Combined Expressions - c#

I am new to using expressions and I am having some problems in an example I am working through.
What I am trying to achieve is to create an Expression which has 2 (or many) Expressions within.
For example:
public static Expression<Func<Occurrence, bool>> ReporterStartsWithAndClosed()
ParameterExpression occPar = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Occurrence));
MemberExpression recorderProp = Expression.Property(occPar, "Reporter");
MemberExpression fullnameProp = Expression.Property(recorderProp, "FullName");
ConstantExpression letter = Expression.Constant("A", typeof(string));
MethodInfo miStartsWith = typeof(string).GetMethod("StartsWith", new[] { typeof(string) });
MethodCallExpression mCall = Expression.Call(fullnameProp, miStartsWith, letter);
MemberExpression oiProp = Expression.Property(occPar, "OccurrenceIncident");
MemberExpression statusProp = Expression.Property(oiProp, "OccurreceIncidentStatus");
MemberExpression nameProp = Expression.Property(statusProp, "Name");
ConstantExpression name = Expression.Constant("Closed", typeof(string));
BinaryExpression equalTo = Expression.Equal(name, nameProp);
return ...?
The question I have, is how to I combine these expressions to return the correct type for this method. I.e. what is the syntax for combining the logic for mCall and equalTo Expressions.
My initial thought were that I should be using BlockExpressions but I couldn't get this to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

So to do a logical AND, use the AndAlso() method to generate the expression. Then to finish off your method, you'll want to put this combined method into an lambda expression.
Just some hints, I'd avoid writing out the types in your declarations, it makes everything harder to read. Also, you could call a method by name by using this overload of Call() so no need to get the MethodInfo object for the method.
I'd put it together like this (untested):
public static Expression<Func<Occurrence, bool>> ReporterStartsWithAndClosed(
string letter = "A")
// occurrence =>
// occurrence.Reporter.FullName.StartsWith("A")
// occurrence.OccurrenceIncident.OccurrenceIncidentStatus.Name == "Closed"
var occurrence = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Occurrence), "occurrence");
var reporter = Expression.Property(occurrence, "Reporter");
var fullName = Expression.Property(reporter, "FullName");
var startsWithLetter = Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(letter, typeof(string))
var incident = Expression.Property(occurrence, "OccurrenceIncident");
var status = Expression.Property(incident, "OccurrenceIncidentStatus");
var name = Expression.Property(status, "Name");
var equalsClosed = Expression.Equal(
Expression.Constant("Closed", typeof(string))
var body = Expression.AndAlso(startsWithLetter, equalsClosed);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Occurrence, bool>>(body, occurrence);


Get Value of Property inside a Lambda Expression using Reflection

I have an object called SearchDetails which contains:
{ ColName: "StrName"
SearchVal" "mega" }
I am making a generic lambda expression by using reflection method.
public dynamic searchMethod(object SearchDetails)
ParameterExpression Parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(SearchDetails), "x");
var searchCol = Expression.Property(
var colVal = Expression.Property(
Expression contMethod = Expression.Call(searchCol, "Contains", null, colVal);
Expression<Func<SearchDetails, bool>> lambda =
Expression.Lambda<Func<SearchDetails, bool>>(contMethod, Parameter);
return lambda;
The problem is that I am getting lambda expressions as follow:
{x => x.ColName.Contains(x.SearchValue)}
However, I want it to be like this: {x => x.StrName.Contains("megabrand")}.
I cannot access the value of the properties: ColName and SearchValue.
How to solve this problem?
What you are looking for is probably something similar to this:
public static Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> SearchMethod<TSource>(SearchDetails searchDetails)
ParameterExpression par = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "x");
var col = Expression.Property(par, searchDetails.ColName);
Expression body = Expression.Call(col, "Contains", null, Expression.Constant(searchDetails.SearchVal));
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource, bool>>(body, par);
return lambda;
Note that you have to pass the type of your table somewhere, in this case as a generic parameter TSource.
Use it like:
var search = new SearchDetails
ColName = "Foo",
SearchVal = "Bar",
var lambda = SearchMethod<TbStore>(search);
As an alternative you could use System.Linq.Dynamic.Core to obtain something similar.
var result = db.Where(searchDetails.ColName + ".Contains(#0)", searchDetails.SearchVal);

