you can code to, which allows intermittent spot checking and validation.
Simply use Dictionary<String,List<Char>> to replace your current GLOBAL_BUFFER,
store different PACKET_ID data into different List.
I strongly recommend you a perfect Socket Framework SuperSocket, you needn't write any socket code, it will significantly improve your development efficiency.
I have an application that receives data from a wireless radio using RS-232. These radios use an API for communicating with multiple clients. To use the radios I created a library for communicate with them that other software can utilize with minimal changes from a normal SerialPort connection. The library reads from a SerialPort object and inserts incoming data into different buffers depending on the radio it receives from. Each packet that is received contains a header indicating its length, source, etc.
I start by reading the header, which is fixed-length, from the port and parsing it. In the header, the length of the data is defined before the data payload itself, so once I know the length of the data, I then wait for that much data to be available, then read in that many bytes.
Example (the other elements from the header are omitted):
// Read header
byte[] header = new byte[RCV_HEADER_LENGTH];
this.Port.Read(header, 0, RCV_HEADER_LENGTH);
// Get length of data in packet
short dataLength = header[1];
byte[] payload = new byte[dataLength];
// Make sure all the payload of this packet is ready to read
while (this.Port.BytesToRead < dataLength) { }
this.Port.Read(payload, 0, dataLength);
Obviously the empty while port is bad. If for some reason the data never arrives the thread will lock. I haven't encountered this problem yet, but I'm looking for an elegant way to do this. My first thought is to add a short timer that starts just before the while-loop, and sets an abortRead flag when it elapses that would break the while loop, like this:
// Make sure all the payload of this packet is ready to read
abortRead = false;
while (this.Port.BytesToRead < dataLength && !abortRead) {}
This code needs to handle a constant stream of incoming data as quickly as it can, so keeping overhead to a minimum is a concern, and am wondering if I am doing this properly.
You don't have to run this while loop, the method Read would either fill the buffer for you or would throw a TimeoutException if buffer wasn't filled within the SerialPort.ReadTimeout time (which you can adjust to your needs).
But some general remark - your while loop would cause intensive CPU work for nothing, in the few milliseconds it would take the data to arrive you would have thousends of this while loop iterations, you should've add some Thread.Sleep inside.
If you want to truly adress this problem, you need to run the code in the background. There are different options to do that; you can start a thread, you start a Task or you can use async await.
To fully cover all options, the answer would be endless. If you use threads or tasks with the default scheduler and your wait time is expected to be rather short, you can use SpinWait.SpinUntil instead of your while loop. This will perform better than your solution:
SpinWait.SpinUntil(() => this.Port.BytesToRead >= dataLength);
If you are free to use async await, I would recommend this solution, since you need only a few changes to your code. You can use Task.Delay and in the best case you pass a CancellationToken to be able to cancel your operation:
try {
while (this.Port.BytesToRead < dataLength) {
await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken);
catch(OperationCancelledException) {
//Cancellation logic
I think I would do this asynchronously with the SerialPort DataReceived event.
// Class fields
private const int RCV_HEADER_LENGTH = 8;
private const int MAX_DATA_LENGTH = 255;
private SerialPort Port;
private byte[] PacketBuffer = new byte[RCV_HEADER_LENGTH + MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
private int Readi = 0;
private int DataLength = 0;
// In your constructor
this.Port.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler);
private void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
if (e.EventType != SerialData.Chars)
// Read all available bytes.
int len = Port.BytesToRead;
byte[] data = new byte[len];
Port.Read(data, 0, len);
// Go through each byte.
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// Add the next byte to the packet buffer.
PacketBuffer[Readi++] = data[i];
// Check if we've received the complete header.
DataLength = PacketBuffer[1];
// Check if we've received the complete data.
if (Readi == RCV_HEADER_LENGTH + DataLength)
// The packet is complete add it to the appropriate buffer.
Readi = 0;
I had never used UDP before, so I gave it a go. To see what would happen, I had the 'server' send data every half a second, and the client receive data every 3 seconds. So even though the server is sending data much faster than the client can receive, the client still receives it all neatly one by one.
Can anyone explain why/how this happens? Where is the data buffered exactly?
class CSimpleSend
CSomeObjServer obj = new CSomeObjServer();
public CSimpleSend()
obj.changedVar = varUpdated;
private void varUpdated(int var)
string send = var.ToString();
byte[] packetData = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(send);
string ip = "";
int port = 11000;
IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(ip), port);
Socket client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp);
client.SendTo(packetData, ep);
Console.WriteLine("Sent Message: " + send);
All CSomeObjServer does is increment an integer by one every half second
class CSimpleReceive
CSomeObjClient obj = new CSomeObjClient();
public Action<string> showMessage;
Int32 port = 11000;
UdpClient udpClient;
public CSimpleReceive()
udpClient = new UdpClient(port);
showMessage = Console.WriteLine;
Thread t = new Thread(() => ReceiveMessage());
private void ReceiveMessage()
while (true)
IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, port);
byte[] content = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteIPEndPoint);
if (content.Length > 0)
string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(content);
if (showMessage != null)
showMessage("Recv:" + message);
int var_out = -1;
bool succ = Int32.TryParse(message, out var_out);
if (succ)
Console.WriteLine("Altered var to :" + var_out);
CSomeObjClient stores the variable and has one function (alterSomeVar) to update it
Sent Message: 1
Altered var to :1
Sent Message: 2
Sent Message: 3
Sent Message: 4
Sent Message: 5
Altered var to :2
Sent Message: 6
Sent Message: 7
Sent Message: 8
Sent Message: 9
Sent Message: 10
Altered var to :3
The operating system kernel maintains separate send and receive buffers for each UDP and TCP socket. If you google SO_SNDBUF and SO_RCVBUF you'll find lots of information about them.
When you send data, it is copied from your application space into the send buffer. From there it is copied to the network interface card, and then onto the wire. The receive side is the reverse: NIC to receive buffer, where it waits until you read it. Additionally copies and buffering can also occur, depending on the OS.
It is critical to note that the sizes of these buffers can vary radically. Some systems might default to as little as 4 kilobytes, while others give you 2 megabytes. You can find the current size using getsockopt() with SO_SNDBUF or SO_RCVBUF and likewise set it using setsockopt(). But many systems limit the size of the buffer, sometimes to arbitrarily small amounts. This is typically a kernel value like net.core.wmem_max or net.core.rmem_max, but the exact reference will vary by system.
Also note that setsockopt() can fail even if you request an amount less than the supposed limit. So to actually get a desired size, you need to repeatedly call setsockopt() using decreasing amounts until it finally succeeds.
The following page is a Tech Note from my company which touches on this topic a little bit and provides references for some common systems: http://www.dataexpedition.com/support/notes/tn0024.html
It looks to me like the UdpClient-Class provides a buffer for received data. Try using a socket directly. You might also want to set that sockets ReceiveBufferSize to zero, even though I believe it is only used for TCP connections.
I'm developing a simple application that will receive data from a hardware via TCP.
I've searched a bit on the Internet how to develop a program to receive TCP data, but have not found anything that I'm happy with. It is either a very simplified descriptions of how to work with TCP in C # or it is description of advanced frameworks.
I want a simple best practice of how to organize the communication part of my program in a good object-oriented manner. Any suggestions?
Ideally, I want the different structures that are sent via TCP are stored in the corresponding struct in the program
structure of what is sent:
Int16 Mode;
Time Start_time //(Unix time)
Int16 Number of records
for each record if mode == 1
char[20] Name_of_record
for each record
float Value_of_record //(hardware-specific float)
Int16 Flag_of_record
Time Stop_time //(Unix time)
And this is sent once a minute.
There is no overhead. It just sends out the value of all variables and no more
I do not have any control over the server.
We can receive TCP messages using asynchronous communication.
Initialize Server Socket and try to connect:
// Specify the size according to your need.