LINQ to Entities - Method not recognized

I'm facing a problem with executing a query against a Queryable dataset.
The original call looks like this:
books = books.Where(b => (GetPropertyValue(b, filter.CategoryProperties.DbName) == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(GetPropertyValue(b, filter.CategoryProperties.DbName))) < Convert.ToInt32(filter.Value));
This gets me the Method not recognized error.
This of course is expected due to the call to GetPropertyValue. I then read that I should build the expression tree myself.
That result in the following code:
public IQueryable<Books> GetExpression(IQueryable<Books> books, BookCategoryMapping filter)
var booksExpression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Books), "b");
var methodInfo = this.GetType().GetMethod("GetPropertyValue");
var value = Expression.Call(methodInfo, booksExpression, Expression.Constant(filter.CategoryProperties.DbName));
var left = Expression.Constant(value);
var right = Expression.Constant(filter.Value);
var expression = Expression.Equal(left, right);
var whereExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where", new Type[] { books.ElementType }, books.Expression, Expression.Lambda<Func<Books, bool>>(expression, new ParameterExpression[] { booksExpression }));
return books.Provider.CreateQuery<Books>(whereExpression);
Only problem being, that I get the same error. It seems like the following line only produces an expression and not the value of said expression.
var value = Expression.Call(methodInfo, booksExpression, Expression.Constant(filter.CategoryProperties.DbName));
Any help producing the correct expression tree would be greatly appreciated :-)
Here's the GetPropertyValue method:
public static object GetPropertyValue(object obj, string name)
return obj.GetType().GetProperty(name)?.GetValue(obj, null);
catch (Exception ex)
LogManager.Log(LogLevel.Error, null, ex);
return obj;
The method below generates an Expression<Func<Book, bool>> which determines whether a given property of a Book is less than a given (constant) value. The error-checking code you currently have in GetPropertyValue can probably be replaced by catching the ArgumentException which will be thrown when you try to create an expression for a nonexistent property.
Note that I have assumed that the property you're accessing is genuinely numeric, and that your call to Convert.ToInt32 was only necessary because your GetPropertyValue method returns an object.
Expression<Func<Book, bool>> GenerateLessThanExpression(string propertyName, int value)
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Book));
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var comparison = Expression.LessThan(property, Expression.Constant(value));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<Book, bool>>(comparison, parameter);
Here's a sample usage to return only very short books:
var filter = GenerateLessThanExpression("Pages", 5);
var filtered = books.Where(filter);

Expression predicates with several parameters

I use the code gave on Stackoverflow by Marc Gravell here :
The code :
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof (Foo));
var pred = Expression.Lambda<Func<Foo, bool>>(
Expression.PropertyOrField(param, fieldName),
Expression.Constant(stringToSearch)), param);
Now, I'd like combine several argument, sample :
public void BuildPredicate(string[] typeSearch, string[] field, string searchValue)
//typeSearch = new string[] {"Contains", "StartsWith", "StartsWith" };
//field = new string[] { "FieldA", "FieldB", "FieldC" };
//FieldA contains searchValue and FieldB startWith searchValue and FieldC startWith searchValue
An idea ?
You can simply loop over all operations on all fields and build up a Expression tree containing an OrElse clause for each type/field combination
var expressions = from type in typeSearch
from field in fields
select Expression.Call(
Expression.PropertyOrField(param, field),
type, null,
Expression body = Expression.Constant(false);
foreach (Expression expression in expressions)
body = Expression.OrElse(body, expression);
var result = Expression.Lambda<Func<Foo, bool>>(body, param);
And as requested, an example including calls to ToUpper:
var expressions = from type in typeSearch
from field in fields
select Expression.Call(
Expression.PropertyOrField(param, field),
"ToUpper", null),
type, null,

Parse boolean condition into expression tree

If I have a method that takes a boolean like:
public void Foo(boolean condition)
And call it like this:
Foo("MyField" == "MyValue");
Can I compose that into an expression tree in order to construct a query to some other datasource that will use MyField as one parameter and MyValue and another.
I can only seem to make that condition into a expression that evaluates to false.
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Field), field);
var prop = Expression.PropertyOrField(param, "Name");
ConstantExpression #const = Expression.Constant(value, typeof(string));
var body = Expression.Equal(prop, #const);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<Field, bool>>(body, param);
Where Field is a class with two properties, Name and Value
Foo("MyField" == "MyValue") is, as noted at the bottom of the question, a constant false (right up at the compiler). You have a few choices here - the simplest of course is to do something like:
void Foo(Expression<Func<YourType,bool>> predicate) {...}
and call with
Foo(x => x.MyField == "MyValue");
then here, there is nothing left to do; we already have the expression. So I assume you mean "MyField" is a string only known at runtime, in which case:
void Foo<T>(string fieldName, T value) {
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(YourType), "x");
var body = Expression.Equal(
Expression.PropertyOrField(param, fieldName),
Expression.Constant(value, typeof(T))
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<YourType, bool>>(body, param);
and call with Foo("MyField", "MyValue) (with an implicit <string> in there, courtesy of the compiler), or Foo("MyField", 123) if the prop is an int (implicit <int>),
The final scenario is where "MyValue" is also a string only known at runtime (emph: string) - in which case we'll need to parse it:
void Foo(string fieldName, string value) {
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(YourType), "x");
var prop = Expression.PropertyOrField(param, fieldName);
ConstantExpression #const;
if(prop.Type == typeof(string)) {
#const = Expression.Constant(value, typeof(string));
} else {
object parsed = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.Type)
#const = Expression.Constant(parsed, prop.Type);
var body = Expression.Equal(prop,#const);
var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<YourType, bool>>(body, param);
Here the call is always 2 strings - so Foo("MyField", "123") even when int.
In can create expression trees from delegates. For example, if you define your method so that it takes a delegate as a parameter, you can use it as follows:
public void Foo(Func<bool> fn)
// invoke the passed delegate
var result = fn();
Foo(() => "MyField" == "MyValue");
In order to create an expression tree, rather than execute the delegate, change the method as follows:
public void Foo(Expression<Func<bool>> expression)
// inspect your expression tree here
However, in your case, you will find that your expression is a boolean constant with a value of 'false', this is because the compiler has evaluated "MyField" == "MyValue" which is of course false.
If you just want name-value pairs, which not just use a Dictionary<string, string> ?