private byte[] bytData = new byte[1024 * 50000];
private Socket oServerSocket;
private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// We are using TCP sockets
this.oServerSocket = new Socket(
addressFamily: AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
socketType: SocketType.Stream,
protocolType: ProtocolType.Tcp);
// Assign the any IP of the hardware and listen on port number which the hardware is sending(here it's 5656)
var oIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address: IPAddress.Any, port: 5656);
// Bind and listen on the given address
this.oServerSocket.Bind(localEP: oIPEndPoint);
this.oServerSocket.Listen(backlog: 4);
// Accept the incoming clients
this.oServerSocket.BeginAccept(this.OnAccept, null);
this.oLogger.WriteLog("Server started");
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
On Successful connection:
private void OnAccept(IAsyncResult ar)
var oClientSocket = this.oServerSocket.EndAccept(asyncResult: ar);
// Start listening for more clients
this.oServerSocket.BeginAccept(callback: this.OnAccept, state: null);
// Once the client connects then start receiving the commands from her
buffer: this.bytData,
offset: 0,
size: this.bytData.Length,
socketFlags: SocketFlags.None,
callback: this.OnReceive,
state: oClientSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
Process the message received:
private void OnReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
var oClientSocket = (Socket)ar.AsyncState;
oClientSocket.EndReceive(asyncResult: ar);
/* Process the data here
BitConverter.ToInt32(value: this.bytData, startIndex: 0);
string SomeString= Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes: this.bytData, index: 8, count: 5);
// Specify the size according to your need.
this.bytData = null;
this.bytData = new byte[1024 * 50000];
buffer: this.bytData,
offset: 0,
size: this.bytData.Length,
socketFlags: SocketFlags.None,
callback: this.OnReceive,
state: oClientSocket);
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle Exception
Usually the steps are the same:
1) Read the data from the tcp stream and store it in a buffer (usually byte arrays).
2) Continuously check the buffer (every time you update it) to determine whether a complete packet is arrived.
3) Parse the buffer and extract the packet to the desired OO object
4) Add the object to a queue to further processing or invoke a background thread to consume the packet object.
To send data through the output stream is pretty much the same in the inverse order.
Things can get complicated/noisy/a pain when dealing with the buffer. You'll need to deal with the binary data to determine when a packet ends and another begins. Of course this is relative to the protocol of the device you're communicating, if it send fixed length packets or start/stop byte(s) etc...
At this point there is no standard solution since the code you'll write depends on the data sent by the device.
EDIT: You updated your question with a sample code, however is not the structure of the record that matter, that part is simple and verbose to write (if your struct has a int field you read 4 bytes from the buffer and write on that field using BitConverter class to convert bytes to int for example). You'll need to read the hardware manual to check the format it sends the data (again, start/stop bytes, fixed length etc..).
This is very abstract because it's specific to each case, there is no "baked solution". Also, seems like you do not understand how streams/tcp connections/binary packets works, what makes you think that this is a problem of tcp connections, but is not. Tcp connections is just byte streams sent over a network, you can use the same pattern to read binary data from files on your disk or from a serial port.
i am developing a server (with c#) and a client (with flash, actionscript 3.0) application. Server sends data (datas are arround 90 bytes) to clients continuously and clients behave according to data they received (data is json formatted)
for a while, everything works as expected but after some time passed, clients start to receive messages laggy. they keep waiting for some time and then they behave according to last message (some messages lost). after some time passed clients starts to wait and process all the messages at the same time. I could not figured out what causing this. My network condition is stable.
here is some part of my c# code, sending message:
public void Send(byte[] buffer)
if (ClientSocket != null && ClientSocket.Connected)
ClientSocket.BeginSend(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, 0, WriteCallback, ClientSocket);
private void WriteCallback(IAsyncResult result)
and some part of my client, receiving message (actionscript)
socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, onResponse);
function onResponse(e:ProgressEvent):void {
if(socket.bytesAvailable > 0) {
var serverResponse:String = socket.readUTFBytes(socket.bytesAvailable);
I hope i could explain my problem. How should i optimize my code? What can be causing lags. Thanks.
You really need to give more detail as to how you're setting up the socket (is it TCP or UDP?)
Assuming it's a TCP socket, then it would appear that your client relies on each receive call returning the same number of bytes that were sent by the server's Send() call. This is however not the case, and could well be the cause of your issues if a message is only being partially received on the client, or multiple messages are received at once.
For example, the server may send a 90 byte message in a single call, but your client may receive it in one 90-byte receive, or two 45-byte chunks, or even 90 x 1-byte chunks, or anything in between. Multiple messages sent by the server may also be partially combined when received by the client. E.g. two 90-byte messages may be received in a single 180-byte chunk, or a 150-byte and a 30-byte chunk, etc. etc.
You need therefore to provide some kind of framing on your messages so that when the stream of data is received by the client, it can be reliably reconstructed into individual messages.
The most basic framing mechanism would be to prefix each message sent with a fixed-length field indicating the message size. you may be able to get away with a single byte if you can guarantee that your messages will never be > 255 bytes long, which will simplify the receiving code.
On the client side, you first need to receive the length prefix, and then read up to that many bytes off the socket to construct the message data. If you receive fewer than the required number of bytes, your receiving code must wait for more data (appending it to the partially-received message when it is eventually received) until it has a complete message of the.
Once the full message is received it can be processed as you are currently.
Unfortunately I don't know ActionScript, so can't give you an example of the client-side code, but here's how you might write the server and client framing in C#:
Server side:
public void SendMessage(string message)
var data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
if (data.Length > byte.MaxValue) throw new Exception("Data exceeds maximum size");
var bufferList = new[]
new ArraySegment<byte>(new[] {(byte) data.Length}),
new ArraySegment<byte>(data)
Client side:
public string ReadMessage()
var header = new byte[1];
// Read the header indicating the data length
var bytesRead = ServerSocket.Receive(header);
if (bytesRead > 0)
var dataLength = header[0];
// If the message size is zero, return an empty string
if (dataLength == 0) return string.Empty;
var buffer = new byte[dataLength];
var position = 0;
while ((bytesRead = ServerSocket.Receive(buffer, position, buffer.Length - position, SocketFlags.None)) > 0)
// Advance the position by the number of bytes read
position += bytesRead;
// If there's still more data to read before we have a full message, call Receive again
if (position < buffer.Length) continue;
// We have a complete message - return it.
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer);
// If Receive returns 0, the socket has been closed, so return null to indicate this.
return null;
When I do something like this:
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
SendMessage( sometSocket, i.ToString());
Thread.Sleep(250); // works with this, doesn't work without
With or without the sleep the server logs sending of separate messages. However without the sleep the client ends up receiving multiple messages in single OnDataReceived so the client will receive messages like:
9 ....
Server sending Code:
private void SendMessage(Socket socket, string message)
logger.Info("SendMessage: Preparing to send message:" + message);
byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);
if (socket == null) return;
if (!socket.Connected) return;
logger.Info("SendMessage: Sending message to non " +
"null and connected socket with ip:" + socket.RemoteEndPoint);
// Record this message so unit testing can very this works.
Client receiving code:
private void OnDataReceived(IAsyncResult asyn)
logger.Info("OnDataReceived: Data received.");
SocketPacket theSockId = (SocketPacket)asyn.AsyncState;
int iRx = theSockId.Socket.EndReceive(asyn);
char[] chars = new char[iRx + 1];
System.Text.Decoder d = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetDecoder();
int charLen = d.GetChars(theSockId.DataBuffer, 0, iRx, chars, 0);
System.String szData = new System.String(chars);
logger.Info("OnDataReceived: Received message:" + szData);
InvokeMessageReceived(new SocketMessageEventArgs(szData));
WaitForData(); // .....
Socket Packet:
public class SocketPacket
private Socket _socket;
private readonly int _clientNumber;
private byte[] _dataBuffer = new byte[1024]; ....
My hunch is it's something to do with the buffer size or its just the between the OnDataReceived and EndReceive we're getting multiple messages.
Update: It turns out when I put a Thread.Sleep at the start of OnDataReceived it gets every message. Is the only solution to this wrapping my message in a prefix of length and an string to signify the end?
This is expected behaviour. A TCP socket represents a linear stream of bytes, not a sequence of well-delimited “packets”. You must not assume that the data you receive is chunked the same way it was when it was sent.
Notice that this has two consequences:
Two messages may get merged into a single callback call. (You noticed this one.)
A single message may get split up (at any point) into two separate callback calls.
Your code must be written to handle both of these cases, otherwise it has a bug.
There is no need to abandon Tcp because it is stream oriented.
You can fix the problems that you are having by implementing message framing.
TCP sockets don't always send data right away -- in order to minimize network traffic, TCP/IP implementations will often buffer the data for a bit and send it when it sees there's a lull (or when the buffer's full).
If you want to ensure that the messages are processed one by one, you'll need to either set socket.NoDelay = true (which might not help much, since data received may still be bunched up together in the receive buffer), implement some protocol to separate messages in the stream (like prefixing each message with its length, or perhaps using CR/LF to separate them), or use a message-oriented protocol like SCTP (which might not be supported without additional software) or UDP (if you can deal with losing messages).