IQueryable Extension: create lambda expression for querying a column for a keyword

I started with the IQueryable extension methods from this example on CodePlex.
What i believe i need is an IQueryable extension method to "Where", where the method signature looks like:
public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string columnName, string keyword)
and effectively does this (assuming T.columnName is of type string):
source.Where(p => p.ColumnName.Contains("keyword"))
using the above CodePlex example, i think i understand how he got the OrderBy method working, but my problem seems a bit more complex and I don't know how to get the Contains("keyword") part working.
Thanks in advance,
Update: 9/13/2010 6:26pm PST
I thought the following would work, but end up getting a NotSupportedException (The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.) when I execute the expression via Count(). Any ideas?
public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string columnName, string keyword)
var type = typeof(T);
var property = type.GetProperty(columnName);
if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string))
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "p");
var propertyAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
var sel = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, string>>(propertyAccess, parameter);
var compiledSel = sel.Compile();
return source.Where(item => compiledSel(item).Contains(keyword));
return source;
public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(
this IQueryable<T> source, string columnName, string keyword)
var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "p");
var body = Expression.Call(
Expression.Property(arg, columnName),
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, arg);
return source.Where(predicate);
Well a couple of years later, but if anybody still need this, here it is:
public static IQueryable<T> Has<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, string propertyName, string keyword)
if (source == null || propertyName.IsNull() || keyword.IsNull())
return source;
keyword = keyword.ToLower();
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(source.ElementType, String.Empty);
var property = Expression.Property(parameter, propertyName);
var CONTAINS_METHOD = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) });
var TO_LOWER_METHOD = typeof(string).GetMethod("ToLower", new Type[] { });
var toLowerExpression = Expression.Call(property, TO_LOWER_METHOD);
var termConstant = Expression.Constant(keyword, typeof(string));
var containsExpression = Expression.Call(toLowerExpression, CONTAINS_METHOD, termConstant);
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(containsExpression, parameter);
var methodCallExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where",
new Type[] { source.ElementType },
source.Expression, Expression.Quote(predicate));
return source.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(methodCallExpression);
I called my method "Has" just to keep it short, sample usage:
filtered = filtered.AsQueryable().Has("City", strCity)
And you can concatenate to make it even more expressive:
filtered = filtered.AsQueryable().Has("Name", strName).Has("City", strCity).Has("State", strState);
By the way, the "IsNull()" attached to the strings is just another simple extension method:
public static Boolean IsNull(this string str)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(str);
The .Contains("keyword") part is exactly right in your example.
It's the p.ColumnName part that's going to cause trouble.
Now, there are a number of ways of doing this, generally involving either reflection or Expression<>, neither of which is particularly efficent.
The problem here is by passing the column name as a string, you are doing to undo that exact thing LINQ was invented to allow.
However, there are probably better ways of accomplishing your overall task besides that way.
So, let's look at alternate ways:
You want to be able to say :
var selector = new Selector("Column1", "keyword");
mylist.Where(item => selector(item));
and have it was the equivalent of
mylist.Where(item=> item.Column1.Contains("keyword"));
How 'bout we go with:
Func<MyClass, string> selector = i => i.Column1;
mylist.Where(item => selector(item).Contains("keyword"));
Func<MyClass, bool> selector = i => i.Column1.Contains("keyword");
mylist.Where(item => selector(item));
These are easily expanded for alternatives:
Func<MyClass, string> selector;
if (option == 1)
selector = i => i.Column1;
selector = i => i.Column2;
mylist.Where(item => selector(item).Contains("keyword"));
See, in generics type of the object works dynamically. So when p.ColumnName is taken as string, the Contains of string is been executed.
Generally for any lambda expression you specify, it parses the thing into an Expression and ultimately produces the output at runtime.
If you see my post :
you will understand how it works actually.

